Most Entertaining Wrestler in the WWE


It is pretty obvious question. I am being direct with it. The question is who is the Most Entertaining Wrestler in the WWE. Who do you always have to watch. Puts on the best match, best on the mic, best moves and gets the best reaction. There is really nothing more to it, so go.
In MY eyes, I can't miss Randy Orton or Jeff Hardy.

Overall I'd say John Cena. He gets the crowds into the match, he's great on the mic. Simple.
John Cena is probably the best, great on the mic, can hold a match pretty good. He may not be the best wrestler but he's good enough to get over. His mic skills are through the roof.

For me personally though i can't miss Jeff Hardy or Chris Jericho, they are MY favourites and most entertaining to me. I won't miss anything that involves them.
John Cena cuz of his tremendous mic skills but i also like to see triple h cuz u never kno what to expect with him
John Cena is probably the most entertaining and charismatic face, and is definitely great on the mic. He knows how to work a crowd very well. His comfortableness on the mic is very obvious, and he plays the role of the determined babyface very, very well, and shows this even in his matches, which makes him very entertaining.

Chris Jericho is the probably the most entertaining and charismatic heel, as he is also superb on the mic as well. He knows exactly how to make a crowd get hot at him, and his fluency on the mic is second to NONE. I've never seen Jericho mess up a promo. Ever. His entertainment abilities are thus through the roof. He's a very entertaining heel.
I personally am a big fan of the high flyers and thats why i wish the wwe would bring back the cruiserweight championship but thats for another thread so im would say evan bourne and rey mysterio are very entertaining

you never know what they're gonna do with all the flying around and they can pull moves out of absolutely nowhere

i would agree and say john cena is the most entertaining of them all

hes got mic skills some people could only dream of

he isnt the greatest technical wrestler but he can hold a good match and tell a story, i would say hes kinda the smart wrestler
Shawn he can get the crowd behind him.....we all know he steals the show all the time....and his promos with taker have been his dx stuff legendary ....anyone remember him spoofing shano o mac

Then chris jericho.....i mean when he's face people love him.....when he's heel they want him dead....his promos are great....adn his old stuff is hilarous almost as good as the rocks....and the guy is a hell of a athelete and has great matches
Jericho, for me, has to be the most entertaining. I do love Y2J as a face, hes funny, and the way he talks about himself I find hysterical. As a heel, I still love him. He gets soo much heat, and until last night's Raw, I have been loving the legend segments. Also, I love his in ring work. He's a hell of a wrestler.
john cena are u freakin kidding me. my pick would have to be jericho. he is over all the best. cena is decent but not the best nd if the rock was still around he would be a way bigger star then cena
All I have to say about Jericho being almost as good as the Rock, HA! Look back at Jericho vs Rey at Bash of the Beach. I've never watched anyone with a top hat and cane. And the man brought in the best body guard ever.

But I could also say: Taz, Tajiri, Benoit, Malenko, Ultamo Dragon, Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Niedhart, RVD, Lynn, Storm, Davy Boy, Pillman, Whipreck and Austin are/were very entertaining.

But as for today, you have to say Jericho
I'd say Edge or Orton.

They cut amazing promos AND put on great matches, with pretty much anyone!

Cena......dear God, he cuts ok promos, but he STILL, after all these years, completely stinks in the ring.
How can anyone say, that he the MOST entertaining wrestler right now??
i cant miss orton, his wrestling, promos, acting are all brilliant and hes being booked really well at the moment. so orton is the most entertaining overall.

evan bourne is the most entertaining in the ring, man that guy flys around!! i hope he is a part of wrestlemania some how as he is just sheer class in the ring.

honourable mentions - hbk, taker, HHH (at times) and cena

most entertaining ever - the rock, he was epic
I'd say Edge or Orton.

They cut amazing promos AND put on great matches, with pretty much anyone!

Cena......dear God, he cuts ok promos, but he STILL, after all these years, completely stinks in the ring.
How can anyone say, that he the MOST entertaining wrestler right now??

everyone bashes cena, i think he does ok in the ring, hes not great but i find him entertaining, tell me what HHH can do that cena cant? everyone bashes cena but he is similar to HHH in the ring
Mooks like mostly back and forth between Cena and Jericho.

I'm not high on John Cena. He's not very exciting to watch in the ring, his promos used to be pretty good (especially when he used to wrap) but now, as Jericho would put it, he just panders to the fans. More than any of that, though, Cena just sucks at building a feud. The program between Orton and HHH, for instance, Cena just couldn't deliver anything like that with anybody, not even Edge or Jericho.

Jericho, I thinks, takes the nod. Taking all parts of pro wrestling into account, he's the perfect package: in-ring ability, mic skills, can work a crowd (face or heel), build feuds, etc. I would say no one else comes anywhere close.
IM going to say Edge and Randy Orton.

Not only are they great wrestlers with tremendous skill, they both are really good on the mic and know hot to build an amazing feud.

And did I mention that they are the two best heels in the business today? :D (and Jericho but come on someone give him a proper wrestlemania match for 25!!)
Not a huge fan of the guy but Cena for sure. He got some dang good mic skills and is decent in the ring. Can get a crowd behind him also. So my vote goes to Cena here.
Guys like Orton and Jeff Hardy are coming into their own but still could improve mic skill wise.Thats honestly why i never understood why they did away with managers pretty much.Managers like Bill Alfonzo and Jimmy Hart added another element to the shows.Who didnt wanna see Alfonzo get his whistle shoved in an area i probably cant say here.

Aside from their entertainment value they also made it better for those wrestlers who just weren't confortable on the microphone.Some guys were better before they ever made them talk.Abyss and Kane come to mind.They should bring back the manager like they were in the 80's-90's.Would love seeing more talented wresters who dont get deals because they arent good on the mic with an insane manager than a wrestler with decent in ring ability with good mic skills any day.

As it stands im leaning more towards Jericho.Even when hes a face he just can come across as cocky which makes some people love or hate him.He does great stuff on the mic and is talented in the rings obviously.Edge and Cena are both really close but lets be honest.Cena's character is the same any more and needs a heel change or perhaps a brand change to mix things up for him.

Edge would be my pick but im starting to hate the Vicki/Edge story line and while Edge can control the matches and has no trouble working the mic id rather see Jericho on top of him.If i have to choose one tho its Jericho slightly edging out Cena and Edge
i would have to say santino ofr entertainment he cracks me up every single time.
hbk and randy orton for promos and matches thair the best in the wwe at the moment
when i frist saw the question i was going to say randy orton but then after reading some of the other comments chris jericho can be thrown in there John cena, shawn micheals , undertaker, Triple h, edge all of them can be thrown. I am going to add one name that has not been said and that is the Big Show with the promo between him and vickieot the was great on raw maybe not the best in ring work but has good mic skills. And is going to be in big match wm this year. and not agianst a Boxer.
Why I think Jericho is the Most Entertaining Wrestler in the WWE:

1-He make us listen to him
2-He really does speak the truth...even though we don't always want to hear it
3-He's a great wrestler......I think of him as a wrestling general!!
4-He knows how to push our buttons without simply shouting "Atlanta sucks" or something stupid to draw cheap heat
5-He can wrestle a variety of matches
6-He can wrestle with just about anyone!!!
7-Last but not least......JERICHO has CHARISMA!!!!! Jericho has that "it factor" that can't be tought!!!
I'd say cena overall because he has mic skills he is ok in the ring and works the the crowd well. ovarall i think he is the best.I do enjoy highflyers like Evan Bourne and Rey but i still would go with cena
My answer to this question could feasibly change weekly and I could throw out a handful of names. Santino Morella is constantly entertaining with his ridiculousness; Evan Bourne has a great return match last night on ECW; I look forward each week to seeing Jack Swagger wrestle (although I been Swaggerless the past 2 weeks), etc. etc.

With that being said, CM Punk and Chris Jericho are probably my 2 favorite WWE wrestlers and they always entertain me each and every time they step into the ring. I think that most fans would agree that they are entertaining, as Punk gets loud cheers and Jericho receives loud boos every week.

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