National Wrestling Organization---Part 1(Re-done)

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
*All competitors are current WWE Superstars plus a few legends

"Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin is played along with the entrance video for the NWO.

Edge's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring with the NWO Championship.
Edge: I am out here tonight to talk about the upcoming PPV "Destruction" I currently have no opponent, I find that to be a slap in the face to me, and all of the Edge-Heads around the world. If I do not have an opponent by the end of tonight, I will quit the NWO for go..

Vince McMahon's music hits as he stands on the stage.
VM: Edge, fear not, I have found a suitable opponent for you, a superstar that you will meet sometime tonight. Speaking of tonight, you will go One on One with Kane in our Main Event.

Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler: Match starts out with Ziggler punching Hardy multiple times before being forced by the ref. to stop or he would be DQ'ed.. Ziggler irish whips Hardy into the corner and continues his assault, He jumps on top of Hardy's shoulders and starts to attack his head. Matt then gets a hold of Ziggler's legs and hits a Powerbomb. Hardy then picks up Ziggler and whips him into the ropes before connecting with a big boot. Matt goes for the pin but only gets a 2 count. Hardy picks up Ziggler and puts him in a headlock, Ziggler breaks out and sends Hardy down to the ground. Ziggler then bounces off the ropes and hits a knee drop. He goes for a pin but only gets 1. Hardy gets back up and starts to punch Ziggler followed by kicks, Hardy then delivers a powerful kick to the head, Hardy then hits a twist of fate for the win.

Backstage Edge finds William Regal
Edge: Do you know who my opponent is at the PPV?
Regal: No I dont, now get out of my way

William Regal vs. Funaki
Squash match, end saw Regal hit a Power of The Punch for the win.

Backstage we see Jeff Hardy in the locker room, Triple H then walks in.
HHH: Hardy, Our match at the PPV seems a little dull so I went to Vince with an idea that he approved of.
Hardy: What is that idea Hunter?
Tonight, we each find a superstar to wrestle for us, With us in their corner. Whoever wins gets to pick the stipulation for our match for my WHC.

-It is announced that the Official Theme for the PPV is Wanted Man by Rev Theory.
-The camera shows former WWE superstar Tatanka in the crowd.

Brock Lesnar and John Cena vs Legacy
Match starts out with Cena and Rhodes. Both men lock up and Cena pushes Rhodes off to the side. Cena bounces off the ropes and hits Rhodes with a shoulder block. While Rhodes is on the ground, Cena tags in Lesnar. Rhodes is back up as he starts to attack Lesnar to try to get him down but nothing works, Rhodes bounces off the ropes and trys to clothesline Lesnar but to no avail. Lesnar starts to laugh. Lesnar picks up Rhodes for the F-5 but doesnt realize he is near Ted Dibiase. Dibiase tags Rhodes without Lesnar knowing. Dibiase comes in the ring and without the ref seeing, He low blows Lesnar and pins him for the 3. After the match Cena comes into the ring and looks down at Lesnar, he then hits him with a 5-Knuckle-Shuffle, turning Cena heel. He then picks up Lesnar and hits an F-U before walking away from the ring. Lesnar grabs a mic.
Lesnar: Cena, You are a prick! At the PPV, I am challenging you to a hardcore match.

HBK w/HHH vs. Randy Orton w/ Jeff Hardy
Orton refuses to wrestle at the start of the bell but reverses a Superkick from HBK, Orton then hits HBK with a german suplex and starts to stalk him, HBK gets up and Orton goes for an RKO, Orton misses and hurts his arm on the way down. HBK then hits a Superkick for the win. HHH gets on the mic
HHH: Hardy, At the PPV, you and I are going to go one on one in a Tables match

Edge vs Kane
Match starts out slow with Kane and Edge going back and forth reversing each others moves. The match goes on the same way for a good 20 minutes. Eventually Kane goes for a chokeslam but Edge reverses it and sends Kane down to the ground. Edge sets him up for the Spear but when he goes for it Christian's music hits as he stands on stage, distracting Edge. Kane hits chokeslam for the win. Christian looks down at the ring and Edge and grins as the NWO goes off the air.

Quick Results:
Matt Hardy d. Dolph Ziggler
William Regal d. Funaki
Legacy d. Brock Lesnar and John Cena
HBK d. Randy Orton
Kane d. Edge

PPV "Destruction"
NWO World Title: Edge vs. Christian
WHC: HHH vs Jeff Hardy (Tables Match)
Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (Hardcore Match)

The PPV takes place in 3 wks
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Pretty good. Maybe a little more elaoration on why so and so is facing whats his name, but this was a solid first show. I'll keep reading if you keep writing.
I think the promos could have a little bit more detail and writing added to them, but other than that, I believe the show was pretty good. I enjoyed it keep on writing and I'll keep on reading.

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