MVP Suspends Bobby Roode "Indefinitely"; Is Roode Turning Face?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
And @REALBobbyRoode is indefinitely suspended from @IMPACTWRESTLING for his unacceptable conduct! Take the time to think about your actions.

Sure seems like this is a way to obviously continue the heel turn for MVP by pushing this incessant abuse of power stuff TNA has fallen head over heels in love with the last five or six years, but the bigger question is certainly over what it means for Roode, no? The groundwork for a face turn? He kinda, sorta, laid that out with his "I respect you, you respect me" promo (another thing TNA adores) on EY earlier in the night last Thursday, but it was hard to tell if that was actually with the intent to turn him, or just to pay tribute to the history both men share.

So what do we think? Am I reading too far into this, or are they maybe turning Roode face here?
I think it's the start of a face turn.

Roode is known in kayfabe to be hot-headed, and I'm doubtful he'll take too kindly to this suspension from his over-bearing boss. I think he'll play a major role in the Slammiversary main-event match, supporting Eric Young most definitely. The question is, will TNA pair him with Dixie as they have a common enemy, or will he just work against MVP alone? With the storyline that Bully is going through at the moment, I think the latter is more likely

Personally, I think it's a nice change of pace for Roode. He's never had a chance to be a major face, having turned heel just as he won the championship back in 2011 and it'll be a great way to utilize him, having being stuck in the mid-card for a while now. It also helps even out the influx of heels TNA has at the moment, as Young and Willow seem to be the only big faces at the moment.
It also helps even out the influx of heels TNA has at the moment, as Young and Willow seem to be the only big faces at the moment.

Bully Ray & Anderson???

I can see MVP ending up like Julius Caesar with everyone lining up to knock him off his perch, whether he's World Champ at the time is another thing.

Maybe Roode vs MVP for whatever it is MVP owns at BFG.
Bully Ray & Anderson???

I can see MVP ending up like Julius Caesar with everyone lining up to knock him off his perch, whether he's World Champ at the time is another thing.

Maybe Roode vs MVP for whatever it is MVP owns at BFG.

Completely forgot about Ray, but I wouldn't call Anderson a big face, at least at the moment. He's currently in the mid-card, and has been since Aces and Eight ended.

Either way, my point stands that TNA have more big heels than big faces.
I was pretty sure he was turning face the instant he shook EY's hand after the loss and didn't attack him when EY turned his back to raise his arms for the win.

Roode has been one of the best heels in the business for the past few years, so it's kind of a shame to lose him as one. That said, since he's been such a good heel, he should be pretty damn over as a face. I just hope his promos don't get overly cheesy like so many face's do.
When Roode did his speech with Young about how they were best friends and better enemies, I prematurely thought it was the start of a face turn.

To me, this seals it. Maybe in the (not-so-near) future, we'll see Storm vs Roode with the roles reversed. Roode did a great job as a heel and it'll be interesting to see if the serious character of his heel will translate to his face turn or if he'll just revert to Beer Money Bobby Roode sans hair.
Sorry Roode as a heel works better, but in the fucked up tna they will do it. Sorry I am a Roode fan he is better as a major heel.
While it sounds like a face turn, I'm in agreement that Roode works better as a heel. If the fans are on his side, he could be a tweener, but at the same time I don't know if he can pull it off. Now he looks like he was leaning towards a face turn prior to Lockdown even though he was "leaving" TNA. I can't really figure what direction their putting Roode in except he's on another collision course with MVP.
Can we put spoiler in the title? Jesus Christ Butters. My GF would be pissed if she knew I had this knowlage. She had her hand over her mouth with tears in her eyes went Kurts knee gave out. Lol...Is it kayfab? IDK I don't do spoilers!
They did a test run for this when TNA were in the UK and Roode did the angle where he was going to retire and Dixie begged him to lead her team at Lockdown in exchange for a share in the company or something, and the crowd responded strongly. I'm interested to see how Roode does as a face and TNA could use one that ticks all the boxes.
Bobby is the best wrestler in TNA, hands down. Of course he will do well. But to me you want to have one turn every year or so. Or it does not mean anything. It is just to many shades of grey. These are the faces, these are the heels. To many turns and it is just BS.
I think Roode will turn face this time and hopefully it is the last turn for quite some time. I feel TNA is severly dropping the ball with this guy because Roode can represent TNA as their John Cena. The guy has a face look and is a guaranteed superstar when is used properly, just look at his WHC run;awesome.

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