Some help for a friend..

Coco!!! Let them talk.
Are you like training to be a doctor or something?

But yeah, John, you're going to need a lot of help with this. Don't try to go at it alone. I know you're trying to be a good friend and stay at it but get assistance. Have you ever tried to speak to him when his parents were there, rather than just going at it individually?

I've not approached him with his parents around. But other friends of ours have tried helping in the past. I think one big thing is that he is in denial often. Like when he does something and I tell him about it, he just says that he didn't. Or often times if you tell him something like he should eat vegetable and drink water, he'll just turn his head. When I tell him about the risk of having a foot amputated, he just says it won't happen despite the fact that he doesn't take his meds and eats garbage.

You might be on to something. Coco, do you have a girl friend?
Come on, John. Between your obvious obsession with me and your feminine need to fix your friend, people are going to talk.

Careful Coco. He is treading the path to stalker quite close. All this time you wished it was Wicked at your window each night & you end up with this dude lurking instead of your charming maiden. An extra lock on the door may be something to look into.
You've got it all wrong.

I'd be outside Wicked's window.

Until she's sound asleep. Obviously.
You've got it all wrong.

I'd be outside Wicked's window.

Until she's sound asleep. Obviously.

Just assumed it was a mutual. The way she fawns over you im willing to bet she leaves the window cracked just for those special moments.
Sure. I was in a study group with one twice a week for a whole semester. It was an intense class. I considered it quite the serious relationship.
Don't go for class mates. You need to wait around for the cleaning crew. Trust me, it's worth the wait. Btw Coco, did you know that I drive 5 mph over the speed limit?
Dang it. I was hoping you'd get flustered and say that's disgusting or something like that. Hmmmm, one time I was part of a 4 on 1 assault against someone smaller than me.
He's gonna be quite disappointed. I'm not attracted to blacks. Think I've brought this up with NorCal before.
He's gonna be quite disappointed. I'm not attracted to blacks. Think I've brought this up with NorCal before.

I've seen you mention it a few times, but if your interactions so far are any clue, he doesn't want you to call him beautiful


Just give me yours or his credit card information and I think I can help out.

You're welcome.

How many Asbergers you planning on buying?
Awwwww someone has a late Valentines Day crush. Tell us JJ, what are your thoughts on RVD ?

At one point RVD was one of my favorite wrestlers. I think he has a lot of talented. I liked him more back in ECW and his first WWE run. I think he needs a good feud with someone who can compliment his style.
I've seen you mention it a few times
Hopefully fewer times than you were exposed to Phenom's sexual confusion.

but if your interactions so far are any clue, he doesn't want you to call him beautiful
Couldn't say. I don't understand their culture. My blackest reference point is Will Smith in Enemy Of The State.
Hopefully fewer times than you were exposed to Phenom's sexual confusion.

Couldn't say. I don't understand their culture. My blackest reference point is Will Smith in Enemy Of The State.

Phenom had my MSN, no competition there. "Please leave your name and your penis size."

Pretty sure he was black as well actually

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