My beef with religion


Getting Noticed By Management
For the record I used to be a believer. I used to believe in God and all of that stuff but now I am a non-believer. Let me just state for the record that I have no problem with someone who is a Christian or whatever and practices in moderation and is a good person. That's fine.

But what really pisses me off are a bunch of things.

#1 The amount of extremism in religion. There aren't too many people whom I absolutely HATE, fucking DESPISE more than Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. The hate they preach with thank God for dead soldiers. Thank God for Virginia Tech and Tucson and Ft Hood and all this shit. Picketing the funerals of dead soldiers who fought for their rights and picketing the funeral of nine year old Christina Green.

Terry Jones, how he burned the Kuran. It may have been within his constitutional right, so is burning the American flag. Does it bother me when both things happen? Absolutely.

I don't actually mind Muslims and I hate how they're stereotyped and all and how they've been treated since 9/11 but Radical Islams can fuck off. They're preaching hate and propaganda is just as bad as it is here.

#2 The feel of superiority. If you're not a Christian, you go to hell. If you're not Islamic, you go to hell. Which is it? I don't believe in a heaven or hell and I don't like to use either in my terminology. Someone is obviously wrong. No religion is superior to one another but it's a shame that some people think it is. We have Freedom of Religion in this country.

#3 Religion and Government. So people think Obama is a Muslim, who cares? I don't care if Obama is Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Budhist, athiest, whatever. The President of the United States doesn't have to be a Christian. People need to get in touch with reality. Personally I think Obama is a Christian but I'm still voting for him in 2012 even if he is a Muslim.

People who use religion as a governing tool. I love it how Republicans preach the Constitution yet they seem to cite biblical reasons for not supporting gay marriage. Not everybody believes in the same stuff that you do. So why impose your beliefs into legislation?

It could be used for other things too. Such as wanting to enforce school prayer. Which I am in favor of if it is optional. What that means is students and staff could participate if they want but no one should have to partake in it if they don't want to. No one should be forced to do it.

I love my country. I love the principles it stands for and its equality. But when government uses religion as a governing tool, I feel it betrays the principles of this great country. I am just as much against abortion like any other right winger or anti abortionist (except in rape and incest, I think it's justifed) but bottom line it shouldn't be the job of the government to make that decision and thankfully it isn't.

#4 I stand by the notion that this is not God's country. This is our country. The country of the people. We are Christians, Hindu's, Muslims, Athiests, Budhists, whatever. We are Americans. That is what is so great.

I apologize to anybody who actually is a good practicer. But a bunch of the nutjobs and the shit they preach and I can't help but frown upon religion in general. Sorry.
Not much to say unless someone posts with a differing opinion, but I pretty much agree with everyone you've stated here. I feel similarly.
Seem to me you've "beef" with people and what they do and say in the name of religion. Pardon the pedantic tendencies but there is a difference. As I've said before, there's nothing wrong with religion per se. As with most anything, it's all about how people choose to use religion as a kind of tool/aid. I learned a long time ago not to care about people's personal beliefs. Their business only becomes my business when they make it my business by having it impede with my life.
Seem to me you've "beef" with people and what they do and say in the name of religion. Pardon the pedantic tendencies but there is a difference. As I've said before, there's nothing wrong with religion per se. As with most anything, it's all about how people choose to use religion as a kind of tool/aid. I learned a long time ago not to care about people's personal beliefs. Their business only becomes my business when they make it my business by having it impede with my life.


As a Muslim, I agree with all of your points. I hate those guys you mentioned in #1, especially the extremist Muslims who have done more to ruin Islam's face than anyone.

for #2, For the record, I can assure you that everyone who told that just because you're not called a Muslim or Christian, you'll go to hell, can go fuck themselves.

Islam is a concept, not a cult. The concept of being the best you can become. I'm telling you If you don't know who Allah is or what Mohammad says, it doesn't mean that you're not Muslim. If you behave the way they approve then you're okay. If you don't lie, steal, hurt others, if you take responsibility for your actions, if you try to help others, if you are open to new ideas, if you use your mind to decide, if you're a fair person and all of those bad things, then you're okay, so there's no tension between you and Islam. it's not what you believe, it's what you do.( It's a paradox, because what you do is what you believe, so if you believe in something or not is not something you can really tell.)

#3 I agree 100%. I fuckin hate every politician who acts that way. I'm Iranian so you may know why I feel that way!

#4 Even tough I'm sure everything's for God, but I can dig what you're saying and it's right. Your country belongs to everyone. The Earth belongs to everyone. That equals Earth belongs to God.

I'm happy for you that decide to not be like those fuckin hypocrites who picture themselves as religious guys but they don't know jack shit about it. I hope you stay the way you are, but if someday you find a problem that you couldn't find an answer, I suggest you to read a little bible or Koran. it won't solve the problem, but sure as hell it can help you use your mind better.
Religion plays no part in my life. Because of that, many religious people I've met presume that I'm against religion.....which isn't true. I believe people should choose for themselves what they want to do in their own lives.
Conversely, I believe people shouldn't decide what other people should do.

Religion is a personal choice. If it gives you comfort, I think that's great. To me, the expression connected to religion that makes the most sense is: "God helps those who help themselves."

That one, I like. Rather than making no effort to improve your situation and presuming that God will bail you out if you pray to him, I like the notion that he'll meet you halfway.....i.e., you do your share of the work and I'll give you a hand.

But, as far as folks who believe that their way is the only true way and that people who don't practice religion are headed for bad things, I say: You worry about yours and I'll worry about mine.

To each, his own.
I can see where you are coming from, there are quite a bit of people out there who do take their beliefs very seriously, but its completely understandable. I'm not religious in any means and to me religion is a means of comfort and a sense of understanding and belonging. I have my own personal beliefs that differ from many religions and I proudly stand by them as many religious follows do the same.

The thing is with me though and my beliefs is that they are almost ambiguous and always open for interpretation. I have an open mind and I'll gladly make a case for anybody on any view so long as it's sound.My opinion and everything philosophical is constantly changing because so many people out their have their own view to tell and I find that exciting to know that nothing is what it might seem to be and there is always the option of change. If your religious then from my view you are a slave to your beliefs as you don't have much of a choice to believe what they tell you or denounce your faith and risk some sort of damnation. I don't like to be a slave to just one belief as I'm open to many,I am not a puppet.

That being said, like Sally mentioned, I am not against religion but and I'm not completely for it. People have the right to choice which belief suits them and makes perfect sense to them that is why the world is so diverse in many cultures and religions, because a lot of people and cultures have different views on god and with so many options, people are free to make a choice.

You are the master of your own opinions and beliefs, don't let somebody try and force theirs upon you. I will believe what I want to believe as should everybody else.

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