My Roomate is An Asshole

Shitty love life FTL, Harthan. Last night I was at a staff party, and there was this girl that I kind of have a crush on and we have some good chemistry. We had talked at various points throughout the night, and even went to the after-party type thing together. But she pretty soon got attached to another dude there, and it became obvious that they were gonna hook up once that placed cleared out. I wasn't too disappointed, but it kind of stung. What's worse, after I left a buddy of mind explained that the guy was only hooking up with her because his first choice left with another dude. So not only did I not get the girl, but she wound up with a guy who is settling for her.

Ah well, her loss.
Shitty love life FTL, Harthan. Last night I was at a staff party, and there was this girl that I kind of have a crush on and we have some good chemistry. We had talked at various points throughout the night, and even went to the after-party type thing together. But she pretty soon got attached to another dude there, and it became obvious that they were gonna hook up once that placed cleared out. I wasn't too disappointed, but it kind of stung. What's worse, after I left a buddy of mind explained that the guy was only hooking up with her because his first choice left with another dude. So not only did I not get the girl, but she wound up with a guy who is settling for her.

Ah well, her loss.

Shitty, man. Women are too complicated. It's easier to stick with physics for now.
That's why I study film and TV and stuff. Once you understand that, life becomes predictable.

Or at least that's what Abed has taught me.
That's why I study film and TV and stuff. Once you understand that, life becomes predictable.

Or at least that's what Abed has taught me.

It's what we're all trying to do, on some level. Make sense of all this mess. One way or another.

My girlfriend went bitchmode on me last night. Fucking hell, why can't women be more friendly? :lmao:

I don't know man, I just don't know.

I feel like Jay-Z with 100 problems.
Take your relationship having ass out of this thread, Crock. This is the type of thread that's cast in a dark shadow where unkempt men sit at a dingy bar drinking whiskey in silence, with the distant sound of heartbreak in the background.
Being in a relationship is not all that great. Yeah, I get pussy, but I also get berated. Sometimes while getting pussy. She's a multitasker.
Now see, that's why I thought Mormons are polygamists, because they're terrible multitaskers. That way, while one wife is cooking, another could be cleaning, another could be taking care of the kids, and another can be banging you.
I'm more than satisfied with just one. Like, she's great and all, but when she feels like being a bitch... *shudder*
Yeah, I feel ya there.

Well, there aren't many around.

Don't see why it's illegal, however. You want to marry 12 women, best of luck to you.

Dude, take what crock said above and imagine several of them bitching at you on a daily basis....those men are the unluckiest sons of bitches i can imagine.
Being in a relationship is not all that great. Yeah, I get pussy, but I also get berated. Sometimes while getting pussy. She's a multitasker.

Then dump her, no reason to stay attached to someone who berate you while fucking. That shits just uncalled for.
Not that anyone asked but I love this thread and it hits home for me and makes me want to rant:

- in college hooking up is like wealth, 5% of the guys get 80% of the hookups with attractive ladies. The rest are left out to fight over scraps or get in to a relationship.

- Hooking up is not always a skill, college girls are shamefully shallow and look for the following characteristics (in order):

6. Sugardaddy - College girls are poor like the guys but they can't waste all their money on alcohol and food. They still need to buy some occassional clothing, make up and other feminine products. They like guys that take care of the alcohol and food for them.
5. Height - it's totally a biological thing and never gets better as you get older. Women want height.
4. Celebrity status - some girls like the life of the party or the guy everyone knows. Being with that guy is like walking the red carpet to them.
3. Dickishness - college girls love the guy that is an ass, I don't know why. It may be a challenge or it may be daddy issues, I just never understood it.
2. Confidence - this will not just help you with girls it will help you your whole life.
1. Good looking - unfortunately sometimes it is that simple. College girls are as shallow if not more than guys. If they are going to hook up with you it helps if you look like whatever douche is currently starring on a CW drama.

Crock - WWAD? What would Abed do? Watch old Community episodes if you don't know what I'm talking about. When he was having a hard time with the moods of the females in his study group he didn't bitch about it. He starting to takes notes and formulate when the moods would be at their worst.

You will never be able to completely control the moods but if you can get a grasp on that (time-series analysis) you can do things like prepare yourself mentally, alter your behavior, get the f out of the way or keep chocoloates around.

Fuck NBC for messing with Community by the way.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to meet girls (in no particular order):

1. Practice, practice, practice - get out there and try don't take failure to heart and keep on trying.
2. Mojo - if you do hookup, keep going the next week. Once you are successful it will give you confidence and you will have a stink on you that makes things easier. When it rains, it pours.
3. Try other colleges - even if it means colleges that are not as good as yours. At the other schools you are a mystery and have status, it makes you more appealing. Also you won't know the other college girl's reputation and that's probably for the best.
4. Preparation - preparee topics of conversation that will get a woman talking from light to heavy - not pickup lines (although that is ok if you can pull them off) but you have to get them talking if you want them to like you.
5. Hail Mary - when time is short and you think there is chance, take the chance. If you can hear Gus Johnson's voice in your head it makes it that much more exciting.
6. Boobs - don't stare at them so much.

Regardless, don't get so worked up about it. It will happen when it happens. That is all.

Oh, and wear a rubber. Aids kills, other things burn and none of you are ready to be daddys.
Harthan, some advice my friend. When you get into a relationship, have very low expectations. I built my girlfriend up to be a goddess(which you still need to treat her like) but she will never never live up to those standards, and then you will resent her. The majority of my early problems with my gal had to do with that, it's since been solved in my case but it was a major pain in the ass at the time.

Another strange thing I've noticed, girls who listen to alt rock are sexual freaks, but in a good way. I think that I'll just keep adding dating advice in here for ya, not only is it fun but I've learned alot in the last 5 years and I feel it's my duty to pass this knowledge onto those still in the game. ;)

Lastly, Vicodin sucks. Everyone always told me it was amazing and I've got a bunch for my back and it doesn't do anything at all.

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