Mixing Finishers


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It was more than a year ago on vengeance ppv that HHH and CM Punk faced the miz and R-truth. the finish of that match was the miz and r-truth hitting both of their finishers simultaneously on cm punk which was so beautiful. now since then i've been thinking what finishers can be mixed and be hit simultaneously ? i've thought of lesnar f5 and jericho's code breaker. and some more that i don't remember. and since i joined wrestlezone forum a few month ago i considered sharing this idea with you guys so what will be your mixed finishers ?
I really liked when Cena and Orton would do a combo of their finishers. It's always cool to see a double submission as well. It would be cool to see a Yes-Lock and a Walls of Jericho done at the same time
That actually did happen with Jericho and Benoit, with the Walls of Jericho and the Crippler Crossface at the Elimination Chamber 2005 on HHH
I would like to see a standing Full Nelson to set-up Trouble in Paradise, followed by the Skull-Crushing Finale.

Also, when Angle returns to WWE or Swagger pisses off to TNA, I would like two Ankle/Angle locks on the same guy. Ditto the Brogue/Carbon Footprint or Last Call/Sweet Chin Music from opposing angles.

However, a combination we might get to see next year (if the planets align) is Punk getting hit by a Stone Cold Stunner, then as he rebounds... RKO! If only we could have a Twist of Fate in between those...
Interesting thread.

Didnt DX sometimes do the combination of Michaels hitting the Sweet Chin Music and the opponent stumbles and turns right into a gut kick and Pedigree from Triple H?

Obviously there is the double Chokeslam of Kane and Undertaker which always looks good.
some of these may not be possible or even probable in a storyline sense but hey we're just shooting the shit right?

Kidd / Gabriel: Sharpshooter / 450 splash

Punk / Rock: GTS into Rock Bottom

Lesnar / Orton: F5 / RKO

Kidd / Bryan: sharpshooter / yes lock

Cena / Orton: STF / Punt Kick

Kidd / Orton; Sharpshooter / Punt kick

Punk / Austin: GTS into a Stunner (in fact you could double the GTS with a few: Brogue, Sweet Chin Music, Pedigree, Chokeslam, Yes Lock / Crossface etc)

Miz / Kofi: As Miz grabs opponent for SCF Kofi hits TIP and then Miz finishes SCF

Del Rio / Flair: Armbar / Figure4

I'm sure there's more but that's a few off the top of my head
If I put my mind to it, I'm sure I could come up with a shitload of these since I used to write in tons of combo finishers in my tag team efed matches all the time.

That Armbar/Figure 4 one is something I thought of a few weeks ago. What a submission combo that would be, the person in that would only have one of his arms free but the only thing he would be able to use it for is to tap cause he wouldn't be able to move at all.

I used a Codebreaker/Backcracker combo in my last efed match, where my character hit the Codebreaker on my opponent then my opponent's upper body would spring back up and my tag partner from behind would hit the Backcracker on him.

I've always wanted to see Evan Bourne & Justin Gabriel team up so they could use a Shooting Star Press & 450 Splash combo as their finisher. Bourne could hit the 450 on the opponents stomach while Gabriel connects with the Shooting Star on the opponents face. Or if that's impossible to pull off then just Gabriel hitting the Shooting Star Press then Bourne following up with a 450 Splash.

What else? A 619 into a Trouble In Paradise, combo could be called Trouble In 619. Or a 619 into a Sweet Chin Music.
Gts to rko as it would knockout anyone
la mistica submission and the stf
Trouble in paradise to the super kick
sharpshooter and yes lock and that would make anyone tapout
Border toss to frog splash
Styles clash to 450 splash
Ankle lock and the rear naked choke
These are all absolutely kick-ass and I would love to see them all...on a YouTube channel.

Thing is, from a kayfabe point of view, a Tombstone into a WMD would KILL a man! If we then see somebody kick out of it, which we will (I'm looking at you, Cena!), a plain ol' Elbow of Disdain will look piss-weak.

While seeing a guy get Celtic Crossed into a Spear with a will look pretty sweet, this kind of thing could be done maybe once every two years at most...
Come on guys i mean two finisher that can be hit together and at the same time not hitting so many of them in a row. one of them can be like one you said a gts and rko at the same time as punk throw the victim of his shoulder to hit him with knee randy can jump grab the neck and pull him toward the knee with more speed. or like i said f5 and code breaker as lesnar spin the victim to hit f5 jericho will jump and put his knee on the victim's chin to totally destroy him.
GTS into Zig-Zag could be done. Also any finisher that puts a guy up on their shoulders could always be an RKO set up. Although I wouldn't mind seeing CM Punk set up the GTS just to drop a guy face first into a code breaker.
Well since Cena has, on several occasions, lifted mustiple men, why not have him pick up an opponent with Carlito on the opponents back and AA them straight into a back stabber lol. Would be pretty brutal.

ZigZag with Super kick.

WMD and Brogue Kick from opposite ends. Would crush a skull lol.

Master Lock with WMD, and knocked out oopponent just dangles there.

People Elbow and big splash.

Hurracanrana into the WMD.

Shattered dreams plus WMD plus Brogue Kick plus double ankle locks. Lol you can call it the WTF!
It was more than a year ago on vengeance ppv that HHH and CM Punk faced the miz and R-truth. the finish of that match was the miz and r-truth hitting both of their finishers simultaneously on cm punk which was so beautiful. now since then i've been thinking what finishers can be mixed and be hit simultaneously ? i've thought of lesnar f5 and jericho's code breaker. and some more that i don't remember. and since i joined wrestlezone forum a few month ago i considered sharing this idea with you guys so what will be your mixed finishers ?

I think that would be cool but something that would be awesome would be Brock throwing a guy up into an F5 for Orton to run and hit a RKO as the guy is falling to the ground :p would be one of those omg moments for Orton and his RKO
I've been reading a lot of combo moves and I don't think that's what this is about, its about combined finishers, more simultaneous than consecutive, I've come up with a few:

Upper body submissions with lower body submissions
No Lock with Sharpshooter
Camel Clutch with Cloverleaf
Anaconda Vice with Figure Four
etc. etc.

As far as moves you've got:
Skull Crushing Finale with RKO
Swagger Bomb with Zig Zag
Dream Street with Rock Bottom
etc. etc.

Then there's two similar moves just happening at once:
Brouge Kick with Trouble In Paradise
KO Punch with Superkick
Double Chokeslam
etc. etc.

The possibilities are endless as long as you've got the imagination
Excellent thread!!
I would love to see all the combined finishers above!

A couple I would like to see would be The Big Show's Knock Out Punch combined with Sheamus' Broug Kick - now that would be devastating!

I also thought a good finisher for Rhodes & Sandow would be a combination of Sandows cross-arm neck breaker with Cody's Beautiful Disaster Kick
'Taker and Mysterio- Last Ride with Seated Senton
HBK and CM Punk-Duel Elbows
HBK and CM Punk- GTS and Chin Music
'Taker and Shaemus- Hell's Gate and Irish Cloverleaf
'Taker and Shaemus- Chokeslam and Brogue Kick
'Taker and Gabrial- Last Ride/Chokeslam and 450 splash
Orton and Jericho- RKO and Codebreaker
Cena and Jericho- AA and CodeBreaker
Santino and Ziggler- Cobra ZigZag
Ryder and Orton- Rough Rider and Rko
Swagger and Bryan- Ankle Lock and Yes/No/LeBell Lock
Kane/Taker and Colon/Jericho- Tombstone and bakstabber/codebreaker
Del Rio and Jericho- Walls of Jericho and Cross armbar
Bret/Rock and Bryan- Sharpshooter and Lebell/No/Yes Lock
Beth Pheonix and Jericho- Glam slam and Codebreaker
Rock and Cena-People's elbow and 5 knuckleshuffle
Eugene and Scotty 2 Hottie- Euguene elbow and the Worm
Rybak and Rhino- Gore and Meathook clothes line to back of head (add in RVD for 5star splash and it's like a family reunion ;) )

That last ties back to some of my previous posts. for those who haven't read them and too lazy to find them, they give my impressions of Rybak.
One that always stands out for me is the combination of the crossface and snkle lock/walls of jericho. I rember the first time i saw it and thinking wow!

How about a powerbomb like takers last ride and as he raises them up for the drop edge dives off the tpp turnbuckle with the spear.
The superkick into the German suplex has always looked pretty nifty to me when performed right.

I suppose a backstabber/powerbomb combination would be possible if the guy leaping for the backstabber was athletic enough.

I know this one is shooting slightly out of the realms of reality but a simultaneous SSP/450 Splash from Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel would be out of this world!
New move for 1 person, 450 splash Green bay plunge.
Double Spear, one to front one to back
Double Mist
Cross body with Rude Awakening neckbreaker
Suplex spear
Superplex Frog Splash (watch the timing.
Superplex into powerbomb
Cross Armbreaker figure 4
Camel Clutch boston crab
Rybak's Meathook and JBL's Clothesline from Hell.
Dominator into stomach buster/gut buster
Power Rana( start with the lift of a powerbomb, but then other person leaps off corner and hits hurricarana on lifted opponenent pulling him off of partner's shoulders.)
Cena and Abyss-- the AA into the Shock drop(name?)
DDT Leg Drop
Samoan Drop neck breaker
Leap of Faith legdrop with elbow drop

What they need to bring back:
The LOD Devestation Device (powerbomb clothesline)
3D (Flapjack lift into a cutter/rko/stunner whatever you call it)
After watchin Randy Orton Vs Antonio Cesaro, the 2 moves I'd like to see combined are. When Antonio Cesaro tosses his opponent into the air (for his big European Uppercut) finished off with the RKO by The Viper. That would be an awesome finisher for Orton.
Power and Glory used to do the Super Plex Splash combo which is one of the best combos ever

A Good one would be any type of slam ( Preffered Power bomb) and the Harlem Hang over
Before Edge got injured, when he was teaming with Chris Jericho I remember them performing one of Edge's signature face plant moves (akin to Beth Phoenix's Glam Slam) into Jericho's Code Breaker on Rey Mysterio. It looked brutal!
Well one that I always pictured but will probably never see was between Jeff Hardy and Hulk Hogan, now correct me if I'm wrong, this could've happened during Immortal... but I don't recall it happening.

So Hogan goes for the legdrop and Hardy goes for a Swanton Bomb and they both land on their opponent at the same time, that's one I've always pictured happening, there's a few others, most of them have already been mentioned however.
What about a border toss but while he's in the air someone came off the top with a warrior's way. That would be sick!

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