
The Man They Call WMD

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This was posted by WZ

In the video Nash belittles some nexus members with sean waltmen.
I love Nash as much as anyone, but in the video he seems washed up(which he should) and bitter.
I don't get this guy he is a free agent and would definitely like another run in the wwe. Bashing the product cant help him landing a job there.
He also talks about , how wwe is obviously doing a work by discussing a match with undertaker. How ever, he doesn't see the irony that he is sitting next to a small guy(pac) and sexy only got famous due to his run with micheals as deasel. Micheals beat tons of heavyweights and wrestled taker the last two manias. Why is that not an obvious work. The guy doesn't get it....
of course its a work its not real, he thinks its more believable that a 50 yr old man(himself) going over a bunch of these young guys would be fine, because that obviously wouldn't be a work.
I don't know how drunk Nash was during this video, but he just sounds foolish here. He's trying to be this bully, but he just comes off as this old man who is trying to get some attention. I can't believe Nash would threaten to kick Barrett's ass. Does he really think it would be that easy? Would Pac make that much of a difference? Anyway, WWE is grooming Barrett to be a top hell for the future, and obviously Nash has a problem with this.

Taker could've been beaten up while the lights were off, and this of course would've made it easier for Barrett to hit Wasteland. I really don't understand Nash's complaints about Barrett not working like a big man, because I don't see a problem with Barrett's in ring style. He moves pretty well for a big man, and his matches aren't terrible. Barrett also performed Wasteland on Mark Henry, so he is capable of hitting moves that require a good amount of strength. Barrett might not throw people around like the Big Show does, but he can use his size and strength every now and then. Barrett is still pretty fresh in the WWE, so it's going to take some time for him to come into his own.

I just don't get the motivation behind this rant. Maybe Nash was just drunk, maybe he truly dislikes Barrett, or maybe he was trying to be cool. Still, he just looks foolish here, and I don't think Barrett will respond in any way.
Nash has "Helms Syndrome". It seems to be that a lot of former WWE talent are bitter about the fact that they don't work their anymore. Nash was drunk with Waltman, the two of them are instigators anyway. He has no point in saying any of this, Nash has lost A TON of my respect. What's the point of making an ass out of himself? I mean really, why does he have to do this? He doesn't, he craves the spolight again. He cannot realize that his time in the sun, his time to shine, is over. This behavior is despicable, Nash is an idiot.
As I stated in the spam version of this thread, Nash is just a shit stirrer. He always has been and probably always will be. It's not that big of a deal though. Nash hasn't worked for WWE in what, seven years? I highly doubt he's bitter about not being on their roster. He's just being Big Sexy. You guys act like this is the first time Nash has tried to bury someone in a shoot interview.

As far as the content of what he said, sure, it's ridiculous. But do you really think Wade Barrett or anyone else in WWE really cares? I doubt they even know about it and even if they did, it would be a nonissue.
He is belittling whatever remnants of a legacy he had established during his years competing. He reminds me of the uncool guy in school who criticizes the pretty girl, in order to reject her before she rejects him. Stupid move from Nash.

WWE is clearly doing fine with the youth movement and Nash needs to post another vid, sober and be apologetic. He won't, and that's pathetic. Shame and I thought we might have seen him in next years HOF if it was WCW-themed.
This was posted by WZ

In the video Nash belittles some nexus members with sean waltmen.
I love Nash as much as anyone, but in the video he seems washed up(which he should) and bitter.
I don't get this guy he is a free agent and would definitely like another run in the wwe. Bashing the product cant help him landing a job there.
He also talks about , how wwe is obviously doing a work by discussing a match with undertaker. How ever, he doesn't see the irony that he is sitting next to a small guy(pac) and sexy only got famous due to his run with micheals as deasel. Micheals beat tons of heavyweights and wrestled taker the last two manias. Why is that not an obvious work. The guy doesn't get it....
of course its a work its not real, he thinks its more believable that a 50 yr old man(himself) going over a bunch of these young guys would be fine, because that obviously wouldn't be a work.

First off, Nash has repeatedly said he doesn't want to go back to the WWE. He hates their youth movement and he doesn't think anyone there has a personality (and he's right).

Secondly, Nash got famous by jumping ship to WCW, not because of his run as Diesel. Diesel helped get him over, but Kevin Nash put Kevin Nash over, not Diesel.

Thirdly, Nexus fuckin' blows. They deserve every ounce of criticism they receive for being boring, no-talent, no-personality, overly-green "superstars".
Nash has every right to his opinions, whether you agree with them or not and I do disagree with him.

Nexus might not have played out as well as it could - personally, I would liike to have seen the whole avenue of the next generation looking to oust the established names played up more and given more time to build and evolve rather than frantic week to week booking - but it has not been the failure that some overly critical pro-TNA or anti-WWE fans would like to think.

And the WWE youth movement, while perhaps seeing rapid and perhaps ill-timed rises, can only be good in the long run with guys like Sheamus, Miz, Morrison, McIntyre, Barrett etc. getting top level exposure and experience.

The main question about this is why does Nash feels the need to broadcast his opinions to the IWC. He may not be looking for a job in WWE and he may just be having fun at the IWCs expense considering the responses to his video (like this one) but he is almost certainly a perennial attention seeker (of course, you might say that all wrestlers are) who cannot stand the fact that he is not the centre of attention.

There may be a bit of bitterness in there but I like to see it more as just a symptom of getting older - missing what you once had. Despite his run in the death throes of WCW, I have always thought that Nash could do a decent job as part of a writing team. He can be an intelligent and funny guy so long as he is not booking himself.

However, airing this in public is doing Nash's reputation no favours but if it makes him feel the tiniest bit relevant again for even the smallest amount of time, then why would he stop?

After all, that is what the internet is for.
Granted, everyone is allowed their freedom of speech in this country. Now, the means and the method behind it will always leave a lot to be desired, as will the timing behind it. We all know Nash is pretty forthright about his modus operandi about the business, he wants to do as much as he can and to earn as much as possible. He's made no bones about it. With an attitude like that, you can pretty much expect someone like that to pull no punches when it comes to holding their tongue. I don't think it matters if its Helms Syndrome or whatever, its just the verbal diarrhea that comes along with probably having a few too many. Does it necessarily help you with your friends who may still work for The E? No. Does it help to make you look like a professional? No. But, the beauty of America is that the freedom of speech is still a protected amendment, and if you have the means to get your voice out there, then unfortunately, we will have to hear about this. I think its just a matter of ignoring this type of dribble. I really don't think Nexus or Vince McMahon really care at this point what Nash, Hall, and Waltman would think about their product, they'd let the $$ being spent on their product and the viewer numbers do the talking for them.
First off, Nash has repeatedly said he doesn't want to go back to the WWE. He hates their youth movement and he doesn't think anyone there has a personality (and he's right).

Secondly, Nash got famous by jumping ship to WCW, not because of his run as Diesel. Diesel helped get him over, but Kevin Nash put Kevin Nash over, not Diesel.

Thirdly, Nexus fuckin' blows. They deserve every ounce of criticism they receive for being boring, no-talent, no-personality, overly-green "superstars".

IDR, is this really the kind of behavior you want TNA guys to be exhibiting? Nash looked like drunken fool, do you not agree? Sure, the youth movement may not be the greatest thing ever but it ensures the WWE an excellent future, and let's be honest, the 'E wouldn't come anywhere NEAR Nash. Jumping made Nash famous, but it also made him look stupid in my opinion. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Nash is the Fingerpoke of Doom, potentially the worst thing I have EVER seen. Finally... Nexus blows?! Really? Come one, they're the biggest thing in a while. One of the most excellent surprises we've seen in hers. To say their talentless is just plain ignorant. Yes, their green, but they have lots of potential. Some day down the road, Nexus will be gone, and don't be surprised if a of of those guys are still around as solid wrestlers.
I couldn't find all the videos with Nash and Waltman, so I can't comment about the video since its only one video out of a series. Nash actually sounds better and more coherent in an interview where he talks about the misuse of Sheamus and young talent. He said basically when Sheamus was running from Nexus when he was WWE champion, it made him look weak. A monster heel is cowering backstage from another group of heels? Here is the clip:


I don't know what Nash's beef with Nexus is entirely. He does say in the interview that wrestling companies should be careful who they push and not to push anyone too fast. We have seen that before with Orton and Swagger's first title reign. I don't think he is mad about a youth movement, but he is mad about wrestlers being pushed to the moon too soon.
IDR, is this really the kind of behavior you want TNA guys to be exhibiting? Nash looked like drunken fool, do you not agree?

I have no ethical or moral standard that I expect "my guys" to perform to. So long as they don't break the law, I have very little issue with how they choose to conduct themselves. Him being drunk is as irrelevant as can be in my eyes. These ridiculous standards are the type of shit Vince and his company come up with.

Sure, the youth movement may not be the greatest thing ever but it ensures the WWE an excellent future, and let's be honest, the 'E wouldn't come anywhere NEAR Nash. Jumping made Nash famous, but it also made him look stupid in my opinion.

Let's get one thing straight here: there's nothing wrong with a youth movement, but there is plenty wrong with the WWE's youth movement, at least in my opinion. I'd say a good 90% of it is composed of no-talent, no-personality, greener-than-green "superstars" who are only in positions of power because of their relationship with the owner, his son-in-law or because of their family history with the company.

Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, whatever that "rockstar" ginger guy from Nexus is called, John Morrison, Mr. Mediocrity (Michael McGillicutty), Jack Swagger, Kaval, etc. don't have as much personality as a Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, etc. even if they pooled all their "talents" together as one, so please don't sit there feeding me this spoon-fed bullshit about the "future" of the WWE. There is no future. The only thing holding the WWE up is it's laurels, not it's "talent" pool. You put the WWE roster on TNA programming and it sinks faster than a fuckin' stone.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Nash is the Fingerpoke of Doom, potentially the worst thing I have EVER seen.

Then you obviously have an awful memory, because the first thing I think of is the birth of the nWo, as well as a number of amazing things he's accomplished in his fantastic career — a career that's riddled with success, which is something the majority of the WWE's "youth movement" will never achieve, and I guaran-fucking-tee that.

Finally... Nexus blows?! Really? Come one, they're the biggest thing in a while. One of the most excellent surprises we've seen in hers. To say their talentless is just plain ignorant. Yes, their green, but they have lots of potential. Some day down the road, Nexus will be gone, and don't be surprised if a of of those guys are still around as solid wrestlers.

Yes, Nexus blows, really. They may be the "biggest thing", but that's entirely by default. What alternative is there (and no, I'm not talking about alternative programming, e.g. ROH, TNA)? They were pushed because the owner wanted them pushed, not because they deserved it.

To say they are talentless may be ignorant in your eyes, but in mine it's nothing short of fact. Not a single fucking one of them could hold a candle to the true performers and the true talents of the industry, so what talent can they really have, other than marginal, of course?

You may see "potential" in no-talent no-personality losers like Nexus, but I sure as fuck don't, which is why I stopped watching WWE programming months ago.
It's Damn Real - do you think part of the problem regarding a lack of charisma is WWE's reliance on overly scripted promos and homogenizing the talent as much as they possible can to a cookie-cutter WWE fit? Some of the guys you listed have little personality...Barrett is the only one in Nexus...but there's an upside to guys like Swagger and as much as you can debate it until you're blue in the face getting over via in-ring talent like Bryan does is just as acceptable a way to get over than having massive amounts of charisma. Is it the talents fault or the WWE production-line way of molding talent?

Nash is of the view that people don't draw until they're over 40 (I think he said 40, might have been less). That's the basic philosophy behind everything he says which is all good and well and in many cases true...BUT, people won't draw when they hit 40 if they aren't built up at all before that. Nash is of the view that NOBODY should be given the torch. Even if you think WWE's movement is shit, Nash's argument would extend to guys in TNA like MCMG, Beer Money, Styles, Wolfe, Williams. With that line of thinking these guys shouldn't be given the spotlight. It should remain with guys like him and Hogan and Hall.

The philosophy that young guys shouldn't be given the torch because they don't draw is the basis behind his comments about Nexus. I happen to agree that Nexus has run it's course and hasn't really excited me like it has others. It's the same reason he criticized Miz's title win. Because he refuses to admit his time is over.

And therein lies the flaw in Nash' philosophy that it's guys his age that make money. He might have made a load of money for companies in his heyday but Nash and Hogan draw fuck-all in TNA. They can reminisce about how good they used to be, and let's not take anything away from Nash, he was one of the biggest stars of the '90s, but it's time to step aside. The pretense to this video is Nash criticizing one group he doesn't like but the subtext is his underlying reluctance to pass the torch on to any young guy and his belief that he still belongs in the spotlight.
It's Damn Real - do you think part of the problem regarding a lack of charisma is WWE's reliance on overly scripted promos and homogenizing the talent as much as they possible can to a cookie-cutter WWE fit? Some of the guys you listed have little personality...Barrett is the only one in Nexus...but there's an upside to guys like Swagger and as much as you can debate it until you're blue in the face getting over via in-ring talent like Bryan does is just as acceptable a way to get over than having massive amounts of charisma. Is it the talents fault or the WWE production-line way of molding talent?

Perhaps, but it's hard to tell, because the majority of the performers I refer to as being no-talent no-personality "superstars" we've only ever seen in WWE, so how can anyone say left or right as to whether that's simply because WWE won't allow a real personality toss shine through or because they actually lack it? Frankly, I don't care — I'm basing this off what I see, not what I think lies beneath.

As to performance v. personality, everyone on this forum should know by now that personality always outweighs performance in my eyes. Have there been guys with little personality who've managed to get over because of their ring work? Yes, but they are also few and far between for a reason — personality is the single most valuable asset any performer can have. Guys like Benoit are an exception to the rule.

Nash is of the view that people don't draw until they're over 40 (I think he said 40, might have been less). That's the basic philosophy behind everything he says which is all good and well and in many cases true...BUT, people won't draw when they hit 40 if they aren't built up at all before that. Nash is of the view that NOBODY should be given the torch. Even if you think WWE's movement is shit, Nash's argument would extend to guys in TNA like MCMG, Beer Money, Styles, Wolfe, Williams. With that line of thinking these guys shouldn't be given the spotlight. It should remain with guys like him and Hogan and Hall.

When did he say that? All I know is that Nash is a fan of guys with personality — something I see very little of in WWE, especially in Nexus. I think his history of keeping guys held down who could have taken his spot has simply carried over through his career, despite the fact he's repeatedly put over young talent since his days in WCW (in TNA). Without Nash guys like Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal (Black Machismo), Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Johnny Devine, Samoa Joe, etc. would have had a tougher time getting themselves over, because he did a tremendous job of pushing them. It's a shame people's vision has been so blinded by his history that they fail to see that.

The philosophy that young guys shouldn't be given the torch because they don't draw is the basis behind his comments about Nexus. I happen to agree that Nexus has run it's course and hasn't really excited me like it has others. It's the same reason he criticized Miz's title win. Because he refuses to admit his time is over.[/QUOTE]

And therein lies the flaw in Nash' philosophy that it's guys his age that make money. He might have made a load of money for companies in his heyday but Nash and Hogan draw fuck-all in TNA. They can reminisce about how good they used to be, and let's not take anything away from Nash, he was one of the biggest stars of the '90s, but it's time to step aside. The pretense to this video is Nash criticizing one group he doesn't like but the subtext is his underlying reluctance to pass the torch on to any young guy and his belief that he still belongs in the spotlight.

See above.
I know this is the internet and negativity is always favored over positivity but I'd like to point out something.

I've listened to a couple Nash interviews of late and it's not all just drunking bashing. The guy detests the Youth Movement of the WWE but that's it. he is not down on youth in general. In fact as recently as a couple months ago on Pro Wrestling Report, he said AJ Styles was one of the best wrestlers he's ever seen. He said Robert Roode was so amazing he was like a mix of Triple H and Curt Henning.

I'm just saying that the IWC's reaction to his drunken opinions (which, people seem to overlook, are drunken.) is overblown. He is not out to kill and put down every young guy. He wants AJ, Beer Money and the other young TNA guys to succeed. In fact he shares a common opinion with the IWC in that he is all for pushing TNA's homegrown talent instead of Hardy or Anderson.

Like him or not, all the interviews I've seen with Nash indicates to me he's very business savvy.

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