Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

Doubt it, it's a ladder match so they're gonna want high flyers in the match to pull off all the crazy over the top shit, Morrison and Bourne bring that to this match, besides they already had Miz take Truth out of the match, and then this past week had him do some serious damage to Henry
Doubt it, it's a ladder match so they're gonna want high flyers in the match to pull off all the crazy over the top shit, Morrison and Bourne bring that to this match, besides they already had Miz take Truth out of the match, and then this past week had him do some serious damage to Henry

Gabriel could go in for Morrison? No real meat to this theory. Just a hunch I had at Raw.
I really wanted to watch this, but I guess I'll have to settle with watching the LD.
Also, Miz and Kofi ftw.

I guessing those are prolly who are gonna be our MITB winners (assuming Nexus doesn't get involved in the RAW MITB match)

Orton and Miz seem to have the most momentum going into the Raw MITB match, adn since Orton is already an established main eventer, and MITB is about giving those stars that are right on the verge that little extra push neeeded, I think Miz is your best option to win

as for SD! outside of Kofi, and maybe Chirstian no one really has momentum needed to win, Show & Kane both have seem to be involved in differant storylines, and neither really need MITB, Matt sucks, Cody is nowhere close to be ready, and Ziggy as a WHC just makes me laugh, really all you got is Kofi and Chirstian, & McIntyre, Vince seems to not give a fuck about Christian what so ever so I don't see him winning, which is fine, he's overrated as all fuck imo anyway, and McIntyre seems to have cooled off a bit as of late, so that leaves Kofi, who I think is at least ready to challenge for the WHC
Christian and Drew seem to have the best chances to win MITB and I think Christian will make it.
But didn't Hardy say he'd cash it in the same night? Then my secret guess is him winning, cashing it in later that evening and either Christian or Drew (I'll go with Drew) costing him the match.

As for Raw, I'll pick an outsider in Bourne.
Great idea with Nexus stealing the case, nice possibility. Would be cool.
I wouldn't mind if Rhodes won. He could hold on to the case for a long while in order to make him ready and build him up.
My heart picks are Bourne and Christian.

My head picks are Miz and Matt Hardy

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