MITB: The Worst Thing To Happen To WrestleMania?

With four people it would be so much better.
There are always 3-5 people in the match that have absolutely no business in it and no chance of winning it.
This match is supposed to be the royal rumble of the 21st century.
But somehow we are to believe that Finlay is a serious threat?
With only four people, four deserving people, this match could change from a human car crash into a serious match of the year contender.
And this match should be for pushing up and comers or returning stars.
There is no point in putting people who have already had 2 or 3 world title reigns into it.
Mark Henry and Kane should not be in this match. There 2 big! How about putting guys in who can make this entertaining like R-Truth. I'm fine with the match but some of these participants are a complete joke.
Money in the Bank is fine as a concept, and personally I enjoy the matches, but the problem comes in picking winners. Not every year are you going to have people who yu'd want to get a title shot off the card. Last year is the perfect example. Only Jericho had been consistent in the main event out of the people in the match, but as he was the IC champion and had only recently returned he was unlikely to win. Only Kennedy of the others had ever main evented before.

If you take a look at the 2005 one, you had Edge and Christian who were knocking on the main event door and Benoit, Jericho and Kane who were all established and had been main eventers for years.

If they can't get a decent enough group of wrestlers together, they shouldn't bother. Whoever wins, you should think that they may have won the title anyway during the following year. Had Jeff Hardy won last year, it'd have been fine, but as it was CM Punk didn't have a chance of being World Champion without the brief case, as the rest ofthe year proved.

This year, we have an even weaker line up in terms of former main eventers, but if MVP or Christian wins this, then it wouldn't be as bad, because I feel that it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that they'd win a title match this year anyway.
I think the problem with MiTB is it's poorly placed;

You have Royal Rumble where 30 people fight for number one contenders.

You then have NWO with the elimination chamber where you have six people on each brand fight for the belt.

Then you have MiTB for a number one contender...All before the first quarter is up, then you have sweet FA with regards to chances for Mid Carders to be in scene again until Royal Rumble.
I, personally, enjoy the MITB matches. The whole briefcase gimmick is pretty interesting to me, just because you could always expect to see the MITB winner cashing it in after someone is involved in a grueling match or after someone has their ass kicked by an extremely crappy wrestler (lolbatista). However, as entertaining as the MITB matches can be, I don't necessarily think they should be involved at EVERY WrestleMania, and instead, build feuds leading up to WM and use the MITB time frame to produce some great, memorable matches to end those feuds. The MITB should be removed as a once-a-year-only-at-WrestleMania match and instead, made into a oh-wow-we-have-a-lot-of-good-and-deserving-wrestlers-so-let's-put-them-in-a-big-match-at-WrestleMania type thing.

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