Most Hostile Wrestling Cities/Fans


Dark Match Jobber
After hearing alot of talk about Chicago and Philiadelphia it got me thinking as to which city is the most hostile. Both cities are known for their fans to cheer for who they want, and chant what they want. Personally, and yes because I live close to the city, I would have to say Toronto. We cheer for who we like, not who the WWE makes us like. I was at SummerSlam in Toronto in 2004 when Orton beat Chris Benoit for the WHC and everyone was going nuts for Orton the entire match, and when he hit the RKO out of nowhere was easily the biggest pop of the night. And not that Benoit didnt get some cheers, it was clear who everyone wanted to walk away with the title. Toronto even booed Buzz Aldrin when he was the special guest host a few years ago. Toronto POPPED when Virgil came back for the first time on Raw when Ted Jr brought him back. Hell Toronto cheered for both Edge and Christian on the 2010 commercial free Raw when they faced eachother and again, POPPED after Orton said thats not who he picked for Edge to face that night and out comes the Undertaker. From doing "the wave" during boring matches to the King calling Toronto "bizarro land" these are just a few reasons why I think Toronto is the most hostile wrestling city and has the most raucous fans.

What do you think? Toronto? Philly? Chicago? NYC?
By hostile do you mean smarky? Probably any ROH audience. They are so smarky it's annoying. From their jackass get me over chants to their jackass "this is wrestling" chants.

If you mean loudest then it really just depends on who's booked. Cena in front of most good wrestling cities like St. Louis, anywhere in the Carolinas, etc is pretty loud. A lot of the northeast is pretty loud, same with Chicago.

If by hostile you mean fans that might hurt someone, then it still depends on booking. Run Cena vs the local net darling in a smarky place like Toronto, Chicago, Philly, or New York and it's going to be a vocally violent crowd.

Given the Canadian stuff you promote in your avatar I'm assuming you weren't bias at all in saying Toronto is the most hostile.
By hostile do you mean smarky? Probably any ROH audience. They are so smarky it's annoying. From their jackass get me over chants to their jackass "this is wrestling" chants.

What the hell are you talking about? Philly has been home of the ECW fan base for years and has always been one of the most violent crowds in the world, Chicago was hostile towards Cena because their hometown hero was after the top prize in the WWE in "his last match".

You do realize that WWE playing the hometown hero over the champion is not anything new right? They actually did it with Bret and Shawn at Survivor Series '97, only this time CM Punk won. That's why Chicago was so hostile. Then again, they were hostile at Mania 22, but that's because Triple H was the veteran and he was also their preferred face.

Not to mention, what the hell does being a fan of indy wrestling have to do with being a "smark"? If anything, you're one of the smarkiest fucktards on the WZ forums. Liking a promotion like ROH has nothing to do with being a smark or anything like that, it just means you like ROH. How does that make anyone a smark for simply liking a product that was developed in their region?
What the hell are you talking about? Philly has been home of the ECW fan base for years and has always been one of the most violent crowds in the world, Chicago was hostile towards Cena because their hometown hero was after the top prize in the WWE in "his last match".

You do realize that WWE playing the hometown hero over the champion is not anything new right? They actually did it with Bret and Shawn at Survivor Series '97, only this time CM Punk won. That's why Chicago was so hostile. Then again, they were hostile at Mania 22, but that's because Triple H was the veteran and he was also their preferred face.

Not to mention, what the hell does being a fan of indy wrestling have to do with being a "smark"? If anything, you're one of the smarkiest fucktards on the WZ forums. Liking a promotion like ROH has nothing to do with being a smark or anything like that, it just means you like ROH. How does that make anyone a smark for simply liking a product that was developed in their region?
I'm not saying it's a new thing. I'm saying "hostile" is what they make of it. No, Philly has not been the home of ECW "for years" because it's been out of business "for years".

Jesus you're defensive. Go to a fucking ROH show, the crowd is annoying. You get people who are more concerned with getting their own stupid ass chants over than actually watching the match. You'll get people yelling stuff like "no restholds please". It's annoying as fuck. I AM an ROH fan. On several occassions I've traveled 13 hours round trip in 24 hours to see a show.

Saying an ROH fan isn't a smark is like saying a Yankee fan isn't a bandwagon fan but a resident of New York City. Yea you might get like...3% that aren't but the majority are.

I wouldn't consider myself smarky since most of my logic comes from a business perspective. I don't believe in restholds or workrate. I don't like Alex Shelley and I like John Cena, yet I like ROH and I like Brian Kendrick.

Yes, I realize Philly has some of the biggest assholes in the world. At a Phillies game one of the fans purposely projective vomitted on a child, then the people around him beat the fuck out of him. Classy. It makes for a fun wrestling environment though I'll give you that.

Like I said though, the most "hostile" crowds are always what you make of them. You could make 6 people in podunk, Indiana the most hostile crowd ever with the right booking.
I've only been to wrestling show's in 2 different. My home town of Belfast, Ireland is home to an extremely marky crowd. When WWE comes to town they cheer the heels and boo the faces. John Cena, Edge (on his last Smackdown tour in November) and Orton all get deafening pops. The crowd is about 90% kids and their parents so this explains a lot.

I have been to one Raw and one Smackdown at the Allstate Arena in Chicago and I have to say they were extremely vocal. Every face, with the exception of Jeff Hardy, got mostly boos. They were very hostile to the faces but overall they gave great heat and there were a lot of chants going. Cena got mega heat, which is to be expected.

Going from what I see/hear on TV, I'm going to have to go with Chicago and Philly.
Its by far Philly. Philly is the capitol of indy wrestling, as they have roh, czw, dgusa, and many more. They have very knowledgeable wrestling crowds. And they will eat you up if you do something dumb just as fast as they will praise you for doing something great. You multiply that with them being philly sports fans. I mean theirs a reason why the phillies have had a longer sold out home games in a row then any mlb team in history(which is still happening). If Philly would have a place the size of the hammerstein ballroom, then their would be no need to go their for ppv.
Its by far Philly. Philly is the capitol of indy wrestling, as they have roh, czw, dgusa, and many more. They have very knowledgeable wrestling crowds. And they will eat you up if you do something dumb just as fast as they will praise you for doing something great. You multiply that with them being philly sports fans. I mean theirs a reason why the phillies have had a longer sold out home games in a row then any mlb team in history(which is still happening). If Philly would have a place the size of the hammerstein ballroom, then their would be no need to go their for ppv.
I wouldn't say knowledgeable. Smarky, yes, but smarky =/= knowledgeable. Just because you can point out "you fucked up" (which is stupid, do they chant "you fucked up" when a guy slips throwing a kick in the UFC?) or "this is wrestling" which you may as well say "this isn't real and I don't care who wins I'm not emotionally interested in either character I just like seeing moves" then I don't consider them smart.

Also, I'm pretty sure Boston has the longest home sellout streak, I found an article that said that prior to the 2011 season, the Red Sox had 631, waaaaay more than the Phillies 177 or whatever shit they have. Philly only became a baseball town once the Phillies won the world series. You're fans aren't great fans, they're bitchy, fickle fans. McNabb gives you what? 3 NFC championships and you kick him out. You guys puke on little girls and constantly get into fights, you throw batteries at opposing players, you only show up to baseball games once your payroll is over 150 million and you win the World Series. Yea, great job.
Most indy shows are the same thing with people chanting you fucked up, this is wrestling blah blah blah. I hate it. Who cares when they mess up, if people want to judge a match or a wrestler on how many slip ups there were then screw them, they're only ruining it for themselves.

As far as most hostile crowd, I always love the crowd in Toronto. It always makes for fun viewing. Its nice to just see a crowd enjoying themselves as most of the time crowds on tv come across as disinterested in what they're watching... sometimes you cant blame them, but still why go to watch a show to sit in silence?! Loosen up and have some fun!

The most vocal match i've seen in person was either Taker/Shawn's first WM match in Houston or a match I saw a month later at a local show in england. But comparing the two one was a stadium filled with however many tens of thousands of people and the other was a pub filled with about 200 drunken englishmen.

My answer: Toronto
By hostile do you mean smarky? Probably any ROH audience. They are so smarky it's annoying. From their jackass get me over chants to their jackass "this is wrestling" chants.

On behalf of those Ring of Honor fans who chant that, and I am one, allow me to apologize for not being silent as fuck, knowing a thing or two about professional wrestling, demanding that we get a good show and praising those in the ring.

Back onto the topic at hand...

Philidelphia was always a huge wrestling city for hostile crowds, they were the first crowd to really make the child friendly image of wrestling a negative and hence why they rallied behind ECW. ECW changed so much in wrestling back in the '90's, and the way wrestling is perceived is one of them. They wanted blood, fire, weapons and violence - when they didn't get what they were paying for, they usually showed it.

Chicago has always been a pro-heel city, not all that hostile. Hostile at times but most certainly pro-heel. This is always the case - WrestleMania 22 is a great example, they booed Mysterio and Cena and sided with the heels in both matches, they also rallied behind Edge when he faced Mick Foley.

Really, there are not many hostile cities - it depends on the situation. The ECW fans showed hostility because they were anti-Cena because John represented everything they changed in wrestling back in the '90's, plus he couldn't wrestle and if he had won... The Hammerstein Ballroom would have rioted. Same with Toronot, all depends on the situation - not so much a hostile city.
I'm from California and though I've been to events in San Jose, Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Anaheim, and Los Angeles, none of these crowds come close to Chicago. I went to one event in Chicago at the AllState Arena and it was the best live wrestling crowd I've ever experienced.

Now I have yet to attend a live event in the Northeast such as Philly, Boston, or NYC, but based on tape they seem live close rivals for the top spot of rabid fans along with Chi-town.
I wouldn't say knowledgeable. Smarky, yes, but smarky =/= knowledgeable. Just because you can point out "you fucked up" (which is stupid, do they chant "you fucked up" when a guy slips throwing a kick in the UFC?) or "this is wrestling" which you may as well say "this isn't real and I don't care who wins I'm not emotionally interested in either character I just like seeing moves" then I don't consider them smart.

Also, I'm pretty sure Boston has the longest home sellout streak, I found an article that said that prior to the 2011 season, the Red Sox had 631, waaaaay more than the Phillies 177 or whatever shit they have. Philly only became a baseball town once the Phillies won the world series. You're fans aren't great fans, they're bitchy, fickle fans. McNabb gives you what? 3 NFC championships and you kick him out. You guys puke on little girls and constantly get into fights, you throw batteries at opposing players, you only show up to baseball games once your payroll is over 150 million and you win the World Series. Yea, great job.

you obviously don't like roh. Well let me deflate most of your comment. First off smarky actually does mean knowledgeable about wrestling, you fucking idiot. It is derived from the words mark which is a fan and smart. And actually if you didn't watch only highlights of matches and actually spent time watching whole matches or going to a match in philly, you would know that they don't just say this is wrestling or you fucked up. And I'm sorry if people get happy from watching a great match or two.

The one thing I will give you is the red sox thing. But besides them the phillies have the longest. I don't research before i post usually, because I have a life. Sorry.

And i never said that philly had great fans. I didn't say they had bad fans either. What i was trying to say was philly has passionate fans. And all the things you put under them being fickle, shows how passionate they are and thus how hostile they can be.

Oh yeah one more thing, when the fuck was the last year that st Louis was a wrestling city.
How did we get into ROH bashing? Fucking moron, ROH is a great promotion, and I don't believe a word you said about traveling 24 hrs round trip. Anyone in their right mind, who is annoyed that much by the fans isn't going to drive a 24 hr round trip to see a show. LOL Now to the thread topic. Philly is by far the toughest city for a promotion to go to. They want a great product, and if they do not get it, they'll let you know fast. I always enjoy watching a show that is in Philly to see how the crowd reacts to the faces, it's give or take every single time.
I'm not saying it's a new thing. I'm saying "hostile" is what they make of it. No, Philly has not been the home of ECW "for years" because it's been out of business "for years".

Jesus you're defensive. Go to a fucking ROH show, the crowd is annoying. You get people who are more concerned with getting their own stupid ass chants over than actually watching the match. You'll get people yelling stuff like "no restholds please". It's annoying as fuck. I AM an ROH fan. On several occassions I've traveled 13 hours round trip in 24 hours to see a show.

Saying an ROH fan isn't a smark is like saying a Yankee fan isn't a bandwagon fan but a resident of New York City. Yea you might get like...3% that aren't but the majority are.

I wouldn't consider myself smarky since most of my logic comes from a business perspective. I don't believe in restholds or workrate. I don't like Alex Shelley and I like John Cena, yet I like ROH and I like Brian Kendrick.

Yes, I realize Philly has some of the biggest assholes in the world. At a Phillies game one of the fans purposely projective vomitted on a child, then the people around him beat the fuck out of him. Classy. It makes for a fun wrestling environment though I'll give you that.

Like I said though, the most "hostile" crowds are always what you make of them. You could make 6 people in podunk, Indiana the most hostile crowd ever with the right booking.

To a degree, I can agree on you saying that ROH fans are "smarky", over-the-top with their chants, or whatever, but you can't say that about EVERY SINGLE ROH fan. You can have your opinion about any fanbase, but you can't paint everyone the same way with what you think. You said that you're an ROH fan, so are you one of the "smarky" ROH fans? You're just coming off as being disrespectful.

I'm an ROH fan myself and you can't say that I'm what you think. All I'm saying is that you can have your opinion, but don't try to put everyone in that one opinion. You gotta be careful with things that you say, because you might get heat for it, whether you stand by with what you say or not.
I'm not saying it's a new thing. I'm saying "hostile" is what they make of it. No, Philly has not been the home of ECW "for years" because it's been out of business "for years".

Jesus you're defensive. Go to a fucking ROH show, the crowd is annoying. You get people who are more concerned with getting their own stupid ass chants over than actually watching the match. You'll get people yelling stuff like "no restholds please". It's annoying as fuck. I AM an ROH fan. On several occassions I've traveled 13 hours round trip in 24 hours to see a show.

Saying an ROH fan isn't a smark is like saying a Yankee fan isn't a bandwagon fan but a resident of New York City. Yea you might get like...3% that aren't but the majority are.

I wouldn't consider myself smarky since most of my logic comes from a business perspective. I don't believe in restholds or workrate. I don't like Alex Shelley and I like John Cena, yet I like ROH and I like Brian Kendrick.

Yes, I realize Philly has some of the biggest assholes in the world. At a Phillies game one of the fans purposely projective vomitted on a child, then the people around him beat the fuck out of him. Classy. It makes for a fun wrestling environment though I'll give you that.

Like I said though, the most "hostile" crowds are always what you make of them. You could make 6 people in podunk, Indiana the most hostile crowd ever with the right booking.

I live in Philadelphia and the fan that vomited on that guys daughter was actually from New Jersey go figure and he deserved to get the fuck beat out of him.

And Philly hasn't been a great WWE Market for years. I went to Smackdown recenty, and the crowd sucked.
I wouldn't say knowledgeable. Smarky, yes, but smarky =/= knowledgeable. Just because you can point out "you fucked up" (which is stupid, do they chant "you fucked up" when a guy slips throwing a kick in the UFC?) or "this is wrestling" which you may as well say "this isn't real and I don't care who wins I'm not emotionally interested in either character I just like seeing moves" then I don't consider them smart.

Also, I'm pretty sure Boston has the longest home sellout streak, I found an article that said that prior to the 2011 season, the Red Sox had 631, waaaaay more than the Phillies 177 or whatever shit they have. Philly only became a baseball town once the Phillies won the world series. You're fans aren't great fans, they're bitchy, fickle fans. McNabb gives you what? 3 NFC championships and you kick him out. You guys puke on little girls and constantly get into fights, you throw batteries at opposing players, you only show up to baseball games once your payroll is over 150 million and you win the World Series. Yea, great job.

I would love to know what your hometown is, because you sound like a fucking New York fan. We have always been a baseball town, this goes back for years and we didn't get Donovan McNabb out, he was traded. The NFL is a regional league, so people outside of Philadelphia don't realize how bad he was. He was a product of Andy Reid's brilliance and as soon as he goes somewhere else, what a surprise, he stinks up the joint.

I already explained the puking thing and we have never thrown batteries at an opposing player except for that one JD Drew incident back in like 94.

As for the most hostile wrestling crowd, it is hands down New York City. New York has, by far, the dumbest and most smarky fans I have ever had the displeasure of being around. What a pisshole MSG is to.
Its by far Philly. Philly is the capitol of indy wrestling, as they have roh, czw, dgusa, and many more. They have very knowledgeable wrestling crowds. And they will eat you up if you do something dumb just as fast as they will praise you for doing something great. You multiply that with them being philly sports fans. I mean theirs a reason why the phillies have had a longer sold out home games in a row then any mlb team in history(which is still happening). If Philly would have a place the size of the hammerstein ballroom, then their would be no need to go their for ppv.

What you man by that staement? WWE had ECW ONS 05 and 06 at the Hamerstein Ballroom in NYC. And the atmosphere and shows were great. I wish WWE would have RAW and SD their, same with TNA Impact.
I would love to know what your hometown is, because you sound like a fucking New York fan. We have always been a baseball town, this goes back for years and we didn't get Donovan McNabb out, he was traded. The NFL is a regional league, so people outside of Philadelphia don't realize how bad he was. He was a product of Andy Reid's brilliance and as soon as he goes somewhere else, what a surprise, he stinks up the joint.

I already explained the puking thing and we have never thrown batteries at an opposing player except for that one JD Drew incident back in like 94.

As for the most hostile wrestling crowd, it is hands down New York City. New York has, by far, the dumbest and most smarky fans I have ever had the displeasure of being around. What a pisshole MSG is to.

So, new York has dumb fans? Really? Actually, new york has smart fans. And I really have to mention this, when you think of arenas in philly, u draw up a blank unlesd you're a local. When you think of any type of arenas in my, Yankee stadium, and msg come to mind.

Anyways, new York is the toughest crowd simply cuz of this motto: if you can make it in new york, you can make it anywhere.

Anyways, I invite people to challenge/insult me. I need a way to add time while I wait for more people to post something here that isnt complete bull.

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