Name That Tune: Video Game Edition


Wise Guy
(Just assuming this is the right place to post this, I'd rather it be in the video games forum, but I think it can get a little too spammy for that place.)

OK so I would hope people here are familiar with the premise of this game. I'm going to start with getting a midi file (you can get many from RENAME IT to Roundx.mid, then compress the file into a .zip file of the same name, and upload it. First person to name that tune correctly earns the right to upload a song for the next round, or pass if you don't want to upload.

For example, let's say I want to make Round1 World 1 of Super Mario Brothers. (Everybody knows this song, so I figure it'll make a good example here) the filename will be something along the lines of WMBTheme.mid, I'd rename it to Round1.mid and then create a .zip file of the same name and upload it here.

Your job would be to name not just the game but also to give a little context to prove you know the song specifically. Don't just say that's the mario brother's song, because there's dozens of them.

Anyways, I think we get the idea, I'll start round one. Once I've posted to confirm that someone's got it right, that person can then either upload a midi file named Round2 or pass and I'll upload the next song.

One tip, try to keep it fairly easy. If it gets too hard, the game gets boring, and people stop playing and then the game dies.

So here we go with Round 1.


    9.6 KB · Views: 32
See now this I like, aside from finding some fun new midi tunes I do like a good old game of name that tune.

Sadly I do not know the answer to round 1. It's only vaguely familiar, if I were to hazard a guess, though, I would be leaning towards either Square or Konami.
Fuck that's a hard one, my guess would be something like Phantasy star.
Fuck, I should know this. It sounds like a boss fight theme from an RPG. I almost want to say it's from a Breath of Fire game but I'm probably totally off the mark. It also sounds kind of like a Castlevania song.

Castlevania was my first thought but after checking YT it's not.
Damn this is hard! I was gonna go with a game by Rare called Grabbed by the Ghoulies, but at second hearing I have no idea!
I'm 80% sure it's 16 bit at the latest it's 5th generation, definitely not 8 bit (if it is I would be VERY surprised).
I'm about 90% sure its Super Nintendo and some sort of RPG game. Genesis didn't have a sound card that good.

Personally I'm leaning towards Secret of Mana or some game like that.
Heheh, see this is why I say keep it easy. Because TO ME, this IS easy, and I thought I was starting with an easy one. So if you guys post hard songs, NO ONE will get them. hehe

This was actually primarily a PC game, but I believe it was also released on the PS1.

And it's not an RPG, though it is set in a fantasy world.

If you guys need one more hint I'll just say this, think of one of the most successful game worlds ever.
Heheh that's it!

Do you want to post the next song or would you like me to?

BTW there's this if anyone is interested. :)

When I can I'll try and post a remastered version of the song in the video game music thread (usually AFTER the round is over).

If the song actually has a real name, I'll accept that rather than the game it came from and stage, etc. So in this case I would have also accepted "Echoes of the Past" from the World of Warcraft Soundtrack.
|You post it but if you check the releases were also in the Eu regions and not warcraft stuff.
K, here's round 2. This ought to be very easy. Any gamer that can't get this should get flogged. :p

... or just play the game.


    802 bytes · Views: 11
Yup, at least in America it's more popularly known as B-Music from Tetris. :)

No green rep for you though cause I haven't had a chance to spread the love yet. hehe

OK Round3, prominent theme but not a big name game.


    5.9 KB · Views: 11
Part of me wants to say Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts, and the rest of me wants to just whine about my lack of Game Soundtrack recognition skills.
I'll do this one and give you a break since you've been doing an awesome job so far, seems unfair you have to do all the work.

Anyways here it is.


    1.4 KB · Views: 16
Good god this is difficult.

I think its something fantasy based. Just off the sound of it.
It also its above SNES in terms of sound, but below I would say...handheld? Maybe GBA or DS?

Im going to go with Golden Sun as my guess...I recognise this tune horribly and its something ive without a doubt played through...

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