Money in the Bank, Golden Ticket for Creating Heel Main Eventers


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As the title has mention. I have and I'm sure that others have as well, noticed that the Money in the Bank ladder matches have worked out for Heels only.

Case #1: Edge

He held the briefcase for 9 months and won his first championship and became a mega heel during afterward.

Case #2: RVD

He's a Face and wins at One Night Stand. Has a lackluster reign while it lasted and it was only to get the ECW fans back. He gets destroyed and loses his title back to back. This Face failed

Case #3: Mr. Kennedy...oops Edge again!

Yes he was a Face at this time and was hyped to carry it all the way to wrestlemania and he go injured. They gave it to the next best guy Edge! The ultimate opportunist. He is already over as a heel so why not add more credibility to his roster and show why good guys finish last.

Case #4: Good o'le CM Punk

As one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. I have to admit the booking for him as world champion for this was horrible. He wasnt the cocky person he is now and this was another failed attempt at a face winning the MITB match. Guess 3rd time wasnt the charm here.

Case #5: Bad ass CM Punk

This was probably the best case for the MITB match. It shocked everybody that he won the match again. Everybody said wtf and what is happening to Punk and then he shocks everybody and cashes it on Jeff Hardy. This was another successful run for a heel money in the bank winner. It was perfect to get CM Punk into a successful heel character which we all loved. Too bad he pissed off the Undertaker for talking about why John Cena can wear short pants to a corporate meaning. At least they didnt fire him like one Bryan Danielson.

Case #6: Jack Swagger.....:suspic: ahh I didnt make a mistake Jack Swagger:banghead:

This was another heel that won this match! He was put over Orton and then you take a huge dump on him because he isnt Drew McIntyre. Enough said about this but the key point is that he was a heel that generated heat and can only get better until he wins his credible championship title.

So that's the history for this topic.

Raw will have a Face MITB winner- a la (Evan Bourne, John Morrison, or if a Heel then The Miz) if Cena is in this. Its a waste of trying to put someone over

Smackdown will have a heel character: Point Blank, Drew McIntyre. Why? Because there is no other heel character that would benefit from winning it in their career. Nobody else. Punk winning is meaningless, Kane winning meaningless, Swagger winning? Why take it from him in the first place to give it to him and lose?

Chances are, Heels will be selected for the winners of the MITB ladder match as the only credible faces that could really use it is Bourne and JoMo. Heel choices are obviously Miz and Drew because there was no reason for Miz to cut a promo that if he wasnt going to be a contender.

So what do you think? Golden Ticket for Creating Heel Main Eventers?
Oh absolutely!

I completely agree with you that the Money In The Bank ladder matches are a definite way of getting people into the main event. However, some would say that the people who win these events have not done enough to warrant them being in the main event and this is just a quick fix to that problem. Throwing ideas at a wall and seeing which one of them sticks is something that I have heard on more than one occasion and it is starting to ring true of these matches.

When you look at the people who have won the last few Money In The Bank matches, you could say that they weren’t credible main event talents either but look what they have become. The problem I foresee happening is that none of the guys that are in line for the annual MITB push actually deserve it right now. We would like to think that it will be mid-card talent that will occupy most of the spaces in the matches and if this comes to fruition, then I would be most worried. Raw has very little mid-card talent and the guys that they do have are not ready for the big time right now. The Miz may be the only exception and as such is definitely my pick for the Raw MITB match.

Smackdown, on the other hand, is rich with mid-card talent but none of them have really set the heather alight in recent times. Yes, Christian of Kofi would make great choices but I don’t think Kofi deserves it and Christian seems to be in the dog house lately. I just don’t get it. I do agree that this is a definite way to give someone that final push into the main event but I also imagine that none of the guys who get these pushes will be there for very long.

I hope I am wrong but time will tell.
Oh I agree that the Money in the Bank has definitely been a good way to create heel main eventers. In Edge and Punk, it made them look cowardly, and it was a great way to draw heat for them.

Saying all that I can't think we're going to see two MITB heel winners. I think there's definitely something to be said for atleast one face winner. Although for the reasons you gave about it being a great way of elevating a heel - I think any face winner would cash it in, in advance of the match.

The problem I foresee happening is that none of the guys that are in line for the annual MITB push actually deserve it right now.

Isn't that the whole point of MITB though. To take people who cannot make it to main event level via natural methods, and propel them to it. And I think there are a number of people who could be pushed forward: Christian, Kofi, MVP, Drew McIntyre, The Miz, John Morrison - hell, even Evan Bourne is on such a big crest of a wave he could win it.
Yes I agree.

Smackdown is in a fix with high caliber mid carders and nothing to do with them. I picture smackdown's MITB to be the following: Drew, Big Show, christian, mvp, dolph ziggler and matt hardy. It doesnt have that much starpower but it looks like Kane and CM Punk are in for a singles match and Kofi might be thrown in their instead of matt hardy.

Raw on the other hand, their MITB would probably look like this. Evan Bourne, The Miz, Zack Ryder, JoMo, R-Truth, Chris Jericho. Edge and Orton are still going to feud with a gimmick match most likely. Cena vs Sheamus seems like a lock butttt, I believe someone from Nexus will join the MITB ladder match.

I hope Miz wins or Evan I guess, follow Kurt Angle advice and push him to the moon or dont push at all lol. Miz is credible with the win and he seems to be getting the nod from everyone.

Smackdown? God help smackdown because of the lack of star power. If they dont give it to Christian or Drew then I dont know what they gonna do. Rey is the champ so anybody that beats him is credible. Sad yes, but its true. Drew is the only Heel is see winning MITB while Rey is champ and if Drew is choosen they he'll win. This is the only reason i can see him not having the IC title again.

Miz and Drew. Money bet that the winner of the MITB will cash it in on the same night. I know what would be interesing.

Drew beats whoever the Raw main event is for the title and whoever wins the Raw mainevent cashes it in on Drew because of Matt Hardy. That would be funny and give Drew time to execute his rematch clause whenever he is finished with Hardy. Who says a rematch clause has to be at the next pay per view or next night?
i agree and the perfect example is CM PUNK first time he won he was a face cashes it in and stays a face and not a good run second time he won it as a face still but turns heel when he cashes it in and had a good run. so it seems like if your a heel or turn heel your probally gonna have good run.
for the SD! MITB im thinking CHRISTIAN or DREW i hope its not DREW. im hopping CHRISTIAN wins it REY retains the WHC and CHRISTIAN cashes it in the same night turning CHRISTIAN HEEL because REY is the little kids hero so they would hate CHRISTIAN but i would love it PEEP4LIFE.
for the RAW MITB i dont know if i had to guess THE MIZ or JOMO i want JOMO to win and turn heel when he cashes it in but i think THE MIZ is gonna win after the promo on RAW. so my picks are THE MIZ and CAPTAIN CHARISMA CHRISTIAN
A face can win the MITB match But for them to turn heel they need to use it on a Face. CM Punk used it the 2nd time as a face on Jeff Hardy. Lets say Jomo wins it and he cashes it in on Cena if he had the title Jomo turns heel.
Well that's undeniable. The whole act of cashing in on a downed champion only works if the breifcase holder is a heel or soon to be. The only time this formula was side stepped was to cash in on Egde. On Raw, I think either Evan Bourne of Ted Jr. will win it next month. And on Smackdown, they'd be wise to give it to Matt Hardy, but I'd buy it if a Dolph Ziggler or a Cody Rhodes won it.
It does seem like the Money in the Bank concept works better for heels in the sense that they can cash it when the champion is exhausted and wounded, scoring an easy championship. That doesn't mean that a face can't benefit either but, much like Rob Van Dam, they will more likely cash it in an honorable and noble way by setting up an official match ahead of time.

As for my picks: I'll go with either Christian, Drew McIntyre or Matt Hardy (probably the dark horse if he does qualify) for SmackDown and John Morrison or the Miz for RAW.

When it comes to the star-making potential of Money in the Bank, I see it like this. The MITB concept is like American Idol in the sense that just because you win it doesn't mean you'll be a guaranteed success. What it does is provide them is the opportunity to become a success. The rest will be up to them.

P.S. - I've checked out your homepage, JPK. Awesome vision you have! Great job!
You are absolutely spot on about MiTB an easy way to turn people heel, but a little of topic I think one of the winners will cash in their MiTB on the night and the other will lose. But I know what your Well, sorry JPK because I am stealing your ending to Over the Limit in Fan Fiction how the person who just lost his title or failed to win it, help the person being cashed on. Thus, the MiTB holder fails in cashing in the
MiTB and still looks credible!
You are absolutely spot on about MiTB an easy way to turn people heel, but a little of topic I think one of the winners will cash in their MiTB on the night and the other will lose. But I know what your Well, sorry JPK because I am stealing your ending to Over the Limit in Fan Fiction how the person who just lost his title or failed to win it, help the person being cashed on. Thus, the MiTB holder fails in cashing in the
MiTB and still looks credible!

I think somebody has to loose it at some point. Only has to happen once then you could probably dine out on it for the next 4-5 winners. Personally, I think the whole running in after the match and cashing it in is getting a bit stale. It works in the sense that it's great for a heel (as the OP was saying) but it's a little boring now. Edge's first one was great, nobody saw it coming.

Give Miz the Raw one - and have him loose when cashing it in.

And give it to a face on Smackdown - MVP, Christian, Kofi - and have them cash it in ahead of time.

As I said in the Money in the Bank PPV thread. In theory - if the person winning the match has to beat 7 other men to do it, then they shouldn't have the advantage of being fresh.

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