Most Shocking moment of 2006?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok so some shocking things have happened in 2006 but what do you think was most shocking?!

1.Rey winning the rumble
2.Orton goin to Mania in main event
3.Angle going to smackdown! and winning world title
4.Edge cashing in Money in the bank
5.Edge winning his second WWE title on Raw[of all places]
6.ECW Restarted
7.RVD and Sabu busted for Drugs
8.Return of DX
9.Angle Leaving WWE
10.The great khali suking balls at wrestling
Yea That was one of the bigger ones for me He made no indication he was gunna leave and left without telling anyone
Kurt Angle going to ECW and leaving.
Randy Orton suspended for smoking a joint!
Rey Mysterio winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title.
King Booker winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title.
10) Vince inviting god to backlash lmao that was quite funny
9)Edge winning the title!!! AT LAST!
8) ECW coming back
7) Undertaker vs Great Khali...seys it all
6) Saturday Nights Main Event s ratings wasnt bad shows
5) That leap by Shelton bengamin at Mania
4) Angle leaving was awful!!
3)Bret Hart NOT AT MANIA!
2)dX back...That great night of 19th June
1) Trish and Lita retiring;'(
Yea those also surprised me I forgot about orton an his little drug mishap I do not follow wrestleres off Raw Storys that I do not like Or think they are to over rated.
That didnt really surprise me....Orton was being a dick at the time
yea he is supposidly a dick backstage also which would not surprise me really He might have been spoiled from His father bering Cowboy Bob orton after all
i gotta say angle leaving but first thing that would come to mind was the dx return but everyone new it was comming so ima tie the angle leaving and when marty jenetty came back(the 1st time) i didnt read all those spoilers and shit at the time so i was pretty shocked i was like wow the rockers or back then he just dissapeared lol
Them giving the title to Mysterio instead of Orton, I wan't expecting that but IMO it sucked, especially when he just got battered senseless every week, what a champion!

I'm glad Angle left, he needed to fix his life up. I'm still sad that he WWE lost one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
Rey Mysterio sucks full stop. Gotta big push from Eddie (R .I.P bro) and didnt deserve it at all and the storyline now still sucks
deadmanwalking2007 said:
Rey Mysterio sucks full stop. Gotta big push from Eddie (R .I.P bro) and didnt deserve it at all and the storyline now still sucks

agreed man, rey had no business with the WHC he is a cruiserweight that would be like jamie noble getting the WHC, i mean come on the belt was bigger than he was, it was pathetic, that was the most shocking moment to me when rey won the RR cuz i knew that if he won that then he would win at WM.... man what a disgrace.
What sucked was that he won it via Eddie and it really sucked
yea Really Where does WWE get off doin that anyways? If anyone should have got it...Chavo should have!
Cena Alsmothavign a longest reign in 10 years almsot beating JBl only to get it takin away by Edge[Good move WWE last thing Cena needs is aontehr record]
Cena doesnt hold a music or wwe

Its called trash
So far ( we still got 3 months left)

1. Kurt Angle being mutually terminated( he did not leave as some of u put it: it was suggested that he leave: in other words he was nicely fired)

2. The Great Khali defeating the Undertaker with a foot on his chest at Judement Day

3.Tie( King Booker and Edge winning their respective world titles: King Booker because I thought i would see the return of Christ before Vince put the world title on a pure african american man and Edge because he had been held down so long : I knew eventually they would have to give him the belt just did not expect it so soon. Both were good surprises(except this dumb King storyline they got Booker T doing)
The most shocking by far was Angle Leaving..Personally I was devastated

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