Miz's crowd reaction


I will not bow.
Did anyone else notice how little the crowd cared about Miz a former WWE champion who held the belt for half the year. They were more focused on Cena if anything everything the Miz did they basically ignored him.

You would think after his over the moon push people in the audience would give him a solid booing. He came out to nothing and lost with nothing.

So what happened why didn't the crowd care for him? This isn't the first time i've noticed him being shrugged off by the crowd. If he's not on the mic talking for 30 mins or more. Nobody gives a damn about him.
I don't know about that. I thought he was pretty over. he's the kind of guy that doesn't get a reaction initially, but if you let him work in the ring or on the mic, the crowd gets very into it. I think it's way to early to write him off.

I work at a mall, where you see more lower income people than just about anywhere, so you also see a lot of wrestling fans. I see a shitload of Cena shirts, Orton shirts, old school nWo, DX, Rock, Austin shirts, a few HHH shirts, and Miz shirts. Miz is over with a segment of the older audience and kids hate him.
They were in Rock territory, and being as such the crowd were loud for their acceptance or disdain for John Cena. The Miz probably was getting a reaction, but you couldn't tell over Rocky's nemesis. I wouldn't go so far as to say the audience didn't care for The Miz tonight. They just cared about Rock's Birthday and John Cena's possibility of defending the belt against The Great One more.
i'd say that the Miz got the single biggest crowd reaction that didn't involve the Rock or the US. when he kicked out of the AA, it was a shock to everyone. i wasn't expecting it and the crowd definitely bit on the kickout as well. i'd say that it's about time that Cena starts giving just a little bit in his matches. not every single match has to have a Super Cena moment in it and tonight i gained a little respect for Cena by allowing Miz to kick out of his finisher. granted Miz had Riley interfere but i still think tonight's match improved the Miz's standing among fans.
I've noticed this for awhile. The IWC is head-over-heels in love with him, but they don't realize that most WWE fans could really care less about him. Part of it's a result of The Rock's presence, but Miz's character is pretty bland. The generic arrogant heel with a pseudo-emo haircut. CM Punk should be in his spot. He has a lot more talent and charisma than Miz, and gets a lot more reaction from the crowd (see his match with Orton last week for instance).
Are we watching the same broadcasts? He does get a reaction. He gets large amounts of heat, but maybe you're not noticing it because he's actually gained support from a lot of people. The "boo/yay" punching chants at ER were HUGELY in Miz's favor. He has absolutely been getting a reaction, and a very positive one. Pretty much the entire Cena audience, especially kids, don't like him and apparently you don't, but he's got a niche following. When he came out for commentary during the number one contender gauntlet match, he got a bigger pop than anyone in the match. Look at the crowd: there are lots of people with Miz shirts. The night he tagged with Cena against The Corre, he played the face-in-peril role and the entire audience was rooting for him to make the hot tag to Cena. Like it or not, there IS a split in the crowd and The Miz DOES get a reaction. It depends on the crowd, but you can say that about anyone.
I've noticed this for awhile. The IWC is head-over-heels in love with him, but they don't realize that most WWE fans could really care less about him. Part of it's a result of The Rock's presence, but Miz's character is pretty bland. The generic arrogant heel with a pseudo-emo haircut. CM Punk should be in his spot. He has a lot more talent and charisma than Miz, and gets a lot more reaction from the crowd (see his match with Orton last week for instance).

I don't think Miz is bland at all. He's actually a pretty smart character. Like I said, he's a guy that doesn't get a huge intro pop usually, but give him time on the mic or in the ring and the crowd is soon eating out of his hand. He's a heat magnate once he gets going.

Also, I doubt Cena has control of who does and doesn't kick out of his finish. A guy like Cena is heavily regulated. Plus I'm glad no one kicked out of the AA for a long time. It wouldn't have meant shit if Cena had been letting people kick out of it. Miz also kicked out of the AA at mania, so I think there is something there. The reason people kicking out of finishes like the pedigree, stunner, tombstone, and AA is a big deal and not so much of a big deal when someone kicks out of the Angle slam or escapes an ankle lock or kicks out of anyone's finish in Japan (cept the burning hammer) is because of how they use it.
Apparently you had your television on another channel because Miz clearly got a reaction and he does every single week. Sometimes he gets a mixed reaction, sometimes it's overwhelming heat, and hell, sometimes he gets a decent amount of face pops that drown out the heat. But regardless, the IWC praise isn't dumbfounded. Miz is clearly the top heel in the company and that's not even really debatable.
He had the biggest pop of the night besides Rock (especially when he made an Osama reference).

Seemed like he got about 70% Boo, 30% cheer ratio, Looking back in my DVR.
He had the biggest pop of the night besides Rock (especially when he made an Osama reference).

Seemed like he got about 70% Boo, 30% cheer ratio, Looking back in my DVR.

I'd agree with this. Pretty much ever since Mania his reaction is closer to 50/50 which, oddly enough, makes the reaction less distinct. You can definitely hear when someone gets all pop or all heat. With the Miz, everything kind of blends because the crowd is divided over him. Granted, it's not 50/50 split completely. I think 70/30 is fair - or at least it was at Extreme Rules.
Miz's reaction is opposite of Cena's. He's been on the mic pretty much reading lines that Cena haters say. Which is another reason I think the "face for kids, heel for adults" and vice versa type of mentality is starting to catch on and why I think Cena and Miz enjoy the reactions they get. You can't work everyone the same way because they don't have the same mentality at all, so they run with things that can get a 100% reaction, split or not.
I agree w/ the post that said Miz didn't get reation because Cena stole it all. Cena in Miami was going to draw heat, the question was how much. I think w/ Rock getting the reception he did (obviously) the crowd focuses just as much energy on Cena (tho still split). Miz was the odd man out again, like he was at Mania. They need to build him to turn face because he won't get the major heat anymore w/ Cena playing a tweener as long as Rock is around. People don't want to boo Miz fighting Cena, so flip him and its good to go.
The crowd varies is my answer, you win and lose. If anyone saw extreme rules, cena came out to a huge pop and next raw he will probably come out to a eh reaction. It all depends on the people watching it, sometimes you get mark outs and sometimes the crowd is tired and wants to see a match and relax.
Where you watching the same show I was? Miz got his usual reaction. He didn't have the most heat he's ever had, but that was because 50% of the audience go for anyone-but-Cena. You're hearing what you want to hear, apparently. Rewatch it on youtube.
I miss the times, that using the belt in a match without the referee seeing it was legal.

The Miz did get a reaction, i also think it was a little bit overshadowed because of The Rock chants, and Anti-Cena chants, but well it was The Rock hometown...

The Miz is very well over, kicking out of an AA like that was a slap in every single Miz hater, fuck i love that moment, and that got a HUGE reaction...

Now, i would love to see The Miz regaining his WWE tittle, like he should, i even scream like a crazy guy, and then the referee does that .... STUPID.... thing!!

How the hell did Cody Rhodes won at Mania? He shouldn't, because he used an illegal weapon...
Well im just very disappointed, and believe me i am not a Cena Hater, i even defend him every time a drunk guy bash him, i just think that The Miz had a very good reign and i wanted a little bit more, at least until SummerSlam, but what can i do?? :shrug:

Watch RAW, next week and you will see The Miz reaction!!
"Miz is awful" vs "Cena Sucks" :D
I'm not sure what show you were watching because The Miz generated great heat from the crowd last night. The Miz always gets a great reaction from crowds, sometimes the reactions are mixed but that's how it is with some wrestlers. The Miz is one of the most consistent heels in wrestling right now so let's not even start down the road of anyone trying to claim that Miz isn't over.
Crowds are pretty bad these days. Probably because everyone is too concerned on whether or not they look cool. You also have to take into account that house shows aren't televised. Some people may get fantastic reactions and sometimes not. It depends where you are. I do know that even if Triple H were to fight a broom stick here in New York we'd go nuts.
Miami is generally a shitty crowd in any aspect. No one cares unless it's cool to be there. They aren't loyal at all, like a smaller, trashier LA.

WWE needs to run more shows in the south. Southern wrestling fans are dumb drunk hicks, so they make a ton of noise. In the north they treat it more like a "fun entertainment thing". In the south they get drunk enough to get emotionally involved, or their IQ is low enough that they think it's real.

I'm not trying to insult anyone, I love southern wrestling fans, they're great people and amazing wrestling fans. Kinda how it always has been.

Or you run it in the northeast where WWE runs deep. You have a lot of arrogant, crude fans. I mean, at a Phillies game one fan purposely vomitted on a little girl, then the other fans beat his ass. That's the type of people you want at wrestling shows. Loud, arrogant, borderline annoying fucks.
Miami is generally a shitty crowd in any aspect. No one cares unless it's cool to be there. They aren't loyal at all, like a smaller, trashier LA.

WWE needs to run more shows in the south. Southern wrestling fans are dumb drunk hicks, so they make a ton of noise. In the north they treat it more like a "fun entertainment thing". In the south they get drunk enough to get emotionally involved, or their IQ is low enough that they think it's real.

I'm not trying to insult anyone, I love southern wrestling fans, they're great people and amazing wrestling fans. Kinda how it always has been.

Or you run it in the northeast where WWE runs deep. You have a lot of arrogant, crude fans. I mean, at a Phillies game one fan purposely vomitted on a little girl, then the other fans beat his ass. That's the type of people you want at wrestling shows. Loud, arrogant, borderline annoying fucks.

WHOA! hold on there sir. The Crowd reaction on monday was very decent, and yes it could have been because of the Rock's hype, I was there, and I will be the first to admit miami fans, are always late to events, but we cheer just as loud as the next city. That being said, being there Live, the reaction was huge for, Kharma, Miz - Cena, The Rock, Vince Mcmahon, The National Anthem. Also take in to account that Most cities around the U.S. do not even give reactions. I think you need to re-watch Monday Night Raw, and evaluate it again.

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