Miz dumps Punk on his head during house show

That's 2 potentially dangerous botches by Miz in recent memory. Remember when he failed to catch R Truth on Raw and he landed flat on his back on the floor? The Miz getting injured on the pre-show to Royal Rumble was prob a botch of his as well. People are going to not want to work with him if he seems unsafe to work with.

He didn't get injured, that was an in-match work. I'm not the biggest Miz fan, but he sold that well.
Whoever said this is Punks fault is a moron !

You obviously dont knowshit about wrestling and the technique it takes to do a suplex.
Miz puts his arm around Punks neck to protect him, Punk jumps in the air and Miz holds him there whilst Punk is posting his arm off his leg.
All Miz has to do is guide Punk backwards for him to take a back bump.
Obviously Miz lost his balance and dropped Punk on his head.

To all you fools Not anyone man or woman botches a Move as it takes 2 to tango. By that I mean it's both of the people's fault as Punk didn't want to take that suplex correctly so it became a Brain Buster thanks to Punk trying to Punk'd The Miz and not help him out. Take a look at guys like The Big Show, Mark Henry, The Great Khali, Joseph 'Abyss' Park, Brodus Clay, Kane and other big men who actually help the lil guy out by taking their moves and selling them and not being a douche that no sell them like Angle, Punk, Orton, Jeff Hardy to name a few.
I think if it happened on TV the Miz would be in hot water right now but a lot of you are blowing it way out of proportion. Moves get botched all the time by wrestlers who are far more skilled than the Miz. CM Punk is a professional guy so I really can't see him whining and bitching about it backstage.
Those saying that the Miz will basically become a jobber because of this are quite frankly being ridiculous.
I would imagine there will be hell to pay for the Miz as a result of this botching incident. My guess is that you will see the Miz removed from the main event scene, stuck instead in the mid card in a series of feuds with no particular purpose or no sense of direction. They will probably tinker with his character and even attempt to force a change upon us which will be unnatural and yield lackluster results. I wouldn't be surprised if he spends less time in actual in ring competition, spending his time instead in such non wrestling capacities as talk shows and comedy sketches. And of course, he'll likely be fed to Brock Lesnar in the process. It's really too bad that this devastating botch had to have occurred, as the future was looking so bright these days for Mike Mizanin.
Man, many of you folks are taking this WAY too seriously. Shit happens. Both guys have some fault here and I'm sure they've acknowledged it and talked about it, and they've moved on.
Miz is starring in The Marine 3 as the lead, which is why WWE turned him face when he came back. He isn't going anywhere or jobbing to anyone, and all he'll get is a slap on the wrist as it wasn't during a televised event.
A major case in which lives need to be gotten in this thread.

It's a botch, guys. Simple as that. Everyone's due to have a couple. Far be it that Punk, a notoriously sloppy wrestler in the ring, would mess up something. And far be it that coupled with another sloppy wrestler in the ring, The Miz, that something wasn't going to get fucked up. Both guys are pretty sloppy workers, and at the end of the day, if Punk can go in the ring, I don't see the problem.

I'm amused at the nearly righteous anger in this thread. I'd love to see anyone here attempt a suplex. Perspective people; this really isn't a big deal, so let's stop using this as some poor excuse to justify a dislike of a wrestler.

It is what it is
And it also seems over
Let's get some lives here
Eh, I don't think this is a big deal, like at all. It's pro wrestling, accidents happen. Punk is not paralyzed, and his neck isn't broken, so life will go on. And I'm a big fan of the guy, but let's not kid ourselves here. Punk has had a few incidents in the past. I don't remember the year or the name of the pay per view, but I do remember an incident, where Punk bloodied Mysterio's nose after a GTS. And if you watch the slow motion replay, you can clearly see Punk's knee slam right into Cena's jaw at MITB 2011.

As far as Miz goes, well besides the segment with Lesnar last week, he hasn't set the world on fire during his face run. Plus, Lesnar deserves a lot of the credit for the success of that segment, because he's easy to hate, as the big bully. In fact, Miz started to cool off during his feud with Alex Riley, after losing the WWE Championship to Cena. So Miz wasn't on the path to a world title reign, or a match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He was just kind of there, so heat or no heat, Miz wasn't going to suffer some colossal setback, because he hasn't done anything worth remembering in two years. Maybe this incident will slow his momentum down a little bit, but I don't expect him to fade away into obscurity.
Can you imagine had this been Orton and Miz? The Miz would be looking for work in TNA after 90 days.

I mean accidents happen, I don't get why there would be any heat on The Miz. How many times has Cena botched in a match or not botched, depend show you look at him in the ring? Ziggler and Big Show cost Barrett his Championship run and nothing happened to them or even Sin Cara who's the king of the botch.
I like how people who have never been in the ring and don't know how to perform moves are critiquing a move based on pictures. There are likely dozens of close calls a guy has every year, it's the nature of the beast. Everyone seems okay, no big deal. Miz can get over, so Miz will stay on the shows.
Can you imagine had this been Orton and Miz? The Miz would be looking for work in TNA after 90 days.

I mean accidents happen, I don't get why there would be any heat on The Miz. How many times has Cena botched in a match or not botched, depend show you look at him in the ring? Ziggler and Big Show cost Barrett his Championship run and nothing happened to them or even Sin Cara who's the king of the botch.
I honestly can't remember the last blatantly obvious Cena botch... Cena is unorthodox in the ring, but so was Austin. When RVD, flair, Bret hart, Samoa Joe, punk, and Jericho say a guy can go in the ring, their opinion means more than yours.

I don't think this will be a big deal. In all likelihood, it was a well executed brain buster, someone posted the pic, and rumors started. This is Internet wrestling after all.
Man, many of you folks are taking this WAY too seriously. Shit happens.

Yes, and just for form, someone from management probably said to Miz: "Be careful, asshole".....and that was the extent of it.

As it was, both Miz and Punk were there last night, performing as usual.

Maybe Miz can avoid placing an opponent in such a precarious position until he gets stronger. His physique seems to lack definition; I'd be more impressed with him if he lifted a few weights. Punk might feel better about Miz, too.
Yes, and just for form, someone from management probably said to Miz: "Be careful, asshole".....and that was the extent of it.

As it was, both Miz and Punk were there last night, performing as usual.

Maybe Miz can avoid placing an opponent in such a precarious position until he gets stronger. His physique seems to lack definition; I'd be more impressed with him if he lifted a few weights. Punk might feel better about Miz, too.

Yeah, I tend to agree The Miz should hit the gym some. He has never seemed strong enough to be a high level professional wrestler. Hell, he should suck up to Sheamus and Triple H and work out with them and he'll get all types of yoked up and be back in the main event in no time flat.

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