My WWE 2007

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Here is my version of raw and smackdown.I'm gonna be doin shows for raw but I'm only gonna post quick results for smackdown.

RAW Roster
Big Show
Candice Michelle
Chris Masters
Gregory Helms
Jerry The King Lawler
Jonathan Coachman
Jim Ross
Ken Kennedy
Lance Cade
Lillian Garcia
Mark Henry
Mickie James
Paul Burchill
Randy Orton
Rob Van Dam
Shane Mcmahon-General Mnager
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
The Great Khali
Todd Grisham
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
Val Venis
Vince Mcmahon-Chairman
William Regal

Raw Champions

WWE Champion:Rob Van Dam
Interconiental Champion:Carlito
World Tag Team Champions:Lance Cade& Trevor Murdoch
Womens Champion:Vacant
Raw Opening video

The show opens to Randy Orton's music hiting and he makes his way to the ring.Orton enters the ring and grabs a mic from the ref.He talks about his handicap match last week against RVD and edge and that if it that he wasn't impressed.He says that in in a singles match he is the greates there is and the champ knows it.He als talks about how ecw is dead and that RVD should give up trying to bring it back.

RVD's music then hits and he enters the ring.He says that ECW is not dead and that they may of went out of bussiness but the ECW legacy is still going.Orton then says that he is the legend killer and he will kill the legacy of ECW.RVD then says that orton's first taste of ECW won't be at backlash,it will be right here tonight.RVD challenges Orton to a Extreme rules match and Randy excepts.RVD then slaps Orton right across the face and leaves the ring.Randy looks on angry at RVD.

Commercial Break

After the commercial Orton is seen walking down the hall when he's stoped by Edge.

Edge:Wow Randy looks like you got a extreme rules match against RVD later tonight huh?Well what a better way to try and end ECW's legacy by getting slaped in the face.Haha i actually though it was pretty funny.

Orton:Oh hahha really funny Edge,but you know what it's not gonna be so fuanny when i come to Baklash an leave you and RVD and bloody mess and I'm walking out with the WWE title around my waist.Then wil see who get the last laugh!

Tag Team Match
Match 1 Lance Cade& Trevor Murdoch vs ???

Cane and Mudroch music hit and they come into the ring.Trevor grabs a mic from the mic from Lillian.He says that there is no team out there that could beat them and they are issuing a open challenge to any team that thinks that can beat them.Paul Burchill's music hits and him and Snitksy come into the ring.The macth ends when Trevor Murdoch delivers a ddt to Burdchill and pins him for the win.

Backstage:DX make there way into the arena until they are stoped by security guards.

Guard:Hey you can't come in here.

Shawn:What are you talkin about i got a match tonight.

Gurad:We don't mean you we talking about your little friend over there.

Triple H looks around


Guard:Yeah orders from GM says that you are banned from the arena tonight.

Triple H:What banned?

Triple H looks to Shawn

Triple:Can you belive this?

Gurad's esscot HHH out the arena.

Shawn looks on woried

Match 2 Shelton Benjamin vs Gregory Helms

The match stared off equal and Benjamin was looking to finish Helms off with the t-bone suplex but Carlito came down to the ring disracting him.Carlito spit the aplle in Shelton's face and Helms rolled up Shelton for the win.

But Helms celebration was cut short win The Great Khali made his entrance.Khali comes into the ring and Helms tries everything in his power to knock Khali down but it doesn't work.Khali headbutss Helms knocking him down.Khali picks him back up with ease and then picks him up by his throat and slam him hard onb the mat.Khali picks Helms back up and gives him a chop to the head.Khali then leaves with Helms laid out on the mat.

Chris Masters is seen walking down the hall way and he's heading to the ring.

Commercial Break

Chris Masters comes out to the ring ans grabs a mic.He says that what he and Big Show did to Undertaker last week was nothing compared to what he's gonna do to him at Backlash.He also says that Undertaker's legacy wil end at backlash when he passes out to the masterlock.Master's clls out Big Show and Show comes to the ring.Master's says that Undertaker not even the legendary Undertaker will stop him and show.After awhile the lights turn off and Undertaker makes his entrance.Undertaker and Show begin to trade blows until taker gets the advantage and he then hits Show with a ddt.Taker looks at Masters with a evil look and Masters is scared.Just as Taker is about to chokeslam Master's Show comes and hits Taker in the back and now they begin the assult on Taker.Master's grabs a chir from under the ring and cracks Taker n the head with it.Show then picks Taker up and gives him a chokeslam.Show picks him back up and Master's gets him in the masterlock unitl taker eventually passes out.Taker is now laid out in the ring.

Match 3 Mark henry vs Viscera

Mark Henry comes out to the ring and grabs a mic from lillan.He talks about what he did to Kane last week and that he came back to wwe to make an impact.Vicera then comes to the ring and the match starts.Most of the match is Mark Henry and he hits the world's strogest slam on Viscera.Just as he does Kane comes down the ring and him and Henry start a brawl.They fight all the way into the crowd until security comes and tries to break up the fight.

Backstage:Kennedy and JBL are backstage talking.JBL says that tonight is there night sesne Triple H isn't here and Shawn is all alone.Kennedy says that they will send a message to DX and prove that they are the better team.

Match 4:Hardcore Match
Shawn Michaels vs Ken Kennedy

The Match stared off with JBL attacking Michaels from behind with a steel chair and him and Kennedy assualt Michaels.Shawn makes it to his feet and is hit in the head with the chair by Kennedy.JBL then hits a closeline from hell.Once JBL picks Shawn back up Kennedy hits the greenbay pluge(Or whatever it's called)and pins Shawn for the three count.Kennedy then grabs the mic.

Mr.Kennedy:And the winner of the match....Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Kennnedy!..........................Kennedyyyyyyy!

Comercial Break

PPV Line Up

Main Event:Extreme Rules Match
Rob Van Dam vs Randy Orton

RVD looked to have the advantage until Edge got invloved in the match.he looked as if he was about to spear Orton but intsead he speard RVD.Edge then gave RVD a chachairto.Orton then pined RVD for the 3 count.But Edge and Orton weren't finished there.Edge gave RVD another cachairto,and afterwards orton gave RVD a cahacirto.RVD was left out cold and bloody in the ring as Orton and Edge celebrate as the show goes off air.

Reviews would be greatly appreciated :)
Seems to be a very short show with no promos at all. However there was some good strorylines/feuds its just that to only have 4 matches they need to be really long or something else like a really long promo needs to happen to increase the show.

overall 6/10
I'd have to agree with Vito it was very short and lacked info, I think you should add some more promo's and make the matches a lot longer, but to your credit I will say I liked your storylines and feuds, it would have been so much better if you would have added more info to the promo's and matches, but if you decide to do another one I promise to check it out, good luck.
yea and u ned muc more diva's and u made raw have the best superstars what superstars does smackdown have?
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