Mr. Kennedy to Raw


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First round pick of the Supplemental Draft is Mr. Kennedy to Raw.

Why?!?! Smackdown loses another face. Jesus. They need to get Christian and Kofi badly now.

Kennedy fighting for face spots on Raw with HHH, Batista, Cena, MVP, and Kofi?????? No way.
I see Kennedy turning heel. If not, like you said, he's fucked. He's a shit face anyway. SmackDown! was favourable for him, but oh well. I think this pick was just used to make us expect other "big" ones in the supplemental. Then crushing disappointment. I don't see him going anywhere near the good faces on the brand.

Or Triple H.
I actually think HHH or Batista is going to have to turn heel, the way they are now. Orton and Big Show are the only two "main event" heels at the moment. Matt Hardy won't be able to fill one of those spots, and as much as I like the Miz, he isn't ready for that responsibility either. They'll need to turn HHH or Batista. In which case, if they do that, MVP can move up to the main event and Kennedy can stay the top midcarder.

But you could have Kennedy vs. a paper bag and he might end up being unable to finish the program due to an injury, lol, so its hard to tell if Kennedy will succeed in any slot on any roster.
lol to what nofate007 said but i think this could be a good move for mr.kennedy the writers would need to step their game up with storylines and he should be fine
The most injury prone guy ever is on Raw? This is bad. One match with Botchtista and his career is over. I honestly dont care. I feel hes overated, since hes done nothing.
Wow, talk about a shit deal for Mr. Kennedy. The guy can't catch a break, at all. The timing right now would be perfect for him to either stay on Smackdown, or move to ECW. Both of those shows are lacking a dominant face, and if Kennedy is as any good as his fans tell us he is, he would be able to thrive in that gaping star hole, err.

Now Kennedy is dead in the water. He's on a show where the midcard has been loaded while the Main Event scene is still pretty heavy as well. Guys like the Miz, Matt Haryd, and MVP all made the jump as well, and all of them have more momentum currently then Mr. Kennedy.

Simply put, just a terrible move by the WWE if they are convinced this guy is the future of the company.
If the guy didn't get injured he would've headlined WM24. It doesn't matter where he is, he has A LOT to prove. Him and MVP will run the midcard scene on the little bit of attention that does go to the mid card on RAW will focus on him and MVP.
I agree with Paul on this, Kennedy is practically treading on thin ice here with the draft to Raw there is no way the guy is gonna benefit from the exposure, he is currently out with an injury and is prone to more injury's then most wwe talent, they wont push him even to top mid carder which is a shame as i dont see a future for him on raw at the moment, He would have been better off as a big fish in a small pond (ECW) the going in to Raws shark infested waters, hes pretty much either going to commentary or will be on the unemployment line if he doesn't get himself together
God, Kennedy is so fucked. With Raw as stacked as it is, Jesus himself could return on the roster and even HE'D be lost in the shuffle. Kennedy been gone for so long and has zero momentum. ECW would've been the best place for him so he could re-establish himself.
Why do I get the feeling this decision was made in a situation similar to this:

Vince: Who's this guy, he hasn't been on TV in years.

Creative Member: That's Mr Kennedy sir. He's been injured for a quite a while now and he is a member of the Smackdown roster, despite wrestling maybe two matches on that brand within the past 12 months.

Vince: Does he have any credibility or accomplishments?

Creative Member: He won the Money in the Bank Briefcase, he's a former US Champion and he was set up for two main event pushes which ended because of injury and steroid abuse.

Vince: Oh just throw him on Raw then. We've got everybody else over there, so he'll fit in just fine.

Seriously though, this scares me. I am/was one of those guys that said Mr Kennedy has the potential to be the next big thing. But this, has entirely fucked up his career. Why the fuck wouldn't you move him to ECW or even keep him on Smackdown? What were they thinking. ECW NEEDS Kennedy right now. Christian isn't going to be there forever, and you can't seriously tell me people actually like Finlay or DJ Gabriel. Evan Bourne won't be there for much longer either. Kozlov, Henry, and Jackson all need someone to feud with, and Mr Kennedy needs to get his career back on track.

I seriously won't be surprised if they release Kennedy this year. If it happens, I'll probably cry. Man, this guy should be in every single dictionary in the world under the words "Bad Luck".

Fuck you WWE. This is why I'm losing interest in the product. Because you expect the mid-carders to grow with all these old veterans hogging the spotlight. Triple H AND Shawn Michaels are now on Raw. And that's not including the guys who are in their prime. Possibly the worst move of the entire draft.
Somebody really doesn't want Kennedy to succeed. He hasn't had a move yet which has been good for him. A move back to Raw is even worse. It was pointless moving him from Smackdown the first time and it is the second.

The only good thing for Kennedy at the moment is that he's got a whole promotion to have fresh feuds with. If one wrestler in the company can go on a really creative and intresting run, it's Kennedy.
Kennedy may stay in the mid-card for a while with all the main-eventers on RAW. He would have been better off staying on Smackdown or moving to ECW. I wish him all the best and hope he doesn't suffer any more injuries for his sake.
I am a huge, huge Kennedy fan, and I think this move is going to be very telling for him. When he was moved to Raw initially, he was a hot commodity. He was insanely over, and looked to be the next guy the WWE was going to push the hell out of. Then he got suspended, hurt, came back, filmed a movie, hurt again, moved to Smackdown, hurt again, etc. When he returns to TV, what he does is going to be very important of the direction they intend to send him in. I think he should be thrust into the upper-mid card with feuds like The Big Show or Matt Hardy (if he's face) or MVP and Kofi Kingston (if he's heel). He's very versatile, and I hope to see him back on TV soon.
Once upon a time, long before numerous injuries, I believed that Kennedy could be the future of the company. He does have a tremendous amount of talent, but he has no luck. He has never been able to be "in the right place, at the right time". And unfortunately, in a cut throat business such as professional wrestling, guys need some of that luck.

His move to RAW really makes no sense if the WWE believes that Kennedy could still be the future. Have they given up on that hope? I guess only time will tell. Kennedy is going to have to stay healthy and really make one hell of statement when he makes his return if he ever hopes to get another major push.
After reading all the draft results, I'm forced to note what happened in the WZ Tourney. Kennedy went over Miz, because "he's done more". But now, everyone is marking out over Miz's potential on RAW, and how he'll be great there, yet complaining that Kennedy will get buried, and should've stayed on Smackdown, or even worse, gone to ECW. I demand a recount! Shocky, make it happen!

Anyway, I agree with everyone, and have for a while, even before the tournament. He's not great in the ring, and is getting stale on the mic. He's got nothing outside of announcing his name, pretending to be Vince's son, and pushing his shitty movie. I haven't seen him wrestle in so long, that I don't even remember what his finisher is. He should've either been a jobber on Friday, or a mid-carder on Tuesday.
Once upon a time, long before numerous injuries, I believed that Kennedy could be the future of the company. He does have a tremendous amount of talent, but he has no luck. He has never been able to be "in the right place, at the right time". And unfortunately, in a cut throat business such as professional wrestling, guys need some of that luck.

His move to RAW really makes no sense if the WWE believes that Kennedy could still be the future. Have they given up on that hope? I guess only time will tell. Kennedy is going to have to stay healthy and really make one hell of statement when he makes his return if he ever hopes to get another major push.

I think we, as an IWC, tend to only see a small part of the big picture. I think it says something that the WWE has kept Kennedy on the roster amid roster cuts. I think it says something that they continue to produce merchandise for him even though he is on the shelf. That they chose to put him into a movie. Before he got injured, he was, I believe, slated to win the U.S. title from Shelton Benjamin. He was scheduled to be involved in a MAJOR storyline involving the biggest heel in wrestling history (Vince). He's gotten injured at poor times for his career, but he's got plenty of time to recover. He's popular enough, and has enough left in the tank to bring the WWE some money, and in the end, that's what matters to them.
This means next to nothing. Why does it mean next to nothing? It means next to nothing because Kennedy is going to have to reinvent himself yet AGAIN. When he had his thing with Regal at the KOTR saying that he didn't respect him, I marked out like crazy as I finally saw the potential there. Since then though, there's been nothing at all. He stays hurt, his feuds mean nothing and he's not on tv for months at a time. Why should I care about him? When he comes back and if he's healthy, that's fine. However, until then, he's worthless to me.
I think its safe to say, thanks to Kennedy's injury proaned ass, his WWE career is buried. The man had a bright future 3 years ago, but thats all washed at sea now. Maybe he should reinvent himself, IF HE CAN. He seems like a one trick pony type of wrestler. Doesn't have the mic skills to get much over.

1. He needs to turn heel. Some people will still cheer him anyways, but who gives a shit. He works much, much better as a heel, and theres more feuds and room for him to work on RAW. Oh, and fuck Miz, Matt Hardy and other heel scrubs. They can't hold a candle to the talent and potential Kennedy has. And that's AFTER 3 career botching injuries and a suspension.

2. Give him one last shot. HBK and Batista are both retiring after Wrestlemania next year. Taker might. WWE should start building up replacements, they really don't have a choice. Kennedy has been Vince's boy (hopefully still is), and Steph and company want MVP to be a main eventer. So this is really the only bright spot I can see for Kennedy and MVP on RAW. They're obviously going to feud with each other over the US title. Turn Kennedy heel, and push them both. Hopefully it'll work this time. If it doesn't, when he returns from injury #456 job him out and release his ass because I fucking give up.

Wishful thinking that won't happen, but oh well, I can dream...

Doesn't have the mic skills to get much over.

Right. Must explain why the crowd pops hard everytime he reaches for his mic...

1. He needs to turn heel. Some people will still cheer him anyways, but who gives a shit. He works much, much better as a heel, and theres more feuds and room for him to work on RAW. Oh, and fuck Miz, Matt Hardy and other heel scrubs. They can't hold a candle to the talent and potential Kennedy has. And that's AFTER 3 career botching injuries and a suspension.

2. Give him one last shot. HBK and Batista are both retiring after Wrestlemania next year. Taker might. WWE should start building up replacements, they really don't have a choice. Kennedy has been Vince's boy (hopefully still is), and Steph and company want MVP to be a main eventer. So this is really the only bright spot I can see for Kennedy and MVP on RAW. They're obviously going to feud with each other over the US title. Turn Kennedy heel, and push them both. Hopefully it'll work this time. If it doesn't, when he returns from injury #456 job him out and release his ass because I fucking give up.

Wishful thinking that won't happen, but oh well, I can dream...

Right. Must explain why the crowd pops hard everytime he reaches for his mic...

thats because he makes more returns than he actually wrestles. if he worked a full year, he wouldn't get any.
thats because he makes more returns than he actually wrestles. if he worked a full year, he wouldn't get any.

That doesn't make any sense considering Kennedy usually returns not being all that over but continuously builds it up over time.
That doesn't make any sense considering Kennedy usually returns not being all that over but continuously builds it up over time.

Do you see Kennedy as a wrestler with good mic skills? do you ACTUALLY put him in the same boat as Jericho, John Cena, JBL, etc.? because i don't. hes trash. he says his own name twice. whats so great about that?
Do you see Kennedy as a wrestler with good mic skills? do you ACTUALLY put him in the same boat as Jericho, John Cena, JBL, etc.? because i don't. hes trash. he says his own name twice. whats so great about that?

Not yet, but he has the potential to be better than all of them mic wise. "He only says his name twice" bullshit is all the Kennedy haters have, yet every fucking time he says it at the end of his promos it has the crowd reacting doesn't it? Yes. That's the entire point of him doing it. Until they stop chanting his name or booing him, he'll continue to use it and rightfully so.

Watch his promos from the Undertaker, Flair, Batista and HBK feuds and try to tell me that he isn't a main event caliber mic worker.

Then you pull out the predictable "trash" statement. *sigh*. Yeah, he's so trash that Vince McMahon would try endlessly to push him after each injury. Vince has tried many times to make him the future of his company, yet he sucks? I'll trust Vince McMahon here instead of your blind, spammy opinion. He knows what he's doing.

MITB - was suppose to beat Taker a week after he got injured. But Kennedy got hurt.

Bombed Limo - was suppose to be in on it with Vince or some shit. Chris Benoit decided to off himself and his family.

Illegitimate child - was suppose to build him up to main event, and win the title at Wrestlemania 24. Got caught in the drug thing.

US Title push last year - was suppose to beat Shelton Benjamin at SummerSlam and go from there. Got injured, and has been out since.

All those opportunities don't equal trash, it's simply bad luck. He would have been a multiple time world champion. The guy can't catch a break, and yet through all of it, he's over, still looks like the brightest young star along with MVP, Jeff Hardy (hurts to say, but people like him), Punk (hurts to say, but Vince sees something and usually knows what he's doing) and Christian. And do I really need to get in to all the wrestlers that have spoken greatly about his abilities and future?
Mr. Kennedy hasn't survived a single draft since his debut and it's not good. If you continue to get drafted every single year, like Kennedy... then there must be something wrong. When Kennedy was drafted to Raw in 2007, I was fine with it because he showed a desire to go to Raw because he said that he already defeated everyone on Smackdown. Mr. Kennedy's tenure on Raw was far from memorable because he didn't do anything worth remembering, except for maybe acting like Mr. McMahon's son and getting William Regal fired, but other than that... him on Raw was pointless.

Now, in the 2008 WWE Draft we had Mr. Kennedy drafted back to Smackdown. While on Smackdown, Kennedy has only about 4 matches. I believe a Fatal Four way for the U.S. Championship with Matt Hardy defending against him, Shelton Benjamin, and Chavo Guerrero, a match with Domino, a match with United States Champion Shelton Benjamin, and a match with Umaga... those are the only matches I remember seeing Kennedy in, as a Smackdown superstar. In a house show, a match against Shelton Benjamin on August 2, 2008... Kennedy was injured. He's shown a few times, ridiculing M.V.P. about his losing streak, but other than that... nothing.

Now, we are 8 and a half months removed from his injury and Kennedy is nowhere to be seen. The worst thing WWE could have done was draft Mr. Kennedy. It would have even been worst if he was drafted to Raw. Well, WWE did both. Mr. Kennedy has absolutely no momentum, unless you consider his movie premiere in January as momentum. He will do no good on Raw and I would not be surprised if he was injured or drafted again next year.
bad move from WWE.Kennedy will be lost in the star-studded Raw.I mean...Cena, Trips, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Orton...heck, even MVP - all in better positions than Kennedy.I just don't see where he a face.If they turn him heel, he MAY have a slight chance of climbing up the ladder, only if he doesn't get injured AGAIN.Too bad for a man that 2-3 years ago was considered a future WM main-eventer.

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