Best idea for new Divas #1 contender


Championship Contender
I know they probably will have something announced by the end of raw. And this idea was done before with loose ends. But the Divas are getting more time and more than 1 spot. So have like a 10 women battle royal. Winner gets Nikki. With new competitors it could easily be pulled off.

Brie Bella
Sasha Banks
Becky Lynch
Tame a
Alicia Fox

That'd be pretty awesome I think.
I'm tired of Diva battle royals to determine a number one contender. In fact, I've never really liked very many battle royals simply because it really limits what a wrestler/diva can do in the ring other than battling on the ropes and throwing one another over the ropes.

I'd rather see your idea and change it to a ten Diva elimination, gauntlet match where two Diva's start and one by one keep coming every two minutes until one Diva is left standing.
I got one better. I think at SummerSlam there will be some kind of 9-diva triple threat tag match. (sounds complicated but im sure you all can figure out how the teams will go). Anyways whichever team comes out on top here will later on a RAW have to fight in a triple threat number one contenders match for the Divas title at Night of Champions. I think the number 1 contenders match would have to be announced after summerslam considering Team Bella would not win.

I see either Charlotte or Paige being next to challenge Nikki for the Divas title at Night of Champions.
Divas matches are going better than ever in the last few weeks. I don't want to cut down that pace by putting them all together in a Battle Royal. Instead they could make a tournament to determine the #1 Contender for the Divas Championship. Make two matches per Raw and it can make things rational leading to the Summerslam and that can produce some outstanding actions.

If they can get 2 matches on each show, maybe try to have G1 type thing (yeah I know but it's that time of year) and then have finals on the Smackdown before Summerslam.
at summerslam we have triple threat triple team divas elimination match. the losing teams disband. team Paige will win. team Bella and team bad disband after summerslam. after that stephnie announced member of team Paige will get a title shot at NOC. 3 divas fight each other. so they made triple threat elimination match and my pick is Charlotte face Nikki and wins at NOC.
bad thing is Sasha has no place for wwe main roster.
I'm not really big on diva battle royals but WWE has already presented the problem. They introduced 3 women AT THE SAME TIME, all 3 very capable of holding the divas title. And all 3 better than any lady that was already on the main roster (except Paige)...

So I ask it this way instead. Wwe, having bring up Banks, Lynch, and Charlotte at the same time, how do you put at the #1 contenders spot??

They went straight from a drowning main roster with no legit #1 spot, to now having a main roster with Charlotte, Banks, Lynch, and Paige that are all deserving.
I personally would like to see the return of the beat the clock tournament. Over the course of a Raw/Smackdown or 2. I would have Alicia Fox win the first match against Becky. Then I would have Charlotte vs Sasha end in a draw, do to them going over the time limit and Fox constant interference throughout their match. After the match I would have them double team Fox and kind of show respect towards each other after that hard fought battle. Ultimately I would have Paige win the Beat The Clock challenge because Nikki's first title defense in this feud will likely result in a dq and some type of brawl between all three teams. Besides there's no point of giving the former NXT women a championship opportunity so early on only for it to end by DQ.
Hopefully they can hold off of the 9-divas triple threat tag match until Survivor Series and also save Nikki vs Sasha Banks until Night of Champions(NXT champ vs Divas champ).
Triple Threat (9) Diva Tag at Summer Slam. The match only holds a traditional structure for a short period of time before all hell breaks loose. In the end Charlotte, Lynch and Banks beat down the other six in nWo like fasion. They go as far as to tag Nikki with lipstick as if it were spray paint. The swerve comes with Stephanie arranging the entire thing explaining why she suddenly called the three up and just organized the sides. From there one of them or all three can challenge at NOC.

In related fantasy booking, following Summer Slam Stephanie is getting in her limo and suddenly there is an explosion. It is assumed her character is dead. She is never heard from again or until two weeks after I grow up and stop watching pro wrestling.
My fantasy booking for the title will be immensely unpopular, but I really don't give a crap:

1 - Charlotte beats Nikki in a non-title match to become #1 Contender.
2 - Nikki Bella beats Charlotte at SummerSlam to retain the title.
3 - Becky Lynch wins a battle royal to become #1 Contender.
4 - Nikki Bella beats Becky Lynch at Night of Champions to retain the title (and beats AJ's record around that time).
5 - At Hell in a Cell, a Triple Threat #1 Contender's Match between Sasha Banks, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch is held. Nikki interferes in the match, causing a no contest, and is ordered to defend against all of them in a Fatal Four Way at Survivor Series.
6 - Sasha wins the title at Survivor Series by beating Becky Lynch, ending Nikki's one-year reign, but without Nikki getting beat.
7 - Sasha retains against Becky Lynch at TLC.
8 - Sasha retains against Brie Bella at the Royal Rumble.
9 - Sasha retains against Charlotte at Elimination Chamber.
10 - Nikki Bella defeats Sasha one-on-one at WrestleMania 32 to regain the championship.
I think that now would probably be the best time to do a Divas Tournament to determine the #1 Contender for the Title, since you have so many new faces on TV and the Divas division is started to get more focus on attention. Right now it's clear that they're building to a big 3 vs 3 vs 3 match at SummerSlam, but leading into Night of Champions you could set up the tournament to see who will challenge Nikki's record Championship reign. Here's how the tournament would go down...

First Round Match: Charlotte def. Tamina
First Round Match: Alicia Fox def. Naomi
First Round Match: Sasha Banks def. Natalya
First Round Match: Becky Lynch vs. Paige ends in a double DQ when they are both attacked by Tamina and Naomi. Neither diva progresses to the next round, therefore Sasha Banks gets a bye directly to the finals, putting some heat on her.
Semi-Final Match: Charlotte def. Alicia Fox, the Bella Twins try to get involved, but Charlotte takes them both out and beats Alicia Fox.
Final Match: Charlotte def. Sasha Banks, Tamina and Naomi try to help Sasha Banks, but Becky Lynch and Paige come out to make the save.

So we have set up two divas matches for Night of Champions...

Team B.A.D def. Paige and Becky Lynch in a Tag-Team Match
Charlotte def. Nikki Bella to win the Divas Championship

From there you could go into a Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte feud over the Divas Title (Becky and Paige are already feuding with Team B.A.D), plus you have Nikki Bella who will want a rematch. Eventually you could also have tension between Charlotte, Paige and Becky. Lots of options with Charlotte as Champion moving forward.
Something else I'd love to see now would be a "Queen of the Ring" it's possible now and would be pretty entertaining. Maybe a Queen of the Ring tourney with winner being #1 contender..
Yeah I'd go with some sort of tournament like a Queen of the Ring to determine the number one contender as well. You might not even need to name beyond saying it's to determine who faces Nikki at Summerslam/Survivor Series as well. You could set it in motion by simply having Nikki cut a promo saying that she's beaten everyone there is to beat on the roster and that the new NXT girls are beneath her. Until someone proves that they're worthy of a match with her she's not fighting

That brings out Stephanie to say she agrees with her and so she's starting a number one contender tournament for the women's title with Natalya, Brie, Paige, Charlotte, Sascha, Tamina, Alicia, Naomi, Summer Rae, Becky, Emma, Cameron, Rosa Mendes, Layla, Lana and Bayley (if she can get back from injury). That way you get to showcase a roster feud like Lana v Summer Rae, an NXT feud like Bayley v Emma and you get some interesting matches. Spread them out over Smackdown, Raw and Main Event and you got some solid women's wrestling for the next few weeks.

Imagine brackets like:

Natalya v Naomi
Emma v Bayley
Sascha v Layla
Paige v Rosa Mendes
Becky v Cameron
Lana v Summer Rae
Charlotte v Brie
Alicia v Tamina

leading in to

Natalya v Emma
Charlotte v Alicia
Sascha v Lana
Paige v Becky

That's a very interesting final eight and I know I'd be interested to see who advances.
Do we really need this much divas action? I'm all for the divas getting more time during matches and more storyline development, but we don't need to witness a tournament. They should just do a Battle Royal like they usually do. I don't find tournaments that interesting anyways, it would be even less interesting with the divas. They need to focus on building this storyline and forget about the divas title right now. They can worry about that after SummerSlam. Right now it's a battle of supremacy and the divas title is not involved in that right now. Nikki is the only one who can hold the divas title right now that's why she'll become the longest reigning divas champ, until they build up Charlotte, Becky and Sasha a bit more so one of them can take the title from Nikki. Paige shouldn't do it and before the 3 NXT divas debuted, Nikki and Paige were the only divas that mattered. When AJ was the top of the divas division she was the only one that mattered as well, which was a joke because she sucked. Now they have more divas relevant than ever before, hopefully they keep it that way.
I have never seen a Divas Battle Royal that I have enjoyed. It could be entertaining with Sasha Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Paige, but I doubt it. I would like to see a tournament to determine the next #1 contender.

Naomi vs. Becky Lynch
Charlotte vs. Brie Bella
Paige vs. Alicia Fox
Sasha Banks vs. Natalya

Charlotte vs. Naomi
Paige vs. Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte

Sasha Banks wins the finals and wins the Diva's Championship by defeating Nikki Bella at Night of Champions.

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