Mr Kennedy to be the death of the WWE?

I'm not gonna bother quoting people and just try to make a broad response while hitting some bullet points.

When most people talk about the next Austin or the Rock they don't mean the next guy to drink beer or the next guy to refer to his penis as streudel. They mean the next person to elevate wrestling back to the main stream and back to a peak. To say he's never going to be Austin because there's only one makes you look ignorant imo. It should be fairly obvious almost nobody EXACTLY means the next Austin in every sense of the word.

Kennedy ended up being out for a month after dropping MITB. I already stated that and someone went on to defend it that it would have lost all prestige from Kennedy being out... are you even reading? He was out for ONE month, how would that have made the MITB lose prestige? What prestige does the MITB have anyway? The only person to bring any prestige to it was RVD. Beside that it's been used for cheap wins by Edge and CM Punk 2x each. Both of CM Punks "Reigns" lasting 2 months, maybe 3 at best. How prestigious indeed. The angle they had going would have actually brought a ton of prestige to it with Mr Kennedys count down to wrestlemania. Which he started what? 2 months max after wrestlemania? WWE just hit the panic button like they normally do these days and needed to get the belt off Taker and that was the best they could come up with. Even if Kennedy was out for 6 months, 4 months or so would have been plenty of build up time for a angle. It still would have been 10x better then the normal routine of "Job CM Punk out to everyone he wrestles for a few months and then make him world champ."

When a heel makes a face turn it's generally a good idea to have a defining moment. What was Kennedys face turn? He insulted/beat up william regal. Who has ever cared about William Regal? How is any of that ground breaking stuff? Carlito had a equally worthless face turn and so did MVP. All three of those guys at the very least got major heel heat and then nobody really cared once they turned face. (For the most part.) Is it possible people wouldn't have cared no matter what? Sure. Regardless of that though the WWE has totally forgotten how to do good face/heel turns and it makes everyone look less credible as a result. This is like if Jericho randomly gave Jack Swagger a Codebreaker and stopped acting like a douche. The majority of wrestling fans would just be like "Wtf is with this dude?"

Onto TNA, it's not JUST kennedy. TNA probably. has twice the start power WWE does. They just lack direction and a break out star. Kennedy could be that star. Some of you make it sound like he'd be the only person there and there'd be nobody for him to feud against.

Kennedy VS Kurt Angle
Kennedy VS AJ Styles
Kennedy VS Samoa Joe
Kennedy VS Mick Foley
Kennedy VS Sting
Kennedy VS Abyss
Kennedy VS Daniels.

There are so many quality feuds the guy could have in TNA it's ridiculous. Who does WWE have? Orton who has put on maybe 2 good matches in his entire career? HHH who has basically never had a great match unless it was with someone better than him? (For the most part.)

TNA is out of their minds if they aren't salivating at the chance to grab Kennedy. I mean hell, they grabbed Matt Morgan for fucks sake.

I'll say it one more time:

TNA has lack two things: Direction/creative and one true break out star.

With Kennedy being a free agent and TNA going through all sorts of restructure back stage it's looking like the starts may just align.

p.s. How was Kennedy pushed to the moon because WWE put him in one of their craptastic movies? The biggest Jobber of all time - Kane, had his own movie. Hell, Dibase Jr. is currently filiming one of their suck fests.


I almost forgot! Who the hell has kennedy injured?! Maybe I'm not remembering something, in which case refresh my memory. The only person I remember being injured in a match with Kennedy is Cena and like I said before, I watched that replay many times. It had ZERO to do with anything Kennedy did.
Why does everyone say that Kennedy...Kennedy won't be a threat to WWE? Does anyone remember the Ringmaster, Rocky Maivia, or Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Who did they turn out to be? I'm not saying the guy is going to revolutionize the business but no one said the three aforementioned Superstars would either until they got that one break. And you know why they got that break? Because the then WWF was clear of the politics or, at least, didn't have as much at that time with Bret in WCW, which was terrible with it at that time, and Shawn on the verge of retiring. When Kennedy...Kennedy was in WWE he had to deal with Mr. Stephanie McMahon, John Cena aka Vince's Plaything, RKO aka HHH jr., and Batista so he probably never really got chance when he got injured the last time.
The death of WWE? I'm going to hope that's an exaggeration to get people to view the thread for your own sake. Although, saying that Kennedy is good because he's sloppy in the ring is also stupid. What do you mean, it makesnhis matches look real? The whole post makes no sense. No one has ever been good because they're sloppy, and Kennedy needs to focus on his body and making it injury free before he could make any type of dent in the WWE, which I'm guessing will NEVER happen.
The death of WWE? I'm going to hope that's an exaggeration to get people to view the thread for your own sake. Although, saying that Kennedy is good because he's sloppy in the ring is also stupid. What do you mean, it makesnhis matches look real? The whole post makes no sense. No one has ever been good because they're sloppy, and Kennedy needs to focus on his body and making it injury free before he could make any type of dent in the WWE, which I'm guessing will NEVER happen.

Matches that are worked a little stiff come across matches that are half assed and have no energy behind it. That makes no sense to you?

I think the IWC has become to smarky for its own good. Nobody can see the potential Kennedy oozes in yet some guy who's no bigger then Kurt Angle runs around pounding his chest. Looks like a Gorilla. Isn't very interesting in the ring, is just as un interesting on the mic and to top it all off has a lisp and everyone has such high hopes for him? Why? Because he has a backround in wrestling?

I don't see how it blows peoples minds so much to see that maybe Kennedys injurys were just a string of bad luck or that he'll learn from mistakes he made.

Just mark my words because at some point I'll be back to rub it in everyones face. :)
Matches that are worked a little stiff come across matches that are half assed and have no energy behind it. That makes no sense to you?

Erm, no. See, most of the main eventers often don't have a huge 'technical' ability. That's not generally a problem because their charisma pulls them to the top. Kennedy isn't great technically as well as not having the charisma needed to get to the top.

I think the IWC has become to smarky for its own good. Nobody can see the potential Kennedy oozes in yet some guy who's no bigger then Kurt Angle runs around pounding his chest. Looks like a Gorilla. Isn't very interesting in the ring, is just as un interesting on the mic and to top it all off has a lisp and everyone has such high hopes for him? Why? Because he has a backround in wrestling?

Have you only just joined this forum? When Kennedy became more prevalent on our screens a huge part of the forum sang Kennedy praises, and said he'd be a Main Eventer some day. It was considered 'smarky' to like Kennedy, and now when people see him clearly, that's also smarky? It's such a stupid word and argument.

I don't see how it blows peoples minds so much to see that maybe Kennedys injurys were just a string of bad luck or that he'll learn from mistakes he made.

Maybe, but in huge businesses like WWE they don't have time for it.

Just mark my words because at some point I'll be back to rub it in everyones face. :)

Sure, we'll all worship you when Kennedy is the death of WWE :rolleyes:
Erm, no. See, most of the main eventers often don't have a huge 'technical' ability. That's not generally a problem because their charisma pulls them to the top. Kennedy isn't great technically as well as not having the charisma needed to get to the top.:

To not like Kennedy is one thing, to feel he's injury prone is one thing. To not be able to see how much, even to not like his style of wrestling is one thing (Though I'd strongly disagree.) To say that the man doesn't have the Charisma needed is border line insanity.

Have you only just joined this forum? When Kennedy became more prevalent on our screens a huge part of the forum sang Kennedy praises, and said he'd be a Main Eventer some day. It was considered 'smarky' to like Kennedy, and now when people see him clearly, that's also smarky? It's such a stupid word and argument.

And now these forums seem to jump all over anything that has two arms and can walk. Swagger? The Miz? "I'm Awesome!" That's his catch phrase for christs sake! Apparently I can be a wrestler too, because I'm Sedated and I'm NEAT-O!" At this point people just seem desperate to call anyone and anything the next main eventer.

Maybe, but in huge businesses like WWE they don't have time for it.

They have time for it when it comes to Roidtista, why because he managed to stay injury free during his early days with evolution where he wrestled once every two months? How many times has Orton been injured now? Rey Mysterio? HHH? Okay, the circumstance are a little different in most cases but to say WWE doesn't have the time for injuries...

Sure, we'll all worship you when Kennedy is the death of WWE :rolleyes:

Again, like I said in a previous post a better topic would have been "Kennedy to be the one to reignite the monday night wars?" or something to that extent. You can roll your eyes all you want, it's going to happen though. The only way it wont is if TNA totally loses their marbles and doesn't hire Kennedy or he really is just THAT injury prone.
To not like Kennedy is one thing,

Funny thing is, I actually like Kennedy. I can just separate the things I like and the things that are good.

to feel he's injury prone is one thing. To not be able to see how much, even to not like his style of wrestling is one thing (Though I'd strongly disagree.) To say that the man doesn't have the Charisma needed is border line insanity.

He doesn't have enough to be a big star, and no where near enough to hurt WWE.

And now these forums seem to jump all over anything that has two arms and can walk. Swagger? The Miz? "I'm Awesome!" That's his catch phrase for christs sake! Apparently I can be a wrestler too, because I'm Sedated and I'm NEAT-O!" At this point people just seem desperate to call anyone and anything the next main eventer.

Correction: The forums jump all over all young stars. God forbid you like Triple H, Cena, HBK, Orton etc.

They have time for it when it comes to Roidtista, why because he managed to stay injury free during his early days with evolution where he wrestled once every two months? How many times has Orton been injured now? Rey Mysterio? HHH? Okay, the circumstance are a little different in most cases but to say WWE doesn't have the time for injuries...

All of whom make more money for the company than Kennedy does.

Again, like I said in a previous post a better topic would have been "Kennedy to be the one to reignite the monday night wars?" or something to that extent. You can roll your eyes all you want, it's going to happen though. The only way it wont is if TNA totally loses their marbles and doesn't hire Kennedy or he really is just THAT injury prone.

If he can't be a big star in the WWE I doubt he'll be much better in TNA. Kennedy won't be the one to cause any type of fuss between the companies, if that'll happen at all.
Funny thing is, I actually like Kennedy. I can just separate the things I like and the things that are good.

He doesn't have enough to be a big star, and no where near enough to hurt WWE.

Alright, we've both displayed our opinions and we're obviously not going to change either persons mind there so let's agree to disagree on that.

Correction: The forums jump all over all young stars. God forbid you like Triple H, Cena, HBK, Orton etc.

Okay so anything with two arms, can walk and isn't one of those guys you mentioned. :)

All of whom make more money for the company than Kennedy does.

See, I hate arguments like this and here's why. Was Mark Henry drawing the company money when he was champion? Yet what most people define as making money is who ever the top guys/champions are. I just find it to be such a weak argument when a large portion of people who watch wrestling would watch it almost no matter what just based off habbit alone and another decent sized portion tune in for their own little likes to what's going on that often times isn't anyone in the main event.

If he can't be a big star in the WWE I doubt he'll be much better in TNA. Kennedy won't be the one to cause any type of fuss between the companies, if that'll happen at all.

Again, we'll agree to disagree. I think the difference between Kennedy and most other people is that Kennedy given a good bit of control over his character is what will allow him to shine. That's something WWE only seemed to want to give him at times and the times he was allowed to do it, it was working very well for him. Time will be the ultimate judge though.

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