Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

I'd pick Bourne and Hardy to win but if thsi is anything like the MITB matches at wrestlemania, the ones i want to win never do. So then i'm going for Mark henry and Big show to win as i feel WWE is gonna fuck with me.
With gimmick PPVs they usually kick it off with one of the gimmick matches in order to spread em out to avoid staleness. So I say the PPV kicks off with Smackdown MITB.

Im really only interested in Cena/Sheamus and the two MITB matches. Harts/Usos is just boring now, Divas action will be garbage, and I couldn't care less about Rey and Swagger.
My heart wants Kofi and Bourne. My head says McIntyre and Miz (I'd be happy with those guys winning though).
Yeah, I'm in. Course until my stream goes out. Really like the theme song they chose for this ppv

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