Mr. Belding Wants To Be Raw GM


Getting Noticed By Management

"Dennis Haskins (aka Mr. Belding) joined Kevin Cerrito and Marcus Hunter on MSL to talk about his campaign to be the next WWE Raw general manager, his time on Saved by the Bell, TMZ naming him the “Greatest TV Principal of All Time“, plus much more."

Apparantly he has a twitter campaign where he is trying to convince WWE to make him the permanant Raw GM. As many of you may know, he's friends with The Miz and has appeared on Zack Ryder's show a few times. What do you guys think about this? I could easily see him being a guest Raw GM and then see how things go. I'd personally much rather see him than some of these other guest GM's who don't know anything about wrestling. But for Mr. Belding, he already has an authority figure gimmick as the principal of Bayside High. I could easily see him being interesting in a permanant role of Raw GM. The adults old enough to remember Saved By The Bell would mark out for it, and kids would surely like him too. He certainly wouldn't be the worst GM ever. Heck, I think he'd be better than Teddy Long at least. Thoughts?
I think its the stupidest thought Ive ever heard. Half the audience wouldnt know who he is to begin with. It was nice to see him on True Long Island story one time, but then he came back the next week and I just wasnt into it.

I can promise you that nobody would " mark out " if belding walked out. He would probably get less of a reaction then Grand Master Sexxay! when he came out on raw lol.

Heyman and Bish were the only GMs that I enjoyed, back when the draft actually meant something.
Ignoring what ^That guy^ just said....

Mr. Belding is a 90s TV sensation and has a lot of upcoming projects that could do a very great promoting job if he gets to be a Raw host. For the people who aren't casual fans, but loved Saved by the Bell, it would be a nice way for WWE to garner in more fans... even if for one night. It would also be a nice way for WWE to get someone like Mr. Belding into one of their films with maybe a John Cena or even a Randy Orton, which again would give them more recognition.

Also, he's got chemistry with two guys in WWE as it is so adding him to the backstage area couldn't be too bad. Afterall, he's a long time fan from the MEMPHIS area where wrestling was real huge. So for him to be in WWE, it would benefit just as well as Freddie Prince Jr. has benefited in terms of creativity. I also like the idea of WWE reaching out to more entertainment creative people and getting more writers that way. It's not a terrible idea, especially when one of those writers is a former writer for a popular TV show.
Wasn't he the guy who had a backstage segment with D'Lo Brown, Billy Kidman and Dawn Marie at Unforgiven '02? He spoke so low I couldn't make out a damn thing, and I think he talked about getting a lotta poontang on the show.

Raw GM? Please no, I think this gimmick should lay dead for a few years and it always makes more sense getting in an ex-wrestler than a perverted principal.

Wait, wasn't he the guy who played Robin's father in early HIMYM? The man speaks like he'll cut ya, and then do your mamma.
Quite possibly the worst idea ever. It was moderately amusing the first time he showed up on Z!TLIS, but then he showed up again and it was fucking creepy. Why not get Steve Guttenberg instead? At least he did some cool shit in his movies, like when he was driving the car in the valet lot in Police Academy, and then rammed it inbetween two other cars. That was so cool. Way cooler than a balding fat guy that looks like a child molester.
Only way it works is if they bring Dustin Diamond in for a "Saved By The Bell Match"... I could see Belding in his corner against Miz or someone who grew up in that era... but as GM... never... Only one guy should be GM ever... Regal... simply the best at that role yet...
Consider the 1-2-12 video solved. While were at it this can be the reveal of the Anonymous Raw GM and bigger purpose of The Nexus. Zack Attack can play "Friends Forever" at WM this year. I just hope Jesse Spano can pass the WWE wellness tests - "I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so tired."

I would mark out as hard as anyone for this to happen but it is about as unlikely as they come. The novelty/nostalgia would wear off incredibly quickly. Love the thought but a GM needs to have some backbone and a clue. Belding worked as a kids show character but WWE has a wider audience to fulfill.
That's easily THEE MOST ******ed thing I've ever heard... Mr. Belding should do that and then Zack should startUp a stable with Slater as the Muscle, Screech as the Manager and Kelly as the HOT co-Manager... Give me a break. lol

The Raw GM should be Me! I have some ideas ESPECIALLY for "It Begins" and as soon as they allow me to make a post... You will all see exactly what Im talkN about... Check my comment on ...

I think its really good, personally.
Given that WWE is in good with NBC, I hope that they can turn him loose and he goes full blown Mr. Belding with it. I can already see him popping up during an argument between CM Punk or John Cena or whoever the fuck with that patented "Hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?" I really want this to happen, guys should get off of the soapbox, WWE is sports entertainment and this would really add to the entertainment part of it or it couldn't hurt. At least, not as much as a man that obviously weighs under 200 lbs being World Heavyweight Champion hurts the credibility of the "sports" part of it.(Daniel Bryan in the house.)

I honestly would take anything over John Laurinaitas. So yes, give me Mr. Belding. Hell, I'll settle for Mr. Cotter.

Man, if they could get Horshack and Washington to come in with Mr. Kotter.
I really have no interest in seeing Mr. Belding in anything, yet alone on Raw.

He's just an actor that was on a sitcom 20 years ago. Might as well let Urkel co-host.
I would actually LOVE for this to happen for a one night thing and then see where it goes from there... The reason being, A) he was already an actor so he'll know what he's doing and B) he's actually a wrestling fan!!! That's a hell of a lot more than can be said for most of the celebrity raw GMs and even permanent ones like Mike Adamle (holy shit that really was the lowest point in WWE I think). The fact that he is a wrestling fan makes all the difference to me, it would come off as such and would be fun, definitely for a one night thing and if he does a good job then fuck it, what's the problem.
You have the goofy GM over on Smackdown, Belding would be a worse version of Teddy Long... The RAW GM needs to be someone with real attitude and experience of being A WRESTLER... Trips was ok in the role, it would have worked had he not wrestled... Regal worked cos he was believable as a guy who did the best for the show but could cause problems if people messed with him...
There aren't too many fans who remember Dennis Haskin's especially considering the kiddie fan base that exists today in the WWE.

For myself I wouldn't be against it as long as AC Slater, Zach Morris and Screech Powers make a cameo since Belding isn't nearly as interesting without those 3 in the picture. If its just Mr. Belding then no, he isn't big enough by himself to get much of a reaction. Hell Belding and the 3 main stars aren't big enough together but I loved Saved by the Bell as a kid so I would be up for it.
Awesome! Then we could have backstage skits just like Saved By The Bell.

Zack Ryder- Zach Morris
Eve - Kelly
Lisa - Alicia Fox
A.C. Slater - Alex Riley
Jesse - Layla
Screech - Hornswoggle
Mr. Tuttle - Paul Bearer
Tori - Natalya

Yeah I could totally see this working. NOT!

Honestly, I would rather watch a Saved By The Bell themed porno than watch WWE slap together some off-beat early 90's, the kids of this generation wont get, crap!

Thanks...but no thanks.
Is WWE considering this?, if not than I don't see any reason to get upset over it. Also if they were to consider this it's not like it would be the wost choice they've ever made for Raw GM, need I remind you all of Mike Adamle?

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