My thoughts on TNA Part 1

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Dark Match Winner
TNA, Total Nonstop Action. Last week on their Global Impact show, I was very impress. It was my first time watching it this year. In my own wrestling opinion, I think TNA has come a long way. From Weekly PPV. To a One hour deal on a channel that was once home to Raw a few years prior, to a two hour five year deal. TNA in my opinion and a few buddies of mines think TNA has top self wrestlers. As far as storylines goes, the worse i seen. I give credit when credit is due. TNA wrestling is impressive, the push there wrestlers to be at their best. WWE on the other hand limit them. If i may go off topic for just a bit. WWE won't allow wrestlers do some moves. E.G.: Piledriver, 450 splash and at one point...yes, the shooting star press. TNA pushes their wrestlers. They are pushing for new stars and are dedicated to it. But they have one flaw. Giving Veteran wrestlers to much power. First Booker-T didnt want to put over Matt Morgan. Then secondly Mick Foley didnt want to put over Matt Morgan. Do these guy's have a problem with Matt Morgan?. Anyway, They need to let these veteran wrestlers know who's the boss, who signs the checks. Thats the only way TNA will see massive success.
WWE won't allow wrestlers do some moves. E.G.: Piledriver, 450 splash and at one point...yes, the shooting star press.

On paper that may sound like a bit harsh.

You have to realise that with the schedule that WWE has, doing these moves that constantly will add risk of injury. Either to the person it's getting done to, or the person doing them (I know he ain't a TNA guy, but look at Rey Mysterio over the last couple of years).
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