Most Over-Rated Film of All Time

What Wins The Zonie For Most Over-Rated Movie Of All Time?

  • Avatar

  • No Country For Old Men

  • Titanic

  • Scarface

  • Fight Club

  • Field Of Dreams

  • The English Patient

  • Forrest Gump

  • Chicago

  • LOTR: The Fellowship Of The Ring

  • Casablanca

  • The Matrix

  • Superbad

  • Fargo

  • The Dark Knight

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone

2011 Zonie Awards

Nominees Most Over-Rated Film of All Time


No Country for Old Men



Fight Club

Field of Dreams

The English Patient

Forrest Gump


LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring


The Matrix



The Dark Knight

*discussion will be open until Monday, May 23rd, on which date the polls will open and voting will be permitted. No spamming, no flaming.

Looking over the list the choice seems very clear, and that clear choice is Avatar. One of the single most overhyped craptatsic films ever. Everything about that film was canned generic Hollywood bullshit.

The storyline has been done a thousand times over, and Avatar had a clear taste of that. the acting was bad, the actors where bad, the writing was as cheesy as a Cena promo and I could give a fuck about 3D, if anything it just ads to the reason this film was so over hyped.

Honorable mention to Dark Knight which was shit compared to Batman Begins.

I haven't seen Avatar yet, but to me, it's too new to be "over rated." Besides, I highly doubt the film itself is really over rated, or rated at all for that matter. It was highly experimental, being the first HUGE budget film to really usher in the new 3D film experience era. It's meant for its visual and auditory brilliance, and in that way, it accomplished its task.

No Country for Old Men

Another I haven't seen. Doesn't render my opinion any less valuable, though. Another film that is too new to be "over rated." Maybe it was over hyped a bit for that one year, but that's it. Since then, it's tapered off significantly.


Now we're talking. This film was EVERYWHERE for the balance of the late 90's. People were seeing this in theatres 10-15 times. It was Leo DiCaprio's most pedestrian performance, and yet the one he's most noted for. He was better in Basketball Diaries - hell, he was better on Growing Pains! It's a stylish dramatization - hardly a massive docudrama.


My nomination, AND my pick. Nobody is swaying me here. This movie is shit, and yet people all over swear it's a top crime film. It's bloody awful. I pulled this excerpt off the net which speaks to my opinion wonderfully:

There is not a single character in this movie you can really care about. Al Pacino’s performance mostly consists of using a terrible, fake Cuban accent and shouting “fuck” every other word. This movie marks Pacino’s first real foray into loud over-acting. And while Pacino’s performances in the Godfather films, Serpico, and Glengarry Glen Ross are rich and complex, in this film, he deliver little more than a loud, two-hour Cuban caricature.

The worst part of this film is Michelle Pfeiffer. She's awful. No passion, no depth. I have rarely been less interested in a love-interest in a crime film. Goodfellas got Lorainne Bracco. Casino got Sharon Stone. Godfather got Diane Keaton and a solid performance from Talia Shire. Hell, Bronx Tale added depth with that black girl "C" meets. Pfeiffer acts as disinterested ad this film actually makes me.

Fight Club

Now I love this film, but still, it was panned by critics as being glorified violence for violence's sake and pseudo intellectual dialouge. I am not suggesting this film is over rated, but I am acknowledging the fact that many people do feel this way.

Field of Dreams

My Sith-worthy hatred for Kevin Costner grows by the day. This movie took itself WAAAYYYYY too seriously. It's an overly dramatic, campy drama trying to pass itself off as a decent sports film. Its only redeeming quality is the fact that it may be so self-righteous and so over serious that it captures baseball's opinion of itself perfectly.

The English Patient

Complete ambivalence here. Next.

Forrest Gump

Woe to the poster who nominated this film as "Over Rated." I think it was FunKay. This film was brilliant, and I am considering adding the category "best use of music in a film" just to give this movie its due. Tom Hanks, an all time favorite actor of mine, was tremendous in this film. I cared about EVERY SINGLE ONE of those characters, from Forrest to Jenny, Lt. Dan to Bubba, and Sally Field as Mama. This film takes a kaledscope to history and totally reinvents it without ever changing it. That is so hard to do, let alone to do with as much style as this film had.

LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring

My wife: "Honey, Lord of the Rings is on at 8 pm!"

Me: "Which one?"

My wife: "The first one."

Me: "Oh, ok, I guess I don't have to take my sleeping pill...ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz"

So LOTR 1 gets a pass for "lauching the story of the series!?" Not in my book, just as I don't consider The Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels Ironman Match an all-time classic. The first LOTR was Hollywood's version of a nerve hold. Highly over rated.


This film makes the list because it's listed in the top 5 of many all time film lists, and it's on those lists because 1) it's old, 2) the cast was massive, and 3) it delivered some iconic lines. Style aside, it was a good, nay, a great film, but not a top-10 classic like many claim it to be. Then again, maybe Shawshank Redemption should be on this list...

The Matrix

I never got the hype. The film was not that intelligent - talking a bunch of techno mumbo jumbo that makes no sense doesn't make the film intelligent. The same guy who gave me the quote for Scarface gave me this gem:

Third, there’s the ending of this movie, in which Neo is dead until Trinity tells him she loves him, and that makes everything better. Hurray for love! Seriously — the writers seems to have gotten stuck trying to figure out how to revive Neo, and finally gave up. “Screw it,” they must have said, “let’s just say Trinity brings him back with a magic kiss! Genius!”


I mega-loathe this film. It's sophomoric with no charm or style. It's vulgar with no honest actual passion. It tries to make teenaged sexual tension and angst the motivation for the characters' attitudes, but the characters are so over-the-top campy that I can't take the angst or the tension seriously. This film was painful to watch, save for two scene: the beer in the laudry detergent scene and the cops saying "I'm sorry we blocked your cock." I'd have slammed that Red Head, cops or no.


Ambivalent. Someone else take this one.

The Dark Knight

Am I the only one who found the reaction to this film a little overboard. Cast was solid, and the plot was honestly more enthralling than the first Batman with Nicholson as the Joker, but I'm an old schooler. Give me Caesar Romero as the Joker. Heath Ledger was great - did he get the Oscar nomination because of his untimely passing? Maybe not, he was really good in this film, but still - is it really an all time great?

And quite easily too. It maybe a technical and visual spectacle but it's got absolutely nothing else going for it aside form that. And like SSC has just said, it was stupidly over-hyped. It's beyond me how it grossed over a billion dollars at the box-office. It's three hours of samey bullshit and has potentially the most awkwardly scripted 'love scene' I've ever seen, mostly because you know that's actually a dude in a coma.

Honarable mention goes to Titanic. 2 hours of boring, uninteresting rubbish with a stupidly prolonged, yet entertainly dramatic conclusion.
The Dark Knight

Am I the only one who found the reaction to this film a little overboard. Cast was solid, and the plot was honestly more enthralling than the first Batman with Nicholson as the Joker, but I'm an old schooler. Give me Caesar Romero as the Joker. Heath Ledger was great - did he get the Oscar nomination because of his untimely passing? Maybe not, he was really good in this film, but still - is it really an all time great?

I honestly didn't understand the buzz of this movie back in 2007 (or 2008 when it came out?) I am not one of those people who go looking into the depths of the internet to find out info on upcoming entertainment related stuff.

However, after watching it, I would say the hype was somewhat deserved. Heath Ledger was really the only great thing about the movie. His haunting performance just totally overshadowed everyone.. Even if they were good in their roles, but they weren't. Christian Bale had some weird voice thing going on that made him sound like he had a sore throat the whole time. And what's her fucked up face was cast as love interest.. Bitch plz.

This is a hard one for me. There is a good chunk of that list I want to pick...

I think it boils down to The Matrix and Scarface for me.

The Matrix just felt like it was praised only because of the high tech graphics and 'innovative' fight scens. The story was confusing, the acting was shit (really.. Keanu Reeves?), and the overall cinematography was too dark and moody for me.

Scarface just seems overblown because of a couple of iconic scenes here and there. And sure, Michelle Pfeiffer was really hot in this movie. But the movie really drags at time and just feels like it is 30 minutes or so too long for my liking.
Most Over-Rated Film of All Time

Avatar - This is the film I will probably end up voting for. A nice, expensive sci-fi movie, and nothing more. It had a solid story, and sign me up for anything Stephen Lang does. But, the rest of the performances weren't anything to talk about. I think it was good, but not great. The Hurt Locker won Best Picture instead, and I've always been happy about that.

No Country for Old Men - I think this is one of the five best films of the 2000's. Great acting, great story, etc. I'm a mark for the Coen Brothers, have been for years, so no, I don't think this is overrated. Not one bit.

Titanic - Not my kind of film, but I think it takes some unnecessary heat. Yes, it's a sappy love story, and definitely a bit melodramatic at times. But, the ending worked. More important than anything else, the ending had an impact on the audience, in an emotional way. I didn't cry and sniffle like a baby :), but a lot of people did.

Scarface - I would say it's overrated by ignorant college kids, but I think it has its place in history. It was realistic, tough, and keeps your full attention, even with running nearly 3 hours. Pacino was as convincing as he has ever been, and really carried the film.

Fight Club - To say this is overrated, I would have to think it ranks highly among film fans. I think it ranks as a really good movie, but I don't think the majority of people see it as a great film. So no, not overrated.

Field of Dreams - Good sports film. Make it out to be more than just that, and you'd be wrong.

The English Patient - Haven't seen it, no interest in watching it.

Forrest Gump - The Gump character is just awesome. I don't know if this film was important, made a statement, or any of that stuff some people look for. Each time I watch this film, I get lost in the story of Gump. I would say no, it's not overrated.

Chicago - Hate musicals, so yes, overrated.

LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring - This one? The first entry? I find this to be the best of the three. Sure, it probably has the least amount of action, but I thought everything about it worked. Also, I never felt like it should have ended 5 times like I did with The Return of the King.

Casablanca - Definitely overrated, seeing it's considered one of the four or five greatest films of all time. I enjoyed it, the one time I saw it, but I have never understood the hype.

The Matrix - Like Avatar, a solid science fiction film. Difference between the two? The Matrix wasn't called the greatest thing on the planet. Probably right where it belongs, in terms of where it ranks among the greats of all time.

Superbad - Immature, trash of course I enjoyed it on some level. One of the great comedies of all time? Get real.

Fargo - Great film. No idea why it's on this list, outside of some wanting to sound really, really smart by saying it isn't all that great. I loved it.

The Dark Knight - Best comic book adaptation I have ever seen. It took all other comic book films, and flushed them down the toilet. That's how I feel, at least. Ranked right where it should be.

Films I feel should have been included: Crash, Dances with Wolves, Blade Runner, The Color Purple, Die Hard, Fatal Attraction, Grease, Planet of the Apes (original, obviously), and Boyz 'N' The Hood.
Avatar- This one gets way more shit than it deserves. Yes, the story is a recycled plot that has been used more times than the Odessa Staircase shot (lol only film nerds will get that reference), but I can guaran-damn-tee you that James Cameron's intention was not to make a film with a flawless, unique story. His intention was to use the new 3-D technology to create a world that would captivate audiences and make many of them wish that this was a real place. And it worked.

I'd like to ask any major Avatar fans why they liked the film so much, because I'm sure more often than not they'd say it's because of the world of Pandora and the amazing visuals, not because of the characters or plot.

This film doesn't deserve to be the most overrated, but it likely will be.

No Country for Old Men- This movie is so fucking awesome, I get the feeling that whoever nominated it just didn't get it so they put it up. What a putz.

Titanic- Is this overrated? I've never actually seen the whole thing through one sitting, but I don't think many people consider this movie to be that great in the first place.

Scarface- I'm pretty sure I nominated this one, and it's one of my top 3 choices right now (though I am kicking myself for not nominating The Breakfast Club. I fucking HATE that movie). Pacino is great in it, but the whole thing is too long, kinda dull, and a little hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-hammery. It has a huge following despite being vastly inferior to nearly all the organized crime movies that it's compared to.

Fight Club- Most overplayed movie maybe, but this is one of the best films ever made in my opinion.

Field of Dreams- Once again, to be overrated you have to be very highly rated in the first place. Outside of baseball fans, I don't know of anyone who looks at this movie and sees anything more than an above average baseball flick.

The English Patient- Haven't seen it.

Forrest Gump- It is overrated, but only slightly. I think this film is more remembered for Tom Hanks' acting rather than the film itself.

Chicago- I didn't like it, but I don't like musicals. As far as musicals go, though, I understand that this one is one of the better ones ever made.

LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring- What the fuck? This movie is like the Avatar of ten years ago, except instead of having a shit plot is has an awesome plot.

Casablanca- What the FUCK? This is one of the greatest films ever made without a doubt. Acting, plot, historical significance, characters, dialogue, lighting, just about everything in this movie is perfect.

The Matrix- The first one? One of the best sci-fi movies ever made.

Superbad- Probably my second or third choice. People love this movie, but I just couldn't get into it. Truthfully, I should give it another watch through, but the first time I watched it I thought it was pretty unfunny.

Fargo- Third choice. I watched it, and besides France McDormand's great acting as well as a pretty solid performance out of everyone else, the film didn't do much for me. Definitely worthy of another watch through though, as I believe I was very distracted when I watched it the first time.

The Dark Knight- Undoubtedly the best superhero movie ever made.
Scarface would my choice, hands down. I've seen it a few times and it is purely trash. I love Brian De Palma and Al Pacino but this film was so poorly constructed that they couldn't even say it. In fact, both men may have hurt it even more. Pacino was so unbelievable in his portrayal of Tony Montana. The way he spoke was over the top and the things he did were even more so. Also, not to be the right to censor or anything but the use of the word fuck was far to exploited in Scarface. I say fuck a lot but even I thought they said it to much. They were just saying the word to say it, when they could have easily picked other words that would have sufficed. I really don't understand all the hype this film received and still does. It was a trashy representation of Cuban Americans, that just hurt the way many people looked at them anyways.

It's not on the list but I would have nominated Taxi Cab had I actually bothered with the nominations. But, since I didn't I won't go any further into why I think it is incredibly overrated in its own right.
I want to add something to the banter going on about Scarface. Twice, now, people have referenced the use of the "F-bomb" in the film as being overdone. I just want to add that it's not just the number - it's the lack of style. There's a big difference in how the word is used. I'll give you an example.

In Superbad, I feel like the characters are using the word for the sake of the word. It does nothing to enhance their feelings or drive the dialouge. They are just a bunch of obnoxious teens using a dirty work to make themselves sound older than they are, but in the end just making themselves sound dumb.

In Scarface, sadly, the word is basically melded in like a common phrase, the way valley girls use the word "like" or the way people who speak proper English use words such as "the," "and," and "yes." Again, it does nothing for the characters.

Conversely, Joe Pesci makes the word work in both Casino and Goodfellas - especially Casino. It's in the style and inflection he uses. He makes it humorous when it shouldn't be funny:

you Jew mudda-fuckah you!


and what the fuck are you doin' on TV anyhow!?

or just plain forewarning:

You took your boots off? You put your feet on the table? You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smellin' motherfucker you. You fuck me up over there, I'll stick you in a hole in the fuckin' desert!

See? Joe Pesci had style there. No style in Scarface.
Avatar wins it obviously, not a very good plot and no good performances.

Am I one of few who prefered The Dark Knight to Batman Begins?
Avatar- This one gets way more shit than it deserves. Yes, the story is a recycled plot that has been used more times than the Odessa Staircase shot (lol only film nerds will get that reference), but I can guaran-damn-tee you that James Cameron's intention was not to make a film with a flawless, unique story. His intention was to use the new 3-D technology to create a world that would captivate audiences and make many of them wish that this was a real place. And it worked.

It didn't work for me, not in the least bit; but I'm not one to buy into such simplistic audience ploys.

District 9 came out half a year before Avatar and told pretty much the same kind of story; but did it a million times better. The story was better, the acting was better, the fucking visuals where better too.

As you said, it wasn't even James Cameron's intention to make a good movie, he put a visual cluster fuck together, and quite honestly I'd rather get stoned an watch my itunes visualizer.

I'd like to ask any major Avatar fans why they liked the film so much, because I'm sure more often than not they'd say it's because of the world of Pandora and the amazing visuals, not because of the characters or plot.

Just adding to the overrated point, this is the highest grossing film and history and you've just admitted the plot is shit. I'd rather watch fucking Fern Gully, it's a much better film after all.

This film doesn't deserve to be the most overrated, but it likely will be.

It definitely does, as you just said it's nothing more than a visual ploy to stuff Cameron's pockets with cash, the movie is shit even with all the "visuals", it's pure fucking rubbish, and deserves the title of most overrated movie.

The Dark Knight- Undoubtedly the best superhero movie ever made.

Wow, could you be more wrong? Considering it's not even half the movie that Batman Begins was, I'm not sure where you get off making such an asinine statement.
I'm a little confused as to why The Dark Knight and Scarface are on the list, The Dark Knight is unquestionably the best Comic-book/Superhero movie ever made IMO. I enjoyed it but it is very overrated and the plot wasn't the best, hell the performances weren't all that good too.

I am not sure what you're trying to say. Either you're asserting that 1) Dark Knight is the best Comic Book / Super Hero film ever made, which in my book proves that it belongs on this list, or 2) the plot isn't the best and the performances weren't all that good, which in my book proves that it belongs on this list.
I am not sure what you're trying to say. Either you're asserting that 1) Dark Knight is the best Comic Book / Super Hero film ever made, which in my book proves that it belongs on this list, or 2) the plot isn't the best and the performances weren't all that good, which in my book proves that it belongs on this list.

Nah it was bullshit I fucked up when typing hence the edit.
It didn't work for me, not in the least bit; but I'm not one to buy into such simplistic audience ploys.

I agree that it's not an original story, but it's a story that works. It's a simple ploy, yes, but one that have worked for decades.

District 9 came out half a year before Avatar and told pretty much the same kind of story; but did it a million times better. The story was better, the acting was better, the fucking visuals where better too.

A) It didn't tell the same story. B) Even if it did tell the same story, you just said before that you don't buy into such simplistic ploys. C) The visual were great in District 9, but Avatar's were better. Not only were they completely original and beautiful, but James Cameron revolutionized 3-D technology with it.

As you said, it wasn't even James Cameron's intention to make a good movie, he put a visual cluster fuck together, and quite honestly I'd rather get stoned an watch my itunes visualizer.

Well then you don't appreciate what Cameron did for the film industry. Prior to Avatar, most films used 3-D technology to make things appear as if they were popping out at the audience, thus pushing them back. In Avatar, Cameron used 3-D technology to make his scenes appear to have more depth, and therefore drew the audience in. I wish I could take credit for this statement, but Stephen Lang was the one who said it. Surprisingly thoughtful and deep guy is Stephen Lang.

Just adding to the overrated point, this is the highest grossing film and history and you've just admitted the plot is shit. I'd rather watch fucking Fern Gully, it's a much better film after all.

Did I say the plot was shit? No, I said it was unoriginal and flawed, that doesn't mean it was shit. It was recycled, but then again so is the plot of Hamlet, and yet The Lion King is widely considered to be the best animated film of all time.

It definitely does, as you just said it's nothing more than a visual ploy to stuff Cameron's pockets with cash, the movie is shit even with all the "visuals", it's pure fucking rubbish, and deserves the title of most overrated movie.

Contrary to popular belief, Cameron did not make this movie simply to make his bank account a little fatter. He made this movie to revolutionize film technology, and he did so successfully. To say otherwise shows a gross misunderstanding about the film industry. Now I don't necessarily like the 3-D movement, but I can see why it's a godsend of sorts for the film industry.

Wow, could you be more wrong? Considering it's not even half the movie that Batman Begins was, I'm not sure where you get off making such an asinine statement.

I'm the one who makes the asinine statement, yet you're the one who says I'm wrong simply because, in your opinion, it's not "half the movie the prequel was," yet you provide no further reasoning? Pot, meet kettle.

And The Dark Knight is easily the best super-hero movie ever made, and is a near perfect film altogether. Everything, down to the framing of each shot, is perfect. It goes without saying that Heath Ledger's performance as Joker is nothing short of legendary, and he creates a seldom-seen villain that wants nothing except to cause panic and chaos. As Alfred says, "Some men just want to see the world burn," and Joker does just that when he blows up the Gotham City hospitals. Then there is the ferry scene that is nothing short of brilliant as we pit humanity against humanity, the criminals against the civilians, seeing which group is more willing to send thousands to a watery grave. That in and of itself is one of the most epic scenes I've ever seen. Then we get Joker tricking Batman into getting Rachel killed, and Joker trying to get Batman to break his "No killing rule." There is so much good stuff in The Dark Knight, and I just scratched the surface.
I'm probably one of the few, but I really think Forrest Gump is pretty rubbish. I get why people like it, and I'm going to give my thoughts on Tom Hanks a little later on in these awards, but I think it's a very, very mediocre movie that gets praised far too much for the little it does. It's a feel good film that was well made. It doesn't change my outlook on life, it makes me chuckle slightly and it's got some half decent acting. The film itself is...meh. The praise it gets is what truly makes it overrated.
Without a doubt I must say Avatar
This movie got so much undeserving praise it makes me sick, the visuals are cool but the plot sucks and it is actually pretty boring. I also have to throw an honorable mention out to The Matrix, this movie is just plain stupid and I hate how much buzz it got. I remember all my friends talking about how awesome it was and watching at eachother's houses, I was not into it whatsoever.
I agree that it's not an original story, but it's a story that works. It's a simple ploy, yes, but one that have worked for decades.

A simple ploy shouldn't be the highest grossing film of all time, part of the reason it's on this list.

A) It didn't tell the same story. B) Even if it did tell the same story, you just said before that you don't buy into such simplistic ploys. C) The visual were great in District 9, but Avatar's were better. Not only were they completely original and beautiful, but James Cameron revolutionized 3-D technology with it.

They told very similar stories, obviously the District 9 story was for more clever and original, and didn't rely on snazzy graphics to tell the story.

Well then you don't appreciate what Cameron did for the film industry. Prior to Avatar, most films used 3-D technology to make things appear as if they were popping out at the audience, thus pushing them back. In Avatar, Cameron used 3-D technology to make his scenes appear to have more depth, and therefore drew the audience in. I wish I could take credit for this statement, but Stephen Lang was the one who said it. Surprisingly thoughtful and deep guy is Stephen Lang.

He hasn't done shite for the film industry, until other people capitalize on the same kind of visuals it's nothing but one visual cluster fuck that didn't do anything except drive up ticket prices.

Did I say the plot was shit? No, I said it was unoriginal and flawed, that doesn't mean it was shit. It was recycled, but then again so is the plot of Hamlet, and yet The Lion King is widely considered to be the best animated film of all time.

Right, it wasn't shit, it was flawed, unoriginal, and recycled; yet it's the highest grossing film of all time, does that not define overrated?

Contrary to popular belief, Cameron did not make this movie simply to make his bank account a little fatter. He made this movie to revolutionize film technology, and he did so successfully. To say otherwise shows a gross misunderstanding about the film industry. Now I don't necessarily like the 3-D movement, but I can see why it's a godsend of sorts for the film industry.

Am I dealing with a Cameron fanboy here, revolutionizing the film industry, there's not a font large enough to express the amount of lulz I'm feeling right now.

The only thing he revolutionized was ripping off the general public at the box office, he took it to a whole different level; but he has anything but revolutionized the 3D film industry. He capitalized on a fad and helped to raise ticket priced, nothing more than that.

I'm the one who makes the asinine statement, yet you're the one who says I'm wrong simply because, in your opinion, it's not "half the movie the prequel was," yet you provide no further reasoning? Pot, meet kettle.

HAHAHAHA, Hence why the film you're defending is on the overrated list and the one I claim to be better is not, again, the definition of overrated.

I don't need to provide reasoning as to why it's better because it's not on the list of overrated films; but I'll do one better.

Batman begins, it's bar far and away a better story from start to finish, the acting and actors are better, the script is better, literally everything about the movie is better, the only thing it's lacking is a guy who accidentally od'd on prescription drugs. Heath ledgers death plays a huge roll in the over rated fan fare that this movie receives.

And The Dark Knight is easily the best super-hero movie ever made, and is a near perfect film altogether. Everything, down to the framing of each shot, is perfect. It goes without saying that Heath Ledger's performance as Joker is nothing short of legendary, and he creates a seldom-seen villain that wants nothing except to cause panic and chaos. As Alfred says, "Some men just want to see the world burn," and Joker does just that when he blows up the Gotham City hospitals. Then there is the ferry scene that is nothing short of brilliant as we pit humanity against humanity, the criminals against the civilians, seeing which group is more willing to send thousands to a watery grave. That in and of itself is one of the most epic scenes I've ever seen. Then we get Joker tricking Batman into getting Rachel killed, and Joker trying to get Batman to break his "No killing rule." There is so much good stuff in The Dark Knight, and I just scratched the surface.

1. Heath ledger Knob slobbing - Check.

2. Ferry scene, perhaps the most unrealistic, piece of shit scene in movie history - this falls under Nolan knob slobbing - Check

3. Joker fanboyisms - Check

Lets not forget Nolan's bad comedy that he injects into serious scenes throughout the movie.

Calling it a near perfect film is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY why it's on the most overrated list. Near Perfect..... LOL.
A simple ploy shouldn't be the highest grossing film of all time, part of the reason it's on this list.

You're putting way too much emphasis on the fact that it grossed so much money. Look at the top grossing films of all time. Most of them are sequels and blockbusters, not works of art.

They told very similar stories, obviously the District 9 story was for more clever and original, and didn't rely on snazzy graphics to tell the story.

Is there something wrong with using snazzy graphics to tell a story? Graphics have become part of film making, just as much as music, lighting, and all the outside elements already are.

He hasn't done shite for the film industry, until other people capitalize on the same kind of visuals it's nothing but one visual cluster fuck that didn't do anything except drive up ticket prices.

Until other people capitalize? Have you been living under a rock? Prior to Avatar, very few films used 3-D, and when they did most people didn't care. Now a film comes out with the option for 3-D about once a month, and those movies always make a big ton of money, even if they suck. How to Train Your Dragon was a fantastic film, but you can bet your ass that they wouldn't have made as much money as it did without using the 3-D technology. Clash of the Titans, on the other hand, was a shit movie that wasn't even shot in 3-D, but they made it a 3-D movie and it raked in a huge haul. All this happened at a time when people have stopped going to theaters to see movies. Without James Cameron popularizing and perfecting 3-D, these movies would not have made as much money as it did.

Right, it wasn't shit, it was flawed, unoriginal, and recycled; yet it's the highest grossing film of all time, does that not define overrated?

It does not. An overrated movie is a film that doesn't deserve the hype it gets. Avatar didn't get hyped up for being a superior plot, it got the hype for being

Am I dealing with a Cameron fanboy here, revolutionizing the film industry, there's not a font large enough to express the amount of lulz I'm feeling right now.

I'm not a Cameron fanboy, I just recognize what he's done with Avatar.

The only thing he revolutionized was ripping off the general public at the box office, he took it to a whole different level; but he has anything but revolutionized the 3D film industry. He capitalized on a fad and helped to raise ticket priced, nothing more than that.

Dude, you ign'nt.

HAHAHAHA, Hence why the film you're defending is on the overrated list and the one I claim to be better is not, again, the definition of overrated.

Now introducing Smooth Sexual Chocolate 2.0, now with more delusions of grandeur! Even though massive amounts of critics and moviegoers alike disagree with him, he still believes his opinion is better than all others!

I don't need to provide reasoning as to why it's better because it's not on the list of overrated films; but I'll do one better.

Well, you do if you don't want to sound like a pretentious jack ass, but since you do, you don't! Congratulations.

Batman begins, it's bar far and away a better story from start to finish, the acting and actors are better, the script is better, literally everything about the movie is better, the only thing it's lacking is a guy who accidentally od'd on prescription drugs. Heath ledgers death plays a huge roll in the over rated fan fare that this movie receives.

Once again, you're one of the few that holds this opinion. You might think The Dark Knight is overrated, but you're in a huge minority.

1. Heath ledger Knob slobbing - Check.

Didn't he get nominated for an Oscar? Oh wait, he won an Oscar for his performance.

JGlass 1- SSC 0

2. Ferry scene, perhaps the most unrealistic, piece of shit scene in movie history - this falls under Nolan knob slobbing - Check

Unrealistic? We're talking about FUCKING BATMAN. Seriously bro? Seriously? And piece of shit scene? It's a great "what if" scenario slid into a superhero movie. Doesn't get much better.

JGlass 2- SSC 0

3. Joker fanboyisms - Check

Oscar winning role.

JGlass 3- SSC 0

Lets not forget Nolan's bad comedy that he injects into serious scenes throughout the movie.

Not nearly enough to even come close to destroying the movie. You just look like you're nitpicking now.

Calling a near perfect film is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY why it's on the most overrated list. Near Perfect..... LOL.

Another feature of SSC 2.0, since he still can't formulate good arguments he laughs at other people's (correct) opinions!
It has to be LotR for me, maybe I'm the ultimate Clerks stereotype (as far as I'm concerned, the only thing missing from planet Smith is some wrasslin love) and Randal's piss take is spot on to me - three films of walking, WAYYYYY to drawn out Mr Jackson:zzzz:
Dishonorable mention to Titanic basically because, well, it sucks!! How stuck are you for a new romantic angle that you've to throw in a real disaster? The love story is twee and crap, rich English girl falls for blue collar Oireish guy. It's fucking Far & Away with better special effects.
You're putting way too much emphasis on the fact that it grossed so much money. Look at the top grossing films of all time. Most of them are sequels and blockbusters, not works of art.

... and the top three of all time all find there way onto the WZ overrated list. The only sequel in the top three being the Dark Knight; but obviously I'll get to that later.

When a really shit movie makes more money than every really good movie ever made, it's probably a bit overrated/over hyped. Case and point, Avatar.

Is there something wrong with using snazzy graphics to tell a story? Graphics have become part of film making, just as much as music, lighting, and all the outside elements already are.

Nothing wrong with good graphics, it's something pretty much everyone can appreciate; but when that's all you got and all you're relying on there's gonna be a problem. There is absolutely no substance to Avatar, no depth, no meaning; it's basically a three hour visual distraction, a visual distraction I can get for free on my computer using one of many different HD visualizers.

Until other people capitalize? Have you been living under a rock? Prior to Avatar, very few films used 3-D, and when they did most people didn't care. Now a film comes out with the option for 3-D about once a month, and those movies always make a big ton of money, even if they suck. How to Train Your Dragon was a fantastic film, but you can bet your ass that they wouldn't have made as much money as it did without using the 3-D technology. Clash of the Titans, on the other hand, was a shit movie that wasn't even shot in 3-D, but they made it a 3-D movie and it raked in a huge haul. All this happened at a time when people have stopped going to theaters to see movies. Without James Cameron popularizing and perfecting 3-D, these movies would not have made as much money as it did.

Actually, 3D technology has been used since the 70's, there's a ton of 3D films prior to Avatar.

Clash of the Titans was a remake that was gonna make money whether it was 3D or not, and like you said, they didn't even shoot it in 3D, they just tried to do a quick capitalization by adding the technology last minute, and everyone who saw it in theaters said that the 3D version was shit. That's a shitty attempt at trying to capitalize, but it didn't, people where going to see that whether it was 3D or not, I thought the movie was pretty shit too.

How to Tame your Dragon, I don't have time for this kinda shit, I'm not sure how this fits in or what point your trying to make, ALL ANIMATED movies have been making bank since Toy Story, it's not the 3D, it's the computer animation targeted at family's and kids.

So your saying without James Cameron these two movies above wouldn't be what they are today...Is that really your argument?

It does not. An overrated movie is a film that doesn't deserve the hype it gets. Avatar didn't get hyped up for being a superior plot, it got the hype for being

Now I have to assume what it was being hyped for, visuals I presume, hype for visuals, and hype for storylines all boil down to hype for the movie, it was hyped to the fucking moon, no denying that, and it doesn't even come close to living up to it's hype, not for a second.

I'm not a Cameron fanboy, I just recognize what he's done with Avatar.

You recognize he created one of the shittiest movies off all time that capitalized on the 3D fad that was going on at the time. He didn't create the 3D fad, to took advantage of all the peons willing to pay 15 bucks a ticket to see one of the worst acted storylines with fucking C-list actors galore, like the guy who does the robot voice in Grandma's boy; which coincidentally is a better acted movie that Avatar.

Now introducing Smooth Sexual Chocolate 2.0, now with more delusions of grandeur! Even though massive amounts of critics and moviegoers alike disagree with him, he still believes his opinion is better than all others!

Adding to the avalanche of over hype I see, this is part of what makes it so overrated. Critics and fans alike blinded by a dead man.

It's really not even close, BB is an all around better story, with better actors, better acting, a better story ( An origin story at that).

Critics and fans slobbering over a dead joker, sounds like over hype to me.

Well, you do if you don't want to sound like a pretentious jack ass, but since you do, you don't! Congratulations.

Nothing to do with being a pretentious jackass, and everything to do with the fact that it's clearly an underrated movie, with everyone and their mothers thinking that TDK is the end all be all off Batman films.

Once again, you're one of the few that holds this opinion. You might think The Dark Knight is overrated, but you're in a huge minority.

I wasn't the one who voted it onto this list, so there's clearly at least one other person who shares that opinion with me. TDK is a case of a mass group of people who think there shit doesn't stink, and that's because the odor of HL dead ducking corpse is clouding your judgement.

Didn't he get nominated for an Oscar? Oh wait, he won an Oscar for his performance.

Not to beat a dead actor here (See what I did there), but that's the only reason he was nominated.

JGlass 1- SSC 0

Trying to keep score like this is just gonna make you look silly.

Unrealistic? We're talking about FUCKING BATMAN. Seriously bro? Seriously? And piece of shit scene? It's a great "what if" scenario slid into a superhero movie. Doesn't get much better.

Well, considering the Dark Knight is meant to have that "Real Life" feel to it, and not the silly comic book bull shit that we've seen so many time in the past.

Good prevails over evil, even a boat full of serial killers have a heart, how fucking touching. Almost makes me want to twiddle a twat, but I'll pass for now.

One if not both of those boats should have blown.

JGlass 2- SSC 0

Still not seeing it.

Oscar winning role.

You heard it from JGlass first. The Oscar is the official "It can't be overrated award"

JGlass 3- SSC 0

If only I had the power to somehow change the score...

Not nearly enough to even come close to destroying the movie. You just look like you're nitpicking now.

I love when the kids think they blew up the truck, lol, my favorite kind of "dark" humor. I see you don't disagree either.

Another feature of SSC 2.0, since he still can't formulate good arguments he laughs at other people's (correct) opinions!

Your opinion of the TDK is that's it's NEAR PERFECT, it doesn't get more overrated that that.

Unless your opinion is a fact, it's still just an opinion. Same as mine, just an opinion, and yes, I laugh wholeheartedly at your opinion of TDK.
The Dark Knight

In no way the most overrated film of all time, but certainly the most overrated comic book film of all time. The best comic book movie of all time? Superman, Spider-Man 2 or X-2, surely.

Pretty darn awesome until Maggie Gyllenhaal dies, then it basically turns to shit. Even if the intention was for The Joker to return for the 3rd film, why would you give him a send off in TDK like that? Also shouldn't Harvey Dent's transformation into the psychotic Two-Face have taken slightly longer than 20 minutes? And that boat scene, what the fuck was that?

But really the most overrated film of all time must be one that has appeared in top 10 lists for years, The Godfather, a Star Wars, Shawshank, etc.
Right, um, I'll go through the list, shall I? Don't see why not. Don't see why not at all. Somebody pass me my brush - I'm about to paint a picture.

A is for Avatar, and that's actually a pretty good choice. It's probably the most obviously successful film on the list and, to be fair, would be the most obviously successful film on any list; being the most financially successful film of all-time and all that. I can't give it the award though. If we're going by the success:actual quality ratio, Titanic definitely has it outdone. Titanic is actually mediocre, whereas Avatar could actually be considered pretty good.

No idea what Fellowship of the Ring is doing on here. The sequels were both not nearly as good and both got their dicks sucked that much harder. Best battle scene ever? Not nearly. Worthy of a dozen Academy Awards? Like fuck.

Fight Club isn't the best movie ever, but it's often considered as such. That's not to say that it isn't pretty brilliant though, so I couldn't possibly pick it.

Scarface is a contender. I mean, it's a cool poster but I must have caught the film too late in its lifetime or something. Did not care for it at all. Snyth much? Outside of the first two Godfathers, gangster films are pretty much universally overrated. Casino remains the world's longest montage.

Fargo and No Country For Old Men are both brilliant. The latter is one of my favourite films of all-time; up there with Pulp Fiction and Jaws. Neither were subject to the scale of acclaim that a lot of other films on this list were.

The Matrix is one of the greatest action films of all-time. No, fuck you. How the Wachowski brothers managed to birth this one is an absolute mystery to me - nothing they've done since has remotely impressed me. Speed Racer is a straight-up abomination. The Matrix didn't get an Oscar nomination but a pale imitation of it, Inception, did. May as well give Equilibrium a BAFTA.

Forrest Gump spawned a semi-funny Eugene/William Regal parody. I don't think any other film on this list can claim that. Does that mean I can forgive its many flaws and ignore its undeserved praise? Fuck it, yeah. Yeah.

Dark Knight, eh? Best super hero movie of all-time? Hardly. It can't even lay claim to being the best Batman film of all-time. Mask of the Phantasm is a better movie and Mark Hamill is a better joker. Batman Begins is just as good, arguably better. Tim Burton's Batman is in contention. So, really, it would fall as far down as fourth best Batman film of all-time - and I haven't even seen the Batman Beyond movie yet. Jake and SSC are pretty bang on with their criticisms.
Fight Club gets the nod for me here. Besides being the most superficial movie I've ever seen, it's a film of pretentious ideas and glossy entertainment, and little more. It's not that the movie is that bad, and its easy to see why it became so popular with males of a certain age and genre. It's an expression of discontent with modern life, challenging expectations, capturing adolescent and middle-aged angst and distilling it into a movie put together with great panache and flair.

Norton and Pitt give showy performances typical of their work. Pitt is clearly trying to break away from the pretty boy image established by A River Runs through It and Thelma and Louise. It's an exercise in style with its flashy editing and obvious special effects. It's probably Fincher's best film to date but the points it makes are hypocritical. One scene encapsulates this: Pitt and Norton look at an advertisement and ask whether this is how a real man is supposed to look. But this is exactly how both Pitt and Norton appear; it is the image movies like Fight Club perpetuate; it's the ideal that movies like this reinforce. Pretentiousness and glossy entertainment over true substance rule the day in Fight Club.

Im not saying it's not a very entertaining film, because it is. I admire its controversial standpoint, however, the thing that dooms the movie to being overrated, especially amongst those of a certainage, is its ending. I have little problem with the plot holes because it is a work of fiction, and its incoherence is part of its appeal. The problem lies in the fact that Brad Pitt's character, Tyler Durden, is never truly really defeated. Sure, Norton "kills" Tyler by shooting himself, but he never repudiates him, he remains at the end the tongue-tied intellectual weakling he was at the beginning. He could have destroyed Tyler's very ideology in a few well-chosen sentences about how his "space monkeys" have swapped one kind of mindless conformism for another, an infinitely more dangerous one at that. In doing so, he would have given both mature audiences and frustrated teenage boys a much more even-handed and intelligent discourse on the limits of freedom.

Unfortunately this doesn't happen, and all we are left with is a well-acted, beautifully-shot movie that says absolutely nothing meaningful precisely because it is so one-sided that it becomes a piece of propaganda, and in that veign, close to worthless. Again, Im not saying its a bad movie, because I enjoyed it. Its just not a classic, not even close.
... and the top three of all time all find there way onto the WZ overrated list. The only sequel in the top three being the Dark Knight; but obviously I'll get to that later.

Negative, the third highest grossing movie of all time is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The Fellowship of the Ring is the film that made it onto this list, which is all the way down at 21.

And did you really take a good look at that list? Avatar is actually the only original screen play, everything else is an adaptation or part of a series. You have to go all the way down to 22 at Finding Nemo to find the first non-Avatar original screen play.

Do you still want to argue that their gross has anything to do with being overrated? Most of these films range from very good to great with a couple of absolute duds that people saw just because they were part of a series (New Star Wars series, Transformers, etc.). Nobody is going to argue that more than a couple of these films belong on the greatest all time list.

When a really shit movie makes more money than every really good movie ever made, it's probably a bit overrated/over hyped. Case and point, Avatar.

That's ridiculous. More often than not, truly great films don't make all that much money. American History X is my favorite film ever and is without a doubt a fantastic film, but it made a measly 23 million on a 20 million budget. That film probably lost money after you take out the cinema's cut.

Nothing wrong with good graphics, it's something pretty much everyone can appreciate; but when that's all you got and all you're relying on there's gonna be a problem. There is absolutely no substance to Avatar, no depth, no meaning; it's basically a three hour visual distraction, a visual distraction I can get for free on my computer using one of many different HD visualizers.

No depth, no meaning? That's bull shit. The plot was recycled, but they used this plot because it does have meaning, it does have substance. Invaders vs. Natives, it's been done in film, television, professional wrestling, it works because it catches our interest. Couple the effective if not overdone plot with the best graphics anyone has ever seen, and you have yourself a movie worth watching.

Actually, 3D technology has been used since the 70's, there's a ton of 3D films prior to Avatar.

Yes, I said that, and they drew shit. It wasn't a huge draw until Cameron made Avatar.

Clash of the Titans was a remake that was gonna make money whether it was 3D or not, and like you said, they didn't even shoot it in 3D, they just tried to do a quick capitalization by adding the technology last minute, and everyone who saw it in theaters said that the 3D version was shit. That's a shitty attempt at trying to capitalize, but it didn't, people where going to see that whether it was 3D or not, I thought the movie was pretty shit too.

Oh, it was a shit movie, so to say it would have made money if it wasn't for the 3D is ignorant as hell. It got panned by critics, panned by moviegoers, and it wasn't a remake people were waiting for. Have you seen the original? It was terrible, the only reason they remade the movie is because they thought it would be better with modern effect. It wasn't, but it made a shit ton of money because people wanted to see the Kraken, Medusa, Zeus, and all the other giant figures of Greek lore in 3D.

How to Tame your Dragon, I don't have time for this kinda shit, I'm not sure how this fits in or what point your trying to make, ALL ANIMATED movies have been making bank since Toy Story, it's not the 3D, it's the computer animation targeted at family's and kids.

But How to Train Your Dragon absolutely MURDERED at the box office. It's Dreamworks highest grossing non-Shrek film, and was the 10th highest grossing movie in 2010, beating out such films as Tron, Robin Hood, Shutter Island, The Social Network. And I know, these aren't kids movies, but it also beat out Megamind, that Owls movie, The Karate Kid, The Last Airbeder, Gulliver's Travels, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and a ton of others. If you don't realize that the 3D is what put them in the top 10 then there is no getting through to you.

So your saying without James Cameron these two movies above wouldn't be what they are today...Is that really your argument?

No, my argument is that without James Cameron NONE of the 3D movies would have grossed like they did. That includes, but is not limited to: How to Train your Dragon, Clash of the Titans, Alice in Wonderland, The Last Airbender, Piranha 3D, Resident Evil Afterlife, Tangled, Tron Legacy, and Gulliver's Travels. Basically any non-sequel film has Cameron to thank for a good chunk of the money they made.

Now I have to assume what it was being hyped for, visuals I presume, hype for visuals, and hype for storylines all boil down to hype for the movie, it was hyped to the fucking moon, no denying that, and it doesn't even come close to living up to it's hype, not for a second.

The visuals did live up to their hype, no doubt. If you were unimpressed with the visuals that puts you in a very, very small group. The story was tired, but it did well enough to keep me interested in the film to enjoy everything else it has to offer.

You recognize he created one of the shittiest movies off all time that capitalized on the 3D fad that was going on at the time. He didn't create the 3D fad, to took advantage of all the peons willing to pay 15 bucks a ticket to see one of the worst acted storylines with fucking C-list actors galore, like the guy who does the robot voice in Grandma's boy; which coincidentally is a better acted movie that Avatar.

As I said, he didn't capitalize on the 3D fad. He took the 3D fad and made it his bitch.

Still aren't buying it? Take a look at this:

After Avatar was made, there have been 78 movies released or announced that were/are/are going to be in 3D. Actually, make that 77 movies because How to Train your Dragon was already designed for 3D. Alice in Wonderland and Clash of the Titans were not, though, and were converted just because the studios realized 3D would make them a killing.

Do you know how far you have to go back to get to 77 3D movies? I don't, but probably close to the start of 3D technology. On top of all that, almost ALL of the movies are either animated, re-releases, or total duds.

Is the story that Avatar tells weak? Yes, but the film as a whole is not overrated. I find it odd to say that a film that revolutionized the film industry is overrated.

Adding to the avalanche of over hype I see, this is part of what makes it so overrated. Critics and fans alike blinded by a dead man.

I'm sorry, are you saying that people only think the Joker was brilliantly played because Heath Ledger is dead? That is the stupidest thing you've said yet. He was absolutely brilliant, dead or alive. His death added mystique to the film, but that doesn't change the fact that he actually delivered the performance of a lifetime.

It's really not even close, BB is an all around better story, with better actors, better acting, a better story ( An origin story at that).

Katie Holmes a better actor than Maggie Gyllenhaal? She might be a zillion times more fuckable, but she's not a better actor, not in a million years. Other than that you have largely the same class, and none of the supporting characters even come close to matching Eckhart's or Ledger's performance.

Critics and fans slobbering over a dead joker, sounds like over hype to me.

But the movie delivered on it. Nothing wrong with getting a lot of hype if you deliver.

Nothing to do with being a pretentious jackass, and everything to do with the fact that it's clearly an underrated movie, with everyone and their mothers thinking that TDK is the end all be all off Batman films.

I don't think it has anything to do with BB being underrated, it just has to do with TDK being a better film.

I wasn't the one who voted it onto this list, so there's clearly at least one other person who shares that opinion with me. TDK is a case of a mass group of people who think there shit doesn't stink, and that's because the odor of HL dead ducking corpse is clouding your judgement.

You're reliance on the "Heath Ledger's death is why people think this movie is good" argument is getting pathetic. And if you're trying to strike a nerve with the death jokes, you will fail. I'm a big supporter of Owen Hart and Dead Baby jokes. I haven't heard too many Heath Ledger ones, but I'll start working on it. He died by OD'ing on sleeping pills right? There should be some millage out of that.

As for the group of people who share your opinion... like I said, it's a small fucking group. The movie got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes from the critics, and a 96% from fans. Batman Begins fares a little worse on both sides, but still good overall at 84%/90%. It would appear that The Dark Knight has the advantage from both critics and fans, and you know what they say, "50 million Ledger fans can't be wrong."

Not to beat a dead actor here (See what I did there), but that's the only reason he was nominated.

Bull. Shit. Performance of his career, easily, and the Oscars wouldn't nominate someone, much less give him the award to someone just because they died. Let's not act like he was Meryl Streep or Jeff Bridges either, he was far from being a staple at the Oscars. He had been nominated once before and didn't win, the Academy didn't owe him shit. I don't think the Academy would have gotten any bad publicity if they gave the award to Hoffman for Doubt or Brolin in Milk, Ledger was just the flat out best.

Trying to keep score like this is just gonna make you look silly.

Oh contraire, mon frer.

Well, considering the Dark Knight is meant to have that "Real Life" feel to it, and not the silly comic book bull shit that we've seen so many time in the past.

What the fuck real life film? The bad guy wore fucking clown makeup, killed a man by slamming his head on a pencil, broke into a bank by backing an unmanned bus into the wall, Batman rode upside down on hit motorcycle, and there was a guy who had half his face burnt off but managed to be absolutely find without getting any skin graphed onto it. When the FUCK was this film presented with a real life vibe?

You know what, I'm changing the score, JGlass one zillion, SSC negative eighteen billion and three. What the fuck are you talking about?

Good prevails over evil, even a boat full of serial killers have a heart, how fucking touching. Almost makes me want to twiddle a twat, but I'll pass for now.

God forbid a super hero movie tries to do something different while still fitting the bill.

One if not both of those boats should have blown.

Then the Joker would have won. Is that what you want, the Joker to win? Superhero movies are meant to fulfill expectations, not defy them, and the bad guy winning would definitely defy expectations.

You heard it from JGlass first. The Oscar is the official "It can't be overrated award"

This is an argument for another thread, but I will say this: I don't like the Oscars and I think it's a device created to try to tell people what they should and should not like. That said, the winners often deserve the Oscar, and Ledger falls into that category.

If only I had the power to somehow change the score...

+ JGlass

I love when the kids think they blew up the truck, lol, my favorite kind of "dark" humor. I see you don't disagree either.

I see that you're nitpicking.

Your opinion of the TDK is that's it's NEAR PERFECT, it doesn't get more overrated that that.

As far as super hero movies go, and even past that, it is a near perfect film, and there's really not much you can do to convince me otherwise. Believe it or not, your argument of, "You only like it because Heath Ledger is dead," isn't really doing anything for me. Go figure.

Unless your opinion is a fact, it's still just an opinion. Same as mine, just an opinion, and yes, I laugh wholeheartedly at your opinion of TDK.

And it just makes you look small. Unqualified to have a debate with and small.
Negative, the third highest grossing movie of all time is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The Fellowship of the Ring is the film that made it onto this list, which is all the way down at 21.

I will admit I was looking at the All-Time USA box office and not the world wide one; but what I said stands true to the USA box office, RotK may be number three on the world wide box office, but it's nowhere to be found on on our list of most overrated films.

And did you really take a good look at that list? Avatar is actually the only original screen play, everything else is an adaptation or part of a series. You have to go all the way down to 22 at Finding Nemo to find the first non-Avatar original screen play.

Lulz. Avatar and Original in the same sentence just made me chuckle a little bit. You've already practically admitted that Avatar is an adapted screenplay. Original visuals, check. UNORIGINAL script, check.

I personally don't care what the other films did, this is about Avatar being over hyped, which it was. The money is just one factor I'm taking into account, and the fact that it's the all time highest grossing film of all time adds to what makes this film so overrated.

Do you still want to argue that their gross has anything to do with being overrated? Most of these films range from very good to great with a couple of absolute duds that people saw just because they were part of a series (New Star Wars series, Transformers, etc.). Nobody is going to argue that more than a couple of these films belong on the greatest all time list.

Yes, I will argue that the gross does make a difference. It's what makes some films so criminally underrated, and it makes others overrated. I'm jumping ahead here, but I saw you talking about AHX only making 20 million and how that it's such a good movie that didn't draw well in the box office, hence making it an underrated movie.

That's ridiculous. More often than not, truly great films don't make all that much money. American History X is my favorite film ever and is without a doubt a fantastic film, but it made a measly 23 million on a 20 million budget. That film probably lost money after you take out the cinema's cut.

Making it an extremely underrated movie with the general public, kinda like how Avatar is overrated on the other end of the spectrum; and no where did I say box office values are the end all be all, but to pretend they don't mean anything is just a laugher.

No depth, no meaning? That's bull shit. The plot was recycled, but they used this plot because it does have meaning, it does have substance. Invaders vs. Natives, it's been done in film, television, professional wrestling, it works because it catches our interest. Couple the effective if not overdone plot with the best graphics anyone has ever seen, and you have yourself a movie worth watching.

The same recycled script loses meaning over time, just like it does with everything else. It's a script I've seen a thousand times, and it didn't have the actors it needed to back it up; but you already knew that. As you've said many times, it's a movie built upon visuals' yet now you claim the story is filled with meaning and substance as well. Trying to have your cake and eat it too, I see. Invaders vs Natives, Good vs. Evil, 1 man rises up and helps out the opposition after becoming informed..... I know, I know; like I said, I've seen it a hundred times before, with much better actors too.

Yes, I said that, and they drew shit. It wasn't a huge draw until Cameron made Avatar.

It's still not a huge draw, everyone's doing it because the people are willing to pay the extra 5 bucks a ticket; as a wise man once said, It's all about the Money. If anything, 3D takes away from the potential of these movies, it's a cheap gimmick to get cheap pop, nothing more than that.

Oh, it was a shit movie, so to say it would have made money if it wasn't for the 3D is ignorant as hell. It got panned by critics, panned by moviegoers, and it wasn't a remake people were waiting for. Have you seen the original? It was terrible, the only reason they remade the movie is because they thought it would be better with modern effect. It wasn't, but it made a shit ton of money because people wanted to see the Kraken, Medusa, Zeus, and all the other giant figures of Greek lore in 3D.

Clash of the titans is a fucking Classic. Is it terrible because it used claymation instead of 3D graphics. There's a major cult following behind that movie, as well as it being show to many students in many schools across the world.

This movie was receiving major hype before anyone even thought about making it 3D, and it took a helluva lot more from 300 than it did from Avatar as far as how the shot it.

Your pretty delusional if you think Avatar is the reason CotT grossed well in the Box Office. It was a summer blockbuster that was going to gross, 3D or not.

But How to Train Your Dragon absolutely MURDERED at the box office. It's Dreamworks highest grossing non-Shrek film, and was the 10th highest grossing movie in 2010, beating out such films as Tron, Robin Hood, Shutter Island, The Social Network. And I know, these aren't kids movies, but it also beat out Megamind, that Owls movie, The Karate Kid, The Last Airbeder, Gulliver's Travels, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and a ton of others. If you don't realize that the 3D is what put them in the top 10 then there is no getting through to you.

Dreamworks and Pixar murder everything at the box office pretty much 85% of the time, digital animation had been dominating the box office for a while and has nothing to do with 3D. They did it before the 3D fad so you can't credit 3D technology, since these movies whee making mad bank without it, including the movie you bring up, Shrek, which made more money than the 3D movies you speak off, making your point absolute rubbish.

All those movies it beat out where pure shit, and none of them where animated. Again making your point null and void.

No, my argument is that without James Cameron NONE of the 3D movies would have grossed like they did. That includes, but is not limited to: How to Train your Dragon, Clash of the Titans, Alice in Wonderland, The Last Airbender, Piranha 3D, Resident Evil Afterlife, Tangled, Tron Legacy, and Gulliver's Travels. Basically any non-sequel film has Cameron to thank for a good chunk of the money they made.

Clash - Cult Classic with a Cult following, big Budget summer time blockbuster, was shot and directed with no intention of 3D; yet according to you, it's the last minute 3D effects that made it all the money.

Alice in Wonderland - Yes, because Depp and Burton need so much help grossing at the box office, and the millions and millions of people who saw the original or read the book only went and saw it because it was 3D, that makes so much sense.

So without James Cameron, these two movies above wouldn't have grossed anything, at all, you heard it here first from your Friendly Neighborhood JGlass.

If you want to discuss all those other shit films I suggest you supply some box office numbers to support your case.

The visuals did live up to their hype, no doubt. If you were unimpressed with the visuals that puts you in a very, very small group. The story was tired, but it did well enough to keep me interested in the film to enjoy everything else it has to offer.

It's not the first time you've put me in a very. very small group.

As I said, he didn't capitalize on the 3D fad. He took the 3D fad and made it his bitch.

Still aren't buying it? Take a look at this:

Wiki Source, shit just got real.

After Avatar was made, there have been 78 movies released or announced that were/are/are going to be in 3D. Actually, make that 77 movies because How to Train your Dragon was already designed for 3D. Alice in Wonderland and Clash of the Titans were not, though, and were converted just because the studios realized 3D would make them a killing.

So again, Cameron started the trend of saying fuck a good screenplay, fuck good acting, let's just fuck the audience for their money.

So, let me get the math straight here, 3D = shittier quality all the way around; well, except those stunning visuals of course.

You could get half an eighth of shrooms for less than it would cost to watch a 3D film, and I fucking promise the visuals with the mushrooms will blow anything you've ever seen on the big screen out the water.

Do you know how far you have to go back to get to 77 3D movies? I don't, but probably close to the start of 3D technology. On top of all that, almost ALL of the movies are either animated, re-releases, or total duds.

I'd argue that for practically every 3D film every created.

Is the story that Avatar tells weak? Yes, but the film as a whole is not overrated. I find it odd to say that a film that revolutionized the film industry is overrated.

What exactly was revolutionized besides ticket prices? He didn't invent any kind of new technology, he shot a shit film in 3D, he made made skrill off ridiculous ticket prices, where's the revolution?

I'm sorry, are you saying that people only think the Joker was brilliantly played because Heath Ledger is dead? That is the stupidest thing you've said yet. He was absolutely brilliant, dead or alive. His death added mystique to the film, but that doesn't change the fact that he actually delivered the performance of a lifetime.

Yes, I am saying that necrophilia was legalized so people could suck Heath Ledgers dead dick.

Katie Holmes a better actor than Maggie Gyllenhaal? She might be a zillion times more fuckable, but she's not a better actor, not in a million years. Other than that you have largely the same class, and none of the supporting characters even come close to matching Eckhart's or Ledger's performance.

Katie and Maggie, both shit, but I'll take the hotter of the two shitty actresses any day of the week. I'll also take Raz Al Ghul over the Joker.

But the movie delivered on it. Nothing wrong with getting a lot of hype if you deliver.

In your humble opinion, I wasn't left with the same pleasant taste in my mouth.

I don't think it has anything to do with BB being underrated, it just has to do with TDK being a better film.

Not even close to being as good as BB, I mean Christian Bale was even shittier in TDK.

You're reliance on the "Heath Ledger's death is why people think this movie is good" argument is getting pathetic. And if you're trying to strike a nerve with the death jokes, you will fail. I'm a big supporter of Owen Hart and Dead Baby jokes. I haven't heard too many Heath Ledger ones, but I'll start working on it. He died by OD'ing on sleeping pills right? There should be some millage out of that.

It's true, maybe you don't remember how big a fucking deal was made of this, people where going to the theaters just to mourn HL. To say his death didn't play apart in the overall gross is like saying the 3D visuals didn't play a part in Avitar's success.

As for the group of people who share your opinion... like I said, it's a small fucking group. The movie got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes from the critics, and a 96% from fans. Batman Begins fares a little worse on both sides, but still good overall at 84%/90%. It would appear that The Dark Knight has the advantage from both critics and fans, and you know what they say, "50 million Ledger fans can't be wrong."

You'd think his dick cured cancer the way people have sucked it since his death. I'm not saying the film wouldn't have been a success if he was still alive, but your only kidding yourself if you think it didn't play a part in the overall gross and his Oscar nod.

Bull. Shit. Performance of his career, easily, and the Oscars wouldn't nominate someone, much less give him the award to someone just because they died. Let's not act like he was Meryl Streep or Jeff Bridges either, he was far from being a staple at the Oscars. He had been nominated once before and didn't win, the Academy didn't owe him shit. I don't think the Academy would have gotten any bad publicity if they gave the award to Hoffman for Doubt or Brolin in Milk, Ledger was just the flat out best.

Brokeback Mountain anyone? Never saw it, but I heard it was the performance of his career, not some fucking comic book character.

What the fuck real life film? The bad guy wore fucking clown makeup, killed a man by slamming his head on a pencil, broke into a bank by backing an unmanned bus into the wall, Batman rode upside down on hit motorcycle, and there was a guy who had half his face burnt off but managed to be absolutely find without getting any skin graphed onto it. When the FUCK was this film presented with a real life vibe?

Hahahaha, so humorous you are, I love it when you play dumb Mr. Glass.

What was I thinking, they weren't trying to make it at all realistic, your so right, it was just a giant comic book on the big screen, no real life human elements at all, no realism added.

The scene that you've got major wood for is a perfect fucking example, unless your still playing dumb with your dick between your legs.

You know what, I'm changing the score, JGlass one zillion, SSC negative eighteen billion and three. What the fuck are you talking about?

O NOZ, Jglass sayz he da winner. (I thought I'd play dumb too)

God forbid a super hero movie tries to do something different while still fitting the bill.

You mean adding real life human elements, no, that can't be what you mean, not after the very last sentence I read from you.

Then the Joker would have won. Is that what you want, the Joker to win? Superhero movies are meant to fulfill expectations, not defy them, and the bad guy winning would definitely defy expectations.

Like you said, this isn't your average superhero movie. Yes, the Joker should've won. For a reference point, see The Empire Strikes Back. I guess that wasn't an option though (get it, cause he's dead)

This is an argument for another thread, but I will say this: I don't like the Oscars and I think it's a device created to try to tell people what they should and should not like. That said, the winners often deserve the Oscar, and Ledger falls into that category.

Again, Brokeback mountain, a far more deserving role.

I see that you're nitpicking.

I see you're still not disagreeing

As far as super hero movies go, and even past that, it is a near perfect film, and there's really not much you can do to convince me otherwise. Believe it or not, your argument of, "You only like it because Heath Ledger is dead," isn't really doing anything for me. Go figure.

That's what you're focusing on, that's not my entire argument.

And it just makes you look small. Unqualified to have a debate with and small.

So my opinion makes me look small and unqualified to have a debate, and your opinion is the end all be all of opinions, I think it makes sense now.

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