Most anticipated


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
This is a thread to look at the most anticipated games from now until the end of 2010. Firstly I will look at three non sequels, then I shall look at PS3 sequels, Nintendo sequels and X-Box sequels with me finally looking at the cross platform sequels. Obviously put your input with the games you're looking forward to.

Alan Wake- 360 exclusive- Spring 2010

Alan Wake, a bestselling writer, hasn't managed to write anything in over two years. Now his wife, Alice, brings him to the idyllic small town of Bright Falls to recover his creative flow. But when she vanishes without a trace, Wake finds himself trapped in a nightmare. Word by word, his latest work, a thriller he can't even remember writing, is coming true before his eyes. He somehow knows it's his story without any memory of writing it.

This is a game that caught my attention when I saw the trailer at E3, a very nice looking game that seems to have a great mix of visuals and plot. It has a free roaming sandbox style of play as well as a night/day time cycle which makes the game look good. Here's the trailer for the game:

Scribblenauts---Nintendo DS---Sept 09 NA, October 09 EU

This was perhaps the simplest of games with the most creativity. The game presents you with a scene where you have to solve a problem. You write letters into boxes, spelling out a word that you think could be used to solved the problem. If you have to clear a path through an obstacle, you can write the word “shovel.” A shovel appears in the picture and then you can use it to dig your way through. Matt Cox, the lead designer, says the team has come up with tens of thousands of words that can be visualized in this way. It debuts this fall.

Another game that has excited me, it seems a bit like Drawn to Life but a bit better, as you should know by now the game involves writing any word and that in turn becomes the item. It looks one of those fun and simple games that will be addictive as heck. Makes me regret selling my DS!

Avatar---Cross Platform---2010
The videogame is set on Pandora, an alien planet featured in the motion picture. The game includes the Na'vi, Pandora's indigenous people and discover other life forms.

Technically this game isn't a sequel, it's a game based on a film. The film itself has really gained some hype around it with the video game looking surprisingly good. Anyways here's a video on it.

PS3 exclusive sequels

Uncharted 2: Among thieves---October 2009

Uncharted 2 picks up a couple of years after the events of Drake's Fortune. Similar to the previous story, Nathan Drake’s new adventure revolves around an unsolved historical mystery – this time surrounding Marco Polo and his doomed voyage home from China in 1292.

Another good looking sequel that is due to sell well, I quite enjoyed Uncharted 1 and the sequel looks to have improved on this greatly whilst still keeping true to the original. Good play.

GOW III---2010
God of War III takes place right where God of War II ended, with Kratos on Gaia’s back. But to be honest we could care less if Kratos was on the back of B. Arthur fighting her to the death, it’s just so much damn fun fighting as Kratos, hacking slashing and ripping everything to shreds. If you own a PS3 this will game will be the exactly what you needed, something to shove in your xbox 360 friends face.

One series that keeps getting better is GOW, and my word does the third game in the series have me excited. It's one of the 2010 exclusives that has me wanting to buy a PS3 and rightly so. :thumbsup:

GT 5---Late 2009/Early 2010

Whilst not a fan of racing games one cannot argue that GT5 is anticipated, the visuals on this game looks incredible and if prologue had anything to go by it will be a mighty fine game.
Very interesting, I'll say that. God of War 3 looks kickass. I've played the PSP game.

Gran Turismo will be good, I'm sure, but I'm looking forward to another PS3 racing game, Modnation Racers, more. It has a more cartoony style, and a really good-looking track editor.
X Box 360 Exclusive sequels

Mass Effect 2---Early 2010

Mass Effect 2 takes place two years after the conclusion of Mass Effect. With the Reaper invasion stopped and Saren and the geth defeated, Commander Shepard learns that entire human colonies are mysteriously vanishing. Teaming up with the human supremacist organization Cerberus in his investigations, Shepard will also journey across the galaxy to recruit "up to a dozen of the galaxy's most dangerous operatives" to face this new threat. Locations include the asari colony world of Illium, and Omega, a space mining station in the Terminus Systems which harbors the worst of galactic society

For me Mass Effect was good but not brilliant, by the looks of it the sequel has improved the areas I thought were lacking, such as the AI and the combat as well as allegedly being up to 10 times graphically better, one would agree it looks good.

Crackdown 2---2010

Looks pretty similar to crackdown 1, but you can now play with four people instead of the two on co-op. There's not much I can really say about this game as not a lot has been announced but here's the trailer:

Fable III---2010

Fable III begins five decades after the events of Fable II. The game will follow the story of the son or daughter of the Hero of Bowerstone as they help stage a rebellion against the ruler of Albion in their quest to become the new king or queen. Once the character has gained the crown of Albion, the second half of the game is spent ruling over and directing the future course of Albion

A great series that once again has me excited about the sequel, but as is often the case am not sure exactly what's going on in it what the improvements are etc...

Is this thread just for your most anticipated, the public's most anticipated, or can we post our most anticipated?

There are a lot of exciting sequels coming out this year, it seems. No More Heroes, Fable, Mass Effect...
Nintendo exclusive sequels

Ah this is where Lee comes into his own :p I picked three, but I am missing games such as Dragon Quest IX and X, Okamiden among others.

Sin and Punishment 2----October 09 Japan, Q1 2010 rest of the world.

This looks a nice simple shooter and S&P 1 was incredible for the N64, I have a feeling this will just appeal to a niche market of those who have played the original but meh! I shall be.

Super Mario Galaxy 2---2010

I fucking loved SMG, most people on here did not but I personally thought it was a fantastic 3D platformer, with the mix to 2.5D and SMG2 looks to have the same formula. Whilst I personally think that Bowser should just destroy the mushroom kingdom once again. Adding new power ups will also be Yoshi and rumoured is the two player mode with Luigi, and the most annoying part of SMG1 seems to be vanished with Miyamoto saying the focus is on the gameplay and not the plot as was the case witht he first one.

Metroid: Other M---2010

An interview by video gaming website with series director Yoshio Sakamoto delves into the story and clarifies plot elements from the trailer. Set between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, Other M will involve Samus's commanding officer, Adam Malkovich, who dies sometime prior to Fusion. Malkovich was seen briefly in the trailer released for the game at E3 2009, speaking the line "Any objections, Lady?". The woman at the end of the trailer is not Samus, but a "very, very important character.

I'll post the trailer first:

There's your hardcore game Nintendo fanboys, this game looks incredible especially for a Wii game. Metroid is a great series and the reboot will do wonders for Nintendos rep in the hardcore community. This is THE Nintendo game for 2010!
Holy shit, they're making Sin and Punishment 2!?

That has quickly become one of my most anticipated. I loved the original Sin and Punishment, ever since I read about it in an old issue of the (sadly now defunct) magazine Retro Gamer. I've played it on P64 and the VC, and it's an absolute blast. With Wii controls, it should be amazing.
Very interesting, I'll say that. God of War 3 looks kickass. I've played the PSP game.

Gran Turismo will be good, I'm sure, but I'm looking forward to another PS3 racing game, Modnation Racers, more. It has a more cartoony style, and a really good-looking track editor.

This thread is my most anticipated, you're welcome to put your own in discuss what I said, agree or disagree go crazy!

Cross Platform

Bio Shock 2---360, PC, PS3----Q1 2010

Set on New Years Eve of 1969, ten years after the events of BioShock, a number of towns around the world have been reporting kidnappings of young girls, with witnesses reporting the attackers as both extremely fast and thin, with red lights often reported as either being worn by the attacker or spotted nearby in the sea. This single attacker is in fact the Big Sister, one of the Little Sisters from the first entry in the series, who has mechanized herself in a similar fashion to the Big Daddies and has become the ruler of the underwater city of Rapture.

There are certain games that do not need a sequel, Bioshock is one of them, but meh companies need to make some more money so lets make a sequel to one of the greatest games of recent times. I'm suprised at how good this is looking, and either way it will be a big seller come next year.

Final Fantasy XIII---PS3, 360 Spring 2010

Fuck me this looks incredible, another game in the main series and by the looks of it major improvements, whilst many were disappointed in 12 and few have played 11 will 13 live up to the games set by its predecessors? It certainly looks it.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow---PS3, 360 2010
The setting of Lords of Shadow is during "the end of days". The Earth's alliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a malevolent force known as the Lords of Shadow. The souls of the deceased and evil creatures inhabit the dying land, and attack living people.

A full reboot of the Castlevania games with new characters (still related to the Belmonts) with the gameplay looking amazing and the plot due to be great, add in some class A voices (Patrik Stewart <3) this does look a good game.

So chicos which is your most anticipated game of 2009/2010? Is it one of these or another? Give us your opinions!
Man there are so many great games coming out, and I STILL haven't upgraded to this generation of systems yet. This only makes things more difficult. I'd say of all of those games, for some odd reason I'm looking forward to Alan Wake the most. Probably because when I read that it would be influenced by Twin Peaks, Lost, and Stephen King (three of my favorite things in the world), I knew this was something I need to keep my eye on. Is this a 360 exclusive Lee?

Mass Effect 2 & Bioshock 2 are two new games that I'm also looking forward to, I'm a bit of a Sci-Fi nerd, so both of these should be good plays as well. I never got to finish the first Bioshock, but from what I remember playing, it was downright fantastic.

Then of course there's the next installment of the Final Fantasy franchise. Jeez, I still haven't even finished XII yet! (Yeah, I know, but my gaming has been really, really scaled back these past few years). That teaser gets me pumped up every time I watch it. The only thing that has me apprehensive is the little kid in the teaser and the fact that it appears they'll be using the same battle system from XII. It's not bad, but I really preferred the battle sysem in FFX, and thought that installment really perfected it. XII looks fucking amazing though.

Lots of very good games approaching.
My most anticipated games are:

Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 (Multiplatform)
Admittedly, at first, this was one of my least anticipated. Then, they showed us just how much they added. I am a sucker for customization, and Create-A-Storyline alone made it shoot up my list. It looks to be the best SvR game...ever. Plus, there's Create-A-Titantron, Aerial Create-A-Finisher, a totally improved Create-A-Wrestler, and more.

Modnation Racers (PS3)
As I said previously, I'm a sucker for customization and user-generated content. Modnation Racers has the best and easiest track editor I have ever seen. You create by driving and dragging. The customization level in the game is unbelievable. Your cars can be edited, your characters can be edited, and the track editor is simple yet brilliant and deep.

No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle (Wii)
The original No More Heroes was one of the best games I have ever played. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's still fun as all get out. The sequel looks to expand expand expand, with fifty (!) boss fights, duel-wielding lightsabers, and the same insane sense of humor and fun violence. Hope the US gets the uncensored version again.
My most anticipated games are:

Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 (Multiplatform)
Admittedly, at first, this was one of my least anticipated. Then, they showed us just how much they added. I am a sucker for customization, and Create-A-Storyline alone made it shoot up my list. It looks to be the best SvR game...ever. Plus, there's Create-A-Titantron, Aerial Create-A-Finisher, a totally improved Create-A-Wrestler, and more.

Exactly a game I am very much looking forward to. Quite possibly could be one of the best wrestling games 2001. Referring to Smackdown 2 and No Mercy. HCTP was great, but the customisation factor was mainly back in the No Mercy days, thank you THQ for listening to the fans!

One game I'm looking forward to since hearing of it coming out is Max Payne 3, due out in December. There's little to go on except a teaser trailer but if you're a fan like me of the first two, this should be even better given it's going on PS3 and Xbox. I've been replaying 1 & 2 and getting myself even more hyped, I think the narrative has been one of the best through storylines in recent gaming history, mixing the graphic novel and game factor together. Hopefully this will be the best of 1 & 2 making a great game. I just hope Rockstar have returned the autosave from the first one which they removed for the second, they really did annoy the hell out of me


As mentioned before, Mario Galaxy and Metriod: The Other M are two I'm looking forward to. But I'm in a mix about whether to keep my Wii for these two or upgrade to a PS3 for games like SVR' 10, MGS4 and other titles. I know SVR is on Wii, but you know it's not going to be as completing as the PS3/Xbox versions.

Will post some more in a bit when I think of them.
No mention so far? I guess I'll do it...

The Last Guardian: I've been a huge fan of everything Team Ico has made, ever since I first played Ico for PS2. That game changed my perspective of what a game could be, and how greatly you could become attached to one. Shadow of the Colossus did it one better as far as a personal connection goes, and, in my opinion, had even better gameplay. If you haven't seen anything for The Last Guardian, just look it up, and you should easily find a trailer for it. It's about a young boy and his that protects him. I'm curious as to what exactly the gameplay will be, but I'm sure it will be great.
I'm waiting for what might be a sleeper hit

Borderlands An fps with rpg elements featuring 4 player online co-op, customizable vehicles, and a level up system. The game has four different characters that have their own strengths. The 4 characters have three unique focus skill trees to develop making each and every character different. Mordecai is the lone sniper where some of his skills can be increase party headshots and gains a pet that attacks enemy's. Roland is the basic soldier where he has a backpack that regenerates ammo and if you choose can shoot bullets that heal his party. Lilith is a siren who serves as the mage class who can slow down bullets and go invisible and shoots shock waves at enemy's. The last character is Brick who is the tank character who can take a lot of damage, his special is that he puts down his gun at punches people while damage resistent.

The game features a loot system that reminds you of Diablo where every character you kill you gain their equipment. The game features over 3 million guns to pick up each with their own design and stats. Guns also can have elemental damage like fire, lighting, and acid. You also gain orb shields that act like armor that have its own health bar that can take x amount of damage and regenerate at x speed depending on which orb you find. Grenades can be programmed and used that have different abilities like a teleportation grenade.

With 130 side quests and 30 main quests, 3 million guns, different style of graphics and split screen I will be occupied with this game for a while Oct 20 can't come any sooner.
I don't know if it's coming out in 2010 or 2011, but what I'm interested is the next Fallout game Las Vegas. I loved Fallout 3, I found John Henry Eden a very interesting character, and the game play was awesome, as well as the story. I loved how you can either play the story, do side quests, or mess around, much like the GTA games. A thing that added to that was the ability to make a good or bad guy, much like Mass Effect.

Specking of Mass Effect, I loved that game as well, and I'm really looking toward it's sequel as well. Mass Effect 2 leaves me really wondering that happened after the end of the first game, so much so in fact if it at the same time as the next Fallout game I'll have to get Mass Effect 2 out of curiosity of the story.

One more if Final Fantasy 13. I love playing Final Fantasy games, and I thought 12 was the best so far. I know being a Final Fantasy game that it most likely with have nothing to do with Final Fantasy's 12 story, but those games are always so fun to play and I always look forward toward the next installment. Also there's expansions to one of the old FF games on the Wii's Virtual Console, so I'll have to get those as well once I get some Wii points.

And when the heck is Duke Nuckem Forever is coming out? It's literally been forever!
Well untill it's released in November, my most anticipated game is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Period.

As for next year and beyond, there are 3 games which I am dying to get. These are:

Red Dead Redemption.

I've always been interested in the whole 'wild west' setting. Ever since I went to Disneyland when I was 8 and went on Big Thunder Mountain which was based a wild west setting, I've always found that era really cool. So to be able to play a sandbox, free-roaming wild west game, created by the same people who created the Grand Theft Auto series, is going to be something truly awesome. I'm not sure when the release date is, but I'll be outside Gamestation on release day to pick that up. It could be a contender for the 2010 game of the year.


MotoGP 09/10

Many of you will wonder why am I excited to play this. Well, not only do I love Formula 1, I also have gotten really into MotoGP. I've always enjoyed the MotoGP games, even when I wasen't that big of a fan of the category. MotoGP 2008 was absolutely ace, and this set to be a step-up from that. Plus I'll get the chance to blast around the new in-field layout at Silverstone before I get to go and watch MotoGP race there for real.


Formula 1 2010.

Hardly surprising that I am already wetting myself with excitement about this. It's probably another year away at this rate, but when it is finally released, my social life will officially be over. HD graphics, online racing, updated cars and drivers (including all the new teams such as USF1, Manor Grand Prix and the newly formed Lotus) and if it's prepared to stage the British Grand Prix for real, the new Donnington Park will be featured. I have faith in Codemasters to develop what will surely be the best Formula 1 game to date. I mean, they have a very impressive track-record when it comes to making racing games, GRID and the two DIRT games being the primary examples. Theres no trailer yet sadly for this game.
My gaming has become boring at the minute. I haven't bought many games in the last couple of months and I think it is having an adverse affect on me. In saying that, I haven't had much time to game either.

With thae being said, I would like to tell you the games that, I hope, will save gaming for me... At least for now. I have an Xbox 360 and recently, there hasn't been a game that I have wanted to go out and buy without thinking about it. The last one was Gears of War 2 and GTA IV. The problem I am having is that there has been nothing spectacular in the works for a while. As we all know though, the video games industry always picks up around now and better games begin to emerge. The games that will make or break my console gaming life are:

1. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
2. Assassin's Creed 2
3. Bioshock 2
4. Oblivion 5
5. FIFA 10
6. Borderlands
7. Final Fantasy 13

For me, these are the games that are really going to do well. As you may or may not know, I am a huge Final Fantasy mark and I am sure that it will be a great game. When I heard it was going to be on 360, I almost crapped my pants. Those games will be great and I am sure that they will do the job. I just worry if gaming is wearing off of me, we shall soon know.
Looking forward to:

God Of War 3 - First 2 were awesome, never did play the PSP one. But would actually be a game to buy for my PS3... wow.

Final Fantasy 13 - Always been a fan of this series, and been looking forward to it since I first heard about it.

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Like the touch of God of War type gameplay in it, from the trailer at least. Always been a fan of this series. Symphony of the Night being my favorite. Nice to see a 3D version of this be good. I sure hope so at least.

Darksiders - Seems interesting, and looked forward to it since saw screenshots of it.

Brutal Legend - Metal, and beating shit up.. looks fun, and definitely should be playing it for awhile.

Tekken 6 - Loved this series, since the first one. Never got to play this one in the arcades, but it will be worth the wait. Only a month away.

Magna Carta 2 - Pretty graphics, and heard the first was good. Never did get around to playing it, but will check this out. Big fan of RPG's

Smackdown vs RAW 2010 - Been playing these since original, and of course its a wrestling site.. so :p Highlight Reel titan trons, own storyline creator, and more new stuff.. should be fun
I can't believe no one on here has mentioned Left 4 Dead 2, which comes out a week from today. With improved graphics, a bunch of new weapons, new special infected, etc. this game seems like it's been overlooked by the much overhyped CoD: Modern Warfare 2, but with no reason. I'm gonna have a super hard time balancing between this game and the best game ever released: Borderlands.

God Of War has taken WAY too long, I've been dying for it. Another one I can't believe hasn't been mentioned is Devil May Cry 5. Can. Not. Wait.
With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 now released, my focus will be shifting from that to Assassin's Creed 2, which will be with us within the fortnight. Also, with Call of Duty being released, Assassin's Creed makes it's way to the top of my list for most anticipated. Having been a fan of the original to the point that I played it every day for about two months, I am really excited about the prospect of the latest offering. On the 20th of November, it will be released and I will be again queuing to get my hand on it before many more.

Personally, I think that this game is either going to make or break the series. The first game was awesome but really did have some drawbacks to it, without a doubt. For example, it was very repetitive and boring at some points. The assassinations were very similar and the missions to gain intelligence were limited to say the least. I have heard good things about this game and am very excited to see what it will deliver. The first thing that i needs to improve on is what is listed before. I think if they release the game and it has the same ways of gaining intelligence, I will be very disappointed. However, I have heard good things about it's expansion and that the developers have learned their lessons so to speak. Obviously, the game will be the second in the series but not the last, as far as I know. I hope that the developers give us something to get excited over and add some spice to the game marketplace. With Call of Duty now out for purchase, the market will be very stale for a while. It is my hope that they have improved upon the first game enough that Assassin's Creed 2 will be able to add some spice to the marketplace.

The developers also have to realise that the good things about the original need to stay true to the sequel. For example, the non-linear game play and the story were exceptional in the last offering and that is a must for this one. The character development and the graphics were outstanding and the same standard must be achieved once more or perhaps bettered. I am sure that it will not disappoint me though and I am whole-heartedly looking forward to it.

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