MLB Thread - 2010

Turd Ferguson

So, we're two days removed from the World Series, and the Hot Stove has already been fired up, with four trades already. This is going to be a very exciting winter... I daresay that the offseason is one of my favorite things about baseball.

The Pirates acquired IF Akinori Iwamura for RP Jesse Chavez
-Beck-ah, the lone Pirates fan, gets Akinori Iwamura as his 2B for next year, as the Pirates found their replacement for Freddy Sanchez. The Pirates are still quite a way off, but in the moves they made last season, they are primed to get out of the funk they've been in by 2012. Great deal for the Pirates. Iwamura and Sanchez are basically the same player, just that Iwamura costs much less, and they got Tim Alderson out of it.

The Twins acquired SS JJ Hardy for CF Carlos Gomez.
-The Brewers are mentally ******ed. Hardy had the potential to bounce back, and he's got a very good chance to even more now that he's on the Twins. He's going to turn a lot of heads next year.

The White Sox acquired OF/IF Mark Teahen for 2B Chris Getz and 3B Josh Fields.
-A rare deal between two teams in the same division. Dayton Moore continues his reign as one of the worst GMs in baseball, by trading Teahen, one of his few players that could get on base, for two players who cannot get on base. Fields had one good season.

The Red Sox acquired OF Jeremy Hermida for RPs Hunter Jones and Jose Alvarez.
-As a Red Sox fan, I love this trade. Hermida has always been loaded with potential, and at one point, was the #1 prospect in baseball. I think that he's going to wind up replacing Bay. Theo's not going to give Bay the 5th year he wants, plus the fact that he's going to want a huge annual salary. They didn't trade for him to be a 4th OF, when he and JD Drew have similar RHP/LHP splits. He's still only 25 years old, and has shown flashes while in Florida. If Carlos Pena, Russell Branyan, Jayson Werth, and Ryan Ludwick can all break out at older ages, why can't Hermida? Not to mention, Theo has a history of finding diamonds in the rough that pan out beautifully. Look no further than David Ortiz. Besides, it's a gamble well worth taking. It's early enough in the offseason where they can get him into the system and have him work with the coaches to find out what's going wrong, and they got him for relatively nothing.
The Twins acquired SS JJ Hardy for CF Carlos Gomez.
-The Brewers are mentally ******ed. Hardy had the potential to bounce back, and he's got a very good chance to even more now that he's on the Twins. He's going to turn a lot of heads next year.

The White Sox acquired OF/IF Mark Teahen for 2B Chris Getz and 3B Josh Fields.
-A rare deal between two teams in the same division. Dayton Moore continues his reign as one of the worst GMs in baseball, by trading Teahen, one of his few players that could get on base, for two players who cannot get on base. Fields had one good season.

Aaand stop right there. Brewers are mentally ******ed? Because JJ Hardy bounce back? I'm sorry but that is just stupid. The Twins are dumb for getting rid of Gomez. No offense Ty. He is arguably the fastest player in the MLB. His defense is top notch, mostly due to his speed. The only thing missing is his bat. He is hit and miss (semi-pun intended) at the plate. He struck out a lot the past few years, but when he gets on base, he will create havoc, no questions asked. Brewers, mentally ******ed. They got the better overall player when it comes to Carlos Gomez.

The bolded I fixed for you. ;) The White Sox got Teahen, not the Royals, as they already had him. Now, I don't know your entire schpiel on this trade, all you really say is the Royals' GM is horrible. Now, you could have also said Kenny Williams and the White Sox got a steal getting Teahen for Getz and Fields. Which in all honesty it was. Getz and Fields may not have the best on-base percentage, but that doesn't mean they are horrible. Like Gomez above, Getz can create havoc on the bases. He has some very good speed, although it doesn't look like it. But again, what you have neglected is defense. Getz played very well at 2nd this year, when he was playing and not hurt. Fields is power, and I couldn't really care less that he is gone. He wouldn't get playing time with the Sox, so good riddance.
Aaand stop right there. Brewers are mentally ******ed? Because JJ Hardy bounce back? I'm sorry but that is just stupid. The Twins are dumb for getting rid of Gomez. No offense Ty. He is arguably the fastest player in the MLB. His defense is top notch, mostly due to his speed. The only thing missing is his bat. He is hit and miss (semi-pun intended) at the plate. He struck out a lot the past few years, but when he gets on base, he will create havoc, no questions asked. Brewers, mentally ******ed. They got the better overall player when it comes to Carlos Gomez.

Hardy for the most part had back problems really come to the forefront this year that he dealt with for his entire career. J.J. Hardy is generally one of the 10 best SS in baseball by UZR, which already has a ton of value, and he actually has the potential to hit. Which, unless something drastic changes, Gomez does not.

Gomez is all speed and glove. He has a career .292 OBP. That's abysmal. The Brewers needed pitching and traded one of their top trade chips for a below average CF.

The bolded I fixed for you. ;) The White Sox got Teahen, not the Royals, as they already had him.

Yeah, I realized my mistake soonafter.
As a fellow Boston fan I like the pick up of Hermida as well. He's never been able to fulfill his potential, but he's still young and picking him up for two minor leaguers that will be lucky to be AAAA guys for the rest of their careers is a great move. No real downside here, frankly I'm obviously much more interested in what we're going to do with Jason Bay. I think I'd prefer Matt Holliday though.
Not sure if the Phillies are gonna make any major moves. Maybe get some bullpen (which is most important). But what I'd like to see the Phils do is go after Chone Figgins. He is a major upgrade over Feliz and we need a hitter at 3rd. Pedro's defense will only take him so far.

Regarding the moves, I like the move by the Brew to get Gomez, kid is exceptional in the field and decent enough with the stick. I think the Twins are stupid for getting rid of him for Hardy? Seriously JJ Hardy? Hermida is a good pickup by the Sox. He is a good player to have off the bench with the occasional start. Iwamura to the Bucs is a good move. He certainly can't make the team any worse and if he is healthy he is a good player. Teahan is another good move as well. He can play numerous positions and will help the ChiSox out well.
The Pirates acquired IF Akinori Iwamura for RP Jesse Chavez

The beauty of this move for the Pirates is that he can play anywhere in the infield for them. He'll probably slide in as a 2B, but I'd expect him to get more than a few ABs at SS and 3B. He's a decent fielder when he gets into a rhythym, and can get on base for the rest of the line-up. I don't think it'll make a drastic change for them though. They have bigger holes to fill.

The Twins acquired SS JJ Hardy for CF Carlos Gomez.

First off, the Twins should be ashamed of themselves. They've made better moves in the past, and are on a recent downhill slope. Hardy isn't an upgrade for them anywhere, and doesn't fit into their line-up. If he gets the starting job, he'd be hitting no better than 7th, but might not have the average for that. This is a real head-scratchers.

Gomez to the Brewers could be a great move. i'm guessing Cameron is gone, and Gomez will be the everyday CF between Braun and Hart. I like the speed they get in this deal, since it's something they've lacked for a long time. It adds a new dynamic to the offense, letting them produce runs, not just mash homers. His glove is a bonus.

The White Sox acquired OF/IF Mark Teahen for 2B Chris Getz and 3B Josh Fields.

Solid move for the ChiSox. Teahan can play any corner position, and while he's not Gold Glove material, he's not a liability. He's shown flashes of power, and would slide in nicely hitting either 2nd (to set up the rest of the order), or 6th (picking up the scraps after the meat of the line-up). Kansas City has a long history of trading away talented OF guys...This is just another one of those.

The Red Sox acquired OF Jeremy Hermida for RPs Hunter Jones and Jose Alvarez.

This move leaves me shaking my head a little. As a Mets fan, I've seen Hermida at his best, and at his worst. He can go on tears where no one can slow him down, or slumps where guys like Bonifacio pinch hit for him (I've seen it). He's a decent fielder, and obviously is there to take over in LF. With Ellsbury patrolling CF, he won't have to cover a ton of ground, and it will add to his potential. This could be the surprise move for this early, or a move that gets fixed in July next year.

Gammons is reporting that with Beckett's contract coming up next year, he wants an extension and wants to stay here in Boston. The only problem is that it's believed that he wants Sabathia money, and with the injuries that have sidetracked him, the Red Sox might not be so willing to go ahead and do that, especially when he'll start a potential new extension on the wrong side of 30. Gammons believes that while it's unlikely, the possibility is there that the Sox could trade Beckett this offseason.

Personally, I think that the Sox should go ahead and explore avenues for a trade if it meant bringing in an impact bat that the team sorely needs. There's starting pitching out there, such as John Lackey, Erik Bedard, Rich Harden, Ben Sheets, and Justin Duchscherer. If it meant getting an impact bat that's not out there on the free agent market, I'd be more than happy with a rotation of:


It's going to be a real interesting offseason here in Boston as the team overhauls itself. Theo is not going to be afraid to shake things up.

This move leaves me shaking my head a little. As a Mets fan, I've seen Hermida at his best, and at his worst. He can go on tears where no one can slow him down, or slumps where guys like Bonifacio pinch hit for him (I've seen it). He's a decent fielder, and obviously is there to take over in LF. With Ellsbury patrolling CF, he won't have to cover a ton of ground, and it will add to his potential. This could be the surprise move for this early, or a move that gets fixed in July next year.

Yeah, I'm hoping that Hermida's issues are tied to just subpar coaching and the fact that he's always been expected to be "the guy" in Florida. Maybe with him hitting in the bottom part of the lineup, he'll feel less pressure to make something happen. It could also be that Hermida needs some mentoring to help him get to that next level. He said himself that he was one of the older guys in the Florida clubhouse (at 25 years old), and he couldn't wait to learn from some of the guys the Sox have.

I also subscribe to Insider and I'll post Rumor Central posts and any other articles people want to read as the Hot Stove season roars on.
Despite V-Mart's 2010 option getting picked up, today was a somber day for the Red Sox.

The Sox re-signed SP Tim Wakefield to a two year deal, which means the end of the coolest option in sports, with a lifetime $4 million option that is exercised every year. At least Wake should break the all time Red Sox wins record by the end of it... which is well deserved for the years of service he's given this team.

The Sox declined C Jason Varitek's 2010 option, but Varitek exercised his $3 million player option. My response: Every single obscenity in the book. Tek hasn't been good for years now, and yet he's inexplicably loved by the Pink Hat crowd and the uninformed fans who love him because he's "The Captain". He can't do anything well anymore. He can't hit, he can't play defense, and he's even worse than V-Mart at throwing out runners. All he can do is call games at this point. And even his playcalling I feel is overrated. As soon as Smoltz and Penny left, they became excellent pitchers. Not sure if that has to do with the pitching coach or Varitek's playcalling. Either way, this is a major problem that needs to be remedied, and there could be a major PR backlash if Theo just eats the $3 million and releases him anyway. Teams don't live and die by the backup catcher, but he should at the very least not be an automatic out and be able to throw out a runner.
I feel the same way as you do Guy, but I'm a bit happier just knowing that we've got V-Mart for next year, because without him I'm not sure we even make the playoffs this past season. His signing is great news for us. Wakefield getting picked up on his perpetual option is good news as well, as we all love Wake to death and he's about as great of a deal as you can get. Where else can you get a solid number 4 for chump change? Especially one that can get hot like Wake can.

But yeah...Varitek needs to go. He needed to go last year. He's just abysmal at every aspect of playing baseball at this point, and it's time both he and the Sox recognized that his career is over. Love you for what you've done for us Tek, but please, for the better of our team, leave.

Apparently the Sox offered Bay a 4 year contract already. Not sure I like that, I'd be much more comfortable with 3 years, maybe 3 years and an option for a 4th. I'm not completely sold on Bay being a long-term LF, his average this year was pretty terrible, but luckily he made up for it by raking in the runs with HRs. Obviously a good ballplayer and one we'd be lucky to have, but I think I'd honestly prefer Matt Holliday. What about you Guy?
Apparently the Sox offered Bay a 4 year contract already. Not sure I like that, I'd be much more comfortable with 3 years, maybe 3 years and an option for a 4th. I'm not completely sold on Bay being a long-term LF, his average this year was pretty terrible, but luckily he made up for it by raking in the runs with HRs. Obviously a good ballplayer and one we'd be lucky to have, but I think I'd honestly prefer Matt Holliday. What about you Guy?

I'm a huge fan of Jason Bay. He also gets on base and hits home runs, which makes the average tolerable for me. I also think he's got a great attitude, and legitimately really likes playing here. What worries me about Bay though is that he'll be 31 at the start of his new contract, and his bat will probably stay the same next year, but then he'll slowly begin to decline offensively. At the very least though, he'll be in Fenway, which is a hitters' park.

What worries me is how bad he's been defensively. His UZR has been negative four times out of the last five years, with his only positive season being in 2006. His arm is declining as the seasons go on, and one has to wonder how much range he has.

If he turned down 4/60, chances are he's going to want something that will be an albatross by the 2 and a half season mark. I don't think re-signing Bay would be a good move at all.

I would love Holliday, but the only issues that worry me are that Boras is his agent, and his relationship with the Sox is strained, to put it lightly. And although I know the Sox can definitely afford it, I don't think he's good enough for the $18-20 million a year he's going to want.
Regarding Penny and Smoltz getting good after leaving the BoSox, I think that had more to do with them going back to the NL. Penny and Smoltz are NL pitchers and have thrived in the NL. Put them in the ever so hitting AL, they struggle.

And yea Varitek has been pretty average (well below average) the last few years and I think it is time for the Sox to let him walk.
So Griffey re-signed with Seattle...Why? I don't know...

He was hardly a platoon guy last year, and you'd have to think they'll be signing other guys to start next year, and push him further down the depth charts. He had a great career, and it's about time he hangs them up. It's sad to see him limp around the field...
I did king of hope that Griffey had retired. As a child, there was something about seeing Griffey come up to hit, and all year, whenever I watched the Mariners play, it killed me each time.

Halladay continues to be the talked about topic in the T.O. Will he be getting the big contract, or will a team bite on the possibility of signing one of the best pitchers in baseball, losing their future in return. I really hope it gets taken care of, because it sure is dragging on.
Halladay continues to be the talked about topic in the T.O. Will he be getting the big contract, or will a team bite on the possibility of signing one of the best pitchers in baseball, losing their future in return. I really hope it gets taken care of, because it sure is dragging on.

Well, there's no way the Jays will get the type of return they could have gotten back in July, when teams offered their best prospects, and Ricciardi was holding out for too much. Theo was about to trade away the farm in order to get Halladay, something I would have been very opposed to when we had other needs, and I'd rather have 10 years of Buchholz than 5 of Halladay. The V-Mart deal, which was more of a key acquisition than getting Halladay would have been, was what saved the Red Sox into at least getting the Wild Card, and it is a key acquisition for the Sox' success in 2010.

I do think Halladay will be traded, but it will most likely be for middling prospects, like the Johan deal was.
The Dodgers need to get Roy Halladay if they have any designs on dethroning the Phillies in the National League.

I personally hate James Loney the guy doesn't hit for power at all and really isn't any good at getting on base either. He is an average first baseman when it comes to fielding and the Dodgers could definitely use an upgrade there.

Russel Martin has many haters but this guy is one of the best fielding catchers in the majors and while his bat has had recent issues his glove is too good to pass up.

The pitching staff needs massive upgrades Clayton Kershaw will be an ace but isn't yet. Randy Wolf was this teams playoff "ace" and it's a modern miracle they have been to the NLCS two straight years beating guys like Chris Carpenter and Adam Wainwright no less !

If Ned Colletti and Frank Mccourt man up and dump Billingsley and Loney while bringing in an ace pitcher this young disgustingly talented team will beat the Phillies next year if not the best they can hope for is to go down in five again to the fightins.

I really don't think the impending divorce is going to harm this team and it's ability to improve at all. The winter is when the world series is won or lost for me if the Dodgers can land Roy Halladay (or any other ace pitcher) then I will be locked into this season like never before. If not then I know they outcome already it's happened the last two years good enough to get beaten by five in the NLCS by the Phillies.

This team has more than enough young talent to entice Toronto or some other team with an ace. So it shouldn't be a problem if the Dodgers want to win they can the next four months mean everything.
Just to touch on the Hermida deal as being a Red Sox fan living in South Florida I think Hermida has the talent to be a decent outfielder off the bench and can even be a starter in a few years.

The Red Sox are also trying to deal Mike Lowell and move Youkillis to 3rd base and pickup a first baseman such as Adrian Gonzalez or Nick Johnson who I am a big fan of.
Buster Olney is reporting now that the Reds are looking to unload talent, and they have a lot of guys that could be attractive to contenders. With no one really being safe on the team, outside of maybe Votto, it could be interesting to see who's on their way out of Cincinnati.

He's saying the Tigers may want to move Edwin Jackson also, and he may be the most attractive "cheap" option concerning starting pitchers. Halladay will cost a bundle, and Jackson would be a discount, and still potentially get a team 15 wins and a decent ERA.
The Red Sox are also trying to deal Mike Lowell and move Youkillis to 3rd base and pickup a first baseman such as Adrian Gonzalez or Nick Johnson who I am a big fan of.

I don't see A-Gon coming here because Jed Hoyer (Theo's former assistant GM) is now the Padres GM, and they know each others' ins and outs. No thanks to Nick Johnson... he's too injury prone.

By the way, this is a really useful website to use when talking about contracts, or if you want to see how much a guy has owed:


Contracts that the Reds would want cleared off the books, according to Cot's:

CP Francisco Cordero - 2 years, $24 million, plus a $12 million club option. He also has a limited no trade clause. The Reds are pretty much stuck with him unless they assume most of his owed money left, and they can't afford to do that.

SP Aaron Harang - 1 year, $12.5 million plus a $12.75 million club option. Club option becomes a $14 million mutual option if traded. Possibly untradeable due to that mutual option.

3B Scott Rolen - 1 year, $11 million - What the hell were they thinking trading for him?

SP Bronson Arroyo - 1 year, $11 million, includes $11 million club option.

2B Brandon Phillips - 2 years, $17.75 million - Probably an attractive option for most teams to trade for.

Despite making pretty much at the league minimum, I could see Votto being moved. The Reds have Yonder Alonzo waiting in the wings right now and is being blocked by Votto. It would really benefit the Reds to see if they can get a boatload of prospects for Votto, as well as getting a team to take someone like Harang's contract along in the deal. Harang has over $25 million owed to him in the next couple years, and has been another victim of Dusty Baker's management of pitchers.

The Tigers, with their doling out of awful contracts are being forced to choose between Verlander and Jackson. Obviously, Verlander is who they want to hold onto. Jackson could very conceivably go to the Brewers... they sorely need pitching, and the Tigers need a third baseman. Maybe they can match up with a Gamel/couple of other prospects for Jackson deal.
Make that 2 Pirates fans on the board now. I'm Pittsburgh all over by the way, and baseball is MY GAME, no doubt about that. The Iwamura trade was fantastic for many reasons. Most of them have been touched on, but an even bigger one is the leverage this will give the Pirates in Japanese free agency. Iwamura was a well-liked, well-respected player over in Japan, and that should translate into more success over there.

Not to mention we are targeting a relief pitcher from Japan, Ryota Igarashi. He throws some serious heat and was clocked at over 97 miles per hour in the past. My opinion is if Jesse Chavez nets us Iwamura, and we can get this reliever what's the issue? You can't ignore the fact that for the first time in a while the Pirates had a bad bullpen, and Jesse Chavez while he was decent wasn't the answer. Might as well send him away to get an above average second baseman, that puts Delwyn Young to the bench (a more suited role) and could allow us to get another reliever from Japan.
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Jason Bay turned down the Red Sox' initial offer of 4 years, $60 million, and opted to hit the open market.

I think when it's all said and done, Bay winds up back in a Red Sox uniform. I think all Bay wants is the same respect the Sox gave a lesser player, JD Drew, when he got a 5 year deal at similar money.

What it comes down to is that there's nothing out there on the FA market besides Holliday, and in the end, the Sox need to get one of them. There's nothing really available on the trade market either. With the talk that Boras is already trying to sell Holliday as another Teixiera (which he isn't)... I'm fairly certain Bay will be back.
According to Bob Nightingale of USA Today, the Dodgers are "focused" on acquring Roy Halladay from the Blue Jays. Nightingale says it would take, "Chad Billigsley plus more" for the Dodgers to gain his services.

I have no issues giving up Billingsley, while he has good stuff (slider curve fastball) he has awful control, walks to many batters, has massive inconsistency issues, and implodes to quickly.

As for the other players potentially involved, Clayton Kershaw is untouchable he will be an ace soon enough, and his change-up is sick. They aren't getting Ethier or Kemp, maybe Russel Martin ? But I doubt it, Colleti doesn't like trading his homegrown talent, plus Martin is the second best defensive catcher in the NL (Yadier Molina is the best).

If they take a package centered around Chad Billingsley and Xavier Paul (one of our top prospects) Colleti will do it. It seems that the Blue Jays new GM doesn't expect nor demand to get the moon for Halladay. That makes business sense, he has one year left on his deal, and Toronto has to get something for him now.

If the Dodgers land Halladay they are the best team in the National League instanty, and will dethrone the Phillies, and finally make the World Series. If Colleti doesn't man up and get him the Dodgers will lose in the NLCS again, come on Ned get it done!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the White Sox officially added Omar Vizquel to the roster. He is most likely going to serve as a back up for Alexei Ramirez and Gordon Beckham up the middle, or possibly giving Mark Teahen the occasional off day at third. He is one of the best defensive players to play the game, but I am weary because he is 43. I am pretty sure he was also brought in to help mentor both Ramirez and Beckham from an "elder statesmen" point of view, to which I would expect both to pick up things from him.

I don't know how to feel about this signing strictly due to Vizquel being 43. If it were him just three years ago I would say hell yeah, but he has probably lost the step he had even three years ago. Time will tell on how it works out, and I'll do my best to be optimistic about it. He could be a hell of a mentor if both players listen to him.
Theo's really going hard after Roy Halladay, and rumor has it that he's willing to give up SP Clay Buchholz, SS/SP Casey Kelley, and other top prospects to get it done.

I really, really hope we don't get Halladay. Don't get me wrong, he's a great pitcher, I just don't think he's too much of a necessity for us. The Red Sox already have a really good rotation to begin with, and I'd rather see the Red Sox go after someone like Rich Harden or Ben Sheets while retaining Buchholz, who made strides last season.

The only three players I'd want to see Buchholz get traded for are young players who are going to make a true impact. Miguel Cabrera, Felix Hernandez, and Hanley Ramirez are all out there where the GMs of the teams they're on are certainly listening... especially in the case of Cabrera, where the Red Sox can afford his contract and the Tigers really can't. Again, don't get me wrong, Halladay can certainly make a true impact, but he's on the wrong side of 30, when pitchers start to break down. Halladay has a lot of innings on that arm of his too.
I'd have to disagree a bit there about Roy Halladay Guy, I'd absolutely love to see him in a Red Sox uniform, and I'd be willing to part with Buchholz to get him, especially if we work out a long-term deal with him. Alot of pitchers begin to disintegrate in their 30s, but Halladay isn't alot of pitchers, he's one of the greatest pitchers to ever play the game. Can you imagine how frightening a 1-2-3 punch of Halladay, Beckett, and Lester would be? Teams would be shaking in their boots. I don't trust Dice-K as far as I can throw him, and Wakefield is always hit or miss, so I wouldn't mind having an upgrade in our rotation. Yeah, I love Buchholz and I don't want to see him leave, but for a guy like Halladay I'd be willing to do it.

First priority should be a bat though, we are desperately in need of a big bat. We should be spending our time going after guys like Miguel Cabrera like you said more than Halladay, but I certainly will be one happy man if Halladay does come to Boston.
Even though my Pirates are shit, I can expect a much better season. It's finally NH's team and even though it really didn't show we were making great strides towards the end of the year. All of our pitching was clicking and our hitting was improving. I expect great things from McCuthchen and Milledge this year, because they'll have enough bats surrounding them in the lineup. I'm not saying we'll win the division, but I do not expect us to finish last. If we go on a hot streak we could cause some damage because it isn't like our division is full of 5 or six powerhouses. It has like 1 good team, a team that has a chance to be good, and a team full of 25 players who underachieve. If we finish at .500% or better, I'm throwing a fucking party.

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