Miz dumps Punk on his head during house show


Trinidad Moruga Scorpion SPICY!
I saw the post on the main site that Punk was dropped directly on his head by Miz who was attempting to do a stalling suplex. I've never known Miz to use the move before, and typically house shows are where wrestlers tend to work on new techniques. I'm wondering if Punk was expecting a regular suplex and adjusted his weight backward. At any rate Punk is okay by all indications, but I would imagine this incident is going to bring a shower of shit down on Miz' future plans.

Miz has been adding more and more of Flair's moves to his arsenal. With this mistake on his part will we see the end of WWE trying to turn Miz into a new version of Flair?
Looking at the pictures Punk is obviously at fault not Miz.

Look at the last picture, Miz lands flat on his back but Punk does not adjust his balance to fall flat on his back. Punk could not take a simple suplex landing. This is very disappointing and goes to show that he really has a lost a step.

A lot of people give Miz and Ryback crap for botching but there are much more Punk botch videos out there to see and some of them are hilariously bad. I'm sorry IWC Punk wankers but he fucked up bad this time and has noone but himself to blame.
A botched suplex could be either person's fault, and you have to believe that the WWE brass isn't going to immediately jump on The Miz because he was the one delivering the move. It's important to remember that just because one wrestler is on the offensive end of the move it doesn't mean he's the one doing all the work. In fact, we've seen plenty of crappy looking suplexes, powerbombs, and various throws over the year thanks to people that don't know how to sell the move properly.

I'm also not sure Punk is vindictive enough to use whatever backstage clout he might have to bury Miz. I'd like to think Punk realizes that the business that he's in is one where accidents happen and people can get hurt, and he's lucky enough to escape without any sign of injury. I would imagine that he's the type of chap to say live and let live.
It was a stalled suplex as part of a spot where he and Ryback were doing the same move. The big issue is that Punk and Miz are about the same size and Miz isn't known for his strength. According to reports, not three still pictures taken 50 yards from the ring, likely with a phone, is that Miz lost his balance and dropped early. If that's true, and whenever you take momentum out of the issue, the suplexer is responsible for keeping the suplexee safe. If blame is laid, it'll be at the feet of the Miz.
Looking at the pictures Punk is obviously at fault not Miz.

Look at the last picture, Miz lands flat on his back but Punk does not adjust his balance to fall flat on his back. Punk could not take a simple suplex landing. This is very disappointing and goes to show that he really has a lost a step.

A lot of people give Miz and Ryback crap for botching but there are much more Punk botch videos out there to see and some of them are hilariously bad. I'm sorry IWC Punk wankers but he fucked up bad this time and has noone but himself to blame.

Yeah, I just now looked at the pictures. I think you're right about it being more on Punk than Miz, even though the pictures still leave a lot to the imagination. The last still definitely shows Punk in more of a brainbuster position as Miz is already laying out in suplex position. Very interesting... I'm a CM Punk fan but I've watched enough of his matches to know that he's not a perfect in-ring worker by any means.

However I'm going to wait for a video of the complete move before making any judgment on it. The way the site made it out in the article was Miz being at fault completely. They didn't even make reference to it being a tag move, just that Miz dumped Punk on his head with a stalling suplex. Seeing the picture gives a lot more understanding to the spot they were doing, which is a fairly typical face tag team spot.

...Then again, after continuing to look at the pictures you still have to place the majority of the blame on the Miz... Punk's positioning doesn't change hardly at all between the stalling portion and when Miz is laying out. Something definitely went wrong with the play call on that one. I just hope Punk is okay and it wasn't just adrenaline that brought him back out to the ring...

First off, CM Punk thinks that Miz is an undeserving piece of shit off the top ANYWAY, and then miz drops him on his fucking head, in a manner in which could have crippled punk?

Bye-Bye Miz. I wouldnt be surprised to see him jobbing to Conor O brian on NXT next week. At the VERY least he will be getting destroyed by Jack Swagger on the road to EC.

If a simple missed cue for a spot can relegate Kofi Kingston, then someone like the Miz, who has been floundering for about a year now anyway, should be heartily fucked for a fuck up that could have killed or paralyzed your number one heel 6 weeks before WM
It was a stalled suplex as part of a spot where he and Ryback were doing the same move. The big issue is that Punk and Miz are about the same size and Miz isn't known for his strength. According to reports, not three still pictures taken 50 yards from the ring, likely with a phone, is that Miz lost his balance and dropped early. If that's true, and whenever you take momentum out of the issue, the suplexer is responsible for keeping the suplexee safe. If blame is laid, it'll be at the feet of the Miz.

Look at the final picture Ryback is alreaedy landing his move on Cesaro. In this spot they usually drop them at the same time, Miz clearly is on time with his move, Punk was not on time with his landing.

Yeah, I just now looked at the pictures. I think you're right about it being more on Punk than Miz, even though the pictures still leave a lot to the imagination. The last still definitely shows Punk in more of a brainbuster position as Miz is already laying out in suplex position. Very interesting... I'm a CM Punk fan but I've watched enough of his matches to know that he's not a perfect in-ring worker by any means.

However I'm going to wait for a video of the complete move before making any judgment on it. The way the site made it out in the article was Miz being at fault completely. They didn't even make reference to it being a tag move, just that Miz dumped Punk on his head with a stalling suplex. Seeing the picture gives a lot more understanding to the spot they were doing, which is a fairly typical face tag team spot.

Yeah I have to agree that this article was really off-base. There is no justifable reasoning from these pictures to assume that Miz is to blame. I'm a Punk fan and I'm not ashamed to say that this time around, he fucked up. Plain and simple. Miz did the right thing by recognising Punk's bad landing and getting someone to check on him.
You guys are hilarious. Can you sincerely not envision someone getting lifted for a suplex, the suplexer falls down, which would then rocket the guy in the air straight down. That would, quite literally, be dropping someone on their head. HEY!! Just like the article and in person accounts say it did!
That's not a stall suplex. It's a burainu busuta!

The Miz might be done here if he's blamed. It's not like he was rebounding anyway. Does anyone sincerely think that The Miz will win another WWE Championship again?
Look at the last picture, Miz lands flat on his back but Punk does not adjust his balance to fall flat on his back.

It's a stalling suplex he's suppose to hold him for a few seconds, obviously Miz dropped him early. Punk was obviously keeping his legs up to keep his balance on Miz' shoulders that's why he wasn't ready for the fall.
First I gotta say....DAMMIT MIZ!!!

Now, with that out the way, from the pics, it does seem Punk wasn't laying as he should for that move. While Miz has a responsibility as the "suplexer", Punk's is implicitly more important to know "how to take the move".

This is different to Owen and Austin, where Austin (allegedly) had to remind Owen to drop to his knees several times (and he still botched that) while discussing the spot. In a "dual" move situation, there is little doubt that it had been made clear the type of suplex being used... Here it seems Punk got mixed up and went for the Brainbuster rather than Miz getting it wrong, if anything Miz may have realised and tried to compensate.

We can't say what Punk would think of it cos we don't know... trust me until you get dropped on your head in a move you won't know how you'll feel. In Austin's case with Owen, it went horribly wrong because Owen basically had a mental block that said he was going to his ass when he needed to go to his knee. Austin afterwards had cause to be aggreived... in this case it's a simple "botch" at worst case... at best, it's the catalyst to a great feud between the two.

Now, whether Vince see it differently is another thing...
Miz is garbage.
No surprise he can fk up something as simple as a Suplex.
But whatever accidents happen. Hopefully Punk is in good condition.
I'm just glad that this time I dislike both people involved in this, so I don't care what happens. Well scratch that, I don't want to see Miz in TNA so I hope he doesn't get fired.

If that old article on the main site about Miz being in line for a big push this year was true, I'm guessing that's done for now. I'm not so sure they will do anything drastic to a ~Wrestlemania Main Eventer~, but I have been wrong more times than I can count so he'll probably get fired by the time I'm done typing this

My prediction: Miz is now doomed to be booked as Kofi Kingston II for all the timez
Eh, as usual, people are probably blowing this way out of proportion. If this shit went down out on the indy circuit, people would even give it a second thought. But since it took place in WWE, it must mean that Miz's career is pretty much over with and he doesn't know a damn thing about wrestling. :rolleyes:

Miz screwed up, no doubt. It could have happened to anybody though. You think Bret Hart, Flair, HBK, Austin, etc. haven't botched moves in their careers? You think they haven't messed up in the ring resulting in someone being hurt or, at least, almost getting hurt?

As I said, it could have happened to anybody. That being said though, it doesn't mean that Miz won't take some heat for this. He took a lot of heat, rightfully so, during a match on Raw in which he didn't catch R-Truth as Truth launched himself over the top rope. Instead of moving forward to catch Truth, Miz actually stepped backward. With Punk being a valuable commodity, and knowing how Vince is, Miz will be extraordinarily lucky if he scrapes by without any serious heat.
All in all Punk is ok now seems like he'll be good to go tomorrow, this is a mountain out of a molehill. These things happen, i wouldn't place blame looking at three pictures anyway. People saying The Miz will get fired or get laid out by some random NXT talent are morons. Think about what you type, can you really see that happening?
Looking at the pictures Punk is obviously at fault not Miz.

Look at the last picture, Miz lands flat on his back but Punk does not adjust his balance to fall flat on his back. Punk could not take a simple suplex landing. This is very disappointing and goes to show that he really has a lost a step.

A lot of people give Miz and Ryback crap for botching but there are much more Punk botch videos out there to see and some of them are hilariously bad. I'm sorry IWC Punk wankers but he fucked up bad this time and has noone but himself to blame.

People just assume it's MIz's fault cuzz everyone is being a Punk dick rider right now.

I am not going to get sucked into the blame game BUT I will answer the OP's question.

No I do not think this will hurt the Miz at all,at least it should not be a reason to hurt him.
This is pro wrestling and these things happen. Lets just be thankful Punk seems to be ok and not seriously injured.
Miz, good luck in all your future endeavors.

Punk will probably cry about this backstage and Miz will be gone. That's the way this business works.
That's 2 potentially dangerous botches by Miz in recent memory. Remember when he failed to catch R Truth on Raw and he landed flat on his back on the floor? The Miz getting injured on the pre-show to Royal Rumble was prob a botch of his as well. People are going to not want to work with him if he seems unsafe to work with.
He took a lot of heat, rightfully so, during a match on Raw in which he didn't catch R-Truth as Truth launched himself over the top rope. Instead of moving forward to catch Truth, Miz actually stepped backward.

He was stepping back to catch Little Jimmy. Better Truth gets hurt than Little Jimmy.
They wouldn't cut the Miz over something like this, please try and stay realistic. Miz, regardless of how hated he is by the IWC, is fairly over with the WWE audience, and has quite a bit of star power. The crowd follows him through his catchphrases. It's more likely that they would take him out of programs with higher-end talent and give him lowcard treatment as they've done in the past.

It might be a different story if he had botched and put Punk on the disabled list right before Wrestlemania, considering Punk is most likely going to play a major role in that show.
Instead of blaming somebody, it could not be the fault of either wrestler involved. Maybe Miz did use the strength to properly lift Punk, but subconsciously lost energy during the manuever. Everything doesn't have to be the fault of a person.
Just thought I'd pass this along. Miz and Ryback teamed up again to face Punk and Cesaro. They did the same double stalling suplex and it went fine. Punk didn't look hurt at all.

Miz should be fine.
Looking at the pictures Punk is obviously at fault not Miz.

Look at the last picture, Miz lands flat on his back but Punk does not adjust his balance to fall flat on his back. Punk could not take a simple suplex landing. This is very disappointing and goes to show that he really has a lost a step.

A lot of people give Miz and Ryback crap for botching but there are much more Punk botch videos out there to see and some of them are hilariously bad. I'm sorry IWC Punk wankers but he fucked up bad this time and has noone but himself to blame.

You're lying, right? You sir, are an idiot.

There is a reason why a suplex is done with both arms. In Miz's case, the left arm to hold the head and the right to guide the body by holding the tights/trunks. It is Miz's responsibility to adjust Punk's balance with his right hand.

How could CM Punk know when The Miz is going to fall back after the stall? He isn't psychic. Miz fell straight down, instead of guiding Punk first with his right arm. This is all Miz's fault and you would have to be an idiot to think otherwise.

The simple fact that one person, let alone 3 or 4, can blame CM Punk in this situation shows just how little the IWC knows about wrestling.
You're lying, right? You sir, are an idiot.

There is a reason why a suplex is done with both arms. In Miz's case, the left arm to hold the head and the right to guide the body by holding the tights/trunks. It is Miz's responsibility to adjust Punk's balance with his right hand.

How could CM Punk know when The Miz is going to fall back after the stall? He isn't psychic. Miz fell straight down, instead of guiding Punk first with his right arm. This is all Miz's fault and you would have to be an idiot to think otherwise.

The simple fact that one person, let alone 3 or 4, can blame CM Punk in this situation shows just how little the IWC knows about wrestling.

Look at Miz's arm. It is guiding him. It looks more like Punk had lost his balance and his legs were tilting the other way which would explain why Miz dropped Punk on his head. It's a little bit hard for Miz too control punk's legs as they are up so high. Punk controls his legs and has to keep them centre. He couldn't keep his legs upright though and that's why he fell that way. It was a mistake by Punk. He would have lost it on twitter saying how bad Miz was if he thought it was Miz's fault.
I am a Miz-mark but

in a suplex the bottom guy is supposed to be in control at all times

especially if any delay is involved, in which case the suplexee is spending 99% of his time keeping balance

the suplexer is definitely expected to guide his victim on the way down.

I feel that the Miz has been adding way too many moves to his set and he ain't no Jericho

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