More GOP Idiocy

My favorite part is still Gingrich having an affair and preaching to America that Clinton doing it was horrible but he needed to be telling us this.
There was like 3 or 4 Republicans that caught in an extra-marital affair at around the same time they were criticizing Clinton for it. Strangely, those stories weren't nearly as important to Republican values.
Well of course not. Or all the gay affairs that they're caught in while preaching about family values. The hypocrisy from either party is hilarious. For instance the GOP in 98 tried to impeach Clinton during the Lame Duck session. This past year the Dems tries to push through the 9/11 first responders bill. "YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING THAT BIG IN A LAME DUCK SESSION!"
If the Republican party as taught me anything it's that most people are idiots.

I don't know about most, but yeah, you're pretty much correct. I don't think stupidity alone is driving this "return to conservative values" movement, i.e. the Tea Party crowd. Repubs, conservatives and libertarians have worked overtime since Obama came into office to make sure these stupid people are as frightened as ever.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, most on Fox News, etc. have busted their asses to make sure the stupid portion of this country remain fearful. The current state of the economy and the unemployment rate have created an opening for these people. Beck, the entire GOP, Palin, Bachman, and the rest do not WANT the economy to improve.

A bad economy + stupid people = Fear. Fear has driven this entire movement, and it won't stop anytime soon.
I don't know about most, but yeah, you're pretty much correct. I don't think stupidity alone is driving this "return to conservative values" movement, i.e. the Tea Party crowd. Repubs, conservatives and libertarians have worked overtime since Obama came into office to make sure these stupid people are as frightened as ever.
Look no further than the large percentage of people who still believe Obama is a Muslim.

If that doesn't say enough about scare tactics targeted towards stupid people, I don't know what does.

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