More GOP Idiocy


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"Since the beginning of the Obama Administration, over 200,000 federal jobs have been added. If some of those jobs are lost in this budget process so be it."

- John Boehner

This is what the Speaker of the House said a few days ago when talking about the Obama budget proposal. Where do I begin?

1. It's been about 58,000 jobs, not 200k.

2. These are all federal jobs, as in jobs working for the national or state governments. In other words, firemen, policemen, teachers or hell even toll takers on highways. These are the evil jobs according to the GOP because paying their salaries contribute to the debt or something.

3. What happened to JOBS JOBS JOBS? Apparently they have to be the right kind of jobs.

4. Really?

So in other words, the GOP that ran on nothing but job growth is now saying that government jobs, LIKE THE ONES THEY HAVE, are bad for the economy and if they go away when arguing over the budget, "so be it."

It's pretty basic politics KB. Republicans simply prefer the private sector to create the jobs. Government jobs are paid for by the tax payer, which Republicans usually are against.

Public safety jobs probably aren't the ones in question.
It's pretty basic politics KB. Republicans simply prefer the private sector to create the jobs. Government jobs are paid for by the tax payer, which Republicans usually are against.

Public safety jobs probably aren't the ones in question.

Here's the thing though: we're at 9% unemployment in this country. Do you think the 91% that are lucky enough to have jobs are caring if they work for a government or for a private company? But at the same time, let's make sure that we fund a plane for the military that the Pentagon says is a waste of money. Just make sure we can take away jobs Obama's administration reated.
They want to make sure the country goes to shit under the Obama administration so they can win elections. Then they'll stop deliberately making ******ed decisions once they get these seats, so they can tell everyone, "HERP DERP LOOK WHAT THE DEMOCRATS DID."

It's sad because it's working. I promise, it's not because the Republicans are dumb. They know what they're doing.
These are the evil jobs according to the GOP because paying their salaries contribute to the debt or something.

Cutting jobs, any jobs right now, is a terrible idea. It's pretty sad when the GOP feels their base is so stupid they won't be able to tell the difference between cutting jobs and 'shrinking' that massive, "out of control" Government. And that's exactly what these muts will think. "Shrink that Guvment!" "Cut them jobs!" Idiots.
Especially when the government has shurnk a bit. Then you have the insane right wingers that want to make sure there are ZERO abortions anywhere and to make sure the government is there to keep you from having one. Small government my ass.
What's bad is that I don't necessarily disagree with the basic premise behind the Republicans ideal government. The problem is they are hypocrites, mere puppets for multi-billion dollar corporations. They get bought off, and then instead of serving the people, they serve their own wallets.

Of course, I could just as easily be describing Democrats, but the fact Republicans keep trying to spin themselves as being the standard of morality is what pisses me off more than anything.

Republicans don't want small government, they want corporate control. Look no further than their flat refusal to support Net Neutrality, and their blatantly false scare tactics to justify it. I hate the Republican party and will never vote for a single one, despite the fact their proposed governmental ideologies don't sound all that bad too me.
I don't have issues with conservative ideas. Conservative vs. liberal gives you some of the most interesting debates you'll ever hear. However, when you get this mess going involving trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of lives involved because one party doesn't want to play nice at all with the other and say "no your ideas are failures because they're not my ideas" then it solves nothing while the country is falling apart because mommy and daddy won't quit fighting over whose turn it is to take out the trash.
What's bad is that I don't necessarily disagree with the basic premise behind the Republicans ideal government. The problem is they are hypocrites, mere puppets for multi-billion dollar corporations. They get bought off, and then instead of serving the people, they serve their own wallets.

Of course, I could just as easily be describing Democrats, but the fact Republicans keep trying to spin themselves as being the standard of morality is what pisses me off more than anything.

Republicans don't want small government, they want corporate control. Look no further than their flat refusal to support Net Neutrality, and their blatantly false scare tactics to justify it. I hate the Republican party and will never vote for a single one, despite the fact their proposed governmental ideologies don't sound all that bad too me.

Isn't the Republican's whole schtick "supposed" to be shrink Government/cut the Bureaucracy and have people be self-sufficient? Basically if you want it, you can work for it an attain it?

While the Democrats are about helping those who can't help themselves, and being "good neighbor" types.
Isn't the Republican's whole schtick "supposed" to be shrink Government/cut the Bureaucracy and have people be self-sufficient? Basically if you want it, you can work for it an attain it?

While the Democrats are about helping those who can't help themselves, and being "good neighbor" types.

Those are the two philosophies they try to sell to the ignorant masses, yes.
Eh. I am more interested in a government shutdown, cuts to social security and the like. All would really harm america. Which is what the Repubs seem to want...That and rejecting aid to buld high speed railroads.
In the Republican's ideal world the poor don't need government help because they can easily get jobs/education/proper living accommodations because the private sector is so strong. Sounds great, but it's virtually impossible.
In the Republican's ideal world the poor don't need government help because they can easily get jobs/education/proper living accommodations because the private sector is so strong. Sounds great, but it's virtually impossible.

You forgot to mention these poor workers are actually working at imaginary jobs, because all of the formerly American jobs are being outsourced to countries with cheap child labor.
You forgot to mention these poor workers are actually working at imaginary jobs, because all of the formerly American jobs are being outsourced to countries with cheap child labor.

Yeah, true. I also forgot to mention that everyone goes to pray on Sunday, homosexuality doesn't exist, the aristocratic elite have all the power, and religion plays a huge role in government. Hmm, sounds like Iran.
Oh, and let's not forget the "cut corporate taxes to stimulate the economy" stance. Sounds great, but at this point in time with an unstable economy, those fat asses will sit on that cash and hire no one.
This is the argument I'd like answered from people that say those tax cuts that Bush and now Obama put through are so important:

If they're so helpful, why did the biggest economic meltdown in nearly a century happen a few years after they went into effect?
This is the argument I'd like answered from people that say those tax cuts that Bush and now Obama put through are so important:

If they're so helpful, why did the biggest economic meltdown in nearly a century happen a few years after they went into effect?
Clintons tax rate was fine, the economy seemed better with those rates than it was before or after. The fact is we went into a debt choked nation because of those tax cuts combined with stupid spending. It is sad, we had the debt under control and would be out of debt or close to it if it wasnt for that scumbag Bush and his terrible tax cuts. I have heard that letting those breaks expire for people making over 250k would equal 800 billion...Not sure if that is accurate.
Clintons tax rate was fine, the economy seemed better with those rates than it was before or after. The fact is we went into a debt choked nation because of those tax cuts combined with stupid spending. It is sad, we had the debt under control and would be out of debt or close to it if it wasnt for that scumbag Bush and his terrible tax cuts. I have heard that letting those breaks expire for people making over 250k would equal 800 billion...Not sure if that is accurate.

I've heard similar numbers. I was lucky enough to hear Bill Clinton speak in person (and got to shake his hand and he laughed at something I said) and he talked about one of his policies being pay as you go. You know, as in if we want to spend money we have to make the money to spend? As in what any responsible bookkeeper does? Under that policy we would hve been out of debt by I think 2016. In his first week, BUsh got rid of that policy.

Fiscal responsibility right?
I've heard similar numbers. I was lucky enough to hear Bill Clinton speak in person (and got to shake his hand and he laughed at something I said) and he talked about one of his policies being pay as you go. You know, as in if we want to spend money we have to make the money to spend? As in what any responsible bookkeeper does? Under that policy we would hve been out of debt by I think 2016. In his first week, BUsh got rid of that policy.

Fiscal responsibility right?
I miss Bill, he was a better president than people gave him credit for. He wasnt perfect, but better than the crap we have had since him. I actually envy that you got to meet him.

What I want to know is why Bush got rid of that? What was the reason behind it? I know deficit spending is something he liked, but was that the reason he got rid of it? I am not as well versed as you in this area, so I may need you help me catch up to you. More so what would the affects of that policy have on needed programs.
I miss Bill, he was a better president than people gave him credit for. He wasnt perfect, but better than the crap we have had since him. I actually envy that you got to meet him.

What I want to know is why Bush got rid of that? What was the reason behind it? I know deficit spending is something he liked, but was that the reason he got rid of it? I am not as well versed as you in this area, so I may need you help me catch up to you. More so what would the affects of that policy have on needed programs.

It blew my mind. I read about him being at UK in the paper on Sunday and met him Monday. The Tuesday thereafter I met Mick Foley. Not a bad 8 days.

Well the main idea is that let's say we want to spend money on something new, we need to come up with new revenue for it. Usually this is simple, such as we run the government off of tax money. Here, let's say we wanted to start a food program. We would need money to finance it. You could get this money from anything from a tax increase, closing a tax loophole, cutting funding elsewhere etc.

The reasons why Bush would want to get rid of this is difficult to pin down as it's likely a combination of things. First off, it's a lot less work up front. Rather than going through the books and finding the needed money, you just say forget about it and write the check, worrying about it later.

Second, it eliminates the idea of closing tax loopholes. Say for example an oil company has a refinery in another country and can avoid paying taxes on those workers if they're from another country. We change the laws so that those workers are taxed no matter where they're from since it's an American oil company. That money could then be used to pay for whatever we were going to need money for. You stop closing tax loopholes, a lot of companies like you more.

Finally, it lets him get away with a lot more because the President has a lot of money to be used for discretionary spending. Otherwise it has to go through both houses of Congress and he could run into opposition there. The key to the Bush Administration was they were masters of leaning on Congress to keep increasing that money and Bush more or less had a blank checkbook.
The thing I don't get about Clinton is how fucking big a deal everyone made of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It was just a blowjob and everyone made it seem like the end of America as we know it, yet we hold JFK in such fond memories and he said himself that he needed at least three different sexual partners a day. FDR was one of our greatest presidents, but he had one huge love affair with a secretary of his (but really, can you blame him?), and he kept seeing her until the day he died. And it's not just the Dems who like to sleep around, Dwight Eisenhower had a passionate affair with his driver in WWII, a woman who was a former model in Britain.
The thing I don't get about Clinton is how fucking big a deal everyone made of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It was just a blowjob and everyone made it seem like the end of America as we know it, yet we hold JFK in such fond memories and he said himself that he needed at least three different sexual partners a day. FDR was one of our greatest presidents, but he had one huge love affair with a secretary of his (but really, can you blame him?), and he kept seeing her until the day he died. And it's not just the Dems who like to sleep around, Dwight Eisenhower had a passionate affair with his driver in WWII, a woman who was a former model in Britain.

It was a witch hunt, that's for sure. But Clinton didn't do himself any favors by initially lying about said event. The GOP will do just about anything to get rid of any elected official NOT from the GOP, another reason I could never be a Republican.
The thing I don't get about Clinton is how fucking big a deal everyone made of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It was just a blowjob and everyone made it seem like the end of America as we know it
This is incorrect. REPUBLICANS made it seem like the end of America as we knew it. But what choice did they have? Bill Clinton won easily in 1992, and won in a landslide in 1996. The economy was booming, the country was at peace, the budget was being balanced...all together, the country was in one of it's greatest decades ever.

So when the 2000 election came, and Al Gore would undoubtedly run, the Republicans needed to find SOMETHING to get some momentum in their direction. So once Monica Lewinsky came out, they ran with it. They kept calling themselves the "moral" party, and people believed it too, despite the fact THEY were the ones who kept shoving it in our face.

It was merely a political tactic, and it worked.

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