Mr Kennedy to be the death of the WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Awhile back I saw a guy named Mr. Kennedy in the WWE. I can't remember the exact first time I noticed him, or what he was saying. I do how ever remember one thing - I was captivated, interested even! When he talked - I listened. When he fought a match - I sat on the edge of my seat. I wasn't reaching for the remote to fast fwd, I wasn't falling asleep. I was booing in my head each time he was attacked, and cheering each time he was on offense.

Now, I've seen a lot of people bash Mr. Kennedys in ring work. I've seen people say he's sloppy, I've seen people say he's careless. To that I say: Exactly! His matches look real! This isn't because he's sloppy, this isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing. This is because he's giving 125%. This is because he's wrestling with emotion. If you don't see the similaritys between some of Mr. Kennedys matches and Austins matches then you're just not looking.

This is a young man who's motivated, talented, oozes with charisma and seems to be willing to learn from his mistakes. This is a guy who has all the tools to be a superstar. Paul Heyman, Undertaker and even Stone Cold him self have all seen something in Mr. Kennedy. Hell, even Vince saw something in Mr. Kennedy. All this guy has to do is stop letting things get in his way, be it other people or him self. I think he's ready to do that and I think he's going to do it in TNA. And if he does? People will watch, people will listen and most importantly: People will care again.

Mr Kennedy doesn't need big scripts, he doesn't need hand holding. He needs a place where he will be allowed to be him self while given SOME direction and if TNA manages to do that, mark my words: Mr. Kennedy will blow up right in Vinces face.

It reminds me all too much of a certain steve williams being fired from WcW by one Eric Bichoff who was losing control of the ship he was sailing. Well, now the foot is on the other shoe. Except it's not Bichoff - It's Vince and it's not Steve Williams - It's Ken Anderson and this is his turn to save wrestling.
Every time i here a statement like this one two things come into my mind....

Bold and Foolish, Kennedy's tenure in the WWE was one of the most overated of its kind, the guy got pushed to the moon, and ended up on the signature pharmacy list and got belted off of tv, he returned to get pushed again and gets injured.

The guy was supposed to have the MITB reign that became Edge's second but due to injury had to be taken off of TV, Kennedy has had more chances then anyone on the roster, he was pushed to the moon weather it was Raw, Smackdown or even development, Paul Heyman sold Vince the idea of Kennedy but the guy never amounted to anything apart from injurying himself and nearly injurying another member of the roster.

He plays the whole innocent party here but I for one think that he will not be TNA's salvation, when Kurt went to TNA everyone was buzzing that he would kill the WWE, where are those mind blowing ratings and merchandise sales Kurt promised? where is everything he said he was going to do to the WWE, the fact is people can keep saying that TNA needs this that and everything else but the main fact here is they need to work on their product, not keep hiring talent from the WWE expecting them to be the next big thing, because no matter how much you keep pushing and pushing Kennedy is no Ston Cold, he is no Rock, he is Ken Anderson and he needs to work on getting himself healthy because he may not have enough time life in regards to his body holding up from his injuries.
Every time i here a statement like this one two things come into my mind....

Bold and Foolish, Kennedy's tenure in the WWE was one of the most overated of its kind, the guy got pushed to the moon, and ended up on the signature pharmacy list and got belted off of tv, he returned to get pushed again and gets injured.

The guy was supposed to have the MITB reign that became Edge's second but due to injury had to be taken off of TV, Kennedy has had more chances then anyone on the roster, he was pushed to the moon weather it was Raw, Smackdown or even development, Paul Heyman sold Vince the idea of Kennedy but the guy never amounted to anything apart from injurying himself and nearly injurying another member of the roster.

He plays the whole innocent party here but I for one think that he will not be TNA's salvation, when Kurt went to TNA everyone was buzzing that he would kill the WWE, where are those mind blowing ratings and merchandise sales Kurt promised? where is everything he said he was going to do to the WWE, the fact is people can keep saying that TNA needs this that and everything else but the main fact here is they need to work on their product, not keep hiring talent from the WWE expecting them to be the next big thing, because no matter how much you keep pushing and pushing Kennedy is no Ston Cold, he is no Rock, he is Ken Anderson and he needs to work on getting himself healthy because he may not have enough time life in regards to his body holding up from his injuries.

Kennedys run on smackdown was very solid and pretty injury free if memory serves me right. It wasn't until his jump to Raw that things started going south for him. (Which seems to be quite the pattern for various wrestlers.)

Mr Kennedy is not claiming to be innocent from anything I've seen. He's taken resposibility for certain things and pointed the finger for other things. That sounds much more realistic then saying "It was all Kennedy!" or "It was all WWE!"

Wasn't Batista on that pharmacy list? Then magically wasn't? This was at a point where prob. 75% of the roster was taking steroids and Vince knew it. To say Kennedy is to blame because Benoit murdered his family and WWE got a fire lit under its ass is silly. That's bad timing. At the time Kennedy was playing by the unspoken rule of wrestling and piss poor timing got him screwed by it. Regardless of how you feel about steroids in wrestling to discredit Kennedy for it while letting it go for tons of other wrestlers who made it big because they didn't draw the short straw is ridiculous. Not to mention he got burned by WWE putting him in the media and him claiming not to use steroids when asked. If that's not a damned if you do damned if you don't situation idk what is. Was he supposed to say "Yeah, I'm roiding baby!" that would have got him fired even quicker.

Him dropping the MITB to Edge was a huge over reaction by the WWE. Undertaker was injured and they needed to get the belt off him so they decided to have Edge get the cheap win ala MITB. Kennedy ended up being out for what? A month? Even if he would have been out for 6 months he could have kept the MITB.


With Kurt Angle you know who he is and what to expect. He never got huge ratings for WWE on his own. Why anyone would think that'd be any different if he went to TNA is beyond me. Kennedy on the other hand has not reached his prime or his peak. Kennedy would create a new following, not hope to bring over 4 million viewers from WWE TV.
From what I remember you're right about Kennedy's first Smackdown! run. The only injury remember is his head injury which was attributed to Batista slamming him into the steel steps.

Kennedy was a decent enough wrestler and he was charasmatic as hell, which really was all he needed to become a major player in WWE. He was like the Miz, just a little more developed and a little less safe in the ring. Charasmatic guys who don't put on great matches (Hogan) have long been pushed over the less charismatic guys who wrestle their asses off every night (remember AJ Styles in WWE? No nor do most people).

However, if you remember, Kennedy was in TNA before. I don't remember him amounting to much. He jobbed to the Harris Brothers a few times and that was it. Now, if he returns there as a product of the WWE hype machine I don't see him doing any more than Booker T. However, if Kennedy could replace Booker's announcer character then I think Kennedy could start to shine. Kennedy following Matt Striker to the announce table could be entertaining, paticularly if he's not bound by the new announcing philosophy. He could be the next Jerry Lawler, the wise-cracking colour guy. In these times of recession he could also do the ring introductions.

Kennedy as a top guy shouldn't happen unless he finds a way to avoid getting injured and causing injury. But then, in TNA they had Mick Foley as there World Champion nine years after his retirement, so anything is possible.
From what I remember you're right about Kennedy's first Smackdown! run. The only injury remember is his head injury which was attributed to Batista slamming him into the steel steps.

Kennedy was a decent enough wrestler and he was charasmatic as hell, which really was all he needed to become a major player in WWE. He was like the Miz, just a little more developed and a little less safe in the ring. Charasmatic guys who don't put on great matches (Hogan) have long been pushed over the less charismatic guys who wrestle their asses off every night (remember AJ Styles in WWE? No nor do most people).

However, if you remember, Kennedy was in TNA before. I don't remember him amounting to much. He jobbed to the Harris Brothers a few times and that was it. Now, if he returns there as a product of the WWE hype machine I don't see him doing any more than Booker T. However, if Kennedy could replace Booker's announcer character then I think Kennedy could start to shine. Kennedy following Matt Striker to the announce table could be entertaining, paticularly if he's not bound by the new announcing philosophy. He could be the next Jerry Lawler, the wise-cracking colour guy. In these times of recession he could also do the ring introductions.

Kennedy as a top guy shouldn't happen unless he finds a way to avoid getting injured and causing injury. But then, in TNA they had Mick Foley as there World Champion nine years after his retirement, so anything is possible.

Has Kennedy actually injured anyone else? I know John Cena got injured in that one match but I remember watching the replay many times and coming to the conclusion it had absolutely zero to do with anything kennedy did.

Anyway, IMO TnA needs to give Kennedy slow non stop build up and once every thing looks good - run with him. Under the right set of circumstance I truly believe Kennedy can put TNA on the map.

(This all all assuming TNA can get its shit together enough to utilize someone properly.)
Now, I've seen a lot of people bash Mr. Kennedys in ring work. I've seen people say he's sloppy, I've seen people say he's careless. To that I say: Exactly! His matches look real! This isn't because he's sloppy, this isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing. This is because he's giving 125%. This is because he's wrestling with emotion.

That level of realism isn't really worth it if the fans aren't behind it, or if it's a risk to the other talent.

If you don't see the similaritys between some of Mr. Kennedys matches and Austins matches then you're just not looking.

Kennedy's matches were nothing like Austin's. His repetoire consisted of more than punching and stomping a mudhole for starters. You'd best compile a list, because no one's going to buy that otherwise.

All this guy has to do is stop letting things get in his way, be it other people or him self. I think he's ready to do that and I think he's going to do it in TNA. And if he does? People will watch, people will listen and most importantly: People will care again.

Yeah but injuring people combined with backstage politics from the ME draws is NOT going to be overcome by 'sticking to it'. Fans cheered Umaga not that long ago and he's been future endeavoured, so the fans aren't always enough to help you keep your job.

It reminds me all too much of a certain steve williams being fired from WcW by one Eric Bichoff who was losing control of the ship he was sailing.

WCW was nearing it's peak when they fired Austin. It wasn't until about 3 years later that things started turning sour in the Turner camp.

Well, now the foot is on the other shoe. Except it's not Bichoff - It's Vince and it's not Steve Williams - It's Ken Anderson and this is his turn to save wrestling.

As much as i love Kennedy, he's not likely to save anything. Like Degeneration Deej said, it's no good having a roster full of awesome talent if you're going to parade them around like spastic chimps every week. TNA could probably get rid of ALL the ex-WWE guys and get a better booker and they'd still do better than they are right now.

Degeneration Deej said:
The guy was supposed to have the MITB reign that became Edge's second but due to injury had to be taken off of TV,

He announced that he was going to cash it in at the following WM, so why does getting injured in April mean they'd have to take his title shot the following year away from him exactly? Even if they thought he was being pushed too quickly, they still had a whole year to help him develop himself, but it's more likely that they needed a quick fire way to get the title off of Taker without seeming weak. They could of had Kennedy cash it in on Taker that night instead, and then have him job to Batista, but they went with Edge.

he was pushed to the moon weather it was Raw, Smackdown or even development,

Where'd you get that idea from? In Kennedy's 2 1/2 year run in WWE, he had one US title run for about a month and won MITB, and defeated 7 or 8 former World champs (most of which by countout or DQ) and had 1 World title shot, and all of that was while he was on SD. He didn't amount to anything on Raw at all. His crowning achievement on Raw was pinning HBK. Big whoop!

Kurt Angle is an example of a guy WWE pushed to the moon. Brock Lesnar is an example of a guy they pushed to the moon. Ken Kennedy is NOT.
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i remember Lashley's last wwe injury was in a match with kennedy but i think it was more a case of them being scared he will cause injury and that he injured himself on his first night back it just isn't worth it for them as good a worker as his is what is the point of having someone who can't work due to constant injury? it is a waste of money more than anything else
I know that Vince is basically the scapegoat for seemingly everything in wrestling that's negative or bad, but Vince releasing Kennedy was not a mistake by any degree.

Kennedy is a guy that had a lot of potential in the WWE. Vince McMahon had big plans for Kennedy's future, otherwise he wouldn't have kept him for so long. The original plan for the McMahon bastard son storyline was going to be Kennedy before he got suspended for violating the Wellness Policy. Factor that it with Kennedy's injuries and the time he took off to film the Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia movie, that means he spent nearly half of his nearly 4 years in the WWE out of action for one reason or another. Whenever the guy was really building up steam, he was out of action for one reason or another. So, when he came back, they basically had to work on building the guy up again, etc.

The fact is that Kennedy is that Kennedy is going to be no threat to the WWE in any way, shape or form.
Awhile back I saw a guy named Mr. Kennedy in the WWE. I can't remember the exact first time I noticed him, or what he was saying. I do how ever remember one thing - I was captivated, interested even! When he talked - I listened. When he fought a match - I sat on the edge of my seat. I wasn't reaching for the remote to fast fwd, I wasn't falling asleep. I was booing in my head each time he was attacked, and cheering each time he was on offense.

Now, I've seen a lot of people bash Mr. Kennedys in ring work. I've seen people say he's sloppy, I've seen people say he's careless. To that I say: Exactly! His matches look real! This isn't because he's sloppy, this isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing. This is because he's giving 125%. This is because he's wrestling with emotion. If you don't see the similaritys between some of Mr. Kennedys matches and Austins matches then you're just not looking.

This is a young man who's motivated, talented, oozes with charisma and seems to be willing to learn from his mistakes. This is a guy who has all the tools to be a superstar. Paul Heyman, Undertaker and even Stone Cold him self have all seen something in Mr. Kennedy. Hell, even Vince saw something in Mr. Kennedy. All this guy has to do is stop letting things get in his way, be it other people or him self. I think he's ready to do that and I think he's going to do it in TNA. And if he does? People will watch, people will listen and most importantly: People will care again.

Mr Kennedy doesn't need big scripts, he doesn't need hand holding. He needs a place where he will be allowed to be him self while given SOME direction and if TNA manages to do that, mark my words: Mr. Kennedy will blow up right in Vinces face.

It reminds me all too much of a certain steve williams being fired from WcW by one Eric Bichoff who was losing control of the ship he was sailing. Well, now the foot is on the other shoe. Except it's not Bichoff - It's Vince and it's not Steve Williams - It's Ken Anderson and this is his turn to save wrestling.

Wow... I think that´s a huge exaggeration, Mr. Kennedy has talent no doubt about that but please, be reasonable.

The death of the WWE ? I highly doubt it, I heard people say he´s the next Steve Austin, BS there can´t be a second Steve Austin.
What does he have that makes him the biggest draw in TNA history ? Because he was nearly pushed in the WWE ??? How does that make sense, nad even if TNA would make him a main eventer, how could he possibly be popular enough to draw higher ratings that the WWE ? If he was such a big draw why is nobody saying that WWE is losing ratings because they fired Kennedy ?? Because if Kennedy was good for businnes Vince would´ve kept him there but apparently there was no need for Ken Anderson in the WWE.

Now is he sloppy ? Well he was injured pretty often and nearly injured Orton, he was injured that much that he was released from his contract, they don´t go around and fire people that could be the biggest draw ever, why do people think Vince is an idiot ?

Mr Kennedy has charisma and has talent but to say that he could be the cause for the death of the WWE ? How is that a realistic assumption ?

See, I get what you´re saying, you really like the guy and you like his performance, nothing wrong with that at all, I kinda liked him too, but we should stay realistic on this matter.
I never got into this guy. His Promos were Ok, but hearing a guy repeat his name for 2-5 minutes at a time on a weekly His in ring work wasnt all that great, and I doubt him going to TNA (Or TNA in general) will be the end of the WWE.
I always liked Kennedy, I wasnt a huge fan, but I thought the guy could cut a good promo. But the death of WWE? No. Like GSM said, lets be realistic. Have any plans even leaked yet about kennedy going to TNA or is that all speculation?
I really like Kennedy and like others have said, he reminds a lot of Stone Cold. His mannerisms, his charisma, his natural antagonist nature. To me, he's a younger version of Stone Cold and although he had some demons in his closet and couldn't stay healthy, I think WWE made a mistake in letting him go. He will wind up in TNA and will instantly be in the hunt for a title.
I've always liked Mr. Kennedy, and I was heartbroken to hear about his release. But for people to say that he injured too many superstars, I find it to be a bit foolish. Just because a wrestler happens to be in a match with Kennedy when they have their injury, it doesn't mean that he was the person that injured them. Besides Cena, wrestlers who claimed to have had an injury in a match with Kennedy have never taken an extended leave of absense.

With that out of the way, I must say that I do not believe that Mr. Kennedy will be the death of the WWE. They think that they were wasting their money supporting an injury-prone person like Kennedy, so he was let go. I have to believe that there was more to it. Being prone to injuries cannot be the sole reason why you are fired from the company. We could have seen Batista, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Randy Orton injured years ago. People could argue that age would be a factor for the injuries of the first three, but Orton? In the 7 years he's been in the WWE, he's injury his shoulder three times.

Mr. Kennedy had every single tool he needed to be a World Champion someday. He had ring skills, mic skills, charisma... the whole nine. Why he was let go? We'll never fully know, but for people to just believe whatever they read on the internet, seems like they are very gullible.
I really like Kennedy and like others have said, he reminds a lot of Stone Cold. His mannerisms, his charisma, his natural antagonist nature. .

This is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned the similaritys between Kennedy and Austin. It has way more to do with mannerisms and energy rather than a move for move list. Also, to say all Austin did was punch people and stomp mud holes is kind of insulting to Austin IMO. That was a lot of what he did but he was no slouch when it came to technical wrestling either.The brawler style just really got him over and the way Austin could do it was very high energy so he used more of that. The guy could with out doubt wrestle though.

Perhaps the death of the WWE was a bit of a exageration, what I really should have said was something like "Kennedy to be the one to bring back the monday night wars?" Obviously the war wouldn't be exactly the same, but some form of it.

I keep seeing people either say flat out or hint something along the lines of "What would Kennedy bring to TNA?" "He didn't bring anything to WWE and didn't give it any ratings" that's like saying "What would Austin bring to WWE? He sucked in WcW!" Kennedy was never used properly as a face and his face turn came across as being confusing to most. Kennedy in general I think confused a lot of people on Raw just because of various lack of direction for him. This is why he was over but not that over. A lot of people saw the potential in him and loved him just for that while the other half of the people just didn't know how to take this guy. Mr Kenndy doensn't need to be a true face or a true heel. He needs that in the middle like Austin and The Rock had.
This is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned the similaritys between Kennedy and Austin. It has way more to do with mannerisms and energy rather than a move for move list. Also, to say all Austin did was punch people and stomp mud holes is kind of insulting to Austin IMO. That was a lot of what he did but he was no slouch when it came to technical wrestling either.The brawler style just really got him over and the way Austin could do it was very high energy so he used more of that. The guy could with out doubt wrestle though.

Perhaps the death of the WWE was a bit of a exageration, what I really should have said was something like "Kennedy to be the one to bring back the monday night wars?" Obviously the war wouldn't be exactly the same, but some form of it.

I keep seeing people either say flat out or hint something along the lines of "What would Kennedy bring to TNA?" "He didn't bring anything to WWE and didn't give it any ratings" that's like saying "What would Austin bring to WWE? He sucked in WcW!" Kennedy was never used properly as a face and his face turn came across as being confusing to most. Kennedy in general I think confused a lot of people on Raw just because of various lack of direction for him. This is why he was over but not that over. A lot of people saw the potential in him and loved him just for that while the other half of the people just didn't know how to take this guy. Mr Kenndy doensn't need to be a true face or a true heel. He needs that in the middle like Austin and The Rock had.

I won´t hint anything, Kennedy wouldn´t bring anymore to TNA than Kurt Angle did, than Kevin Nash did, than Booker T did, than Mick Foley did.

Now you could argue that these people are old and not in the best of shape anymore but did they draw money ? Hell yeah, Kurt Angle was one of the biggest Stars in the WWE, when he wasn´t able to bring TNA to another level, why would Mr Kennedy be able to do so ? Kennedy has charisma, he has talent, but let´s face it, he won´t cause any "Monday Night War" or anything that could resemble that.

Even if he was pushed by TNA, what would he make different ? How would he become as big as Austin in a company that struggles to beat ECW ?

How could Mr. Kennedy carry an entire company ? Stone Cold didn´t carry that burden alone, he along with The Rock, Mick Foley, Triple H and DX carried that burden together to elevate their game and beat the WCW.

I´ve said it before, it shouldn´t be about repeating history, it should be about inventing new stars and not make a new Steve Austin or new Rock, because it is impossible to compare Austin with Kennedy.
Kennedy was never used properly as a face and his face turn came across as being confusing to most.

I'm sorry but this is really a cop out that I've seen posted over and over about lots of other guys. I bet I've ran across a hundred different posts that say the same thing about guys like Raven and Shane Douglas. The company's they worked for just didn't know how to use them, they weren't booked properly, etc. Another very good possibility is that none of these guys, Kennedy included, are simply as good as their fans believe and, at times, almost desperately try to convince everyone else of. Nobody was confused by Kennedy, it's just that whenever he really started to build up any momentum, he was put out of commission for one reason or another. It's hard to get behind a guy that's there one day and, quite literally, gone the next. Kennedy was pretty good at cutting promos, I'll grant that. In the ring, there was nothing to brag about. The WWE did push this guy, they gave him shot after shot but, for whatever reason, it didn't happen. They put him into feuds with guys like HBK and the Undertaker, he won the MITB match at WrestleMania, he won the WWE United States Championship, Vince helped get the guy into a movie, a shitty movie but a movie nonetheless. Vince had Kennedy be one of the stars representing the WWE at the Republican National Convention, encouraging viewers to get out and vote.

I'd like to have seen the guy succeed in the WWE. But, whether it was physical weakness or the stars lined up agains thim or bad karma or whatever, the point is that the WWE hasn't really lost much.
I still can't understand what was so special about Kennedy that got you thinking he has the it factor and the next big thing.I don't mean I hate Kennedy but I doubt what made you think Kennedy is the next big thing.Okay no one could've ever thought Steve Austin was gonna be the biggest star of the company.Maybe right now Burchill has that it factor too but we may not see it.Telling Kennedy is the next big thing can be acceptable as long as you tell the reason as well.

This guy sucked in the ring,mic work was good but nothing near to Austin or Rock not even near to Edge,Cena or Jericho_Other than repeating his name on mic crowd really never fully got into his promos.Other than that WWE kept pushing this guy even though he failed at every chance they gave him.Even though he has that it factor to be the next big thing he can never capitalize it.Vince had every right to fire Kennedy.Please show someone that Vince was higher on than him.Vince gave him US title shot he failed,he gave him MITB he failed,he gave him a storyline(Being Vince's son) to push him for further storylines he failed.He failed every in every opportunity he got.

So please tell or show me what makes this guy that special to be death of WWE.If your argument is true then it means Kennedy is the biggest superstar in wrestling business.Because you bet on something that even Hogan,Austin and Rock couldn't do when they left the company.Please tell me why this guy is so overrated.He might've become a ME in WWE if he was not injured all the time but that's all Kennedy can do even he gives his best.That's it so tell me what makes Kennedy so special.
Kennedys run on smackdown was very solid and pretty injury free if memory serves me right. It wasn't until his jump to Raw that things started going south for him. (Which seems to be quite the pattern for various wrestlers.)

No actually he dropped the MITB case whilst still on smackdown due to a pectorial injury, which had him off of tv until the next wrestlemania from the time he won it so he couldnt continue, it wasnt an over-reaction it was wwe securing the prestige of the case.

Mr Kennedy is not claiming to be innocent from anything I've seen. He's taken resposibility for certain things and pointed the finger for other things. That sounds much more realistic then saying "It was all Kennedy!" or "It was all WWE!"

Actually its was all Kennedy I am pointing the finger because the guy basically was pushed to the moon, he got a film role and the WWE doesn't give those types of deals away, you have to be worth something in order for them to consider you to ever get a WWE film, the fact was though Kennedy was injured around 85% of his time in the WWE and i aint exaggerating.

Wasn't Batista on that pharmacy list? Then magically wasn't? This was at a point where prob. 75% of the roster was taking steroids and Vince knew it. To say Kennedy is to blame because Benoit murdered his family and WWE got a fire lit under its ass is silly. That's bad timing. At the time Kennedy was playing by the unspoken rule of wrestling and piss poor timing got him screwed by it. Regardless of how you feel about steroids in wrestling to discredit Kennedy for it while letting it go for tons of other wrestlers who made it big because they didn't draw the short straw is ridiculous. Not to mention he got burned by WWE putting him in the media and him claiming not to use steroids when asked. If that's not a damned if you do damned if you don't situation idk what is. Was he supposed to say "Yeah, I'm roiding baby!" that would have got him fired even quicker.

Actually Batista wasn't it was a misquote by one of the dirt sheets who printed it, and trust me i am no batista fan but i am defending the guy on this, he probably is taking but he didnt actually buy it from the same place kennedy did, the worst part was Kennedy went on a stupid campaign going nuts on guys like benoit, he may have thought that it was the right thing to do but when his name came up it made the company look stupid, batista never actually said anything Kennedy went around with the higher then though attitude.

Him dropping the MITB to Edge was a huge over reaction by the WWE. Undertaker was injured and they needed to get the belt off him so they decided to have Edge get the cheap win ala MITB. Kennedy ended up being out for what? A month? Even if he would have been out for 6 months he could have kept the MITB.

Yeah and basically kill whatever momentum the case has, yeah good idea, the silly thing is the WWE actually did the right thing, they made sure they protected the case and made kennedy start from the ground up building him up for the fans again.

With Kurt Angle you know who he is and what to expect. He never got huge ratings for WWE on his own. Why anyone would think that'd be any different if he went to TNA is beyond me. Kennedy on the other hand has not reached his prime or his peak. Kennedy would create a new following, not hope to bring over 4 million viewers from WWE TV.

The difference between angle and kennedy, well there is nothing they both trashed the wwe after getting let go, but the main thing here is WWE did the right thing, Kennedy was a bad investment and they had to drop him before someone else got hurt, he went around blogging that his injuries where due to wrestlers not protecting him when actually more or less was due to the fact that he didnt protect himself.
Mr. Kennedy is overrated. He was another product of the WWE machine, nothing more, nothing less. The only reason he is over with a lot of fans is because we all want to see a big star made, so we latch on to any talent that reminds of the past WWE. People compare him to the Rock on the mic, Austin in the ring, in hopes he will bring back the joy we are missing, all the while we learn he is overrated, can't wrestler well & is gets hurt too many times for a mid-card talent with no tenure to back him up.

He may or may not do well in TNA as TNA had him before & did nothing with him, so what are they going to do now since the WWE made him a internet wrestling home name. So before we calim how great he is, lets wait & see.
Why do people keep mentioning Kennedy being in TNA before? He was never on the roster, he just jobbed in a couple of matches. And you know what, Kennedy may not be very good in the ring. When did thdt start mattering? I just find it hilarious that so many people risk making themselves look like asses tearing into Sedated, even though he hasn't stated a single thing that could be considered impossible or even unlikely. Everything you guys say about Kennedy was said about Austin when he was fired. Look how that turned out. When you really think of all the up and comers in the undercard these days, is there anybody who even comes close to matching the charisma Kennedy has? Highly doubt it.
No actually he dropped the MITB case whilst still on smackdown due to a pectorial injury, which had him off of tv until the next wrestlemania from the time he won it so he couldnt continue, it wasnt an over-reaction it was wwe securing the prestige of the case.QUOTE]

That is actually incorrect there Deejlar. He suffered a massive hematoma, whatever that is, and was out of action for about a month. Then a couple months later in September he was suspended for 30 days as part of the steroid scandal. After that he returned and competed up until WM 24, where he was part of the MITB match, and then he went to film behind enemy lines. So he was totally on tv, minus a couple months, up until WM 24. I don't know where you got your facts from Deejlar. I wikipedia'd mine, so it's credible info.

I like Mr. Kennedy and can't wait until he gets to TNA, so I can start watching that on a regular basis. As for if he'll turn out to be a mega-star, well who knows? Predicting the next big thing is virtually un-predictable. I mean you would never have guessed that the Thug John Cena would end up becoming the face of the company. Or that Rocky Maivia would turn out to be loved by the millions..... and MILLIONS of fans. So you never know what could happen in the world of pro-rasslin.
Mr Kennedy being the next Austin Seems to deffinately be the hot topic at the moment...

I'm not too sure if i see it... Don't get me wrong im a fan of Ken Anderson and i find him hugely entertaining but i think his best time with the WWE was when he was a heel...

I remember when he first came onto Smackdown and instantly i thought "this guy has got an edge to him... his mic skills alone will get him into the main events in future years" but then unfortunately Ken suffered a massive setback in numerous injuries which stalled his rise...

If Mr Kennedy had stayed fit then he would be my main choice for one of the main events at Wrestlemania 26 but instead were looking at his possible debut within TNA...

Ken will do well within TNA but im not sure that their creative team will be able to do enough with him at the moment...

If we are comparing Austin with Ken then we have to look at another factor... Who did Austin face in the WWE on his big rise? He first had a small rivalry with Savio Vega which got him noticed and then after becoming established with his character as Stone Cold at the King of the Ring he moved onto a classic fued with Bret Hart. From there on the rest is history...

So who will Ken have as his 'Bret Hart' type of opponent in TNA? The obvious choices are either Kurt Angle or Bobby Lashley.

Now i think that Kurt Angle Vs Ken Anderson could be great if it was as well written as the Bret Vs Austin storyline but i don't trust TNA enough to do a good enough job... They will get the Mafia involved and lose focus by adding other wrestlers such as Sting or Scott Steiner to the mix.

The other side of the coin i think might be that the better schedule for Ken in TNA might help him build fitness and avoid any further injuries... Possibly after a stint in TNA WWE might consider him back if he proves popular in TNA and should Ken want to rejoin the WWE.

Either way Ken Anderson being the death of WWE? Potential to do damage but in reality i don't think it will happen.
Awhile back I saw a guy named Mr. Kennedy in the WWE. I can't remember the exact first time I noticed him, or what he was saying. I do how ever remember one thing - I was captivated, interested even! When he talked - I listened. When he fought a match - I sat on the edge of my seat. I wasn't reaching for the remote to fast fwd, I wasn't falling asleep. I was booing in my head each time he was attacked, and cheering each time he was on offense.

Now, I've seen a lot of people bash Mr. Kennedys in ring work. I've seen people say he's sloppy, I've seen people say he's careless. To that I say: Exactly! His matches look real! This isn't because he's sloppy, this isn't because he doesn't know what he's doing. This is because he's giving 125%. This is because he's wrestling with emotion. If you don't see the similaritys between some of Mr. Kennedys matches and Austins matches then you're just not looking.

This is a young man who's motivated, talented, oozes with charisma and seems to be willing to learn from his mistakes. This is a guy who has all the tools to be a superstar. Paul Heyman, Undertaker and even Stone Cold him self have all seen something in Mr. Kennedy. Hell, even Vince saw something in Mr. Kennedy. All this guy has to do is stop letting things get in his way, be it other people or him self. I think he's ready to do that and I think he's going to do it in TNA. And if he does? People will watch, people will listen and most importantly: People will care again.

Mr Kennedy doesn't need big scripts, he doesn't need hand holding. He needs a place where he will be allowed to be him self while given SOME direction and if TNA manages to do that, mark my words: Mr. Kennedy will blow up right in Vinces face.

It reminds me all too much of a certain steve williams being fired from WcW by one Eric Bichoff who was losing control of the ship he was sailing. Well, now the foot is on the other shoe. Except it's not Bichoff - It's Vince and it's not Steve Williams - It's Ken Anderson and this is his turn to save wrestling.

I would love nothing more than you to be right. Problem is you are wrong. If Mr. Kennedy keeps injuring himself and other wrestlers, he will be a burden to any company he works for.
This is really a two-fold idea concerning Mr. Anderson.

The RAW Roster has definitive lines between all of the tiers & divisions. You have guys associated to be in the Main event, you have guys associated to be mid-carders & you have guys associated to be undercarders. Out of all of the wrestlers on RAW before the firing, who was the only man to be in the uppermidcard area? Your answer = Mr. Kennedy. He was the only person that could successfully transition between the midcard & the main event & could of been the man to provide a break from the current locked-down Main Event area & shut the mouths of the IWC. However, there are many points that provide for evidence as to why Kennedy will not be the death of the WWE.

Firstly, the 15-man Donald Trump trade between all three brands & giving the Undisputed Tag Team Championships to Jericho/Edge/Show aided the RAW Main Event situation. The superstars from RAW being traded away from the brand was a great move as they would not have succeeded in their endeavours. You have Mark Henry going for a face push showing his dominance & is now in the uppermidcard area. Jack Swagger & Evan Bourne have HUGE followings and can easily be pushed to the main event scene with the point of VKM's finger, despite the fact they do not have the right experience to do so as of yet. Adding the Titles on Jericho sends another ME guy onto RAW to compete. IF Edge wasn't injured, you could add him as well to make some excitement.

Secondly, The Miz. This guy has the charisma, the look & the following. Pretty much the same as Mr. Kennedy, except that The Miz's wrestling abilities overall are actually a little better than Kennedy's. He also is a reliable asset who has not been caught for the Wellness Policy & is not injury prone. Why not give this guy a run into the Main Event? Oh wait... they did so to test the waters & he was successful in his endeavours.

Now, the question of what is the death of the WWE does not lie with Mr Kennedy, though he was a factor. The question lies with the development of talent that the company failed to do a couple of years ago. However, they are working towards a solution towards this problem. Let's just hope Jeff Hardy signs a new contract, no superstar gets injured/suspended/leaves the company & WWE continues to build the main event for the future. They have a lot of talent they could use that isn't being used well...
I agree with the fact that for the WWE to completely fail it will take more than one superstar to do it. WWE can only destroy itself... Whilst TNA can only come close without achieveing all on their part.

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