Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

You're thinking of John Cena.

Extreme Rules.

Over the years he's done more than his share for Morrison, Knox, MVP, Punk, Chavo, and others as well. But of course because he doesn't get ****ed out like... some ****e (?), he's not putting people over. Riiiight.

Shawn Michaels got better booking than Rey over the last eight years, yet all I ever here people say is that Shawn spent this time putting young guys over.

There's a HUGE double standard at work when it comes to Rey.

If you wanna talk guys taking time off but getting shoved down throats, once again: HBK.

Not when you won't hold him to the same standards you do everyone else.

When Rey was doing so much for Latin American business over the last year, I can't imagine it being a bad move to put the belt on him.

He lost to Kane.

I'd rather they'd just shot him. It's clear the company doesn't appreciate him.

Why don't I hold him to the same standards? Because he's not as good as half the people he beats. The company doesn't appreciate his old and broken up ass? That's HILARIOUS. They've given him TWO world titles and let him win one at Wrestlefuckingmania. They canceled Ziggler's title reign because Rey didn't get enough time with the belt. Kane has had 24 hours as world champion and a second run is too much for him?

Rey should be thankful. Before he came to WWE he was famous for being a great cruiserweight. Now he's a two time world champion. He should be greatful.
So how many people ever thought that when this kid was starring the The Real World that he would someday make it to the WWE and be contending for the WWE title?
So how many people ever thought that when this kid was starring the The Real World that he would someday make it to the WWE and be contending for the WWE title?

I've liked him since he debuted, but I never would have seen this coming.

Also, how many people can legitimately argue he isn't on this level now?
Niño Vega;2231866 said:
Can somebody please tell me what's so fucking amazing about the Miz besides his tremendous mic skills? I'm not saying I dislike him, I just see nothing in him besides being a great talker.

The fact that he has been built up perfectly. Or the fact that he has improved his in ring work every week since his debut. Possibly the fact that he got so much shit for coming from the Real World and shoving it right in everyone's face. MIZ IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
Niño Vega;2231866 said:
Can somebody please tell me what's so fucking amazing about the Miz besides his tremendous mic skills? I'm not saying I dislike him, I just see nothing in him besides being a great talker.

I don't know, how about the fact that he has a personality? In a mid card full of great talent and minimal mic skills, he stands out. He has enough of a moveset to get the job done in the ring, and he's gold on the mic. That's what's so "Fucking Great" about him. Not everyone has to be a fucking ring general.
No he got exponentially boring again.
Yeah. He only went on to:
-Have a fine tag match with Miz/Morrison
-Have a fine match with Punk
-Put over both
-Make Mike Knox interesting
-Have the best Elimination Chamber match ever
-Make the Intercontinental Championship semi-important
-Have a FOTY candidate with Jericho
-Give Ziggler the best match of his life
-Put over Morrison

While Kane did what? Put people over while not maintaining the credibility that Rey did.

Rey is one of the dullest characters in history.
Yet one of the top five WWE workers of the last tne years.

He can't move like he used to
Yet still plays a crowd better than most men could ever dream.

and is there because kids love him.

Then he became Superman again and it jsut got idiotic.
How did he become SuperMan?

Kane hasn't? I love you man, but please take the Mysterio mask off and you can see clearly.
Kane got ****ed out. Rey didn't. Point: Rey.
miz is the future

you can tell he was really emotional

he should keep the briefcase till wrestlemania

cena vs miz feud part 2 for main event in atlanta?'

i like
Niño Vega;2231866 said:
Can somebody please tell me what's so fucking amazing about the Miz besides his tremendous mic skills? I'm not saying I dislike him, I just see nothing in him besides being a great talker.
I agree. Miz is amazing on the mic but in ring he is nothing special.
They could have at least given the US Title to someone who needs it *cough JoMo *cough

I don't mind him winning,I expected it actually.But he's not gonna cash it tonight.He can wait to lord this over everyone in the continental United States,but they really should have taken the US title off him
Kane won and I totally called the cash in. Check my Twitter. I marked so hard...and then MIZ WON!!!
I was wrong. I thought this PPV would suck when they announced it but this has been great so far. Very exciting and surprising.
Барбоса;2231899 said:
The only thing I do not like about the Miz is his finisher
The rest of his ring work could use some brushing up as well.

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