Dolph "no reaction" Ziggler

I do believe I read here on WZ that the reason the Ziggler/JOMO match was scrapped was because the writers couldnt think of a good finish to it...

Whats that gotta do with the question about Ziggler's reaction?

In regards to your question I agree with Patterson not being a big enough face to garner a heel reaction to Ziggler's interruption. Ziggler is an excellent heel and is the future of the WWE. His facial expressions and wrestling arsenal complement his heel persona.

His time will come.
The material was shit, not Ziggler.

Ziggler is one of the best up and comers right now in the WWE. The segment was shit but that's not up to Ziggler, he went out and delivered what he was told to say and it didn't work, simple as that. He gets a decent reaction on SD most weeks and is still building. You can't expect him to go and cut a promo like the Rock, he's just strating out. And as X said he's playing a tweener type character, face backstage and heel in the ring. He needs Maria to turn heel too and they could be pretty epic together.

Ziggler is one of the best mid carders right now and last nights segment was shit because of the writing, not Ziggler.
Ziggler will be ok he just got shit from the writers and the canadian crowd didnt give two shits about Pat Patterson for the most part so why would they react when Dolph put him down. As for Morrison not being over as a face...please wake up from whatever dream youre having because the guy is over. Dolph has a bright future just wait and see. He'll be ok. This didn't hurt him one bit.
I'm still not there with Ziggler to be honest. He's had good matches with Mysterio, but I challenge anyone to find a match between Rey and anyone under 230 lbs that isn't good. He sollicited absolutely no reaction with Patterson, but his segments beforehand weren't exactly bringing the house down either.

The sum total of Ziggler's push has been saying his name, feuding with Khali and Rey. Everyone is good with Rey, nobody is good with Khali and everyone has a name. I think I'll wait and see until he properly feuds with Morrison before passing judgement, but right now, I don't think Ziggler is the future.
That wasn't Ziggler's fault that he got no reaction. The lines he was given to work with were just awful. They were some of the worst "insults" or "putdowns" or "jokes" I've ever heard in my entire life. As someone said before, The Rock couldn't have even made those lines work. They sounded like they were straight out of a god-awful movie. Plus, I think the fact it was Pat Patterson on the receiving end of those. I mean when was the last time we even saw Pat on television? Then they decide to bring him out in a PPV to try to get heat for Ziggler. It was just superfail writing. Not Ziggler's fault at all.

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