Nation Of Domination Who is underrated.


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The Nation Of Domination is arguably one of the most effective/best stables of all time. It made some wrestlers careers like The Rock and Dlo Brown and also help put on some entertaining and effective promos on the likes of Dx.

But my question to you in your guys opinions who were the most underrated members of the group. I would say in my opinion it was Dlo Brown I mean he did so well and after that he really did not go anywhere. If you don't remember all the members. I will type them down below. I hope we can get some good discussion out of this and remember this is a opinion base question there is no right or wrong response.

Members of the Nation of Domination
The Rock
Savio Vega
D'Lo Brown
JC Ice
Wolfie D
Kama Mustafa/The Godfather
Ahmed Johnson
Mark Henry
Owen Hart
Clarence Mason
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owen hart was a true champion of champions he didnt get the wwf/e title even though he deserved it as for the rest (execpt rock and farooq who wasnt mentioned) no one was near wwf/e title caliber
It's gotta be Owen. He's perhaps the most underrated wrestler of ALL-TIME. Not just from the Nation.

I feel he was better than Bret. Both in the ring and on the mic. He had a better look and was a great heel, who could really rile up the crowd. Ripping the sunglasses in front of the little kids? Amazing approach.

I gotta feel if he had lived, he would've eventually won a world title. He should have gotten one or two back then, but didn't. He should've beaten Bret and not Backlund. He also should've at least had a bigger feud with HBK. They built it up for weeks and started him feuding with Trips instead.......that was a huge mistake.

Think about this.......Vince McMahon former World Champion

Owen Hart and British Bulldog - Zero World Championships.

It's depressing and sad.
The Nation was a good stable, but I don't necessarily think they were legendary. On the list of stables in history, The Nation ranks somewhere outside the Top 10 for me. There were too many people moving in and out for me to really invest any opinion on the Nation after the summer of 1997. However, I think the Nation had several very good, underrated wrestlers.

The most obvious choice to make is the King of Harts, Owen Hart. Owen was always a credible wrestler, both on the mic and on the mat, and I don't believe he reached his potential. But the other one I have to mention is the man that was the leader of the Nation, Ron Simmons. I don't think they used Ron Simmons to his full potential in WWE, even during his time as the leader of the Nation. In all of the time he was leader, he had two title shots against Undertaker, if I remember correctly. I don't think he should have won the title, but I think after his storyline with Undertaker wrapped up, he was essentially in the backburner until The Rock storyline surfaced.

If there was one positive with The Nation most people don't think about, it was that The Godfather finally found a gimmick. The poor guy had been four or five different gimmicks before The Godfather came around. Plus, we wouldn't have gotten the cheap thrill of The HOOOOOOO TRAIN!!!!! without the Nation.
Does this imply that having a title is necessary for street cred? Maybe during a long run where bonuses pile up or other benefits are enjoyed. But now that no one is guaranteed to keep a belt long enough to see their name on it, then I don't follow the mindset that a title equals success. Owen is so richly beloved by generations that who cares if there's top gold or other financial perks attached to his name? Not sure if Davey Boy shares the same glory but in my time as a fan then he's become very special.

Vince crowned as a champ and Kane NOT getting his share over the years only furthers my disinterest in the belt. Ron Simmons would have been wonderful as a contender to JBL's arrogant crap on Smackdown years ago, but it wasn't meant to be. And I don't think D'Lo's weight or stupid padding did any justice to his great charisma and talent. I ENJOYED the Lo Down team during their short run, and was disappointed in D'Lo's fantastic return only to be featured on Heat (seems like).

Besides Rock, I don't think any other Nation guys did enough to sell themselves as red hot stars in the making. I WAS TOO LATE as a fan to enjoy Savio Vega or Ahmed Johnson, but I've only heard the very best about both guys. I honestly wish that my first years as a fan could be re-written to include Ahmed Johnson. He looks awesome!

I'm afraid that if the Nation had any value at all to WWE's sense of legacy or heritage, then we would have seen more action with Rock & Farooq or Rock & Mark Henry. Mr. 'hero' said there were no right or wrong responses so that's my 2 cents. I wish Mark Henry could FLY in the ring no matter how much he weighs. That would be so awesome to see and cheer him on! Not a running squash into the post or even a heavy drop like Rikishi, but a RUNNING DIVE over the top rope! If he can't get more limber then I'm afraid he will never make it to the top. But I wish it would happen.
I agree that Owen is the clear choice in this. He never got the real push that he deserved as well as his King of Harts gimmick was impressive. But the powers that be in the WWE didn't feel that 2 Harts could be top contenders at the same time (sound familiar Hardy Boys?). His matches with Bret for the title were classics, but they felt as though he couldn't draw big money.

But if Owen was not in the picture, I'd say a true underdog in the group was Ron Simmons. He was a former WCW champ yet he was stuck in mid-card status. I'm sure that if they gave him the push like they did JBL, he would've proven himself a top contender.

I know that I'm in the minority on this one, but I always felt that Savio Vega and D'lo Brown were about on the same level; good mid-card, but not main event material. I've seen Savio live and he just was not a good personality. Ahmed Johnson and Crush were very impressive, but their demons got in the way of their full potential.
Since I am a mark for managers in wrestling, I am going to take a different option.

Clarence Mason was probably one of the most underutilized and underrated managers in the WWE. He was an outstanding talker and I recognized his potential when he was serving as Jim Cornette's attorney.

Now, of course the problem was that he was an attorney in real-life, and therefore could only work a limited schedule with WWE. He only worked TV tapings and PPV's, which probably hindered his potential with WWE. However, according to him, he did wind up quitting his position as an attorney so he could work WWE full-time. But they never gave him a full-time schedule apparently, once they did. And eventually they wrote him off TV when Faarooq fired everyone in the Nation, but him.

However, being that he was a real attorney, he was used to speaking in the courtroom, and thus had great skills on the mic. When he began managing Crush and Owen/Bulldog, he was somewhat comical. However, when he was paired up with the Nation and took over managing Faarooq, in place of Sunny, he became a pretty serious manager. The comedy went away with him. However, aside from an appearance on Livewire when the NOD gimmick was first introduced before Survivor Series and where he actually did most of the talking for Faarooq, his time allotted to speak on the mic became virtually non-existent. That was a shame since he was such a great talker.

But definitely, in my mind, one of the more under-rated managers in WWE history, who I think had great potential to do a lot more with the company.
The Nation Of Domination is arguably one of the most effective/best stables of all time. It made some wrestlers careers like The Rock and Dlo Brown and also help put on some entertaining and effective promos on the likes of Dx.

But my question to you in your guys opinions who were the most underrated members of the group. I would say in my opinion it was Dlo Brown I mean he did so well and after that he really did not go anywhere. If you don't remember all the members. I will type them down below. I hope we can get some good discussion out of this and remember this is a opinion base question there is no right or wrong response.

Members of the Nation of Domination
The Rock
Savio Vega
D'Lo Brown
JC Ice
Wolfie D
Kama Mustafa/The Godfather
Ahmed Johnson
Mark Henry
Owen Hart
Clarence Mason

Ah, ironic, as I was just reliving some of their greatest moments via YouTube the other day. Probably the most underrated stable in wrestling history. The group that spawned the great one. And two spin off stables in the DOA and los Burricuas. I for one was a big fan of the Nation for several reasons. Even wished I could join as an 11 year old. Didn't really understand why Crush was the only white dude. That in mind, and the fact I'm pretty bored and can't sleep, I'm going to "review" all the members"

Crush, a personal favorite of mine. As a kid I loved him and Demolition. I Loved his evil hawaiian gimmick. [Never cared much for him as face Kona Crush.] Naturally, I was pretty stoked when he resurfaced late in 1996 and eventually joined the Nation. I totally bought into the ex-con gimmick. Perfect excuse for why he was absent for so many years. I also was really into the DOA, the biker angle was so cool. Always felt the WWF/WCW could've done so much more with him. Never held any titles that I'm aware of in WWE. As far as I know, he only held the WCW tag title with Bryan Clark in KroniK. It's a shame he blew his chance when KroniK resurfaced in WWE after the invasion. Probably my top choice for most underrated Nation member, and he's sorely missed by at least one fan.

The Rock. The Great One. The Most Electrifying man in sports entertainment. Is there any question he is the worst choice for most underrated Nation member? We all know he went on to become possibly one of the greatest and best entertainers of all time.

Savio Vega.. Ehhh.. Was never that into him. Call me crazy, but I always found him to be mediocre in the ring, and maybe it was the accent, but I never found him entertaining on the mic either.

D'Lo Brown. If Crush is my top pick, D'Lo is easily my second choice. Probably one the most underrated, under-used wrestlers in WWE history. For a guy that almost weighed 300 pounds, he moved like a cruiserweight. Delivers the best frog splash in history, behind Eddie Guerrero and RVD. The self-proclamed greatest European champion of all time. I loved his angle when he wore the, I guess it was a bullet proof vest? After Dan Severn tore his peck muscle. He always used to it to his advantage when doing aerial moves, specifically the Low Down frog splash. Also a former IC strap holder. I thought he held the tag titles at one point, but I didn't see it under his title history on the net, so I guess not. Another guy I was excited to finally see resurface in the WWE, but I guess Vince couldn't find anything for him as he was released soon after resigning.

JC Ice and Wolfie D.. There's not a lot I can say about these guys as I never saw anything of their indy careers. In the WWE they were nothing more than mere punching bags for Ahmed Johnson. Pretty decent rappers though, I guess.

Kama Mustafa. I always liked the look of him, big dude and all tatted up. Former intercontinental and tag champ. As The Godfather, he was one of several brilliant gimmicks that made the Attitude era what it was. I always wanted to buy a ticket and climb aboard the HOOOOOOO train. Wasn't an amazing wrestler if memory serves, but just one of those guys you had to like. I'll never forget being at the Royal Rumble in 2002 when he made a brief return and he came out with all the hoes. A decent choice for underrated as he was so over with the fans.

Ahmed Johnson. As a face I loved him. As a 10-11 year old kid I loved him. I'm pretty sure if he showed up now, I probably wouldn't stand him, much like Batista or John Cena. Never really bought into him being in the Nation though. I just never believed his heel turn. Almost like I could tell he wasn't into it. His main claim to fame is either being injury prone or being a former IC champ. He also had a great feud with Goldust, but again, he was a face at the time.

Mark Henry. I've never liked Mark Henry. There's just nothing entertaining about him for me. He's not a very good wrestler, and he's not good on the mic. at all. The coolest thing I can say about him is probably when he joined the Nation, I couldn't stand him as a face so I was somewhat excited about his heel turn. I thought he fit in better as a heel, and still think that today. The only title he won was the European title, and I'm pretty sure Jeff Jarrett just gave it to him or something. [Except the ECW title but obviously that was much later on.] Oh, and he had a decent run as Sexual Chocolate in his program with Chyna that was mildly amusing.

Owen Hart is probably one of my top 5 wrestlers of all time. But not because of the Nation. He had no business being involved with them, and I was so disappointed when he joined. I for one loved the Black Hart gimmick, and they could've easily thrust him into the WWE title hunt with that one. Instead they had him give the rub to Triple H over the European title. [which is an underrated feud.]

Clarence Mason. Good manager. Good on the mic. I don't really remember much about him except the look on his face when Faarooq fired him, which was priceless because he was so sure he wasn't getting the axe.

I guess I'll throw in Faarooq since the wrestling hero seemed to forget to.

Faarooq. Ron Simmons. DAMN! One of the best pure athletes the WWE ever saw. I think we all thanked God when we saw him debut as the leader of the Nation. The comic book super villain look he had going on before that was bad. I don't remember him holding any major titles while in the Nation, so I think the biggest title he held was the WCW world title. But he was great on the mic, and I thought he played the part of the angry black man to a T. When Faarooq turned face after the Rock took over as the leader of the Nation we saw him flounder a bit until he budded into one half of one of the coolest tag teams ever in the APA.

Overall I really enjoyed the Nation as a kid, and can still remember and respect what they did for wrestling today. Almost their entire life span in the WWE was centered around ruining Ahmed Johnsons, which I thought was a great feud at the time. They had some great battles, including the Chicago Street Fight with LOD. Faarooq/Ahmed Johnson at Royal Rumble '97 was a classic for me as well. When Ahmed took out the entire stable and power bombed D'lo through the announce table, something that was a rarity at the time. Even their feud with DX will be remembered throughout history.
Oh god i loved the Nation. Faarooq'a version was Bad Ass but Rocks version was just shit cool...The Titantron, the Music, the swagger. excellent. Just the attitude era 2 a T. The feud with DX was amazingly good. I long 4 those days.

But the original question was who was most underrated. Its gotta be Owen. I miss him 2 this day. I dunno why, but i just tot he was a great fit into rocks non-militant Nation. WELL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, AND ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE!!! Plus he was called the Black Hart lol. RIP OWEN :(
Gonna go with obvious and say Owen he proved he was better than Bret at WMX and they still didnt give him a decent push he was a high end mid card guy holding IC Tag and European titles his entire carer. Then there was the ting that came out not long ago about him getting the push HHH got in 99 so if he hadn't of died maybe he would of gone to the level he was supposed to be in

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