Mixed feelings about the Bryan/Kane/Orton vs. Shield feud.

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
I shouldn't say mixed feelings, as it doesn't accurately describe how I feel about the whole thing. I have two, completely separate and opposite feelings about the feud.

On one hand, I love the Rise of Daniel Bryan. He's doing an amazing job "coming up" and getting a crowd to rally behind him, and the Shield is doing an excellent job of supporting him in that role. I don't think we're going to see a Bryan/Orton tag team, so they'll most likely lose at Payback, but the story will continue, and Daniel Bryan will be pushed to the moon with a solid foundation.

On the other hand, The Shield, one of the most interesting stables since day 1 Nexus, suffers their first loss, not only on free TV, but the B show? I'm losing interest in them because they don't have any real backstory, their promos don't make any sense, and only good member of that group is being held back by it all, and it seems like the writers agree with me (which sucks because this is all their fault anyway).

Whatever, though.
I have mixed feelings too - I jump back and forth between "Oh God, this is awesome" and "My word, I can't believe this is actually happening." Somebody here summed up how I felt, but I can't find the exact post, so I'll quote myself (who also did a pretty good job of summing up how I feel):

I think it was the right thing for The Shield to lose - the undefeated streak had served its purpose, making them look credible and dangerous, and now it adds to Bryan's avalanche of popularity and makes it seem like Bryan and Orton have a fighting chance to win the championships on Sunday. An undefeated streak goes on too long and you can't ever end it without bringing "Well, that's over... what now?" into the equation. I think it's important The Shield aren't defined by wins and losses.

I don't think it's important when The Shield were defeated - it's the how, the by who, and the why; all of which I'm quite happy with.

Also, that we don't just get one match where two of the best wrestlers in the world tag but three of four is enough to make me drown in ecstasy. I'm in Nerdvana right now.

I have mixed feelings about the fact that Kane's mask doesn't cover his nose. Doesn't that look kind of dumb?
I don't mind that the Shield lost -- considering the fact that they lost to Daniel Bryan, who's on FIRE right now -- but I was also a little put-off by the fact that they lost on Smackdown. I would have been more okay with it happening on Raw, because it just seems like more of a throwaway on Smackdown. Personally, I wouldn't have had them lose until SummerSlam -- because it seems inevitable that they'll lose at SummerSlam anyway, with all the talk of the Brothers of Destruction reuniting to face them -- but it doesn't really matter one way or another. It all boils down to how much the fans care about the Shield and if they're actually developing into something compelling or interesting, rather than just a basic heel stable. In losing on Smackdown, I think it'll give them more direction and might make them look even better if/when they defend their titles at Payback -- so, it's not too bad, I guess.
No problem.

Their loss was organic and was on the show right before Payback. As Samo said, their streak has served its purpose.

And they have lost in singles competition on the way too so it doesn't really knock all the lusture off their...shield.

The Shield is fine and as reports go, Bryan is to move on from them to Cena, maybe Orton stays and gets another partner.
I haven't seen Smackdown as "the B show" since the brand extension days. To me it's the "wrestling friendly" show. Main Event? Yeah, that one's the B show. So no, I have no issue with Shield losing there because it was given a good build up. And they can't be the center of attention forever either.

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