Name this era of wrestling

I think the Universe Era; as many on here have alluded to is an appropriate name. With the Internet(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WWE App), the soon coming WWE Network and the Best for Business slogan all point to the WWE accepting or starting to accept that fans have become an even bigger part than they ever were before.

The amount of people who follow WWE is huge even today and they are doing promotions everywhere and as much as they can in bigger circles with the guest stars and the kiss-ass of the Rock and Batista(for their roles in Hollywood) by handing them the titles(not arguing whether it is right or wrong).
However, the fact that fans have been rebelling quite a bit to what the company is putting forward, they are starting to pander towards the audience somewhat, at a minor level albeit, but much more than ever before.

So all that said; I think the Universe Era is perfect. As for YES! Era; I don't agree at this time as Daniel Bryan has only been in the Main Event scene for a short time, however, as the Attitude Era has been called Austin Era by some, if DB becomes the face of this "Universe Era", then the 'YES! Era' can be an alternative eventually.
The Bullshit Era- Well because there is a lot of BS and dropping angles these days.

The WCW Era- Because a lot of people online are saying they are making some WCW type mistakes

#Hashtag Era- Because you can't watch a single show without hearing about hashtags. I actually learned what a hashtag was just by watching Raw. I had no idea nor interest in knowing before.

Trending Era- Because every live televised event, they are the top trends.

God Era- Because with all the properties they have acquired, the pretty much own all wrestling and with the WWE Network can now air wrestling for any sort of wrestling fan and pretty much make all wrestling obsolete.

Obligatory Diva's Match Per Show Era- Because well..

The Hollow Era- Because every great angle or storyline that they seem to be coming up with always just seems so hollow and lacking the substance that we all want. Any angle always has threads of fans talking about the way it should be booked, yet we always end up with the bare minimum.

The F*** It Era- Because we are the WWE and we can do what we want.

The Monopoly Era- Because there is no viable competition and no where or wrestlers to really go if they feel they aren't being used right.

The Distraction Era- Because they have arenas full of all kinds of lights and fancy sets to distract you form the act that they aren't as good anymore.

The Part Timer Era- Because they rely heavily on part timers from past eras to carry big events.

The Entertainment Era- Because as said before, they are reaching out into all aspects of entertainment.

The Global Era- Because with They Network, they can possibly expand all around the globe.

We Want Era(WWE)- Because we are constantly getting chants of "We want (insert something/someone not in the ring).

You know what, yeah, let's go with that last one. The "WWE" era.
all the wrestlers are *****es era. the lame era. the all the wrestlers are the same era. the we made the rock borderline boring era. the best we could make happen is a yes movement era. the are product sucks so bad, that we're going to make you pay to watch all the goodstuff from ten years ago era.
The Wrestling Era.

Best in ring product they have ever produced bar non. If you don't believe me, I dare you to go back and watch every show from any other year from any other ear and say otherwise. Up until about 1994 the majority of regular TV matches were squashes. The Attitude Era had godawful undercard wrestling for the most part and not a lot of variety. Mediocre talent was masked by "look at this crazy shit" characters and matches. The early 2000s (especially smackdown) could give this era a run for it's money but from top to bottom, this era takes the cake.

I like that it's PG. You have to work harder. Vince said this on the HHH DVD "we can't just make people react anymore, we have to make them think". It's true. How hard is it to draw interest when you can bleed, cuss, show titties (basically) and pretend to be a pimp, pornstar, or chop a guy's dick off?

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