My Monday Night RAW

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Occasional Pre-Show

WWE CHAMPION: Undertaker

GM of RAW: William Regal
Announcers: Jim Ross & Tazz

Main Roster:
Brian Major- HEEL
Brett Major- HEEL
Chris Jericho- HEEL
Christian (returns)- HEEL
Chuck Palumbo- FACE
Cody Rhodes- FACE
Elija Burke-HEEL (managed by Marsye)
Festus- FACE
Finlay- HEEL
Hacksaw Jim Duggan- FACE
Hornswoggle (but still as Finlay's manager, not vince's son)- NEUTRAL
Jesse- FACE
John Cena- FACE
Kane- FACE
King Booker (returns)- HEEL
Lance Cade- HEEL
Matt Striker- HEEL
Mr. Kennedy- HEEL
Ric Flair- FACE
Ron Simmons- FACE
Santino Marella- HEEL
Trevor Murdoch- HEEL
Triple H- FACE
Undertaker- FACE
Vince McMahon- HEEL

Womens Roster:
Mickie James
Michelle McCool
Beth Phoenix
Candice Michelle
Lilian Garcia

*Show starts off with the usual pyro followed by JR & Tazz introducing us to the show. Then, General manager William Regal's music hits and he comes to the top of the entranceway ramp. He keeps the message short and says that tonight, there will be a 10 man battle royal where the winner will get a WWE Title shot later tonight against the Undertaker! Crowd goes nuts. Regal says that a message is posted on his dressing room door, and the first 10 people to sign it will be the ten in the match! Then the lights in the arena go out and the gong can be heard. When they come back on, Taker is standing right behind Regal. Regal turns around and turns as white as a ghost. Taker just gives him a cold, hard stare, then walks off..*

*Camera then cuts backstage where it shows the hand of somebody signing the notice on Regal's door first. Camera then pans out to reveal it's The Nature Boy Ric Flair himself! Flair finishes signing it, then lets out a loud WOOO, which the fans echo in the arena. Then, Elija Burke & Marsye comes in & gives Flair a look as the crowd boo's. Burke signs the notice 2nd, then says that Flair is another old timer, just like Taker, and that Flair will never be WWE champion again! Flair tells Burke he wants to tell him a secret. Burke goes up to Flair and he yells WOOO in his ear. Burke jumps back as Flair smiles, then walks away..*


*RAW comes back to The Major Brothers joining JR & Tazz at the announce table & putting on headsets for the next match...*

FIRST MATCH: DH Smith & Cody Rhodes Vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
-Good action in this one. As usual, Cade & Murdoch isolate one of the team members, this time being Rhodes. Eventually, Rhodes makes the hot tag to Smith and he comes in cleaning house. Eventually, he hits the running powerslam on Cade & pins him to win the match. Afterwards, Majors stand up and applaud Smith & Rhodes, then walk off looking cocky..*

*Another backstage shows Santino Marella signing the battle royal notice followed by Matt Striker. Then clap hands and say "we got this" then walk off. HHH then comes out to a loud roar of cheers & signs next...*


-Another good back & forth match, but in the end, Kennedy gets the pinfall over Chuck & retains the IC Title

*Backstage segment shows William Regal walking backstage. He goes up to his dressing room door where Kane is now seen signing the notice. He smiles, then walks off. Regal takes the battle royal notice off the wall. He says "My oh my, this list sure did fill up quick. Well, I guess these 10 are the ones...". Regal is then interrupted by Christian, who practically runs into Regal & is out of breath. Regal: "What in the bloody hell are you doing?" Christian: I' sign...the notice...I got quick as...I could." Regal: Well I hate to break it to you, but the 10 spots have already been filled. Kane just filled the last spot right before you got here." Christian: What?! No way! You have to take somebody off of that list & add my name to it. This is my big opportunity to finally win the WWE championship. You can't do this to me Regal! Regal: First off, You best watch that tone of yours. And second of all, I'm the general manager, so I can do whatever the hell I bloody well please sunshine! Christian: NO! You can't do this to me. I'm Christian damnit. The most popular superstar on the entire RAW Roster. You can't screw me like this Regal! Regal: Sorry chaps, but the list is final. But I'll tell ya what. Since you seem pretty fired up for some competition, and you just plain pissed me off, I'm putting you in a match here tonight agianst Ron Simmons. So go ahead and take your anger out on him. Christian: What...are you serious? Christian..against Ron Simmons! That's the best you got Regal? I'll make Simmons look like a fool! Christian walks off as Regal just smiles..*

*Scene shows Chris Jericho walking around backstage when he is suddenly confronted by Cena. Cena yells at Jericho for making him look like a damn idiot last week. Jericho says that Cena is just jealous because ever since he returned, everybody want more of Jericho, and less of Cena. This eventually leads to a backstage brawl between the 2. Officials break it up..*


3RD MATCH-4 Corners FOR #1 CONTENDERSHIP FOR THE WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP: Candice Michelle Vs. Beth Phoenix Vs. Michelle McCool Vs. Mickie James
-Beth Phoenix was trying to pin Candice, but the ref noticed that Beth had her feet on the ropes, so the ref stopped the count. While Beth was arguing with the ref, Candice rolled her up and got the 3 for the suprise win. Beth then attacked Candice & beat on her until Victoria ran down to make the save. Candice looks confused as Victoria holds her hand out to Candice. Victoria helps Candice up then holds her hands up high. Victoria then clotheslines Candice & hits the Widows Peak. Victoria stands above Candice holding the Womens championship up high...

*Backstage segment shows Regal once again, where he announces that up next, will be the 10 man battle royal. Also that he has added another match for later tonight, Jericho teaming with Elija Burke to take on Ric Flair & John Cena!*

*Scene now shows Hacksaw Jim Duggan backstage walking towards the ring with this usual 2x4. He looks to be heading for the 10 man battle royal. Suddenly, Umaga comes out of nowhere and brutally attacks Duggan. Vince is yelling orders to Umaga as he assaults Duggan. Umaga gives Duggan the Samoan Spike and lays Duggan out backstage. Umaga then starts heading towards the ring...*

-First to come out is Triple H, followed by Santino, Striker, Ric Flair, MVP, Kane, Elija Burke, King Booker, Finlay & finally, Umaga. Burke goes right for Flair & MVP & Booker double team HHH. However, HHH evens the odds when he eliminates King Booker first. Meanwhile, Burke runs towards Flair and Flair tosses him over the top rope to the floor. While Flair is showboating, Burke jumps up on the apron & grabs Flair. While Ric is distracted with Burke, Santino & Striker come up & dump Flair over the top. Burke & Flair brawl all the way to the back. Kane then comes up & eliminates both Striker & Marella. Finlay runs up behind Kane but Kane grabs him by the throat then eliminates him by chokeslamming him to the outside. Umaga then comes up and gives Kane the Samoan Spike, knocking him down to the floor. The final four are now HHH, MVP, Umaga & Kane. Next to go is Kane. Christian runs down to the ring and nails Kane in the head with a steel chair, causing him to go over the top rope. Umaga & MVP double team HHH. Then, Umaga grabs MVP and just throws him hard to the outside, leaving Umaga & The Game. The two fight for a little bit, but MVP & King Booker run back into the ring, making it a 3 on 1. Eventually, it becomes too much for HHH and Umaga throws him over the top and he is declared the winner. Vince claps in approval & holds Umaga's hands up..


5TH MATCH: Christian Vs. Ron Simmons
-Pretty short match here. Ref got bumped during the match. Christian went to the outside & grabbed a steel chair. He was about to hit Simmons with it until Kane came down, grabbed the chair, and nailed Christian with it. Kane then chokeslammed Christian and left. As the ref slowly woke up, Simmons rolled up & covered Christian. The ref did a slow 3 count, but Simmons got the win.

*Backstage segment shows Melina in the shower. She's humming to herself. She turns the water off & gets out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel. Suddenly, she screams and the camera pans over to show Jesse & Festus staring at Melina, smiling & panting. Melina runs off screaming & disgusted as Festus licks his lips. Jesse: "Quite a fine looking girl that Melina is, isn't she cuz?" Festus nods his head..*

*Another backstage segment shows Flair & Cena walking towards the ring for the next match..*


6TH MATCH: John Cena & Ric Flair Vs. Chris Jericho & Elija Burke
-Once again, the heels isolate the face, this time being Ric Flair for the majority of the match. They mainly focus on the knees of Ric. Eventually, Ric makes the hot tag to Cena and he comes in like a ball of fire. Cena goes for the FU on Burke but while the ref wasn't looking, Y2J came in & low blowed Cena. Flair then came in. Cena & Burke are currently the legal men in this match, but all 4 are in the ring so the ref is losing control. Flair gets dumped to the outside. Cena then grabs Burke in the FU position once again, only this time, Burke tags in Jericho while on Cena's shoulders. The ref saw the tag, but Cena did not. Cena goes to cover Burke but the ref doesn't count & explains the tag. Then Jericho comes in & rolls up Cena. With a handfull of tights, the ref counts the 3 and Jericho runs up the entranceway ramp. He stops at the top and points to his head claiming that he is smarter then Cena. Cena stands in the ring obviously pissed off....

*Backstage, Vince is seen talking to Umaga, getting him ready for tonight's title match. Umaga screams then heads towards the ring...*


-Right after the commercial break, the lights go out and the gong hits. Taker's music plays as the fans go nuts. Taker then comes out from the back and starts his slow walk down to the ring. Suddenly, Umaga runs down and attacks Taker from behind. Umaga continues to brutally assault Taker, throwing him into the steel ring steps & choking him with the cable cord. Umaga then grabs the WWE Title and hits Taker with it, busting him open. Umaga then rolls Taker into the ring. Umaga grabs Taker and hits him with the Samoan Spike & he falls to the mat motionless. Umaga stands overtop Taker as Vince grabs a microphone. Vince: "Taker, I told you earlier that you don't deserve to hold that WWE Championship. You're not the young talent that I'm looking for. I want a raw talent to the WWE Champion. I want somebody with...RUTHLESS be WWE Champion. And that man, is right here everybody. The Samoan Machine, Umaga! I knew from the beginnig that Umaga was going to enter into that Battle Royal tonight and win it. And you know what Taker? Umaga could of easily pinned you in this ring tonight, and we'd have a new champion. But that wasn't the plan. I wanted to send a little message to you Undertaker. Instead of Umaga taking the title quick & painless, I want him to inflict some pain on you. I want him to beat that WWE championship off of you! I want you to relinquish that WWE Title just so that you wont have to have any more pain inflicted on you. We want you to beg for mercy! So that WWE Championship is safe with you for now Taker, but rest assured, when we feel it is the right time, and we feel you have had enough punishment, we will take that title away from you and it will go around the waist of a true, worthy champion. Ladies & Gentlemen, the next WWE Champion, UMAGA!" Umaga's music then hits as the crowd boo's loudly. Umaga gets in Taker's face and yells some more, then leaves the ring. Umaga & Vince walk up the ramp with the image of Taker laying on his back up on the titan tron. Suddenly, the gong hits and the lights go out once again. When they come back on, Taker is now standing up in the ring, looking down at Umaga & Vince with blood still trickling down his head. He points at Umaga and does the cut throat motion then rolls his eyes in the back of his head. Taker's music hits as Vince tries to restrain Umaga.


Hey guys, this was my first time ever doing one of these on Wrestlezone, so let me know what you guys thought of it. Be as brutally honest as you'd like =P. I re-did the Smackdown & ECW Roster too, so if I get a chance too, I'll maybe post one for those 2 up tomorrow as well...
Like the last person the matches are far to short, There isnt a backstory or anything to this
Don't worry about what they said. You don't really need a backstory. Your show was very good, and I really liked it. If this really is your first show period, then I give you a JOB WELL DONE!!! This was a very interesting show, and I loved your format.

I saw that you labeled each match, if you can just label who the winner was in bold letters, that would be most appreciated.

I give you an 8/10...excellent show!!! The matches were the perfect size!!! The Battle Royal was the MOTN (Match of the night)

The Main Event could have been a few sentences longer...but the aftermath was good too.

Keep it up and remember to keep ALL shows (including ECW and Sd! if you do them) in this thread.

Good luck!!!
Too many multi-participant matches. General rule of thumb, excluding tag teams... the more guys you add to a match the worse it gets.
if this is ur first one then i say that it is a really good job. i thing you should bold the winners of the match and maybe add more detail maybe have a full match results for ppvs. you have some pretty good storylines going. i take it your going to have a melina is creeped out by J&F story line were they stalk her.
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