my life sucks hardcore for real

Am I the only one who is happy being single!?

I am 19 and have recently broke up with my Girl friend. I was with her for almost 2 years and it was getting boring. I loved her and everything but we were just growing apart and arguing a lot. It was my third long-term relationship, and by that I mean over 1 year starting from when I was 13. To my knowledge all a relationship brings is drama... and sex, but mostly drama.

Now though, I am happy with just being single for a while. I go out every weekend and meet new girls. Trust me Ellis, if your out on a Saturday just target the drunk girls. Man they are practically giving it away. Anyway, I wouldn't class myself as a good looking guy but I get a lot of action and do you know why? It's because I let my personality shine through. I am a happy guy and girls don't like to be bitched at. Just be happy and let yourself be you. Trust me, if you end up with a girl and you have pretended to be someone you are not, it will only lead to bad things.

Anyway, if all that fails. Just go to Newcastle on any given night and you will be ball-deep in poon. Hope I helped.
That is terrible advice.

Yeah, how will he be able to contact you. Unless he is the most fortunate homeless person I have ever seen. You know, has a laptop and shit.

Oh! and wireless connectivity.
You're 20 and you're worrying? Jeeze man, you have your whole life ahead of you. Calm.
well your mom and sister don't get raped everyday so you can have food.
You have a house to live in.
You don't have AIDS.
Your not one of them poor kids that needs" just 35 cents a day".

Not having a girl should be looked at as a good thing, they bitch and spend money.
I guess we are all just lucky we are tall huh?

Ellis says the girls only go for tall guys.
Am I the only one who is happy being single!?
Not at all. Once you end up not being able to watch Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero because some overbearing ****e takes up two hours of your free time trying to get you to convince her you're not neglecting her, your priorities change in a hurry and you realize what women are really all about.

At least that's the story I tell. Women suck.
Did that guy really go to prison for being a whiny pussy? LOL

Sometimes I miss Luther when he doesn't post for a day.
Blah blah blah.... worse stuff in life than getting heart broken... blah blah blah... most women are ****es anyway.... blah blah blah.... you'll find Miss Right... blah blah blah... Be patient.

Glad I could help.
Or not. Expensive, mostly unattractive, anal is extra. Wate of money. Get a fatty. Buy her a Bacardi Breezer and she'll let you finger her behind Dixie Fried Chicken.

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