Naruto vs Yu Yu Haka show


Every teenagers favorite anime. Naruto. I understand there are a CRAPLOAD of way better animes out there, but for some reason I'm addicted to this show as of late. I've watched all 330 (normal and shippuden series) episodes to date in the past month. The love triangle with Naruto, Sauske, and Sakura interests me to no end. The fight scenes are amazingly drawn, and the characters are the most indepth I can remember ever seeing for an anime. The story is getting better each and every episode, Naruto is growing and becoming a true ninja, and an even more awesome man. I don't recall ever watching an anime such as this. To be honest, its my favorite up-to-date.

The classic, Yu Yu Haka Show. I've not seen this anime in QUITE sometime. I thought it was a bit predictable, but had some nice fight scenes as well as a nice story. I felt the end was a bit unfinished, and wish they would pick back up on the series, unless theres more to it after the Dark Tournament, and I just missed/can't find it. The love story was way too easy to find. I enjoy more of the fighting to save your love, to gain her respect, etc. So in all honesty, this anime ended badly. I've yet to see the ending of Naruto, well because it hasn't came yet, so who knows.

Which is better in your opinion?

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