Miz vs. Lawler - All in here.


For those who don't know, which seems like a lot of people, Jerry Lawler was known for being a fucking manly man and his punches. PUNCHES. So, for him to knockout some people on Raw does not surprise me at all. I thought it was a really good match. And since it was a one night thing, I really don't see the harm. Unless it was in Memphis, then it would've been trouble for the Miz winning. haha

On the flip side, what would YOU have had Miz done? Orton was written off the show with an injury. Cena isn't suppose to be on the show. Wade was too bs'ing about not caring about Cena. Anyone who would be booked to challenged him was in the King of the Ring. The Miz needed a strong night and he got one. For a heel, that means "a win's a win." Get over it.
When this match was announced, I did have my doubts as to how it would pan out but I've got to say that I'm pretty impressed by the way Jerry Lawler performed. I would also like to specially mention CM Punk's commentary during this match. He was awesome and he did a great job in making me believe that Lawler could actually win the match.

As for the decision to involve Jerry Lawler over a random midcarder, I would say it was a good decision. Lawler does not seem to have any health issues and by beating him Miz gained more credibility than he would have gotten had he beaten, say, R-Truth, a guy whom he has already beaten numerous times. With Orton not being on the show and Cena getting 'fired' on the previous one, Lawler was a solid choice. Beating a legend always gives you credibility as far as pro wrestling is concerned, no matter how old the legend is.

The only problem I can forsee is that Lawler will obviously sell the effects of this bout. Now as we have seen, Michael Cole will obviously be acting more heelish from now on. After his actions last night there really is no other way to go. Now Punk is already a heel. So are we going to see two heels announcing Raw at least for a few weeks? It could be boring that way.
I enjoyed the shit out of this match. I was out of the LD and watching as shit got started. I hated Riley for interfering, and actually thought back to No Mercy '99 when Gangrel got kicked out from ringside. I was hoping that would happen to Riley. This match let me be a mark again. Punk on commentary helped. I didn't care if King wasn't going to win, I wanted that motherfucker to win. After he hit Miz and sent him through the table I was going crazy.

Then fucking Michael Cole had to step in. I was texting Thriller during this, stupid shit like "FUCK YOU COLE!!". True story. Oh I was so pissed. But then I was pumping my hands in the air when King started punching Cole. Serves that cunt right.

As far as the match goes, it was quite entertaining for me. It wasn't a classic and wasn't going to be a classic. It played the same role that Jeff Hardy vs. Undertaker played in the ladder match 8 years ago. Back and forth with the champ retaining after the face came so close only to get knocked off. Punk alone on commentary at the end was great.
Then fucking Michael Cole had to step in. I was texting Thriller during this, stupid shit like "FUCK YOU COLE!!". True story.

The man speaks the truth.

This was a very good Raw main event. Let's think about it for a second. The past couple years, the main event of the weekly TV shows has been pretty formulaic. It is either a #1 contender's match or a tag match between champion and random partner A vs. #1 contender and random partner B that ends in a no contest somehow. Occasionally you get champion or contender vs. random cocky opponent that the guy who isn't in the match is somehow involved in as well.

Last night, we didn't get any of that. Instead, we got a WWE Championship match between the new champion and a challenger who was built up as a legitimate threat all evening long. The gimmick was a perfect addition, as it didn't matter that Lawler is old and all but retired because all he had to do was use the weapons and climb a ladder. Cole and Riley were perfect, building The Miz as a heel champion with a posse, something WWE has seemed to do well with in recent years.

I saw a lot of people in the LD complaining that Miz "looked bad" by needing help beating Lawler, but what exactly has changed? The Miz got his first title defense, and in a gimmick match no less against an opponent who was built as a legend and a man who had done everything but win the WWE Title in his career. Miz has been using Riley to help him win for a while now, so that wasn't a big deal. Cole interfering was new, but Miz had just fallen about 12 feet through a table and it showed Cole as the huge Miz fan he has been playing.

Haters can and will hate on this match, but I think it was great and everything was done perfectly to move forward from here.
I enjoyed the match. Anyone who says Lawler should have won is out of their minds. There was no reason for Lawler to win, and this match didn't take any credibility away from Miz. As someone mentioned already, everyone was being used already for something else. For what it was, it was fun. Not a match of the year, but it wasn't meant to be that. Now we have the whole King/Cole situation, with Cole costing King the title. Next weeks Raw should be great from the start as we get to see how they interact with each other.
I read the opening post of this thread, and none of the responses, so forgive me if some of this has been said already.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Lawler challenging Miz. Nothing. The fans ate it up. Did you listen to that crowd chant for Lawler? No one thought he was going to win, but it didn't matter. It was all about him getting a shot, and Miz coming off as somewhat of a coward.

Miz is a cowardly heel. He's not a "bad ass" heel, he's not a "tough" champion. He's a guy who is probably going to cheat to win most of the time, and he doesn't need to worry about looking "weak."

I am sick to death of every wrestling fan worrying about "someone looking weak." He's a cowardly heel; he's SUPPOSED to look weak. Miz is going to rely on his character more than his in-ring ability during this title run, so this really isn't a problem. I hate the Miz, but he can make this entertaining.
I saw nothing wrong with Jerry Lawler being the opponent for The Miz. Jerry was able to give Miz a fair match, and actually made him look good in a manner if you will. The Miz needed an easy momentum gainer and this was really one of the better ways they could possibly have gone.

Jerry has been loyal with WWE for years, so I don't see why WWE wouldn't want to give him this little treat of a birthday present. The Miz managed to look strong and actually had a fairly decent match considering his opponent being a far out of prime wrestler like Jerry Lawler.

So, really I got absolutely no problem with how this went down.
Not sure if it's already been mentioned.:shrug:

Did anyone else notice the similarities between this and Edges first reign? his first defence was against Ric Flair in a TLC match on Raw?

i thought using Lawler was good, makes a change than the usual challengers and at points they really tried to make you believe tht a 61 year old commentator could win the championship.
Yep. We all knew how this match was going to end before it ever happened. Knowing that there was no chance in hell Lawler would win, lets be honest...Lawler and Miz put on a far more entertaining match than we expected. We are used to Lawler having a shit match every 3-4 months, get his ass beat down, and then go back to the commentators table. The last meaningful match Lawler had was...was...ummm. anyone? So to see him not only in the match, but to put on a decent showing for himself, while at the same time setting up something between him and Cole, was perfectly fine with me. It was a once off, it isn't like Lawler is going to return full time to the ring. At least the Miz isn't David Fucking Arquette, huh Nash?
Honestly, I hope King comes back to a full time in-ring schedule or at least a better in-ring one... Last night it was amazing seeing him in the ring. He was so old school that it was fresh to see it in today's world. Maybe I'm being nostalgic, but I think that Lawler would fit in well with today's men and women of the WWE.

I mean, he's no Ric Flair, but then again, he's rested up long enough to where he still has a few good matches left and last night's was nothing less than amazing IMO.
When Lawler was climbing the ladder, I actually thought he might have pulled it off...but anyways, I love how everyone is complaining how it made Mix look weak almost losing to an old dude..........Didn't Edge almost lose to Ric Flair in a TLC match as Edges first defense......But anyways stop saying how you would have had it because your not the one running the WWE or on the creative team....Its not like you know whats best for everyone.
I have to admit, I wanted Lawler to win. It would have lead to an interesting feud between the Miz and himself. And I thought for sure that he was going to when Miz said "Mark my words, I will be the longest reigning WWE Champion in history." And for those of you who think he's too old, look at Ric Flair. He's the same age as him and he looks like he's in decent shape.
I wouldn't have minded Lawler to win as long as he dropped in a week or two later back to The Miz. Lawler has never won the WWE championship and I think if he would have won, wouldn't he be the oldest champion of all time? He would also be the first to win the title after being inducted into the Hall of Fame. And he would be the first to win the title while being an active announcer. Now that would have been great and the most shocking thing on Raw in a very long time. It's just to bad and it was the guys birthday too. Did they mention how old he was?
So in order to give the Miz some credibility as WWE Champion, he will defend his WWE title on Raw tonight, against..............Jerry "The King" Lawler

So two things:

1) Do you think it is wise having him defend against Jerry Lawler for his first title match?

2) Who would you rather had him defend against tonight? (not including Orton or Cena, who are unavailable)

I'm not sure who Miz could of faced last night. Most of the wrestlers were in the King of the Ring tournament. Lawler has never received a WWE title match, but I don't think last night was the best time for King to get his wish. Maybe if the match were a dark match it would be fine. The match itself was better then I thought it could be, but there is no reason for a 61 one year old man to be wiping the floor with the young newly crowned WWE champion.

If this match took place in TNA and it was Matt Morgan or AJ Styles vs. Ric Flair in a ladder match for the TNA heavyweight championship, people would be shitting all over the match. Granted we have seen Flair in the main event on Impact against younger talent like Morgan but not for a title. Still bad either way you look at it.

I'm not against King having a few matches every now and then on Raw. I just thought it hurt the Miz then it helped him to see him barely beat a 61 year old commentator for the championship last night. If Miz would have beaten Lawler to a pulp and left him out to dry, then we would be talking about a different story.

The match helped Lawler but hurt Miz more than it helped him. I know he is a heel champion, but why does the Miz need Michael Cole to help him win title matches? It makes him look inferior.

Maybe the Miz's title shot could have been against John Morrison or Daniel Bryan. That way the Miz could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he could beat anyone since Bryan made him tapped out for the US title.

Anyway, I'm not going to make a big fuss over this. It was a decent match and its nice to see WWE pay homage to the king.
I'm sure there are plenty of more people who would have liked him to win. A lot of them would be Miz haters. I honestly think it would have been a horrendous move because it would have made the Miz look even more awful than he already did by having to cheat to beat him. I don't think there is anyone who could have rebounded from that loss.
No. Absolutely, 100% no.

People were already complaining about the WWE Champion looking weak in a match with a retired Hall of Famer. Imagine if he'd won. The Miz would absolutely lose all credibility he'd ever gained in the WWE, as well as everyone he's beaten, especially Randy Orton, who put up a good fight against The Miz.

The match was there to begin a "feud" between Cole and The King.

The King is not a wrestler anymore, and giving him the WWE title would have been a mistake.
Jerry should have won the title at KOTR. He had the match won and should now be a 1 time WWE champ. He should be given a rematch one more time.
I liked the story that the match was able to tell but no, I didn't want Lawler to win the title and I'm glad they didn't go that route. It would've been a horrible decision to put the WWE Championship on a 61 year old man. The simple fact of the matter is that it hurts a young wrestler in the prime of his physical life to lose a match to a man twice his age. Perception is everything in wrestling and a man that can't win matches against someone that is officially a senior citizen just looks plain weak.

The TLC match last night gave Jerry Lawler a "puncher's chance" at winning the title because it had nothing to do with pinfalls or submissions. If this had been just a standard one on one match between Miz & Lawler, no one would give a shit as Miz would win against Lawler inside of 3 minutes just like everyone else does. The WWE is painting Miz as a vulnerable heel champion right now whose overconfidence in certain situations is a weakness that he has to overcome. There were several times last night that Miz could have climbed the ladder and won the match but he decided to beat on Jerry Lawler for a while to "make a point". Take CM Punk & Michael Cole's commentary last night as a good example. Both guys were on different sides of the aisle and both of them were technically right. Cole said that wrestling is a young man's game and, ideally, it is because it's simply not good business to have your young top stars job out to 50-60 year old men. Punk was right when he keps saying that Miz should go for the win, don't worry about making a point but to climb the ladder and keep your championship. It highlighted Miz's arrogance as a young heel champion while simultaneously give the viewer the impression that Jerry Lawler had a chance. After all, there's ALWAYS a chance no matter how slim it might be.
I wanted him to win(NO Im not a Miz hater) But theres only 1 way it should of happen. Jerry wins feel good moment of the yr. Miz comes out next week pissed cuts a promo, its interupted by King they have a back and forth on the mic and Miz wants rematch next week. King has a big celebration that week. Next week Miz gets his rematch and King gets a few shots in till Miz absolutely Destroys King To make him look credibale.
Would it have been cool if he won? Sure.

Would it have done anything progressive for the WWE? Absolutely not.

This match was IDENTICAL to the Edge vs. Ric Flair TLC Match on Raw back in 2006 (I believe it was). Flair had the near finish as he reached mightily for the belt at the top with no one in the ring, and couldn't close it because of an interference.

Still though, hell of a match, especially for one that was probably thrown together at the last minute. Very enjoyable, and pretty cool to see a TLC on Raw again. Especially with The King himself.
Strictly from a fan standpoint, it would have been a fun moment. But it would have set WWE back 61 years....

Miz just won the WWE championship, last week, in somewhat controversial fashion. Nexus had jumped Orton, in presumption of helping Barrett win the title. Orton ate Barrett's finisher, and was one John Cena away from being the WWE champion.

To make matters worse, Orton put up more of a fight then any other champion being cahsed in on did before. There were times it looked certain that Miz was going to flush away his MITB opportunity. When he finally won, he looked like something of a fluke.

So last night, he desperately needed the win. If Lawler had beaten him, Miz would have gone down as the worst champion in WWE history. Lawlers never been a great athlete, and for him at 61 to beat Miz in a TLC match would have been a disgrace. It was virtually a 3 on 1 handicap match as it was, and it took Lawler beating the heck out of Cole for Miz to sneak in the back door, and barely KO Lawler to retain.

What would it have said about Miz if he would have lost the match? Even if they would have held the belt up, and Miz would have won it again, would he look like a credible champion? No, heck no. So why would Lawler winning it have been a good idea, in any way?
i wanted him to win, and then have something happen like micheal cole pertends the gm says a rematch right now and the miz wins it back.

i want lawler to win championship, but not have fueds with it bcuz hes old.
Absolutly not...if Lawler would have beaten the Miz it would have slowed any momentum Miz has going..also when did WCW become a joke?!?..when they basiclly gave the title to anyone, essentially leading to there downfall. Now I know that a Lawler title win would not have been the downfall of WWE but still it would of been a wtf moment and not the good kind. If Miz would have lost there would have been no way to give him any credibility back no matter how fast he won the title back or how bad he beat Lawler in a re-match. Plus lets be real who would really believe that a 61 year old man beat a 30 year old man in his prime in a match that typically favors younger smaller talent...just a though. The time Miz wrestled Lawler should have been used more wisely..bad booking WWE.
I think the match made The Miz look weak all together. It took interference from Riley and Cole to help Miz win. If it took the help of 2 other guys for the Miz to beat a 61 year old, what does that say about the Miz?
It would have been a fun moment If he would have won. They could have had him drop the belt the next week with Miz cheating, and it actually would have given Miz more heat.

The great thing about the concept of the match is that it furthered whatever storyline Cole/Miz will have as well as giving Lawler a nice little pat on the back for his work.

And for those saying the match itself made Miz look weak nead to understand that it made Miz look like a better heel. He isnt the monster heel or the heel that is widely known as a great wrestler(he isnt bad by any streatch) He is the closest thing to an Old School Heel the WWE has. The guy will do anything to win, and that is one of the most basic principles of a good heel.

I hope for a long term run title run for the Miz, but I don not think Miz almost losing to Lawler made him look weak.

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