Monday nights Divas.........


Championship Contender
I'm really upset with the divas portion of Monday night raw. I really like Page but that's close to it. Nikki has gotten better but is not a right fit for the title..not that good.

When it came time for the diva handicapped match, before the bell I was Hhoping Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch or Sasha banks' music would lair out and come out to help. That would have been HUGE time to do it. She ended up holding her own against Bella Twins. Then they started a small beat down after the match and man there would have been a great time to bring one out...

What do you all think? If so, any of those 3 better suited for main roster than another? I think maybe sasha
I agree with you fully.

I created a thread the other day about an NXT divas invasion kind of similar to Nexus because i too really feel the divas division has so much potential but isnt utilised properly and i also thought Charlotte was going to come to save paige this past monday aswell but obviously that didnt happen but i just have a feeling it will happen really soon

And as far as the NXT divas who are ready for the main roster the obvious choices ($asha Bank$ <--- she is money and Charlotte are definitely ready and possibly Becky Lynch and soon Bayley)

Like i said at the end of last year as one of my New years wishes for wwe, was the divas division to become interesting. 6 months into the year and i havent been remotely interested in the division since AJ left and im a Paige fan and was excited to see a heel Naomi. It surely cant be hard to come up with interesting storylines with the talented divas they have with Paige, Natalya, Emma, Alicia Fox, The Bella Twins (who are good at being heels) and the bunch of other NXT divas previously mentioned when they get called up

WWE sort it out

But yeah Sasha and Charlotte are definitely ready for the main roster
In some ways, it's hard for me to be upset at the Divas as I tend to feel sorry for them much of the time now. In the grand scheme of things, it's been made abundantly clear over the years that Vince McMahon doesn't consider the Divas to be anything more than a minimally relevant portion of the product. I think there's a lot of untapped potential among a good number of the Divas on the main roster; they've got personality and genuine charisma, just watch an episode or two of Total Divas to see that, and some of them are genuinely extremely talented inside the ring. Ultimately though, like anyone else on the roster, they can only really show what they bring to the table with the minimal level of priority given to them by the powers that be, AKA Vince McMahon. I've said before that he either seems to be uninterested in portraying them in a more positive, relevant and competitive light, doesn't know how to and/or doesn't know how to and isn't interested in the advice of those who do know how to.

As a result, I don't see how that'll change if/when Charlotte and Sasha Banks make it to the main roster. They've shined in NXT and that's not only due to their abilities, it's also due to the fact that there're a booking style in NXT that encourages those abilities, gives them genuine opportunities to showcase those abilities and books them as relevant members of the roster. For NXT, Triple H makes THE final creative decisions while Vince has that authority on the main roster. There's a fundamental difference in booking philosophies between Triple H and Vince McMahon, at least there seems to be based on the differences in consistency in storylines, and that's a HUGE reason why NXT has a thriving and competitive women's division and the women's division of the main roster has, as a whole in the grand scheme of things, been one of the most criticized, ridiculed and put down aspects of any wrestling product in any wrestling company for the better part of 20 years.

Part of me would rather see Charlotte and Sasha remain in NXT as NXT has been progressively and quickly growing into more than just WWE's developmental territory; it's really becoming its own brand in many ways and is a viable alternative to the main roster. We know and we've seen how well they've been used and portrayed in NXT, but there's a strong possibility that won't happen if they head to the main roster. However, I also know those ladies will make a lot more money wrestling on the main roster than they will in NXT and that's ultimately what it has to boil down to in any job.
firstly i have to say i'm a huge paige fan to and feel she is the best diva in the division. after her promo last week promising change and then again her promo before the match at mitb i really felt that either she would have won the title back or there would have been a debut from charlotte or maybe even more of the nxt females to help paige. but alas i was disappointed with the outcome yet again and i feel it made paige look really weak by promising something then not delivering. and again on raw when the other divas left and didn't support her in the meeting i thought that this would be the perfect time for charlotte or sasha or becky to help her but again no suck luck. its clear that super cena's girlfriend is being prepared to beat aj lee's longest reigning record as vince/creative really are that petty that they won't want mrs punk to hold that record as longest reigning divas champ. for me nikki is ok but def doesn't deserve this. maybe the storyline will progress and eventually it will lead to charlotte or someone else from nxt debuting and helping paige or maybe they'll just give up on it and pretend it didn't happen and hope the fans forget like they do with a lot of the storylines and insult the fans intelligence.
It's abundantly clear that NXT takes far greater stock in the female talent than the main roster does, so I kind of dread seeing Sasha, Charlotte, Becky or any of the other NXT talent going up. The tradeoff has not been as beneficial as it has for the male counterparts, because they're not seen as being as important or essential.

Neville, Owens, Cesaro, the former Shield... I could list a host of male talent from NXT where people are being pushed to the moon, or had been at one time or another. Emma, fell flat, Paige is simply lost in feud of no consequence, and anytime the NXT women have been given a match on Raw the matches have been brief and therefore lacking in the time to develop good matches.

Worse, There are women in the 'Divas' division that have talent but are either not given the chance to develop or are not given enough ring time to stay or remain relevant outside the Bellas and a few others. And the Bellas are finally getting to a point where they're not botching every other move.

The Total Divas show is more important to Vince I think than the actual women wrestling. And I don't know if any of the NXT female talent would be better off being on the main roster dealing with things as they currently are.
I dont want to see any NXT Women called up because all they would do is regress and become pointless. The last 3 divas called up from NXT were Emma, Paige and Summer Rae, all of them have regressed along way since moving up and have never had a match better than the ones they had in NXT. The main roster is the place where womens careers go downhill, Emma is back in NXT after being a comedy jobber, Summer Rae is a jobber and Paige is booked strong atm.

The best womens wrestling is in NXT and that will not change so as far as I'm concerned Bayley, Banks, Flair and Lynch are better off in NXT than the main roster and as much as the main roster needs more talent they are likely to ruin that talent within a few months.
Charlotte is definitely ready for the main roster. Her debut has to be coming any day now as there is nothing left for her to do on NXT. Becky Lynch I'd like to see defeat Sasha in an NXT Womens Championship rematch, she deserves a run with that belt before being moved up. Sasha should be ready once her title reign ends. Bayley could get moved up too. The others should stay on NXT for a bit. You don't want to rush them all up to the main roster or you end up with a divas division in NXT that suddenly loses a ton of quality.

So move Charlotte, Sasha, and Bayley up to form an alliance with Paige to take the division back from The Bellas. Or at the very least just Paige and Charlotte teaming up for this. Sasha can drop the NXT Womens Championship to Becky Lynch. The other NXT divas either still need time to improve (Dana Brooke and to a lesser extent Alexa Bliss) or suck and are nowhere near ready for the main roster (Carmella). The handicap match on monday or sunday's Divas Championship match would have been great timing to bring up Charlotte and/or one of the others. Given Paige's promo content lately, I'd predict something like this is what's still coming.
Well I liked that segment Paige organising the Divas and I noticed Natalya wasn't there. Perhaps she was with Tyson at the hospital but I hoped she would come and help Paige. And just like others said Charlotte, Sasha banks, Becky Lynch and other NXT divas should come up the roster when there's absolutely nothing to do back there for them to accomplish. Bayley and Charlotte are feuding with Emma it seems and Sasha is the Champion whilst Becky is the #1 Contender. Let them finish off their respective feuds before jumping into WWE Main Roster.

Part of me would rather see Charlotte and Sasha remain in NXT as NXT has been progressively and quickly growing into more than just WWE's developmental territory; it's really becoming its own brand in many ways and is a viable alternative to the main roster

While that point has validity, I can't help thinking of TV/movie productions involving minor league baseball. They develop a guy who helps them win....the major league affiliate gets wind of it and promotes the guy to their team....while the minor league team manager is still under pressure to win games even as his best players are taken away. It's the nature of life in the minors.

Compare that to Vince McMahon. Yes, he's never been high on women's wrestling, yet if he sees a chance to build business, he'll grab off the best gals and leave NXT in the position of the minor league manager.

But never mind NXT for a moment. If Triple H is a believer in the divas and eventually convinces McMahon, we might see Charlotte, Sasha and one or two others come up at the same time......and if they do, there might be a big-time plan for a revolution in the major league diva division.....and some of the current divas might be given a sandwich and a road map (goodbye, Rosa!)

In other words, Vince McMahon might see it as all or nothing......either totally rejuvenate the division..... or do nothing with it.

How about the NWO.....the New Women's Order !!

(any of you who suggest changing the 'O' to ovaries gets a slap in the face from me) :)
I can't stand Paige and watching her get beat down by The Bellas every week has been amazing.. She's clearly going to bring up an NXT diva and it will likely be Charlotte.. so The Bellas can beat down both of them... It's The Bellas division and people have to deal with that.. Paige's character and her awkward scream really is annoying.
Yeah, I think Paige's recent attempt to group the Diva's together will end with a Diva or two being called up, and Paige winning the title. One sure way to know when a title is about to change hands is when the announcers start to recap the title reign, and that's been going on a couple weeks now.

But, I don't think any diva in NXT is gonna be the savior of the division. I don't know if its the public perception, the company perception, booking, or what it is but the Diva division just doesn't catch fire like the men's does. It may be that people like to watch men fight more than they like to watch women fight, IDK.

I think something that holds it back from being seen as equal to the mens division is that all the women have to be drop dead gorgeous knock outs or they don't get hired. A female version of Kevin Owens doesn't stand a chance of making the roster. And I bet that there are a lot of women who would be better wrestlers than the ones they've got out there, but they'll never be in front of a WWE camera because they don't have the movie star looks.
Maybe since Paige can't find a friend on the main roster, she brings backup in the form of an NXT performer? I wouldn't mind seeing Sasha Banks be the reason Paige got the title off of Nikki, then watching the champs work together for a while.

They took Paige's title away when she was called up. BUT they didn't do that for Owens. Maybe they've rethought the position of conflicting schedules.
Maybe since Paige can't find a friend on the main roster, she brings backup in the form of an NXT performer? I wouldn't mind seeing Sasha Banks be the reason Paige got the title off of Nikki, then watching the champs work together for a while.

That seems to be the popular idea right now, but more people are leaning towards Charlotte being the diva they call up.. I like Sasha a lot more, but it seems Charlotte will be the one since she's touring with the main roster the most.. Both those woman should be close to debuting.
That seems to be the popular idea right now, but more people are leaning towards Charlotte being the diva they call up.. I like Sasha a lot more, but it seems Charlotte will be the one since she's touring with the main roster the most.. Both those woman should be close to debuting.

Agreed! I lean toward Sasha myself, not necessarily because I think she's better than Charlotte (they're both better than most of the roster) but because she holds the title.
I think a pairing where both women are champs would make for a better story. It'd be something we haven't seen before. It'd also make it so they could coexist without a jealousy angle and without one seeming like the other's lackey.
I actually think they'll call both Bailey and Charlotte up at the same time. Bellas are on their way out in the next 6 months anyways. Maybe sooner depending on Bryans health.
Thats what my opening up post was about....I'd love to see a diva nexus rise up...bring up Sasha banks, Becky lynch, Charlotte flair, Hayley, and try Emma again!!! Let them run ruff shot over raw for a few weeks..women, men, promos, hostage, all of it!
It was announced today that Paige's big change may lead to the main roster debut of either Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch or Bayley.

A few weeks ago they talked about these same four women making a change to NXT, and called them the Four Horsewomen.

So, why not bring in all four of them? I realize it's still five months off, but find a way for the storyline to last until Survivor Series. For the next four months bring in one of the four divas as a special guest tag team partner for Paige. And then for Survivor Series they can have a traditional Survivor Series tag team elimination match. The Bellas would have to find three other partners. Maybe they can even have the four Horsewomen win the match.
They'll ruin Charlotte IMO. I was shocked Owens kept his identity when he debuted. I bet they'll give her a cape and bill her as The Great Magumbo or something.
It was announced today that Paige's big change may lead to the main roster debut of either Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch or Bayley.

A few weeks ago they talked about these same four women making a change to NXT, and called them the Four Horsewomen.

So, why not bring in all four of them? I realize it's still five months off, but find a way for the storyline to last until Survivor Series. For the next four months bring in one of the four divas as a special guest tag team partner for Paige. And then for Survivor Series they can have a traditional Survivor Series tag team elimination match. The Bellas would have to find three other partners. Maybe they can even have the four Horsewomen win the match.

Bringing up all four of those women will leave a major dent in the NXT Women's Division. They need to bring all four women up one at time, so you can still have star power in the division in NXT while you look to pick up talent from the indies or mold newbies. Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Dana Brooke aren't ready, ring wise, to be put in the title picture on NXT, with other women on NXT who have yet to be featured on screen.

It's obvious to me, that all four women at one point in time will win the NXT Women's Championship, to continue to build the brand of NXT and women's wrestling being one of the major reasons to it's success. Charlotte has won it already and after her feud with Dana, she'll be sent to the main roster first, while Sasha Banks is the current champ. As much as the IWC wants to see all of them up at the same time now, or come to invade the main roster, it wouldn't really make sense since it will not focus on the Divas Championship. With them forming the "Four Horsewomen" group early, it won't allow their characters to get across and over individually with a main roster audience that doesn't care too much for the Divas. No matter how much we love them and feel like they are going to change the division once they come up, in reality, and especially how the division is run due to the lack of care for the Divas, they are more than likely going to be hot for a second before they are either lost in the shuffle, there's an outcry about how they're on tv too much or after the title too much and #giveotherdivasachance starts to trend for all four of them, including Paige and others who the WWE likes to recycle.

When Charlotte comes up, the title needs to be put on her. Given her championship run in NXT and her family ties, it gets eyes on the Divas Division by that audience to see that she's the real deal and the Divas are now to be taken seriously. Then she has to face someone who will show off her best abilities, which should be Natalya, all while then building a feud for her and Paige, where at that time, both will be very over. Then you bring up Sasha Banks who has a heel character that will go over and can have many feuds with anyone on that roster, and then Bayley and then Becky. Charlotte will have the face version push of what Kevin Owens is getting, hopefully with her not losing to "Super Nikki".
It's time for the NXT women to get the call up but that has been the case for a couple of months. It seems they are waiting for the perfect moment but who knows when that will arrive.

An invasion with Charlotte, Bailey, Banks and Becky sounds cool but I'm not sure how that leaves NXT. The live-events suffer unless you keep a couple of them on those shows. Then there is the actual TV where they would lose their top stars. Again, unless you have Banks do what Owens is doing. I suppose a few of the main roster Divas could go down.

I think a major problem on the main roster is that the Divas aren't exactly good enough to warrant more time. Nikki, for example, is good but I'm not so sure she is at the same level as those on NXT. Hence, giving her a 15 minute match is pointless.

5 or 6 of the main roster Divas are fine but add the main 4 from NXT and suddenly the division looks fantastic.
My first thread I posted on this site was about a Four Horsewomen faction in the Nexus mould featuring Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Sacha Banks, and Bayley. Many are suggesting that the four of them be brought up together to save an ailing division. I'm starting to become less sure that that's the way.

Sure, throw the four (arguably) most over and ready divas from NXT to run roughshod over the Divas division. It would be kind of like throwing gasoline on an unlit fire, or debuting the nWo against the Mean Street Posse.

The Diva's division is a wretched mess that only needs some simple clean fixes. The heels and faces need to be finalized. Booking Paige with heel like promos and booking Naomi as a face is confusing. Why hasn't Emma turned heel on Raw? What the hell do the Bella Twins stand for? Why is Natalya a valet? Why isn't Eva Marie a heel valet? The list of problems goes on and fricken on.

Sending in the NXT girls isn't the answer. It's going to be freaking sweet, but they need to enter into a balanced division in order to not risk becoming a part of the problem. The last thing we need is Charlotte and Bayley on Total Divas. Until WWE consciously reinvigorates their women's division, a debut by any NXT gal can wait.

It used to be that the Total divas had their own matches and then there was the divas title angles. Now, the divas title is Total Divas. Total is what it is, if it's making WWE money then good. They need to go back to having the Total Divas in a separate angle from the title divas.

It's not that we want the NXT girls in WWE, we want WWE to have a proper women's division, and we perceive debuting these ladies as bringing NXT match quality booking with them. Sadly, that may not be the case.

Fix the divas division now, then add new talent to the mix. Paige and Natalya should be the top faces and not on TD. Top heels should be Naomi and the Twins. Everyone needs an alignment and they need to be consistent.

Next; book a feud outside of the title. Titles need number one contenders. There are enough main roster divas and five hours of major network TV (Main Event and Superstars notwithstanding) to support minimum two divas angles.

NXT has three different feuds involving women with one hour of programming per week. Charlotte/Bayley/Emma/Dana, the women's title, and Carmella/Bliss. Granted we don't see all three but these are active feuds. Bliss screwing Enzo and Cass out of the tag titles was brilliant. Put the ladies with the dudes.

Three main roster wrestlers have female parings? Tyson and Natalya, Rose and Rosa and, I guess Ziggler and Lana. Alicia Fox and Layla are barely on TV. Did they forget Summer Rae turned heel and joined Miz?

It's all pretty simple stuff that doesn't require reinventing the wheel. Clear characters, long term planning, more that one feud, have some overlap with the lads. Putting three or four new characters into a muddle mixture isn't going to save the broth.

If they did go for an NXT divas invasion, they have to be careful. Oversaturation is an issue. I believe there are enough talented divas in NXT to keep the division going. Carmella, Bliss, Dana Brooke, Emma, and others could keep it going. They could bring Blue Pants in more regularly. Eva Marie is pending to debut there (she needs to turn heel more than John Cena).

NXT would recover losing its four best, but the main roster isn't ready to receive them. Keep things simple and realign the division to wrestling basics. And make that damn title gold. I don't care if they have to fight over wrestling superstar Barbie's title. They could at least fight over a butterfly that looks like a prize.
I believe they are going to be calling up at least 2 divas from NXT to help Paige. With THe Bella Twins pulling their constant twin magic and Alicia Fox aligning herself with the Bellas someone needs to help Paige to even the playing field. When Paige was trying to recruit the main roster divas to her side I noticed none of them were faces. I think maybe nex week one of two things will happen, either one of the NXT divas will debut to help Paige out or the Bella twins will have another main roster diva join them and the following week the NXT divas will finally help Paige. I believe that the divas to help Paige will be some form of combination of Charlotte, Sasha and Bailey

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