Nash back to TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Currently, Kevin "Diesel" Nash is signed with WWE, Inc. (under a Legends Contract, I believe). When he re-debuted with WWE at the Royal Rumble, it came as a shock to most because it was rumored he had already resigned with TNA. After all was said and done, Nash admitted he had, in fact, resigned with TNA a couple weeks prior to the RR, but didn't feel he could bring anything new to the table in TNA and asked out of his contract. It seemed like an odd move, but everyone involved was happy and it worked out.

Since the RR, when Nash returned as Diesel, he hasn't been heard from or talked about on WWE TV. Most assumed he would come in and work a short program leading into Wrestlemania, but those plans were scrapped (or never seriously discussed in the first place). He has simply sat at home, making a couple WWE related appearances here and there, and collected his WWE pay. Not too bad for a 50+ year old wrestler. But last night, via his Twitter account, Nash posted the following message:

WWE going young.your my fan base,sit on my ass or watch my buddys Sting ass?

It seems as if he's had discussions with WWE regarding when he will be used on TV and it sounds like WWE has told him they have no immediate plans for him. With so many young, up-and-coming wrestlers on the roster (and with FCW, NXT and Tough Enough), it's no surprise WWE just doesn't have room or time for Diesel.

Obviously, this is disappointing when you consider the ridiculous pop he received at the Rumble, but WWE is probably doing the right thing. Of course, they could always use Nash down the line, but it also sounds like Nash has spoken with people at TNA and they want him back to do something with Sting.

So, I ask everyone, what do you think Nash should do? What are your thoughts on his recent flip-flopping (resigned with TNA, asked for release, resigned with WWE, considering asking out)?
I think he's bored. It's the same thing with most veterans of the biz. They've had their time at the top, or at least kept busy in storylines. Nash had done tha in TNA for a good deal of time. I guess he assumed he'd probably be working matches on Smackdown or Raw occasionally like Triple H and Khali do, but if they told him no and left him doing appearances then he's bound to be frustrated. :shrug:
Never go by what Nash says on Twitter because he has been known to vent without thinking and take it back not long after saying it.

Personally, I think Nash should stay with WWE as it is where he deserves to be before he retires. If he goes to TNA then he will just be another washed up wrestler trying to get back in the spotlight. Obviously, it is Nash's choice but I would prefer to see him remain with WWE.
I don't see what good he could possibly do in TNA, but that doesn't mean they won't bring him in. He's an older wrestler, his knees are shot...maybe resting since the Rumble healed him a bit, but that won't last. TNA has more than enough older wrestlers, the "young" wrestlers they used to have should be entering their prime now...they don't need anymore old wrestlers. I was happy to see that last week, Sabin, Daniels & Joe each had a match, they don't need Nash taking up one of those spots by doing his standard, "I came here to make money in this business" promos.
I don't think Nash would go to TNA, but hey its the wrestling world (thats right WWE i said wrestling) so never say never. The thing is why would he go to TNA? Except for winning the TNA world heavyweight title, there is nothing for him to do there. Another thing, his best friend in WWE is HHH a person who we all know is going to take over the company sooner than later so he has a job 4-life (pun intended).
I think you may be assuming a little bit too much (conversations with both WWE & TNA and the feelings that everyone provided) from one sentence. :)

I think as others have said that Nash was probably bored or just drunk and ranting as usual on his Twitter account.

I think Nash should stay with the WWE as no one really wants to see him in the ring again acting like a less impressive Matt Morgan. Take the money and enjoy retirement, the occassional appearance for the WWE and the more regular appearances to the rehab clinic to see a friend.
Even at his age, I was hoping to see nash with a title again, a world title.

Or just working on smackdown. feuding with orton or something
Even at his age, I was hoping to see nash with a title again, a world title.

Or just working on smackdown. feuding with orton or something

Personally, I think Kevin Nash versus Wade Barrett needs to happen. Barrett has real potential and a program with Nash would really benefit him. If Nash would put Barrett over, that would be great.
Dont drink out of the Sippy cup. Use your head. Kev will do what Kev wants to do. He wants people to show him the Money and He is alright doing next to nothing for that $. If TNA wants to come out deY Pockets then he will go there.
DOnt Box With DA GuRU UR aRMZ r 2 ShOrT
He should just accept that no-one wants him anymore and he should retire. The only thing he's done of worth in recent times was his comedy stuff with the x division. That's the only Kevin Nash I'll accept in 2011.
I think your looking way to much into it, you cant take anything his drunk ass says serious.
Maybe he's just saying he likes watching Stings ass, when you get drunk the truth comes out. He need to stay home and collect his retirement checks from the WWE, signing him would be one of the worst thing for TNA since they are talking about going in a new direction.
Well he said some time ago that he would be in the WWE for as long as they would have him in a wrestling capacity. Obviously, they dont want him wrestling, which honestly, great. As a huge Nash fan, watching him in TNA every week was just excruciating. He looked a lot better when he hit the Rumble, it is amazing what a packet of black hair dye does but he is still plagued by knee issues, hes slow on his feet.

However, he has a lot of knowledge and despite people crying about his booking in the last year or so of WCW, he could be used as a backstage asset.

I personally dont want to see him back in TNA, although that is the show I watch more, I just think TNA need to see the writing on the wall, he doesn't bring anything to the ring anymore.
I was under the impression that Nash had some sort of brain, right?

Well, if he had a brain he would'nt go back to TNA. Why would he? They've got nothing for him to do, except be on TV, which is the only thing different from his 5 year Legend's deal with WWE.

Nash is one of those people that, IMO, loves the big buck's. I think he would rather stay off televsion while gettingp aid to do nothing, than be in a match and risk getting his knee's permanetly broken.

Sure, I want to see Nash again in WWE television in some capacity, but given he's body is hardly holding up anymore, I can see why he hasn't been around. You never know, maybe he'll be the RAW GM? Who know's.

Anyway, you people have to ask the question, would you go back to TNA after signing a 5 year Legend's deal, that's probably worth thousand's? I know I would'nt, and I doubt Nash would to.
I suppose it is possible TNA offered him the "the network" spot and it was interesting enough it got him thinking about if he wanted to really keep pretending just a legends deal is all that great. Otherwise I'd assume this is just Nash being Nash. If I was TNA I would think twice about bringing him back for a prime spot given how quick he was to basically throw them under the bus recently. If WWE left him high and dry then sure bring him back on your terms.
I suppose it is possible TNA offered him the "the network" spot and it was interesting enough it got him thinking about if he wanted to really keep pretending just a legends deal is all that great. Otherwise I'd assume this is just Nash being Nash. If I was TNA I would think twice about bringing him back for a prime spot given how quick he was to basically throw them under the bus recently. If WWE left him high and dry then sure bring him back on your terms.

Pretty much...

As much as I love the man, hes got no loyalty. Hes there for the money and if you can slap down some cash thats where he will go. Thats why I am guessing WWE havent used him for...anything...since he returned, hes still in talks with TNA (afaik the Legends contract lets him come and go as he pleases, TNA just cant use his likeness for toys and video games etc) so they dont know if hes comming or going.
There are tons of matches I'd like to see but I'm not sure if they'll be any good. He could work against Kane, Henry, Khali (my least favourite option), Brodas, Taker, Show in terms of big men. They won't be barn burners, but they could be intriguing matchups. He's not a great worker, but he has experience and can talk. The only issue is: can his body take the work any more ?

If WWE doesn't want to use him and TNA wants him back and will use him to the best of his abilities (both in the ring and backstage) he should go back. I can't blame the guy for chasing the money. He only has a few years left to capitalize on his name, he needs to make as much as he can in the time he has left, so he can live now and retire comfortably later, so he needs to do what he has to do.
Nash posted this one Twitter after the post that about Sting.

Just asking,I'm staying put.One Rumble moment was more Satisfying than the 5 years at TNA.thanks 4 the imput .

I think it's safe to say, he's no going anywhere.

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