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Miz "Putting Over" Talent ?


Championship Contender
Somebody on this forum said that Miz is "Putting over" talent. What has The Miz accomplished in WWE that he is eligible to "Put Over" talent ?

Do you think Miz is eligible to "Put over" talent ?

In your opinion what makes a superstar eligible to put over talent ?
I'm a big fan of the Miz. However I don't think he is a guy that is elgible to put over talent. I think if he would've had to either won the WWE Title 1 more time or the World Heavyweight Championship once. To me Miz looks like a one hit wonder with 1 good title run. Personally I think Miz is getting buried. Everyone keeps saying he's losing b/c theres something bigger in the works. Miz right now is irrelevant and I think he should've became relevant after he won the match for Team Johnny.
To answer your last question I think the superstar should have to win multiple WWE Championships and/or World Heavyweight Championships or have been an established superstar thats been around for years like Christian to be able to put over talent.
First off The Miz is relevant, sure he main evented mania an now gets thrown to brodus but he still gets a large live crowd reaction, fans love seeing him not get his own way and most faces who have a match with miz are heavily backed by the live crowd. His awesome catchphrase still gets a reaction from the crowd too. He doesnt have to be an older guy with 10 years experience to put others over, he just has to make his opponent relevant in the moment, which he does. Its a shame hes not in any real feud just now, but what he is doing, hes doing well.
It doesn't feel like so long ago that Stone Cold was on tough enough telling the final three contestants about how successful Miz had been, making his steady rise to the top and becoming the champ. Oh how things change... If you look on the WWE website, they always refer to him as "the former United States champion" instead of WWE champion. They do a similar thing on his profile, where they've put his record as a WWE champion at the bottom of the list of achievements, but on every one elses that achievement is at the top. Seems like they're going really out of their way to bury the Miz.

Anyway, I think that the Miz did a good job of giving Alex Riley the rub, but that's because he was relevant back then. He's lost to a few guys like Kofi and Brodus, but did it really mean anything? I like the Miz, I just think that he should've stayed in the US title picture, he was an awesome mid-carder. Sometimes it's better to stay in the mid-card as a respected and legitimate competitor, rather then attempt to goto the main event and flounder. Truth be told, Miz was only at the top because they couldn't find anyone better at the top. I thought that he looked like he'd be alright at first, but things got ugly pretty quickly.

So to answer your question - no, Miz probably couldn't put anyone over at the moment. Even as a former champ, he just doesn't mean alot anymore, and that's reflective of the way that he's treated by the brass.
Miz is eligible to put people over because he enjoyed a reign as world champion. Frankly, anyone who has had any degree is success in WWE can be used to advance the careers of new talent, and someone like Miz, who has been at the top and wrestled in several main events certainly qualifies.

A better question would be to wonder if Miz wants to be doing this for others, especially after having been the recipient of this honor from others not all that long ago. Do these guys know what management is thinking.....or do they just perform as directed? Does Mike Mizanin have any idea why he's gone from world champion to designated loser? Has he been promised another push at a later date......or has he been told his main event days are through?

No matter how "up close and personal" WWE tries to take us, that's one question that will surely never be answered. Yes, someone like John Cena and Undertaker are probably privy to the inside stuff, but not many others....and surely not the Miz. Of course, many of us wonder why Miz was ever pushed high enough to be in the position where he's now qualified to help other people get over, but that's a different question entirely.
Somebody on this forum said that Miz is "Putting over" talent. What has The Miz accomplished in WWE that he is eligible to "Put Over" talent ?

For starters, the guy was one of the biggest if not the biggest star on the roster last year. He main evented nearly every PPV last year and the ones he didn't he was in a meaningful storyline. He main evented and won Mania, getting the rub over the biggest star in the company. Not to mention he fueded with and beat the two biggest stars post Attitude Era (Cena & Orton).

Do you think Miz is eligible to "Put over" talent ?

Without a doubt. Especially if this is a part of a bigger storyline (which I hope it is), it will work for all involved.


Personally, I hope that The Miz jobbing right now is a part of a future storyline. If I had the book, I would turn him face and have him fued with Lauranitis. This could give Cena a break and maybe let WWE find that guy to take the reigns from Cena for a while. I think Miz is more than capable of carrying the company and I think he could get over as a face if booked right.
To put someone over you have to be over to begin with. The Miz, as much as I hate to say it, isnt over. To put someone over you have to be at least Orton over. Its not just enough to to be an established superstar or a legend like Chris Jericho. Jericho isnt putting Punk over because people care more about Punk than they do Jericho. The Rock wasnt putting Cena over because the fans were sick of Cena to begin with. To put someone over you have to be a top guy in the fans eyes and facing someone who would otherwise be irrelevant. A while ago The Miz DID put Alex Riley over. And although its not the best example, Orton put Christian over this past summer.
Miz was champion, he mainevented Mania so to some degree i think he is eligible to put over talent. He helped Alex Riley a great deal at the time before he faded again. Like Mustang Sally said, the question should be if he is happy doing this. His run at the top was short, and he has been stuck in the midcard for a while now. I think Miz would be a good candidate to bring prestige back to the US title, but anyway Miz can help younger talent out a lot, and I think he is eligible to put talent over.
Theres a difference between Miz 'putting everybody over' (for what its worth, I think he's just jobbing out) and when a guy like Jericho puts everyone over. Jericho has enough heat where it almost doesn't matter if he loses every match.....he's that good at maintaining his heat where he will always be relevant. Miz isn't quite on that level and has been irrelevant basically since the failed A-Ry feud.

Miz desperately needs to evolve his character soon, because he's almost as stale as Cena.
Miz isn't putting people over. He is jobbing. After he got blamed for the low buyrates of Survivor Series he has basically not been thought of very highly. That is why he has yet to return to the WWE Championship scene, why Johnny never came through with that big push for helping him win, and why he kept losing to people recently. He didn't put over Brodus. Clay is being pushed while Miz isn't.

Now is he eligible to put over talent? Yes he is. He was WWE Champion. Defeating a former world title holder makes you look better. Miz is someone who still has a future with WWE so I do not see them having him put people over when he still has time left to return to the top. He also had to be written out so he could film his movie, which like all other WWE movies will surely be awful.

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