Most underrated & overrated of ALL TIME!!

Most Underrated- JOHN CENA, I may hate his character but that is about it about him now. I just met him yesterday he is a extremely nice person and I now understand his character more.

Honorable mention-Kane, I also met Kane yesterday and had a full conversation with him thanking him for everything he has done for the business. But he is incredibly underrated. He is a great wrestler in reality and a damn good talker...very VERY underated

Most Overrated- Daniel Bryan- Great wrestler? Yes!, Great talker? No. People boo Reigns for being terrible on the mic. But much like Bryan is a great wrestler. Reigns has actually become a better talker than Bryan!!! Fact! I'm a Bryan fan, but he is a bit overrated.
92: great match with Davey to win the IC title and a good ppv main event with Bret in his rookie year as a singles wrestler
93: match of the year with Marty
94: Match of the year (5stars) with Razor
95: match of the year with Nash at mania
96: match of the year (near 5 stars) with Bret
97: match of the year candidate with Taker (near 5 stars). Easily MOTY if not for the austin/Bret Classic at wm13.

Yea, michaels sure did suck during those years.

Another underrated wrestler I forgot to add:
Al Snow (98) I feel like he could have had a solid ic title run due to how good he was in the ring. Also found his gimmick entertaining

Oh the match of the year with the guy he got fired cos he was competition and he had to job as punishment when Vince was told by Hennig that he'd boasted about lying/fucking Marty over? Or the one a few weeks later when it became clear his lies had destroyed Jannetty?

Oh the match that had never been seen before with a Ladder and a FAR superior worker who really was the star?

Oh the match with his best bud that couldn't close out Mania and came from a pathetic Rumble win that took half an hour?

Oh the match with the best technical worker of his era that had to end 1-0 in overtime cos Shawn STILL wouldn't take a pinfall?

Of those the only one that actually has merit is the Hell in A Cell... The Ladder match was more Razor's doing than Shawn's but he gets no credit, Bret was the biggest component of the Iron Man match and the Davey Boy Match was NOT great... it was the worst title change we'd had to that point.

I get from your name you love HBK and I forgive you, a lot of people do... but just cos WWE "voted" it match of the year or PWI's fake kayfabe awards did doesn't make it so.

To a match, every "great" match Shawn had in that early run is attributed to him in the main, but was actually down to his opponent rather than him, WWE has long spun Shawn as the messiah...he never was. I don't see how anyone can watch that first Ladder match for example and believe Razor wasn't the better guy. This is a guy who only ever lost a title to Sid and Austin, he either vacated or was stripped of all his others rather than do a job.

Shawn gets credit for DX, for the Rockers split - he WAS capable of great stuff, but he chose 9 out of 10 times to be a selfish prick and a master of hiding others light under his bushel. He got better the 2nd time around, but I knew even first time around he was the emperors new clothes a lot of the time...
I'll agree with JH here. Most of the people don't even know the meaning of Overrated and Underrated. If someone is good, then he's underrated. If someone is bad, then he's overrated.

I'd go further and say no one is overrated. Everyone got their chance and they failed to attract. Whomever y'all are claiming to be overrated aren't overrated. (Yes, I did say that.)

Speaking of underrated, I have few candidates.

William Regal - What a solid guy he is! He has marvellous technical ability. But, the guy never got a World Title Reign. He's also a very good talker. Can perform any kinda duty. He's the alone authority figure I like.
Oh the match of the year with the guy he got fired cos he was competition and he had to job as punishment when Vince was told by Hennig that he'd boasted about lying/fucking Marty over? Or the one a few weeks later when it became clear his lies had destroyed Jannetty?

Oh the match that had never been seen before with a Ladder and a FAR superior worker who really was the star?

Oh the match with his best bud that couldn't close out Mania and came from a pathetic Rumble win that took half an hour?

Oh the match with the best technical worker of his era that had to end 1-0 in overtime cos Shawn STILL wouldn't take a pinfall?

Of those the only one that actually has merit is the Hell in A Cell... The Ladder match was more Razor's doing than Shawn's but he gets no credit, Bret was the biggest component of the Iron Man match and the Davey Boy Match was NOT great... it was the worst title change we'd had to that point.

I get from your name you love HBK and I forgive you, a lot of people do... but just cos WWE "voted" it match of the year or PWI's fake kayfabe awards did doesn't make it so.

To a match, every "great" match Shawn had in that early run is attributed to him in the main, but was actually down to his opponent rather than him, WWE has long spun Shawn as the messiah...he never was. I don't see how anyone can watch that first Ladder match for example and believe Razor wasn't the better guy. This is a guy who only ever lost a title to Sid and Austin, he either vacated or was stripped of all his others rather than do a job.

Shawn gets credit for DX, for the Rockers split - he WAS capable of great stuff, but he chose 9 out of 10 times to be a selfish prick and a master of hiding others light under his bushel. He got better the 2nd time around, but I knew even first time around he was the emperors new clothes a lot of the time...

This post just screams blind hatred. Yes I will admit (and Shawn has admitted many times) he was a prick during this time period. You can't take away what he did in the ring. He was the best. Saying he wasn't the reason for the ladder match being great is just ridiculous. Saying he couldn't take a pin in the iron man match (when he was never asked to) takes all merit from your post. Shawn is arguably the greatest ever, get over it
HBK was a great wrestler.... but because so many people harp on about him being the greatest of all time, and WWE showcase him as 'Mr Wrestlemania' etc and the best ever etc (so the audience can drink the Michael Kool Aid)... I can understand why he has been picked by some.
Shawn has always been more of a fantastic bumping machine than a 'wrestlers' wrestler, like a Hart, Angle, Benoit who use a lot of mat based offence and submissions in their repertoire.

However my pick is Undertaker for overated. In his prime he could move for a big man.... though a lot of his offence in his earlier years was (deliberately) slow- and I can't remember that many great matches he was in till he started fueding with Bret and Michaels in 1997.
He was in couple of very good Mania matches with Shawn too.... but because of who he is, Taker is the guy who gets the 25 minute match slot on the card, whereas younger workers in their prime might only be allocated 7 or 8 minutes..... plus Michael can carry anyone to a good match.
Taker is another one who gets the top legend showcase on WWE screens... whilst yes he is a legend, he has never at any point in his career been the one bonna fida top star in the company. In the early 90s you had Hogan/Warrior who were bigger stars at the time, 1992-95 Bret was the main man, 1996-97 Bret and Shawn, into the Attitude era, Austin, Rock, Foley, Triple H were ahead of Taker..... as have Brock, Cena, Orton in more recent years.
Taker has had a great career, but its his longevity that is the key.... as there has always been bigger stars on the roster at any given time.

Remember when people are saying overated it doesn't mean they are bad.... just not as amazing as people make out. The living legend treatment Taker receives is a bit over the top for me.
Overrated: Shawn Michaels.

The lowest drawing WWE champion of all time. Was then glorified and manipulated as Nr1 by WWE when he retired. Awful.

Underrated: Kurt Angle.

I still feel that WWE/Triple H not getting Kurt Angle back shows that they don't know their audience. Kurt Angle as the goofy hell "You suck you suck" entrance was funny. I loved to hate Angle as many many others.
This is a very interesting topic, I may have to come back several times for this section.
These entries are simply my opinion and that's about it


Slightly overrated. Great athlete, absolutely. A solid worker. However, lousy draw, ok talker (as long as you scripted him to get the upperhand), could be very predictable in the ring. Not to mention he forfeited his titles more than any other performer I've seen.

Slightly overrated. Passionate about the business, good worker, but too many damn title reigns, too much mike time. He's forever in the Rock's shadow.

Ok in the ring, on the mike, he truly has over achieved by being a former world champ.

Randy Orton
Slightly, great in the ring, brutal on the mike. Like H, Sheamus,and Hbk, the ridiculous overselling of their greatness and the constant forcing of him into the main event picture makes him (and them) hard to stomach.

New Age Outlaws
A part of DX, got huge pops when they did their little schtick but they were two lower mid carders who got together and were a decent team who got a ridiculously long run. Beside their routine, they weren't anything to write home about on the mike or in the ring.


Bam Bam Bigelow
Had agility, could use his size well, horribly under utilized in WWE.

Same as Bam Bam. WCW knew how to use him, a monster heel who killed everything in his path.

Don Muraco
The original Rock. He was a phenomenal IC champ, a solid heel with Mr Fuji and severely underrated on the mike.

Paul Orndorff
Mr. Wonderful. The name says it all, no IC strap, no tag title run yet he was solid in the ring, on the mike, good as a heel or a face. He really deserved better.

Too Cold Scorpio
Never got much of a shot in WWE, had a decent run in WCW. His mike skills could've been better but he had the goods in the ring and a solid worker.
If anyone thinks Hulk Hogan is overrated, I would like to know How the **** is this possible? The guy drew the most money/crowds for every territory he worked for since his role in Rocky 3. Yeah, I know some people say Austin drew more, but Austin's run was short and by then his merchandise was much more accessible. As HTM said, you couldn't just walk into Walmart and buy a Hulk Hogan t-shirt in the 80s. You had to go the arena or order it from the catalog. That makes a huge difference in overall sales. Not to mention, Austin had the entire roster touring with him while the WWF in the 80s ran 3 shows a night. He's not personally my taste, but I would be a fool to deny that the guy was the biggest star in the history of the business. I lived in Japan for 3 years. There are people there that don't know who the Rock or Steve Austin is. EVERYBODY I've ever met from Japan knows who Hulk Hogan is.

With that said:

Most overrated:

Shawn Michaels-I previously made a thread as to why I think this is the case.

The Undertaker-Also made a thread, but I'll say it here:
-His work sucks
-Never drew (this is why I don't put Hogan in this category, he drew)
-Has one of the worst WM main events to his credit against Sid

Most Underrated:

Dean Malenko:
-To pull off a move like the gut buster from the second rope and not get any credit as a good worker is an absolute crime

-Was easily one of the best technical wrestlers of all time and hardly gets any credit for it

-JJ Dillon said in his shoot that he made moves look effortless as a criticism, which goes to show just how talented the guy is

The Honky Tonk Man-It seems like the Meltzer type of fans that respect draws will give him credit, but that's it. The dude pretty much innovated how shoot interviews were to be done and had podcasts going way before anybody else. Also, to draw as long as he did as a heel in 1980s WWF is pretty remarkable considering how Vince rarely pushes heels.

Scott Steiner:

-Innovated moves and did things that no one has ever done before or since (moonsault powerslam)

-Easily one of the best tag wrestlers ever

-Had great matches in every company he ever worked for before he hurt his back

-Major draw as a tag team wrestler

Triple H: For all the reasons stated so many times before. He is also a momentum-killer. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Sting are the latest casualties of his over-inflated ego.


Ravishing Rick Rude: Had all the key ingredients to be a great WWE Heavyweight champion, but was never given the ball to run with it.

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