My top 5 most overrated wrestlers of all time.

#5. Chris Jericho (note from 1999-2005). While I respect Jericho now and he’s grown on me I still have him on this list simply because he was absolutely terrible when it came to mic skills during his first run in the wwf and I found him to be extremely annoying I didn’t care for him as a heel or face, When Jericho came back in 2007/2008. I don’t know what happened maybe he went to acting classes or something because he was brilliant as a heel during his feud with Shawn Michaels the whole honest man gimmick was amazing and the short hair suited him better (no homo) so Jericho won me over but I still gotta include him on this list.

#4. Triple h. He was only good when he was working with the guy.. the wwf tried so hard to put this guy on the same level as the rock or stone cold and it was pathetic.. he was a good wrestler I’ll give him that.. but his matches were very boring and his promos were boring as well.

#3. Goldberg. Simple just a guy that got by because of his look.. he wasn’t a great wrestler and was never passionate about the business he was just a guy in it for the money.

#2. Randy Orton. Possibly the most boring and undeserving champion not just in wwe history but in the history of wrestling.. this guy is just plain doo doo he has no real charisma, no real mic skills, his matches are boring.. he’s just a total suck machine.

#1. John Cena. The most overrated and overpushed wrestler in history.. it’s amazing that watching this guy after so many years that he still can’t tell an in ring story, while he has more charisma then randy.. Cena comes across as corny and phoney, the wwe and Cena himself tried everything to get this guy over during his decade of doom wether it was exploiting troops or even sick cancer patients. He’s also the most protected guy in the company’s history whenever he loses it’s always an excuse and he rarely loses clean unless it’s to a guy like triple h of course. This guy turned so many people away from the business he’s one of the biggest reasons for the company’s decline... when he was on top audiences and viewership slowly declined.

Honorable mentions.

Cm punk. While he was a great talent he wasn’t as great as people made him out to be he had his flaws.

Batista. Just not a good worker and had no charisma.

Jbl. awful wrestler and annoying on the mic.

Bray Wyatt. Same promos and always boring.

Jeff hardy. No real moveset. all he was was a highflyer.

Dolph Ziggler. No charisma, and an average worker.

Totally Agree, john chena is most overrated in my opinion.
My list goes:
(In no order)

5: The Miz- he’s so vanilla in the ring. One of the worst champs ever!

4: The Great Khali- The worst in ring competitor I have ever seen

3: SID- People say Nash was bad but Sid was a yawn fest!

4: Jeff Jarrett- Only managed world title wins in a dying WCW or when he was booker in tna, a legend in his own mind only

5: Sabu- So many botches that looking back some matches are hard to watch
Gonna amend mine and add Seth Rollins. This dude's easily the most overrated professional wrestler of the last decade. Twice WWE has pushed this guy as a world beater and a serious champion and given him some of the best booking with big wins over the industries greatest stars, and twice he's failed to deliver. TV ratings dipped during his first run, as did live attendance figures. The dude was a dud. He fizzled out so quickly as universal champion that the WWE put the belt on the Fiend after less than three months. He's a modern day Shawn Michaels except the WWE isn't exactly struggling financially and they have no big rivals. Amazing to me that there are fans out there who actually think Seth Rollins is underrated despite him being given the moon twice. Roman Reigns is underrated. Reigns has been pushed like Seth, but he's never been in a position to hold the strap any length of time either.
Great Khali - Says a lot about the state Smackdown was in when he won the title.

Alberto Del Rio - I just find him boring, never understood the hype around him.

Jinder Mahal - Hit the gym/juiced up, whatever you want to call it, caught VKM's eye and we had to suffer because of it.

Jim Duggan - WCW actually had him defeat Stunning Steve Austin for the US Title.

William Regal - Simply because I remember him having more titles than IRS, Mr. Hughes, Crush & Big Bossman otherwise it would have been one of them.
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I'm not a fan of Reigns but I don't despise him either.

He overuses a Superman punch that is anything but, and the way he loads up makes him look stupid in my opinion.

He has Cena heat as fans boo him for the sake of it as they see him as WWE's Golden Boy.

Rollins & Orton are more natural heels, AJ & DB are now heading towards the end of their careers, I think WWE going to Strowman & McIntyre is a sign that they need some more full-time faces at the top of the card.
Are we basing these lists on wrestlers or sports entertainment? People make great arguments on here or just their strong opinion. Always a great debate. Hogan was terrific as a sports entertainer but wasn’t known for giving everyone a great match. It’s why they would put him up against monsters instead of guys like Perfect and Rude.

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