GOP Debate #4 LD

"What is conservative?"

Apparently a bunch of boring people talking about tax plans that aren't going to be implemented.
I hate to say it but I'm agreeing with Paul. We spend WAY too much on the military. We can blow up small planets with what we've got now. We could cut it down a bit. Just be able to blow up say, South America or so. That should be enough to scare people off. You don't need a Death Star.
Yeah we do have a choice Trump. Stop going over there and messing with countries and they won't fall into disarray so quickly, leaving all the crazy people to fight amongst themselves.

And yes I know it's WAY more complicated than that.
I know a bunch of librarians that would have a field day with these people. They all seem to hate reading.
Carson says there are all these groups around the world that want to kill us.

Translation: they're here and they want to give us cupcakes. Or they never existed at all and they're just a good talking point.
I think I know why Fiorina lost so many jobs. They all left so they wouldn't have to listen to her go on and on and on and on like some ticked off MADD member that no one wants to listen to, even if they agree with their points.
You better believe they had women driving in the United States. That's why we're better.

Not better enough to pay them the same but they get to drive. Isn't that enough?
No you shouldn't bail out the banks. You should bail out the people who were devastated by the banks screwing up.
"Oh yeah I'm right and I know I am because I can cite one example of it. Totally means the whole country is that way."
Senator Rubio, why are you a better nominee than Hilary Clinton?

SCREW OFF! This is the same party that whines about softball questions and they ask THAT? Are you kidding me?

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