So Much for that restraining order

I think what Justin is trying to say is that the guy is excusing the girl of attacking him somewhere outside the home (like at his own place, for example) with a shoe and that she started the confrontation. If the police buys that ridiculous story, then there's nothing that can be done. You just have to hope the judge isn't as ******ed as the cops (if what I'm saying is factual).
The police should have the ability to trace where the cell phone call came from. So, if that is what he's saying, there's no excuse for that.
Macca if you had any clue what the fuck was going on you would realize that Justin's landlord seems to be a skeezy douche who refuses to fix shit which includes the front door lock.
Macca if you had any clue what the fuck was going on you would realize that Justin's landlord seems to be a skeezy douche who refuses to fix shit which includes the front door lock.
Front door locks are easy to change. And if the landlord is really that lazy, I doubt he'd notice a new lock. And if it's a matter of safety, considering there's been multiple intrusions, I doubt a court would uphold any lawsuit against anyone.
The locks have been changed, but weren't locked at the time, because we were both home, she had just gotten back from school about a 45 mins. prior to this happening, and was getting ready for work, so she really saw no need to lock the doors

The thing I'm pissed off about is the police found him, questioned him and then let him go and arrested her despite the fact that he violated his restraining order, and should have been arrested on the spot, for fuck sake the first thing the cop asked when he got there was if we had any type of protection order against him!!!!!, the clearly knew about it and still let him go!!!!, the cops on this town are nothing but a bunch of pathetic corrupt ******s, the one cop was trying to get me to change my story for fuck sake

Hopefully we get a good Judge, who actually listens to us
The thing I'm pissed off about is the police found him, questioned him and then let him go and arrested her despite the fact that he violated his restraining order, and should have been arrested on the spot, for fuck sake the first thing the cop asked when he got there was if we had any type of protection order against him!!!!!
This would upset me greatly. At this point, I would explore legal options against the officer.

If you don't have a lawyer yet, it's probably time. Not sure where you live, or how big the town/city is, but I would imagine there are probably lawyers who would be more than happy to expose an officer who is failing to protect his citizens. My cousin is a new lawyer, and I know she would be excited for a chance to do something like this. I can't imagine she's the only one.
Dude, if he has an in with sheriff's office/local police, then go to the state police. They're bound to have an office somewhere in your vicinity. Also, you can always look into filing a civil suit.
The moving sounds like a great idea, but they can't just move in the middle of a court case...which I believe is today? A move should defiantly be considered after everything is sorted out.
Here's what I don't get:

If you were both home when he made his triumphant return, just where the fuck were you when he was on the pregnant chick like white on rice? Honestly man, if you had just taken my advice from a few weeks back and went Kurt Angle on him, none of this would have happened.

But Macca's here to help you. This is what you do.

- Go and buy a amateur wrestling singlet and a mouthpiece to wear to court today.

- When you go up to the witness stand, let out a really manly "CHYYEEAAHH!!!l, stare right at this dude, pull your singlet straps down, and then pull those motherfuckers right back up.

- Make sure you continue to stare a hole through him as you plead your case, to make absolutely sure that he questions where his God is now.

Honestly, I should have an Agony Aunt page.
Angel knows what's up.

Justin may be an Internet tough guy, but I bet when this was all going on, he was hiding in the toilet, trying to get Dog the Bounty Hunter on the phone.
Yeah, ok, 911.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a black Escalede roll up and a bunch of Hawaiian rednecks materialize out of this 911 call.
Justin you disappointed me not only with the fact that you failed to protect your pregnant girlfriend but also your unborn child. WTF is wrong with you? Calling 911 wont help you, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Go out and look for the kid and beat his fucking ass i'm sure he will never put his hands on your old lady or your child again, and if he does keep beating his as until he gets the point. In the mean time stop internet thuggin and handle your responsibilities as a man
Who said it was his pregnant girlfriend? Justin can correct me if I'm wrong but nowhere in any of the threads did I see girlfriend, just roommate.

Hopefully all goes well man. I'll just reiterate what Sly has said and that he should have been arrested for violating the order.

Reading comprehension, guys.

Justin, file a civil suit. Corrupt police are always a "big ticket item". Did any of your neighbors see the disturbance? Can they verify your claims?
Nobody messed up the chain of events... And girlfriend or roomate, it's still a bit odd that the guy was kicking holes in your wall, and pushing a pregnant girl around while he stood there. If you're so anxious to beat the shit out of this guy, I'm pretty sure the moment he laid hands on a pregnant woman would've been the right time.
Who said it was his pregnant girlfriend? Justin can correct me if I'm wrong but nowhere in any of the threads did I see girlfriend, just roommate.

Hopefully all goes well man. I'll just reiterate what Sly has said and that he should have been arrested for violating the order.

One of the other posters said it was his girlfriend if i was wrong i apologize, but, that does not change the fact that you watched him beat on a pregnant woman

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