Morrison > MVP

MVP v Morrison

  • MVP

  • Morrison

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After the 2009 draft we ended up with John Morrison (a new face) on Smackdown and M.V.P (a newish face) on raw. Many of us predicted that M.V.P was going to the Main Event, mainly because of his confrontation with Randy Orton on the first raw after Backlash (or atleast around that time) and maybe he would solidify himself into a ME level spot at summerslam. But now that just isn't gonna happen at Summerslam and probably not for a long time. I believe the main reason for this was because before N.O.C MVP was in the No. 1 contenders tournament and his match was against Triple H and during this match MVP was getting booed quite a bit, which kinda proved that he just wasn't over as a face and the WWE already has problems with their ME Heels having to many fans so the last thing they needed was MVP v Orton in a match where orton could possibly match MVPs face reaction. John Morrison is also getting pushed to the top fast, he had a title match against Jeff Hardy this week on smackdown and during this match, John Morrison was get cheered for almost as much as Jeff Hardy who is quite possibly the most over Face in the Business this got me thinking, if the WWE really wanted a new ME face in their show they would have been better off with John Morrison over MVP and then maybe at Summerslam we could have seen Orton v Morrison instead of Cena which is change that we all seem to want, Basically I guess this thread is mainly to discuss how Morrison in a shorter time frame has passed MVP in the ranks as a face, and maybe how it would have been beneficial to both Morrison and Raw if John and MVP switched places at that 15 man trade off, I'd also like to note that Morrison would obviously get a much stronger reaction if he was facing Orton over Jeff hardy.

This thread has been kinda split, so I've added the poll basically asking whose better Morrison or MVP, but remember my intention for this thread was to mainly take into account their face gimmicks not heel, but meh.
i totally agree with u

AND...If Morrison ended up in Raw, maybe Miz would ended up in Smackdown, to be the Heel that Smackdown needs right now, besides CM Punk.
Maybe it could ended up being Jeff vs Miz at SSlam
Totally agree with all above comments... I believe MVP will make it, but first, he has to find his own path... All this "Ballin", "Big thangs poppin", etc is not who he is... I think he has great MIC sckills but is not being used correctly... John Morrison on the other hand is in my eyes one of the purest, agile wrestlers I've seen by far = shelton benjamin... CM Punk just sux as a heel, some guys just shouldn't change... Oh and one more thing, if I see one more wrestler, run against tha ropes, stops, do a shake, say something and then fall on the opponent (John Cena, MVP, Kofi) I'm gonna straight up shoot myself... Ballllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllin...
Morrison is overpushed.That's all.He's a pretty boy with a fancy arsenal that
fans online overhype.He's not popping crowds when he come out.(but then
again most WWE midcarders aren't).

And of course MVP got some boos vs HHH.HHH is a vet and was over years
before MVP even debuted.

Morrison got no pop when he came out vs Hardy and Hardy got all the chants.
iv been a big morrison fan since he droped the nitro name in ecw. once he joined smackdown hes only been pushed to the top witch in my opinion is where he deserves to be. mvp's push hasnt quite taken him to the world title picture (tho that might be due to the overcrowded title scene) but has made him one of the most over face on raw. im not a great fan of mvp because of his better than you heel run but was always a fan of jomo even when heel.
therefore morrison is greater than mvp
Morrison is overpushed.That's all.He's a pretty boy with a fancy arsenal that
fans online overhype.He's not popping crowds when he come out.(but then
again most WWE midcarders aren't).

And of course MVP got some boos vs HHH.HHH is a vet and was over years
before MVP even debuted.

Morrison got no pop when he came out vs Hardy and Hardy got all the chants.

I do agree that when he came out to hardy he got hardly a reaction but thats because it was hardy he was facing. I've seen his matches and his in ring work is great his gimmick works and when he is facing heels he does get a reaction. But all in all I like the whole MVP gimmick and his look is great but to me his in ring work really isn't to great, he has a few kicks that look to hurt but rather then that he needs to improve. So yes Morrison over MVP, Morrison to hold gold before MVP.
I do agree that when he came out to hardy he got hardly a reaction but thats because it was hardy he was facing. I've seen his matches and his in ring work is great his gimmick works and when he is facing heels he does get a reaction. But all in all I like the whole MVP gimmick and his look is great but to me his in ring work really isn't to great, he has a few kicks that look to hurt but rather then that he needs to improve. So yes Morrison over MVP, Morrison to hold gold before MVP.

I smell excuses.

Morrison got no reaction when he came out on Superstars this past

Why is that?
Lets look at the facts.

Morrison has been pushed steadily with maybe 3 or 4 legit one on one match losses since the draft. MVP on the other hand has had probably 3 or 4 legit one on one wins since the draft. BIG DIFFERENCE.

N ppl plz git over the MVP run in on Ortons promo, that was months ago. It was clear the weeks after that, that MVP wasn't going to be pushed into the main event when he lost the US title and remained in that title picture.

Lets go a little further into the details of just how different there pushes were:

First Morrisons push.. he had beaten Shelton and Haas week in and week outt. Not to mention impressive wins over R truth, Kane, Tyson Kidd, and the world champion at that time CM Punk TWICE [CLEAN].. took Edge to the limit.. And jus took Jeff to the limit las friday [kicking outt of a swanton bomb btw]

Now lets look at MVPs so-called "push"... first week he interrupts one of Ortons promos about how great he thinks he is.. Decent match, MVP looked strong.. He beats Matt Hardy a couple times then loses the US title..ok maybe this is where the "push" was suppose to begin, WRONG. Instead of steppin up 2 at least beat on Ted or Cody alongside Cena or sumbody, MVP continues 2 bump heads w| Kofi and M.Hardy. And he's not going over in these confrontations btw Kofi was. Then there was the 2 week fued with Swagger which led to a one on one and a 6 pack challenge at Night of Champions and guess what? He lost both of those matches. Most recently he wasn't even able to beat Chris Masters in a beat the clock challenge match that is pretty much designed w|MVP winning almost a guarantee.

Fact is MVP has drifted in the midcard on Raw in the US title scene, while Morrison breezed past the midcard on Smackdown without a single Intercontinental title match. So you u can say that on a level I agree w| yall that Morrison is more main event|championship bound then MVP right now but not 4 the same reasons stated above. Its not because of Morrisons flashy moves or weird promos about some palace of wisdom. Its not his muscles and its not because of JRs constant comparisons to a young hbk..all of that's great in all but this simply comes down 2 booking. MVP could go over and that buzz he created when he first challenged Legacy isn't gone because he got boring. He didn't get boring, the booking eliminated that buzz. It doesn't matter how charismatic u are or u aren't if u continue to win you'll b relevant and eventually reach the main event level [Goldberg, Umaga, Kozlov] likewise if u continue to lose ur character will be buried despite whatever interest has been established already [The Brian Kendrick, Shelton, KANE]

I kno a lot of u look at The Rock and Austin and say mic skills make the main event in the WWE. U ppl forget that they won the majority of their matches. No 1 would give a damn about Austin if he jus talked tough and got his ass handed 2 him everynight. WWE may lean more towards entertainment now but its still SPORTSentertainment. And in any sport the winners will ALWAYS be the most over.

So to answr the question ill go against the grain and say MVP is better because he's bigger, easier 2 market when it comes to accesories and more able 2 work as a face or heel. Not to mention he can mat wrestle, brawl and high fly a little bit [check the 6 man tag from 2 weeks ago] Don't get me wrong a Morrison and Michaels program would be money but I just don't c Morrison truly a main event player unless he starts pullin out Hbk-like big wins [royal rumble, wrestlemania, elimination chambers, possible money in the bank] while I feel like MVP is jus one or two great storylines away. Not to knock Morrison but he needs mic work, he's jus not intersting, not very funny, not serious juss sounds plain in my opinion, he duznt pull u into his character as much as a main eventer should. I kno some of u r thinking that I contradicted my previous point about how mic skills aren't as important as winning but ur wrong because my point is that they are EQUALLY important. And if MVP was givin the same push with equal wins and equal promo time then the title of this thread would be the opposite [ MVP>Morrison]

*signed Blizzy baaabbbbyyyyy I'm only here 2 open your mind ;)
i agree i think jm should have gone to raw and miz to smackdown, he would have been raw''s version of hardy all over again
The problem with both men is that they are natural heels....they seem forced and fake as faces.

Especially Mr. Monotone voice and wooden acting, John Morrison.

In my opinion MVP has the edge on the mic and character side while JoMo is lightyears ahead in the ring.

So it's a tough call.......I think the first to turn back to heel will be the bigger star.
The problem with both men is that they are natural heels....they seem forced and fake as faces.

Especially Mr. Monotone voice and wooden acting, John Morrison.

In my opinion MVP has the edge on the mic and character side while JoMo is lightyears ahead in the ring.

So it's a tough call.......I think the first to turn back to heel will be the bigger star.

I totally agree I love both these wrestlers, but as heels. Morrison dancing with teddy & singing MJ songs? lol that was lil weird. I miss dirt sheet Morrison. MVP highest paid superstar in smackdown history. I dont see MVP being maineventer as a face. I see him Main Eventing as a heel and HBK putting him over maybe infact see HBK putting both these guys over just see John loosing a close one to HBK
i would have to agree jomo would need to be a heel and moved over to raw and fued with hbk that would be a dream and classic, he is a younger hbk if you were to compare him to anybody on the roster, as for mvp i never liked him face or heel
Yeah I think Morrison would of been better off going to Raw and MVP to smackdown. I think Morrison is better in the ring, has better mic skills and is generally made a better transition into a good face. MVP hasn't really done enough for me to be a real good face, he just seems like his really forcing himself to be one. I feel MVP should of remained a heel longer because he was doing such a good job at being a heel, it kinda just feels more natural for him I think. This ballin crap is really annoying I gotta say and it seems like such a cheap and pathetic way to try getting fans on your side. Sure there's lots of kids who buy into it but really MVP is not a good face if you ask me. Having MVP staying a heel and maybe feuding with Mysterio for the IC title would of been pretty good. I can see MVP turning back heel sonner than Morrison will because he really just doesn't cut it as a face.
i liked mvp more as a heel, now hes just kissing up to the fans. his line went from "this is 4 people mo betta dan u!" to "this is 4 people, like me n u". MVP would be more over if he was more heel-ish. Morrison is bigger because he is certainly over with the girls, and alot of people like his athleticism. i do like morrison a lil bit more than MVP now, and MVP needs to turn back into a heel. Hes gotten boring as a face.
Morrison is easily better.I can't stand MVP.The whole "ballin!" bullshit and the fucking Sherri Shephard angle just suck.Sherri Shephard is fugly as hell.And MVP is always kissing the fans asses,complimenting the face he's about to go against,just look at his backstage interview with Kofi,he might as well have complimented his body while he was at it.Meanwhile Morrison can work well as either heel or face.I prefer heel Morrison,but he's still way better than MVP.Moonlight Drive > Playmaker.Starship Pain > Ballin Elbow.Running Knee to face > Players boot.Morrison > MVP.
John Morrison is getting unbelievably pushed by clean wins over the champ CM Punk twice, beating everyone he's faced besides Edge, and kicking out of Jeff Hardy's finisher before losing to him. With the push he's getting, it would be hard to not get over. I think Morrison is a talent, but he's more of an acrobat than a wrestler and his promos seem too rehearsed and unnatural.

MVP on the other hand has gotten barely any TV time and when he has he's lost. He also gets barely any pops and the crowd is mostly silent when he comes out. His promos to me come off as making the other guy look better, i.e. Swaggar. I thought going to RAW would make him rise to the top, but he's regressed big time and I take him less seriously than I did on Smackdown!
I actually think that Morrison is good as a face as well as a heel. He can still do that thing where it sounds like he's talking down to his opponents and it can come off well. Morrison has had some awesome wins and some absolutely amazing matches against the top of Smackdown. All in all, John Morrison looks a bit more natural as a face in my opinion.

Now to MVP. His problem is that he has to share the spotlight with HHH, Cena, and Batista. Add into the fact that I don't buy him as a face. He comes off as being fake and I think that the fans are seeing it. MVP's style better suits a heel and his mic work works better as a heel unlike Morrison. Those reasons are why I think MVP has yet to get his push.

I'd say though that both of these guys will be huge in a few years. I like where both of their careers are going and it's only a matter of time before both are Main Eventing.
To start, both guys are now on the right show for them to succeed. MVP created himself as a trash talking, T.O. wannabe, and talkers who can sell stories belong on Raw. However, the transition to face has been an awkward one. MVP has the ability to be a great face. His story of serving jail time and cleaning himself up can be inspirational and real, and I thought the promos he and Swagger cut were great. That is the type of feud that really needed to be built on to establish both characters. Moving forward though, MVP does need to work on either eliminating or cleaning up his catchphrases. As another poster stated, the MVP lounge opening just doesn't work for a face, unless he revamps it. I think MVP has potential with this character, but he can't pander to the crowd so much. Take a page out of the book of The Rock. He should be funny, be real, have a few catch phrases, and eventually the fans will laugh at the jokes he's making and start really getting into him. He just has to get out of the "cookie cutter face" gig and come into the character he's close to becoming.

Morrison on the other hand belongs on Smackdown, I guess. The former gymnast is innovative and creative in the ring, and wows you every time out......which is why he was a terrible heel. However, his character kind of needs to be heel. Maybe. The confusing thing is, I don't know what his character is. To me, Morrison is a spot monkey who can put on fun matches. He is Shelton with less of a character. It's great that he can give himself nicknames and talk about the palace of wisdom but none of it makes sense. Is he the cocky, ab obsessed Hollywood guy, or is he a zen hippie who talks like he's on LSD. It doesnt' make sense together and neither really make sense with his wrestling style. If he's going to be a face and have feuds with top heels, he has to get better as a character. No cookie cutter face promos and just doing spots. He needs to really create a character people can understand, that's how you get people behind you. As others have said, he doesn't always get a great pop when entering an arena, but having an actual character base might help that. The other qualm I have is that he's a spot monkey and doesn't really tell a story in the ring, which is why he is NOTHING like HBK and I hate that comparison. Shawn got it pretty early on, Morison never really has. Again, he's worked like a face even when he was heel. He doesn't get it. If anything I think a heel turn where he just knows and acts like he's the greatest athlete to every come through and he does the moves he does to "show off" might be his best bet. Show off the abs, the moves, the hair, basically make people hate him because he is very blessed and well, we're not. That would work better for me and would give him a good character that people could hate. IF he became a little more vicious in the ring and set up his big spots by taunting the crowd then doing the moves, he could be a great heel. Face Morrison is kinda lame.

Conclusion: MVP-stay face and clean up catchphrases and sell new character(dont just be traditional face)
Morrison-go heel and KNOW you are better than everyone and create a character out of that.

Until then, I really don't buy either of those guys as main eventers. There's too much missing from them to buy them having feuds with the best.
Morrison performs like a babyface.That's his natural traits.He's not a natural

You all just want him to be a heel cocky talker.His heel run has expired and
him being a face is for the better.

Morrison is easily better.I can't stand MVP.The whole "ballin!" bullshit and the fucking Sherri Shephard angle just suck.Sherri Shephard is fugly as hell.And MVP is always kissing the fans asses,complimenting the face he's about to go against,just look at his backstage interview with Kofi,he might as well have complimented his body while he was at it.Meanwhile Morrison can work well as either heel or face.I prefer heel Morrison,but he's still way better than MVP.Moonlight Drive > Playmaker.Starship Pain > Ballin Elbow.Running Knee to face > Players boot.Morrison > MVP.

Morrison was butt smooching Hardy this past Friday and I remember when
he was praising Rey on commentary months back.

Morrison didn't work that well as a heel.Miz drew most of their heat.

And Morrison is just NOW getting a somewhat reaction as a face.He's
rammed through CM Punk twice.He better stay over.

MVP on the mic > Morrison

John Morrison is getting unbelievably pushed by clean wins over the champ CM Punk twice, beating everyone he's faced besides Edge, and kicking out of Jeff Hardy's finisher before losing to him. With the push he's getting, it would be hard to not get over. I think Morrison is a talent, but he's more of an acrobat than a wrestler and his promos seem too rehearsed and unnatural.

MVP on the other hand has gotten barely any TV time and when he has he's lost. He also gets barely any pops and the crowd is mostly silent when he comes out. His promos to me come off as making the other guy look better, i.e. Swaggar. I thought going to RAW would make him rise to the top, but he's regressed big time and I take him less seriously than I did on Smackdown!


And MVP didn't make Swagger look better.
I watched the Morrison/Hardy match last Friday and it was a Pay-Per View quality championship match in my opinion. I have been high on Morrison for a couple months now and I think he deserves the strap much more than the overrated Hardy and would do a much better job carrying the ball.

I have never been high on MVP as a face. His gimmick isn't good as a face. He will never win the big one as a face.
OK , let me just clarify one thing , both super stars are being pushed WRONG!

1ST M.V.P , just from the name you can say thats a heel name , who calls him self mvp besides an egotistical guy who thinks he is better than any one , you may now know where I am going with this .. No ? .ohh will, M.V.P is making the same mistake wwe did with rko when they turend him face and that is not changing his gimmick his wrestling style NOTHING . thats why he isnt over and him coming out all smiles does not make him a face . mvp needs to change so he can be accepted by the fans . Here is one thing that bugs me with MVP as a face : back on raw when kofi won the number 1 contenders match then mvp and kofi came face to face and mvp kept on saying (I respect you , good job) :wtf: wwe has a problem with turning guys from heels to faces cuz when they do they make the super star look like a total hypocrite !! I do not remember the rock changing his style of promo when he turned face did u ?

Now on jomo , 1st let me say that I like JOMO . But now Jomo is getting the shelton binjamin 2004 face treatment where you see this guy is getting over by his talent but latter on the fans and the company starts to turn on him . I hope I am wrong but thats whats going to happen . JOMO should have continued as a heel where he show cased his talent in the ring as he is doing now and the fans then will go like wow this guy is a cool wrestler with all his high flying stuff and then slowly the fans will start to be high on him and trust me this method works .
P.S: JOMO on raw NEVER GOING TO WORK !! thank god he is on the A show SD !!
Alright you can say sometimes he doesn't ge a pop not all crowds are the same, just as some hate cena and some love him, but I do not think they hate him i just don't think they have watched his growth and appreciate it. But I do think that within time and the right program he can be able to get enmornous pops. We shall wait and see. Heres hoping.
I cant stand MVP, i've really tried to like him but i find him so f'n annoying, he reminds me of that mailman in the movie Jingle All The Way, keeps making corny jokes and comes off so stupid, I even hate his jumpsuit attire, on top of all that, from stories I've heard, he's a jerk backstage

As for morrison, i think he's flawless as a face, he reminds me so much of HBK, has the looks, as well as the amazing in ring ability its unfortunate he isnt getting pops, but I believe his time will come, I think they should give him a royal rumble win in the next to years, could you imagine the reaction if done right, and before he becomes a champion, he needs one of those top faces theme songs, and a new attire, stick with tights, but w/o those fluffy things on the boots lol

if i had it my way, MVP should be on ECW as a top heel, and Morrison should go over HBK at Wrestlemania
This thread honestly got 22 replies so far, and my thread on MVP didnt get jack crap. This is SO UNFAIR! Grr. Oh well. The fact of the matter is that Morrison does flippy things and is fun to watch in the ring. MVP is slow and boring, wrestling like a hell even though he's a face. Yay right?
Yup Morrison is better, he's younger, more athletic, more fun to watch, better on the mic, and accomplished more 1x ECW Champ, 2x tag champ, and 3x IC champ. He is already in the main event IMO, other wise he wouldn't be contending for the World Title, which by the way he is. While MVP is stuck in a medi-ocre feud with Swagger were Swagger is gonna get the bigger push from in the end.

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