Miz and the midget

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Getting Noticed By Management
Saying it again as think Miz should end up with Horny as his new friend. I think Horny should turn heel, and undergo a complete gimmick change. This Leprachaun thing is just flat out ridiculous. It makes me ashamed to watch wrestling. Make him like the cool midget in all those JackAss shows. Would be cool to see Horny turn heel. You know a cigar smoking, congac drinking, foul-mouthed midget with some attitude. I think he would make better with something more credible as opposed to mocking his height all the time with his current gimmick.
I would love to see that. Horny is basically a washed up comedy act now. It's alright that they have him teaming with Goldust, but nothing against him, he worked better as a heal. Horny would be too. Working alongside the Miz could be something, or you could always go the route that Hollywood changed him due to being with Goldust (who should go heal as well) and use that as a building block to turn him and give him some attitude and make little Horny a fresher version of his character.
well because i got a spam warning and my other post deleted im gonna repost.

I said it would be great, because Hornswoggle is a big joke right now. he needs a new direction for his character. Something for people to take him more seriously!
Nothing says 'Don't take me seriously' more than having a midget by your side. No matter the gimmick you give them, having a midget as your manager or 'friend' isn't good for anyone's character. It worked for Finlay until he turned face, then it turned into a kid friendly gimmick instead of the "Little Bastard" he was originally.

Miz doesn't need anyone at the moment, either. The guy's good enough to get over on his own and to stir the pot by himself. He's cut some seriously solid promos the past few weeks. The only thing I worry about is him being buried by the top tier talent...but being left in the top 3 at the Battle Royale was a good sign. But as far as Hornswoggle being useful to anyone, don't count on it. Matter of fact, count on a release in the near future.
Yeah, no. Hornswoggle is a kiddie attraction, Miz is on his way up. The last thing he needs is a midget doing his dirty work when he can do it on his own. Besides, I wouldn't team up with someone who shot me in the dong with a T-shirt cannon. Hornswoggle belongs where he is, teaming with other comedy Jobbers.
Miz doesn't need anybody by his side. He is doing fine getting heel heat on his own. It was cool for Hornswoggle to be with Finlay when he was heel and those times were entertaining. If Miz can keep improving on what he is doing, he will have no need for Hornswoggle.
That is why I suggest a character change for Horny, to something more serious, or catered to adults. Yes, midgets have ruined some characters, but look at the midgets "gimmick" to begin with. Who the fuck wants to walk around with a Leprachaun, and expect to get over? Midgets aren't just comedy acts. I'm sure Horny may actually be a good actor for all we know. They use notyhing bu stereotypes anymore with certain talents and that includes midgets apparently.
After seeing miz shot horny, which was the best thing ive seen forever, i was giving it a standing ovatin, i doubt if wwe has one brain cell which I hope they do, they won't team these guys up. When horny was with finley it was a comedy kids thing with kids dancing in the ring with them. With wwes pg rating its imposible to make him a "jackass midget"or what ever you called it. Horny needs a character change and a outfit change so make him into a transvestite or a drag queen because obviously wwe can do that. It will be humorious to see horny coming out in size 6/7 girl dresses. Otherwise I will perfer to se him out the door since he has no purpose in wwe.
they should definitely change his character if they want to keep him but they must get him off tv for a while untill everyone forgets the whole leprechaun gimmick. hell, maybe now with trump as the new "owner", he might even create a midget division. there are probably tons of midgets out there who wrestle and want to be in the wwe. give them a chance
they should definitely change his character if they want to keep him but they must get him off tv for a while untill everyone forgets the whole leprechaun gimmick. hell, maybe now with trump as the new "owner", he might even create a midget division. there are probably tons of midgets out there who wrestle and want to be in the wwe. give them a chance

the last thing we would want to seee is a midget division....wwe is trying to gain publicity, and they wouldnt get it by haveing a midget division....
midgets dont sell unless there in commericals for jack in the box, but not wrestling... so imo release hornswoggle or give him a real serious approach...
p.s. goldust is NOT a jobber.
The Miz doesnt need Hornswoggle, the Miz needs a real major feud with a credible Uppercard talent while staying heel. Hes great on the mic and has only gotten better in the ring. Itd be nice to see him continue to grow on Raw, while Morrison grows on Smackdown, so hopefully sometime later downt he road the two can finish the feud started after the draft.

Hornswoggle will be around as long as the WWE is PG. Dont they sell blow up Shillelagh and other Hornswoggle related kid merch? Hes kid friendly, and I'm betting thats the only reason hes still around.
They wont release hornswoggle because all the little kids love him and therefore sell merchandise so as long as he still sells he wont be released
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