Nash Finally Getting A Role?

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Too bad Nash symbolizes pretty much everything that CM Punk hates at this point. Big "Greybeard" Lazy is going to have to find someone else to leach off of to afford that wine he likes to indulge in while he tweets. Nash is kind of a sad case at this point. He made his decision to take the WWE deal knowing what it meant and he seems to keep trying to leverage his way to get even more out of it. I'd love to here Punk shoot on what he really thinks about this offer.
Personally, I think that if Punk continues his feud with Triple H, perhaps Nash can be Hunter's bodyguard (everyone knows they're best friends.... wouldn't even make sense for Nash to join Punk). Now, of course, if Punk is somehow aligned with Triple H (since he did, apparently, sign him), that'd be a totally different story.
Oh great here we go, now EVERYONE wants to hear CM Punk shoot ALL THE TIME. Just like the original poster seen this article and just HAD to be the first person to start a thread about it. Not every single article read has to turn into a thread. Its sooooo annoying. But I will indulge:

No this would be really dumb for CM Punk who is being billed as the new generation Austin because of the defiant ways lately. Giving him a body guard just puts him back to being a girly heel where he would have Nash help him win, which at this point would be counter productive. So it makes no sense to put him with Nash and putting him in a new age DX stable is just as dumb.

Kevin Nash tweeted that if Punk wants a bodyguard, he would have his back and come back on the road full time.

Oh, a tweet? Well that's certainly a credible news source.

That's one thing I hate about the main page of the wrestlezone forum. Lately they have been placing headlines and then you read them, and it's just some random tweet.

Tweets from wrestlers mean nothing. Even if they are real, they are probably done in jest or to further storylines and should probably not be accepted as canon.

Let's be realistic for a second...if Nash really wanted a role as a bodyguard, he would have called up Punk or met with him and had a conversation. Not used a freakin' tweet.

Oh and this too:

Not every single article read has to turn into a thread. Its sooooo annoying.

Couldn't agree more. Next, we'll see a news article titled "Former WWE champion feeling better after internal struggle", and when you open the article it is just a cut and paste of a tweet from Orton talking about a massive dump that he just took. But I guarantee within 5 minutes someone will turn that into a thread.
Kevin Nash as Raw GM. Why not? He can be a good heel and he'll get plenty of TV time of course.

And since he's Triple H's friend, that would be a great reason for him to get the job.
So they might be making Punk have a bodyguard in Kevin Nash? Really!? Nash can barely move in the ring anymore. The whole point of being someone's bodyguard is to take hits and pins for them. Why not just let Mason Ryan keep being Punk's underling when he comes back? He would be better because unlike Nash he's still young. It's not like Punk needs a bodyguard that badly anyway.
When I read it was a WWE/WCW guy, I first thought of Sid. Who I think plays the bodyguard role better than Nash.

But if Nash does play the part, I sure hope it's as Diesel.
Nash would kill punk... he is only bad buisness now. Punk is a lone wolf! Nash is just jumping on the bandwagon to get a last shinning momment is his dead career.
Could Nash just wait it out? It pisses me off when guys, specially the older ones, keep asking to get put on TV knowing theres nothing available for them at the time. I'm pretty sure a spot will open for him during the Punk/Cena angle on RAW, maybe as an adviser to Triple H or even better a GM for RAW but at this point if they want to create credible superstars they need to stop depending on the whole bodyguard role.
I dont know about you guys, but i see a Triple H heel turn coming soon. Triple H has said he wants to be a heel again, and as the new CEO, its the perfect way. Hire Nash as the RAW GM and have him wrestle on rare occasions, similar to what they did with Jerry Lawler, but by no means have a title match. Triple H turning heel and having Kevin Nash as the RAW GM would give CM Punk some guys to feud with.
Personally, I think that if Punk continues his feud with Triple H, perhaps Nash can be Hunter's bodyguard (everyone knows they're best friends)

I like that idea, like you said, Nash and Punk make no sense. That would probably make me turn my tv off considering how much I can't stand Kevin Nash. If Nash came back and did the bodyguard roll for HHH like he did Shawn Michaels in the mid 90's that would be killer! Very little mic time, just stand there look tough, kick ass, and get your ass kicked sometimes. Could Nash handle that roll? Probably not, his ego is bigger than he is.
At least if he's HHH's bodyguard, then anytime he spoke he would probably be taking mic time away from HHH instead of from one of the young stars that needs to get that time.

There is something to be said for having a little bit of the older guys on camera once in a while. It ties the history together with the present. But the older guys that still want to be on camera are mostly still hungry to be the star of the show and have the backstage clout and experience in "politics" to leverage themselves in to bigger roles. That hurts the young guys fighting to get noticed. And that ultimately hurts the promotion in the long run.
Oh my dear lord, please don't give CM Punk a bodyguard again. Just let him be the Best Wrestler In The World and be done with it. It was tragic enough when they gave Brodus Clay to Alberto Del Rio as a bodyguard. Not EVERY heel has to be the underhanded cocky wimp who hides behind a stronger man.

I doubt Kevin Nash could make it 2 weeks without being carted off with a leg injury anyway.
If Nash came back and did the bodyguard roll for HHH like he did Shawn Michaels in the mid 90's that would be killer!

Maybe so......or maybe it would be pathetic; a way for him to end his less-than-legendary WWE career doing the same thing he did when he started.

Whose idea was it for Nash to sign a WWE contract that paid him to sit at home and do nothing? Is this really what he wants? Why did WWE do it: was it simply an attempt to weaken the TNA roster? Would Vince McMahon pay me to not work?

But after it's all been debated, there are numerous people on this forum who cry that the recognizable names are all retiring or quitting the company. Well, even if Kevin Nash doesn't wrestle (much) there must be things he can do on-screen that would cash in on his fame, no?

Sure, bring him out there and see if he can create some heat.

But I sure would love to read his contract, just to find out why in hell they hired him.
Nash is a smart guy. He wants to make money being a part of something fun. I think Nash as a behind the scenes guy is a good idea. The guy knows how to be detailed about a character and how to get mainstream stuff over. Don't bother saying "yea he really did a good job with WCW huh" becase that place was a mess. He had a long term plan but Goldberg broke his hand and screwed things up. Plus Nash would be more of an agent/coach than a booker. As far as characters' go and big man stuff, he knows his shit. You don't get as successful as he got without being smart.

Teaming with Punk? No, this is just tweeting to tweet to get something stirred up.
It would be pathetic if he was in his Diesel attire, but as himself and being the bodyguard, sideman, or what have you, of HHH the new CEO would be a pretty good idea. Diesel is shit in the ring, so I'm not sure why they're paying him.
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