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looks like wwe gonna take there time with miz heel turn. witch is good. i thought his non tag to Koffie was gonna b it. but whole handshake slap from both men is instering. Miz really is awsome hope he gets to remind us of that. im exicted to c how this goes. ive been big miz fan from back n his chick magnent days. and koffies best work has always been aginst the miz. do yall think this is start of miz push or he gonna stay about same place on the card as a heel? o ya hip toss lol
Hard to say at this point. He's winning matches again, so that's already a step in the right direction. However atm his heel turn is half-assed at best. At the SS pre-show Miz didn't cheat or do anything heelish, in fact if a person didn't see the non-tag the week earlier they wouldn't call Miz a heel, and imo that's a very bad thing for a heel turn. Raw didn't help Miz much either in that regard since he's seen having fun and a good time with a special guest, again not something you want to see from a heel. Miz is good at drawing heat when he's allowed to, problem is it doesn't look like he got the green light to do that yet.

Again way too early to tell where things are going for the Miz, but so far they're off to a pretty lousy start.
I really hate being "that guy", I really fucking do, but I don't understand why people with the worst grammar and punctuation feel the need to start threads on the main page. I just don't understand. This and R-Trouth really pisses off English majors like me.

That aside, The Miz was paired with Titus and the guy that replaced Regis last night. There wasn't much room for him to work a real heel angle. And even if we didn't see the betrayal of Kofi in their tag team match, WWE lets us know every week now. So it's not like we are missing anything.

If WWE is taking their time on his bad guy build, fine. If they are dropping it, that's okay too. Miz is probably one of the most uninteresting people on the Roster so whatever they do is cool by me as long as they have him doing something other than taking up space.
The Miz... for the life of me I can't understand what that guy brings to the table. I have never in my life worked out what the guy does. He isn't being used as a jobber (sorry for the 90s phrase) - he gets too much tv time for me. He isn't being pushed as a main eventer (they tried it and nobody cared). He doesnt get matches for IC or US championship.. He just takes up TV time when they could stick on a Los Matadores vs Tons of funk match .... no... wait... keep the Miz.. i get it now.. thats why he is on TV! :)

Seriously though, i agree, they just cant work out what to do with him but he must work his backside off back stage and bring lots of attention to the WWE behind the scenes. Im not really up on the whole reality of Miz being in WWE but for the life of me i cant understand what he brings and the WWE writers simply cant give him anything that anyone cares about.

Totally agree with you RidingSpider, as long as he doesnt take up too much space, give him something to do at least - just please stop him saying "really... really" thats so annoying and makes me switch off.

I believe they should make him a full on heel that people really hate - make him into a celebrity crazed, cocky arrogant pig that loves himself - give him the old 1990s Shawn Michael's gimmick - lady's man and pretty boy - let him role with that for a bit and see where it goes - he can always come back after and say "im sorry, fame got to me so i went to rehab / got a counselor and got over my self importance." Then we forgive him, then forget about him and he carry's on playing a bit part role that nobody cares about.

Reckon that will work?
The Miz tv segment was a little odd but it merely confirmed that The Miz is deemed to be someone who can handle himself well and the company can trust.

I personally think that The Miz should get a push. As a heel there is room for The Miz right at the top and we know he can deliver. His run in 2010/11 was fantastic and I'm sure that if he shows some of that again then he will be right at the top.

The problem is there isn't any obvious feuds for him. Cena has Orton; Punk and Bryan have The Wyatt Family and Sheamus/Christian are injured. That only leaves Ziggler, Mysterio and of course Kofi Kingston as options. All are possibilities and I think that a feud with Mysterio could be fantastic for both. Typical heel vs face that delivers two or three entertaining matches. The other options is Big E. The Miz could provide a solid opponent but he may have another match with Axel.

Since we are about to enter the Road to Wrestlemania it is difficult to imagine what The Miz will do. A multi-man or celebrity match are probably the main options. Thereafter he should get pushed because I think, all round, The Miz is better than someone like Alberto Del Rio.

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